30 research outputs found

    Connecting planets around horizontal branch stars with known exoplanets

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    We study the distribution of exoplanets around main sequence (MS) stars and apply our results to the binary model for the formation of extreme horizontal branch (EHB; sdO; sdB; hot subdwarfs) stars. By Binary model we refer both to stellar and substellar companions that enhance the mass loss rate, where substellar companions stand for both massive planets and brown dwarfs. We conclude that sdB (EHB) stars are prime targets for planet searches. We reach this conclusion by noticing that the bimodal distribution of planets around stars with respect to the parameter M_p*a^2, is most prominent for stars in the mass range 1Mo < M < 1.5Mo; 'a' is the orbital separation, 'M' is the stellar mass and 'M_p' the planet mass. This is also the mass range of the progenitors of EHB stars that are formed through the interaction of their progenitors with planets (assuming the EHB formation mechanism is the binary model). In the binary model for the formation of EHB stars interaction with a binary companion or a substellar object (a planet or a brown dwarf), causes the progenitor to lose most of its envelope mass during its red giant branch (RGB) phase. As a result of that the descendant HB star is hot, i.e., an EHB (sdB) star. The bimodal distribution suggests that even if the close-in planet that formed the EHB star did not survive its RGB common envelope evolution, one planet or more might survive at a>1AU. Also, if a planet or more are observed at a>1AU, it is possible that a closer massive planet did survive the common envelope phase, and it is orbiting the EHB with an orbital period of hours to days.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    Replication and fine mapping of asthma-associated loci in individuals of African ancestry

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    Asthma originates from genetic and environmental factors with about half the risk of disease attributable to heritable causes. Genome-wide association studies, mostly in populations of European ancestry, have identified numerous asthma-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Studies in populations with diverse ancestries allow both for identification of robust associations that replicate across ethnic groups and for improved resolution of associated loci due to different patterns of linkage disequilibrium between ethnic groups. Here we report on an analysis of 745 African-American subjects with asthma and 3,238 African-American control subjects from the Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe) Consortium, including analysis of SNPs imputed using 1,000 Genomes reference panels and adjustment for local ancestry. We show strong evidence that variation near RAD50/IL13, implicated in studies of European ancestry individuals, replicates in individuals largely of African ancestry. Fine mapping in African ancestry populations also refined the variants of interest for this association. We also provide strong or nominal evidence of replication at loci near ORMDL3/GSDMB, IL1RLML18R1, and 10pl4, all previously associated with asthma in European or Japanese populations, but not at the PYHIN1 locus previously reported in studies of African-American samples. These results improve the understanding of asthma genetics and further demonstrate the utility of genetic studies in populations other than those of largely European ancestry

    Motinų įsitikinimai ir įsitraukimas: sąsajos su ikimokyklinukų raštingumo vystymusi

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    Background. Parents play a crucial role in early literacy development, by initiating and supporting literacy-rich activities with children. Purpose. This study examined mothers’ beliefs in relation to involvement in literacy activities and child literacy skills. Material and methods. Mothers (n = 75) completed surveys measuring their efficacy, attributions, motivation for involvement, frequency and interactive nature of literacy activities, and preschoolers’ literacy outcomes. An adaptation of Hoover- Dempsey and Sandler’s 1995 theoretical model was tested using correlations and structural equation modeling to examine direct and indirect effects. Results. Results showed that mothers’ efficacy, motivation to read for pleasure, and self-attributions were related to the frequency and quality of home literacy interactions. In addition, facilitative reading and frequent writing activities had the strongest direct effects on children’s literacy, while efficacy had an indirect effect through reading and writing activities. The interactive nature of book reading was more predictive than the simple frequency of reading books in home settings. Conclusions. This study has implications for parents and educators who work with parents and children.Mokslinė problema. Tėvai atlieka lemiamą vaidmenį ankstyvuoju raštingumo vystymosi laikotarpiu, nes nuo jų priklauso vaikų įtraukimas į raštingumą ugdančias veiklas. Tikslas. Šiame tyrime analizuojami motinų įsitikinimai apie įsitraukimą į raštingumą ugdančias veiklas ir vaikų raštingumo įgūdžius. Metodika. Motinos (n = 75) atsakė į klausimus apie saviveiksmingumą, atribucijas ir motyvaciją įsitraukti į raštingumą ugdančias veiklas, tokių veiklų dažnumą, pobūdį ir pasekmes ikimokyklinukų raštingumo įgūdžiams. Pasitelkiant koreliacinę analizę ir struktūrinį lygčių modeliavimą, tyrime tikrinama K. V. Hoover-Dempsey ir H. M. Sandlerio 1995 m. pasiūlyto teorinio modelio adaptacija, analizuojamos tiesioginės ir netiesioginės sąveikos. Rezultatai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad motinos saviveiksmingumas, skaitymo malonumo motyvacija ir atribucijos buvo susiję su raštingumą ugdančių veiklų dažnumu ir kokybe namuose. Skaitymas padedant ir dažni rašymo užsiėmimai darė didžiausią tiesioginę įtaką vaikų raštingumui, tačiau mamos saviveiksmingumas turėjo netiesioginės įtakos per skaitymo ir rašymo veiklas. Knygų skaitymas, kuriam buvo būdinga didesnė interaktyvi sąveika, labiau prognozavo raštingumo įgūdžius nei paprasto knygų skaitymo namuose dažnumas. Išvados. Šio tyrimo rezultatai reikšmingi tėvams ir ugdymo specialistams, dirbantiems su tėvais ir vaikais