10 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Program Usaha Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Sejahtera (UPPKS) untuk Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Miskin

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    BKKBN as an organizer of family empowerment of the government to create a program Families Economic Empowerment by forming a group container (UPPKS), which is in its implementation in the city of Padang Panjang still encountered a number of problems. The purpose of this research is to determine the level of program effectiveness (UPPKS) in empowering the poor in Padang Panjang city, here are also seen what obstacles are encountered during program implementation and what efforts can be made to overcome these obstacles. The method used in this research is mixed methods were used to measure the effectiveness of the UPPKS program using the model of evaluation CIPO by Stufflebeam, then to get deeper conclusions regarding the results of the study used qualitative methods through observation and interviews. The research findings indicate that the effectiveness program (UPPKS) for empowerment of the poor in Padang Panjang been effective with 70.55% good category. Although the implementation of the program UPPKS in accordance with existing procedures but has not been fully able to improve the welfare of its members. This can be seen with still found some constraints in implementation, obstacles encountered can be categorized into two forms of internal constraints and external constraints. Internal constraints such as: weak supervision of the program, the lack of capital coming from the government, coaching is not evenly distributed. External constraints such as: the use of aid funds is not maximized, the lack of creativity and innovation groups in finding and utilizing financial resources, delays in repayment of the loan. Efforts are made to overcome these obstacles is to involve family welfare III acted as a foster father in group, guidance, and constraints derived from program participants made efforts such as mentoring, conducting proactive system for members jammed in payments.BKKBN as an organizer of family empowerment of the government to create a program Families Economic Empowerment by forming a group container (UPPKS), which is in its implementation in the city of Padang Panjang still encountered a number of problems. The purpose of this research is to determine the level of program effectiveness (UPPKS) in empowering the poor in Padang Panjang city, here are also seen what obstacles are encountered during program implementation and what efforts can be made to overcome these obstacles. The method used in this research is mixed methods were used to measure the effectiveness of the UPPKS program using the model of evaluation CIPO by Stufflebeam, then to get deeper conclusions regarding the results of the study used qualitative methods through observation and interviews. The research findings indicate that the effectiveness program (UPPKS) for empowerment of the poor in Padang Panjang been effective with 70.55% good category. Although the implementation of the program UPPKS in accordance with existing procedures but has not been fully able to improve the welfare of its members. This can be seen with still found some constraints in implementation, obstacles encountered can be categorized into two forms of internal constraints and external constraints. Internal constraints such as: weak supervision of the program, the lack of capital coming from the government, coaching is not evenly distributed. External constraints such as: the use of aid funds is not maximized, the lack of creativity and innovation groups in finding and utilizing financial resources, delays in repayment of the loan. Efforts are made to overcome these obstacles is to involve family welfare III acted as a foster father in group, guidance, and constraints derived from program participants made efforts such as mentoring, conducting proactive system for members jammed in payments


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    Edukasi berperan penting terhadap kesuksesan anak dimasa depan. Orang tua dituntut untuk menjadi pendamping di rumah dalam menanamkan nilai dan cara-cara edukasi bahasa inggris yang mearik dan kreatif sehingga anak akan menyenangi belajar bahasa inggris. Salah satu metode pembelajaran bahasa inggris yang dapat diterapkan oleh orang tua dalam mengarahkan anak-anaknya untuk mampu memahami bahasa inggris dengan baik adalah Didactive Learning. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah memberikan edukasi dan memberdayakan orang tua sebagai madrasah pertama untuk mengajarkan bahasa inggris. Metode pengabdian terdiri dari persiapan, pelaksanan, dan evaluasi. Terdapat 20 khalayak sasaran yang terdiri dari ibu rumah tangga yang berpartipasi dalam pengabdian ini dan bertempat di Ujong Tanjong Kecamatan Kaway XVI Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Hasil pengabdian menunjukan bahwa 85% ibu-ibu rumah tangga mengaku bahwa setelah menerapkan metode serta langkah-langkah pembejaran melalui didactive learning, anak terbukti lebih menyukai bahasa Inggris dari sbelumnya. Oleh karena itu, ibu rumah tangga disarankan untuk memberikan perhatian penuh dalam melakukan pendampingan belajar bahasa Inggris karena dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan semangat belajar siswa di rumah

    Meningkatkan Minat Kuliah pada Siswa Melalui Sosialisasi dan Motivasi di SMA Negeri 1 Woyla Barat

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    Increasing interest in lectures through outreach activities and providing motivation to students is an important thing to do. This activity is an important part of one of the obligations of lecturers who must carry out community service. The implementation of this activity is very much in line with the national development agenda in improving the quality of human resources through the education sector. The method of implementing this activity begins with observation and surveys to determine the condition of the school and the potential of students at SMAN 1 Woyla Barat, West Aceh District. The team conducted a pre test and post test to measure the accuracy and usefulness of the activity. The presenters explained material about tertiary institutions, selection pathways, scholarship information, inspirational stories, and motivation to increase students' insight and interest in continuing their education to tertiary institutions. The success of this activity was marked by the enthusiasm and positive response of the students who gave very good scores in the evaluation questionnaire. Activities like this need to be carried out in several underdeveloped areas so that students in those areas receive information about tertiary institutions and are motivated to continue their education at tertiary institutions


