16 research outputs found

    Analisis Intensi Keikutsertaan JKN secara Mandiri berdasarkan Minat tentang Obat Generik

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    Sejak program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) resmi per 1 Januari 2014, hingga kini berdasarkan website resmi Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) jumlah peserta JKN per 31 Januari 2020 mencapai 223.238.892 peserta. Jumlah tersebut masih didominasi oleh kelompok Penerima Bantuan Iuran Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (PBI APBN) yaitu mencapai 96.643.511 peserta. Sementara itu kelompok peserta Bukan Pekerja (sektor non formal) menduduki kelompok peserta terendah yaitu hanya mencapai 5.016.641 peserta. Ada kecenderungan beberapa kalangan  masyarakat enggan mendaftarkan diri sebagai peserta JKN dengan berbagai alasan.Survei yang dilakukan BPJS kesehatan menunjukkan bahwasanya ada sebagian masyarakat yang berpikir bahwa program JKN merupakan program berobat murah untuk masyarakat kelas bawah. Jumlah kepesertaan JKN di Kabupaten Banjar masih di bawah 50% atau terendah dari 7 Kabupaten kota yang berada di bawah cakupan BPJS Kesehatan Cabang Banjarmasin. Minat masyarakat dalam menggunakan obat generik tergolong masih rendah. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengidentifikasi pengaruh minat tentang obat generik dengan intensi keikutsertaan JKN secara mandiri masyarakat Kabupaten Banjar. Rancangan penelitian yaitu deskriptif analitik. Penelitian menggunakan desain survey cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan Teknik proportional stratified random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan survei menggunakan kuesioner checklist. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis unvariat (statistik deskriptif) dan bivariat uji t (chisquare, alternatif uji kolmogorov-smirnov). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan intensi keikutsertaan JKN secara mandiri tidak dipengaruhi minat tentang obat generik.


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    COVID-19 is an infectious disease that spreads through fluids when the infected person coughs or sneezes. Vaccination is one of the effective ways to prevent COVID-19. Good knowledge of COVID-19 vaccines will increase the willingness of people to get vaccinated. If the vaccination program is successful, it can reduce and prevent the transmission of COVID-19. Sociodemographic characteristics like education and income are significantly related to a person's knowledge of COVID-19 vaccination. The study aims to determine the relationship between the sociodemographic characteristics with the knowledge of the COVID-19 vaccine in the community of Banjar Regency. This study used a cross-sectional design and a descriptive-analytic analysis. There are 400 samples used and obtained using an accidental sampling technique. In the data analysis, univariate and bivariate analysis was used with the chi-square test. It found that the level of public knowledge of the COVID-19 vaccine in the Banjar Regency area is poor knowledge (40.3%) of the COVID-19 vaccine. There is a relationship between gender, age, education, income, and sources of knowledge about the COVID-19 vaccine in the community of Banjar regency

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Video Pembelajaran terhadap Pemahaman tentang Komunikasi dan Konseling Obat pada Mahasiswa S1 Farmasi

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    oai:journal.umpalangkaraya.ac.id:article/175Teaching-learning activities by lecturers are expected can use creative learning media with the use of appropriate media for the concepts to be conveyed to achieve the desired educational goals. Learning media is a tool used by lecturers to facilitate the delivery of learning materials. Learning media that can be used alone vary widely, one of which is learning video. This study aims to determine the influence of the use of video learning media on the understanding of communication and counseling drug on undergraduate students Pharmacy High School of Health Sciences Borneo Lestari Semester V Academic Year 2016/2017. This research is using the experimental method. The research design used was The Randomized Control-Group Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. In this design, there are two groups that first randomly selected one class for the experimental group (using learning video) and one class for the control group (not using instructional video media). Sign value based on Wilcoxon test shows 0,025 <0,05. This indicates that there is the influence of t use of video learning media on the understanding of communication and counseling drug on undergraduate students Pharmacy High School of Health Sciences Borneo Lestari Semester V Academic Year 2016/2017

