42 research outputs found


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    Os índices de conformação corporal (ICC) possibilita estimar aptdões de equinos. Não existem estudos que avaliem ICC em diferente grupos genéticos (GG) de equídeos puros criados no Pantanal. O objetivo foi avaliar ICC de 452 equídeos distribuídos em Árabe, Quarto de Milha, Pantaneiro, Crioulo, equinos e muares mestiços. Foram mensurados nos equídeos medidas lineares e através da combinações destas, realizou-se a estimação dos ICC. Para análise da diversidade entre os grupos genéticos, utilizou-se procedimento univariados e multivariados. Os ICC apresentam diferenças entre os grupos genéticos de equídeos criados no Pantanal. Pode-se hipotisar que os produtores tem optado por utilizar raças exóticas na produção de equinos e muares mestiços, visto o menor distanciamento encontrado entre a Crioula e Quarto de Milha, e maior com a raça local (Pantaneira). Equinos Pantaneiros, equinos e muares mestiços fêmeas possui menor aptdão para tarefas que exigem força, menor porte corporal e capacidade de carga, aptdões para sela em relação as raças puras exóticas. Apesar dos equinos Pantaneiros apresentarem menores aptdões para aitvidade que exijam força e capacidade de carga em relação as raças exóticas, não houve uma diferença de classificação suficiente para mudar o tipo coporal do animal (brevelíneo, mediolíneo e longelíneo), e considerando que esta raça possui perfil eumétrico (médio porte) e já adaptada as condições do Pantanal, os produtores podem optar seu uso quando se busca agregar também a rusticidade nos animais.

    Impacto de resíduos sólidos urbano no comportamento do pH e matéria orgânica do solo de uma bacia hidrográfica localizada em Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil

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    A bacia hidrográfica da Lagoa Comprida (BHLC) sofre o impacto do uso e ocupação de sua área devido à expansão urbana de Aquidauana/MS. Objetivou-se analisar a relação entre resíduos sólidos (kg/m²), orgânico (RO) e inorgânico (RI), e o comportamento do pH e matéria orgânica (MO) (mg/dm³) do solo da BHLC. Abriram-se na BHLC cinco trincheiras de 1 m² de superfície e 40 cm de profundidades em três pontos: local de um Antigo Lixão Municipal (ALM); duas áreas onde se encontra o Parque da Lagoa Comprida (Centro do Parque – ACP e Trilha Ecológica do Parque – TEP). De cada trincheira, peneirou-se o solo, separando-se os RO e RI; e determinou-se a MO e pH. Para a granulometria realizaram-se amostragens compostas nas profundidades 0-20 e 20-40 cm, sendo a textura dos solos nas áreas franco-arenosas. RI e RO relacionaram-se negativamente com MO e pH respectivamente. ACP e TEP apresentaram os maiores valores para RO e MO. ALM apresentou o maior valor para RI e pH. Conclui-se que o pH na ACP e TEP foi ácido, possivelmente associado à MO em decomposição. Os RI podem estar contribuindo nos teores da MO na área do ALM, o que demonstra a importância de cuidados nos locais onde despejam lixos


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    Inbreeding depression is caused by breeding between closely relatedindividuals and can have a significant negative impact on cattle production. It can be estimated at the population level using pedigree analysis or molecular markers. Such estimations can then be used to better manage the genetic resources of herds. The objective of this study was to evaluate genetic variability and the influence of inbreeding depression on productive traits in 45 785 animals Nellore cattle (polled variety) from Brazil. Inbreeding depression was determined by fitting four regression models (linear, quadratic, exponential and Michaelis-Menten) to the errors generated by the animal model. The traits studied were weight at 205 (W205), 365 (W365) and 550 (W550) days of age. The effective number of founders (fe) and ancestors (fa) was 288 and 283, respectively, with 173 ancestors explaining 50% of the genetic variability in the population. Inbreeding depression effects were identified on all growth traits (W205, W365, and W550), demonstrating significant losses in evaluated weight means. For each 1% increase in inbreeding there was a depression of about 0.14% or 0.24 kg (W205), 0.12% or 0.29 kg (W365) and 0.09%or 0.29 kg (W550). Exponential and Michaelis-Menten models were similarly efficient predictors for all the traits (P<0.01). We conclude that Nellore cattle in Northeastern Brazil presents low genetic variation and the relationship between inbreeding and depressed productivity in this breed is not linear, with the greatest effects occurring when endogamy is above 20%. To change this scenario, it is important to use a high number of male breeders, mainly young individuals of high breeding value, and improvement of reproductive indexes of females. To achieve this goal, a traditional mating system focused on the utilization of a few (and famous) male breeders should be avoided by both farmers and technicians