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    Penguatan Dasar-dasar Administrasi dalam Pengelolaan Organisasi Mahasiswa adalah program pengabdian masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan administrasi bagi pengurus organisasi mahasiswa. Melalui pemahaman yang baik tentang administrasi, pengurus dapat mengoptimalkan penggunaan sumber daya, meningkatkan transparansi, dan akuntabilitas, serta membangun hubungan yang baik dengan anggota dan pihak terkait. Penguatan dasar-dasar administrasi diharapkan berdampak positif pada kinerja organisasi secara keseluruhan dan mendorong perubahan budaya administrasi yang lebih baik. Dengan demikian, kegiatan penguatan dasar-dasar administrasi dalam pengelolaan organisasi mahasiswa memberikan manfaat nyata bagi pengurus organisasi dan masyarakat. Kegiatan ini telah meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan administrasi pengurus, memperbaiki kinerja organisasi, dan mendorong perubahan yang positif dalam budaya administrasi. Diharapkan bahwa melalui pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang administrasi, organisasi mahasiswa dapat terus berkontribusi dalam masyarakat dengan lebih efektif

    Sosialisasi terhadap Pemberdayaan Remaja Putus Sekolah Di Gampong Suak Bilie Kabupaten Nagan Raya Melalui Pendidikan Entrepreneurship

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    The potential of adolescents in education has a huge influence on the development of a better social life, especially in the order of interaction in their daily lives. However, the problem of education equality is still a trigger for high levels of youth unemployment, including one of them in Gampong Suak Bilie. Different reasons for the problem of dropping out of school can be directed by empowering teenagers who drop out of school, this is due to the habits of teenagers who spend more time playing. The method of implementing youth empowerment is through socialization and mentoring adolescents who drop out of school. The results of this service found that adolescents in Gampong Suak Bilie have the potential to develop their interests, but the lack of resources and motivation that support to develop the potential of adolescents results in not accommodating the interests of adolescents

    Implementasi Program Usaha Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Sejahtera (UPPKS) Untuk Pemberdayaan Masayarakat Miskin di Kota Padang Panjang

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    This study aims to determine how the process of implementing a business program to increase the income of a prosperous family in the city of Padang Panjang, identify the obstacles encountered and determine the efforts taken to overcome the obstacles in implementing the program. This research is motivated by not all people from the poor who are included, efforts are not carried out collectively, the lack of participation from the III plus prosperous family group to want to act as a foster father, the amount of capital provided by the government is insufficient in carrying out UPPKS activities and frequent capital. in the wrong use for consumptive purposes. The method used in the research is qualitative using descriptive methods because the research provides a description of the situation as it should be. The selection of informants was carried out by purposive sampling. The types of data are primary data and secondary data which are collected through observation, interview and documentation study. The validity test was carried out through source triangulation. Then the data analysis techniques used can be grouped into 3 stages, namely data reduction, presentation and drawing conclusions. The findings of the study indicate that the implementation of the UPPKS program is in accordance with existing procedures but has not been fully able to improve the welfare of its members and has not been optimal. This can be seen from the fact that constraints are still found in implementation, the obstacles faced in implementing the UPPKS program in the City of Padang Panjang can be categorized into two forms, namely internal constraints and external constraints. Internal constraints include weak supervision of the program, lack of capital sourced from the government, uneven coaching. And external obstacles include the use of aid funds that have not been maximized, the lack of creativity and innovation of several groups in finding and utilizing sources of funds, delays in repaying loans. To overcome obstacles in the process of implementing the UPPKS program, efforts were made, including prosperous families III as foster fathers in groups, providing guidance, and obstacles originating from program participants, such as guidance regarding the real goals of the UPPKS program, implementing a ball pick-up system. against members who are stuck in payment

    Implementasi Program Usaha Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Sejahtera (UPPKS) untuk Pemberdayaan Masayarakat Miskin di Kota Padang Panjang

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    This study aims to determine how the process of implementing a business program to increase the income of a prosperous family in the city of Padang Panjang, identify the obstacles encountered and determine the efforts taken to overcome the obstacles in implementing the program. This research is motivated by not all people from the poor who are included, efforts are not carried out collectively, the lack of participation from the III plus prosperous family group to want to act as a foster father, the amount of capital provided by the government is insufficient in carrying out UPPKS activities and frequent capital. in the wrong use for consumptive purposes. The method used in the research is qualitative using descriptive methods because the research provides a description of the situation as it should be. The selection of informants was carried out by purposive sampling. The types of data are primary data and secondary data which are collected through observation, interview and documentation study. The validity test was carried out through source triangulation. Then the data analysis techniques used can be grouped into 3 stages, namely data reduction, presentation and drawing conclusions. The findings of the study indicate that the implementation of the UPPKS program is in accordance with existing procedures but has not been fully able to improve the welfare of its members and has not been optimal. This can be seen from the fact that constraints are still found in implementation, the obstacles faced in implementing the UPPKS program in the City of Padang Panjang can be categorized into two forms, namely internal constraints and external constraints. Internal constraints include weak supervision of the program, lack of capital sourced from the government, uneven coaching. And external obstacles include the use of aid funds that have not been maximized, the lack of creativity and innovation of several groups in finding and utilizing sources of funds, delays in repaying loans. To overcome obstacles in the process of implementing the UPPKS program, efforts were made, including prosperous families III as foster fathers in groups, providing guidance, and obstacles originating from program participants, such as guidance regarding the real goals of the UPPKS program, implementing a ball pick-up system. against members who are stuck in payment