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pembuatan Lulur Tradisional dari Beras dan Kunyit di Kecamatan Cempaka Banjarbaru

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    As we get older, the skin will undergo an aging process. Aging is caused by a variety of factors both from within and from outside the body. As a traditional raw material, turmeric (Curcuma longa L) contains natural metabolite compounds in the form of curcumin. Rice and turmeric are ingredients often found in the community. The use of rice for beauty is still very little known to the public. The target of this activity is the community of Cempaka Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. The objective of this activity is to improve the community's skills in making traditional scrubs. The method is to provide training/demonstrations in making scrub preparations. The result of this community service activity is that people can practice making scrubs from turmeric and rice. This activity concludes that the scrub products processed by the community service team can be well received by the residents, which is indicated by the enthusiasm of the residents asking questions and trying the scrub products made

    Knowledge and Attitude of Antibiotic Use among Public in Rural Area of Cempaka, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan

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    The high intensity of antibiotics relatively uses causes various problems for health, especially bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Lack of public knowledge about the rationale of antibiotics is a factor that can trigger bacterial resistance to antibiotics. This study aims to assess the public's knowledge and attitudes towards antibiotic use in rural areas Cempaka, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. This was a descriptive cross-sectional survey method in which closed-ended questionnaires were distributed to 380 rural residents in the village of Cempaka proportional stratified random sampling technique. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate with the Chi-Square statistical test method. In conclusion, the rural residents demonstrated moderate knowledge (83.2%) and a positive attitude towards antibiotic use (97.4%). There is no significant association between both knowledge level and of antibiotics on the attitude towards antibiotic use


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    TITLEUTILIZATION OF FRUIT EXTRACT GENDOLA (BASELLA RUBRA LINN) AS AN MATERIAL  OF ALTERNATIVE DETECTION PLAQUE ( INVITRO TEST)ABSTRACTGendola fruit (Basella Rubra Linn) is one of the fruits that contain anthocyanin (red dye). In dental hygiene, to see the plaque necessary dyes whose color contrasts with the color of teeth. The material often used to see the plaque is Disclosing solution. The purpose of this study was conducted to test the in vitro gendola fruit extracts as an ingredient of plaque detection.This type of research was Experimental Research. The research design used was Posttest Only Control Group Design. The sample was 32, as many as 16 teeth spilled with a few drops of  extracts of fruit gendola, and as many as 16 teeth spilled with Disclosing solution. Prior spilled fruit extracts gendola, the teeth soaked in saliva for 6 hours. Statistical analysis of test data used independent t-test.Results of research by independent t-test test showed that value of significancy 0.08 (p 0.05), which means that the  gendola fruit extract has least the same ability with disclosing solution to detect the presence of plaque. The Gendola fruit extracts can be used  as an alternative to detect of plaque by a simple

    The effect of urea levels on in-vitro digestibility and rumen fermentation characteristic of ammoniated oil palm trunk

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    The purpose of this research to evaluate the effect of urea levels for ammoniated of oil palm trunk on in vitro digestibility and rumen fermentation characteristics. The treatment was A0 = Oil palm trunk without treated (control), A1: ammoniated oil palm trunk using 2% urea; A2: ammoniated oil palm trunk using 4% urea; A3: ammoniated oil palm trunk using 6% urea; A4: ammoniated oil palm trunk using 8% urea; A5: ammoniated oil palm trunk using 10% urea. The variables measured were in vitro digestibility such as dry matter, organic matter, crude protein and fiber fractions (NDF, ADF, cellulose and hemicellulose), concentration of NH3 and total of volatile fatty acid (VFA) and pH value. Data was analyzed using SAS program with analysis of variance test (ANOVA) and Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT). The results obtained showed that the using of urea with various levels of oil palm trunk ammoniation was significant (P<0.01) increased in vitro digestibility of dry matter (IVDM), organic matter (IVOM), crude protein (IVCP) and fiber fraction digestibility, pH value, NH3 and total of VFA concentration compared to control (A0). It can be concluded that the using of level 6% urea gave the best result for ammoniation of oil palm trunk such as IVDM: 45.91%, IVOM: 46.33%, IVCP: 61.51% and in vitro digestibility of NDF: 43.34%, ADF: 38.20%, cellulose: 44.28%, hemicellulose: 63.25% whereas pH: 7.02, NH3: 9.02 mg/100 ml and total VFA: 99.57 mM respectively. © 2020, Insight Society