    Morphofunctional characteristics of Dorper sheep crossed with Brazilian native breeds

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    Abstract The relationship between body development and external measures in sheep could provide useful information to define the optimal slaughter time as well as the adequate nutritional management. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the morpho-functional diversity of Dorper sheep crossed with Brazilian native breeds using in vivo morphometric analysis. The animals evaluated were from crosses of Dorper with Morada Nova, Rabo Largo and Santa Ines sheeps. The animals were slaughtered at 120 and 240 days of age. Body and carcass measures, weight of meat cuts and growth were evaluated. The crossbred animals were analyzed by sex, totaling six treatments. A factorial analysis was performed using two sets of data: the in vivo morphometric measures, and all the other characteristics and these factors were used as new variables. The differences among treatments were analyzed using MANOVA and canonical analysis. The meat cuts, conformation, marketability adaptation, and early maturity of the animals slaughtered at 120 days, as well as the meat cuts, conformation, adaptation, early maturity, and hindquarter of the animals slaughtered at 240 days were evaluated. As regards body measurements, at both slaughter ages, the following factors were discriminated: height, robustness, length, and thoracic circumference. Animal slaughtered at 120 days of age showed greater differences whereas at 240 days the differences diminished allowing to individuate which treatments were more adaptive or productive. Crosses ½ Dorper × ½ Santa Ines (male and female), and ½ Dorper × ½ Rabo Largo male slaughtered at 240 days seem to show higher productivity and better marketability abilities. The other crosses tend to have a more rustic profile (less productive) and smaller size, reaching however adult size earlier and showing better adaptive characteristics, which allows to decide for slaughtering at younger ages

    Survey of coat and reproductive age of quarter horses used in vaquejada in northeast micro-regions of Brazil

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    Aimed to evaluate the coat and Quarter reproductive age used in equine production used in Vaquejada in micro regions of the Northeast. They used information from 264 horses, taken from the database of the Association of Quarter Horse Breeders (ABQM). Were collected individual information: date of birth, sex and animal fur, number of copies of disputed official Vaquejada, better and worse placed, cumulative score in ABQM, coats and dates of parents&#39; birth (31), coats and birth dates mothers (257). There was a higher frequency (P&lt;0.05) of births between the months of September and October. There was no age-specific greater use of stallions or matrix playback (P&gt;0.05). There was no correlation (P&gt;0.05) between the number of children and the stallion entry age at reproduction. There was a greater preference for coats alaz&atilde; (20.08%) and bay Tumbleweed (21.97%) in the progeny; the stallions were 34.47% and 29.92% Tumbleweed bay brown; while the matrices were 41.29% and 23.48% alaz&atilde;s brown. Stallions bay Tumbleweed survived longer playback and more offspring. However, it was observed that while 93 of the 264 animals are children of parents at least one bay to bay coat or Tumbleweed, only 52 animals showed that the coat. It is concluded that the coat of stallions is related to greater frequency of use in reproduction; however, to obtain a coat expected in the progeny, we need to carry out a genetic study and not only phenotypic.This study aimed to evaluate the coat and ages of Quarter Horse stallions used in equine production for Vaquejada in micro regions of the Northeast of Brazil. We used information from 264 horses, taken from the database of the Brazilian Association of Quarter Horse Breeders (ABQM). Were collected individual information: date of birth, sex and animal fur, number of copies of disputed official Vaquejada, better and worse placed, cumulative score in ABQM, coats and dates of parent’s birth (31), coats and birth dates of mothers (257). There was a higher frequency (P &lt; 0.05) of births between the months of September and October. There was no age-specific greater use of stallions or matrix in reproduction (P &gt; 0.05). There was no correlation (P &gt; 0.05) between the number of children and the stallion beginning age at reproduction. There was a greater preference for coats sorrel (20.08%) and palomino (21.97%) in the progeny; the stallions were 34.47% palomino and 29.92% brown; while the matrices were 41.29% sorrel and 23.48% brown. Stallions palomino survived longer playback and more offspring. However, it was observed that while 93 of the 264 animals are children of at least one parent with bay coat or palomino, only 52 animals showed that the coat. It is concluded that the coat of stallions is related to greater frequency of use in reproduction; however, to obtain a coat expected in the progeny, we need to carry out a genetic study and not only phenotypic