    Persepsi Orang Dengan Gangguan Penggunaan Zat (ODGPZ) terhadap Kebijakan Rehabilitasi Narkotika

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    This study was undertaken in order to ascertain the opinions of ODGPZ and to introduce narcotics rehabilitation policies to them, so that the information provided to respondents can provide insight into the world of rehabilitation, particularly in terms of narcotics rehabilitation rules and regulations. The topic of this study is quite sensitive and has a private personality, which makes it difficult to find informants ready to share their stories, particularly about narcotics. The authors used a descriptive qualitative method in this study and were able to collect 4 (four) respondents using the snowball sampling methodology. The findings of this study show that respondents lacked information about narcotics rehabilitation policies, causing them to be unaware of the contents of these rules. The authors then goes on to explain the key points of the rehabilitation policy, concluding that the policy is an effort or form of the government to protect abusers from becoming addicted to narcotics

    Sosialisasi Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Terong Belanda Melalui Olahan Selai Sebagai Potensi Desa Despot Linge

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    Dutch eggplant is still not well known in Indonesian society. However, this fruit has potential commodity value to be developed domestically, utilized as fresh fruit, and processed into syrup or juice. Because of the great potential of this fruit, we created a new product of Dutch eggplant into jam, jam is a food product known in the international culinary world. This service aims to help the community in processing Dutch Eggplant into jam and introducing marketing strategies that are relevant to the times. This is expected to encourage the processing of fruits into high-value products that can help maintain price stability in the market. The service method used is socialization. The results of the service showed that Dutch Eggplant jam received a positive response from the people of Despot Linge village, because this product has great potential to become a local village product which, if processed properly and innovatively, can improve the economy of the local communit

    The Abundance of Special Autonomy Funds: An Ironic Portrait of Aceh's Poverty Alleviation

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    This article examines the financial management of the government of Aceh, which is supported by special autonomy funds. It is a war compensation and recovery from the tsunami disaster following the signing of a peace accord between the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) and the Government of Indonesia for development to increase the Acehnese people's well-being, disbursed by the central government. But the governance of the special autonomy fund it runs has not been able to help Aceh get out of poverty according to national standards. The article employed a descriptive qualitative approach, then purposive sampling used by the authors as the technique to identify people to interview about Aceh's poverty and special autonomy fund issues. Open publications, whether they be official government documents such as rules or decisions, newspapers or magazines, or scientific references such as books or journals were secondary data used by authors. The findings revealed that the management of the special autonomy fund lacks a mature grand design, such that the management rules change annually and are also influenced by the tug-of-war between the Aceh government and the region/city governments. Then, the principle of accountability was not properly implemented, so these two findings were unable to affect the substance of the poverty sector in Aceh, causing Aceh's poverty to consistently fall below the national average. Artikel ini mengkaji masalah pengelolaan keuangan pemerintah Aceh yang ditopang oleh dana otonomi khusus. Dana Otonomi Khusus ini merupakan untuk pemulihan dari bencana tsunami dan kompensasi perang setelah penandatanganan kesepakatan damai antara Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) dan Pemerintah Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk pembangunan peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat Aceh, yang dikucurkan oleh pemerintah pusat. Namun tata kelola dana otsus yang dijalankannya belum mampu membantu Aceh keluar dari zona kemiskinan sesuai standar nasional. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, kemudian purposive sampling digunakan oleh penulis sebagai teknik untuk mengidentifikasi orang-orang yang akan diwawancarai tentang masalah kemiskinan dan dana otonomi khusus Aceh. Publikasi terbuka, baik berupa dokumen resmi pemerintah seperti peraturan atau keputusan, surat kabar atau majalah, atau referensi ilmiah seperti buku atau jurnal merupakan data sekunder yang digunakan oleh penulis. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan dana otsus tidak memiliki grand design yang matang, sehingga aturan pengelolaannya berubah setiap tahun dan juga dipengaruhi oleh tarik ulur antara pemerintah Aceh dengan pemerintah daerah/kota. Kemudian, prinsip akuntabilitas tidak diterapkan dengan baik, sehingga tidak mampu mempengaruhi permasalahan  substantif sektor kemiskinan di Aceh dan menyebabkan kemiskinan Aceh secara konsisten berada di bawah rata-rata nasional