    The Roles of Ammoniation, Direct Fed Microbials (DFM), and Cobalt (Co) in the Creation of Complete Cattle Feed Based from Oil Palm Trunk

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    The continuous increase in population and life style, will result in increased demand for animal protein. Animal protein from beef will be among the animal protein sources of paramount importance due to the large size of beef cattle and the volume of meat it can produce at a time. In Indonesia, comparison between national beef production and consumption reveals a deficit and about 51% of beef are imported from other countries. It is estimated that conditions of this nature will continue to increase every year. One of the problems in the development of ruminants is forage availability since forage serves as the main feed for ruminants. Forage availability in Indonesia is affected by differences in geographical conditions in each region and changes in productive forage land for animal feeds into housing, industry and oil plantations. Indonesia has a high oil palm plantation of about 11,9 million Ha in 2016 and is expected to increase to 14.03 million Ha in 2018. Oil palm plantations need to be rejuvenated (replanting) every 25-30 years. Replanting produces wastes especially in the form of oil palm trunks. The pith of the oil palm trunk can be used as animal feed because it has a high fiber content (44.43%) and can serve as a source of energy for ruminants. However, the oil palm trunk has a limiting factor as the high lignin content (15.41%) causes low digestibility. Therefore, it is important to develop technologies that can reduce the lignin content and increase the digestibility. The purpose of this paper is to review the potentials of oil palm plantation wastes (trucks) as high quality beef cattle feed using ammoniation technology, Direct Fed Microbials (DFM) and addition of the mineral, cobalt (Co) to increase meat production in beef cattle


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    Dewasa ini, pembinaan program pendidikan kesehatan dan pelayanan kesehatan di usia sekolah terutama di tingkat sekolah dasar sudah mulai berkembang. Untuk menyempurnakan pembinaan pendidikan kesehatan dan pelayanan tersebut perlu juga adanya apoteker cilik yang nantinya bisa saling berdampingan. “Aku Apoteker Cilik†merupakan suatu kegiatan pengenalan profesi kefarmasian kepada anak-anak usia dini sehingga dapat mengenal dan menumbuhkan minat kepada profesi kefarmasian. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 4 Sungai Besar, Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan. Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan pengisian materi seputar pengenalan sosok profesi Apoteker serta tugasnya. Media yang digunakan adalah LCD, banner, alat peraga apoteker, dan perangkat aplikasi kefarmasian. Setelah pengisian materi, dilakukan juga games dan kegiatan aplikasi kefarmasian untuk mengetahui pemahaman peserta didik. Peserta didik paling aktif dijadikan sebagai maskot apoteker cilik. Kegiatan telah dilaksanakan pada hari Jumat/02 September 2016 pada pukul 08.00 WITA. Rundown kegiatan diawali dialog pengantar dengan menggunakan alat peraga profesi kesehatan dokter dan apoteker. Selanjutnya dilakukan penyajian video“Tahu Nggak Sih?†seputar sosok dan tugas apoteker. Disesi berikutnya dilakukan penyampaian materi terkait dunia kefarmasian dan sosok & tugas apoteker serta games. Dilanjutkan penyajian video “Peracikan Obat†dan kegiatan aplikasi kefarmasian. Disesi akhir dilakukan pemilihan peserta didik paling aktif sebagai maskot apoteker cilik


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