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    Objetivou-se avaliar a estrutura populacional de 91.579 animais da raça Nelore criados no Semiárido Nordestino, nascidos entre 1965 e 2011. Analisaram-se o pedigree e a estimação dos parâmetros populacionais baseados na probabilidade de origem do gene. Nos primeiros anos, registraram-se nascimentos superiores de fêmeas, tendendo ao equilíbrio entre os sexos com o passar dos anos. Os números de efetivo de animais fundadores (fe) e ancestrais (fa) indicaram a utilização reduzida de animais na formação genética do rebanho. Dentre 24.676 ancestrais, 450 foram responsáveis por 50% da variabilidade genética da população. Dos 10 fundadores de maior importância, 8 se apresentam dentre os 10 ancestrais; o indivíduo com maior expressão apresentou coeficiente de relação médio (CR) de 1,31%, explicando 1,81% da variabilidade. 72% dos animais têm pais e mães identificados, observando-se perda de informação entre as gerações. 100% dos rebanhos utilizam touros externos e 61% deles vendem touros, não havendo classificação núcleo ou isolado. Endogamia variou de 0,14% na segunda geração a 0,73% na oitava, enquanto que o CR oscilou de 0,8% a 0,35% entre a primeira e a quarta geração, decrescendo a partir da quinta. Observou-se um intervalo médio de gerações de 8,3 anos. O rebanho possui número reduzido de animais na formação genética e pequena integralidade do pedigree, dificultando a estimativa de alguns parâmetros populacionais. Palavras-chave: endogamia; intervalo de gerações; variabilidade genética; zebuínos


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the population structure of 91,579 Nellore cattle reared in the Northeast semi-arid, born between 1965 and 2011. We analyzed the pedigree and the estimation of population parameters based on the probability of gene origin. In the early years, a higher number of female births occured, tending to gender balance over the years. The number of founder animals (fe) and ancestors (fa) indicated the reduced use of animals in the genetic formation of the herd. Among 2,4676 ancestors, 450 were responsible for 50% of the genetic variability of the population. Of the 10 most important founders, 8 were among the 10 ancestors. The individual with the highest expression presented a mean coefficient of relationship (CR) of 1.31%, explaining 1.81% of the variability.72% of animals have identified fathers and mothers, revealing loss of information between generations. 100% of the herds use external bulls and 61% of them sell bulls, with no core classification or isolate. Inbreeding ranged from 0.14% in the second generation to 0.73% in the eighth, while the CR ranged from 0.8% to 0.35% between the first and fourth generations, decreasing from the fifth on. The average generation interval observed was of 8.3 years. The herd has a small number of animals in the genetic make-up, and small completeness of pedigree, making it difficult to estimate some population parameters. Keywords: generation interval; genetic variability; inbreeding; Zebu

    Experimentos demonstrativos na forma de show: formas alternativas relacionadas ao ensino de química

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    Experiments in the form of show discloses the chemical informally from the theatrical language, arousing curiosity and stimulating students' interest in this area. Thus, the CIRQUIM, group of undergraduate students in chemistry at the Universidade Federal de Goiás – Campus Jataí, offers presentations in the form of theater by staging a classroom where there is change of attitude of the teacher, suggesting the realization of experiments at room class. The CIRQUIM has made over 40 presentations to elementary students and middle Goiás - GO, showing experiments with visual effects and aroused the interest of viewers.Experimentos demonstrativos na forma de show divulgam a química informalmente a partir da linguagem teatral, despertando a curiosidade e incentivando o interesse dos alunos por esta área. Dessa maneira, o CIRQUIM, grupo formado por alunos de licenciatura em Química da Universidade Federal de Goiás – Campus Jataí, propõe apresentações em forma de teatro, encenando uma aula em que há mudança de atitude da professora, sugerindo a realização de experimentos em sala de aula. O CIRQUIM já realizou mais de 40 apresentações para alunos do ensino fundamental e médio de Jataí – GO, mostrando experimentos com efeitos visuais e despertando o interesse dos espectadores