1,857 research outputs found

    Satisfying states of triangulations of a convex n-gon

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    In this work we count the number of satisfying states of triangulations of a convex n-gon using the transfer matrix method. We show an exponential (in n) lower bound. We also give the exact formula for the number of satisfying states of a strip of triangles.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    El cuidado, parte fundamental en la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica

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    La Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) es una enfermedad degenerativa y de curso progresivo, que afecta a la médula espinal, tronco y corteza cerebral lo que se traduce en la pérdida de la función en varios dominios. Su etiología es aún desconocida, pero se barajan distintas causas subyacentes como responsables de la enfermedad. El diagnóstico diferencial debe establecerse de manera precoz en fases iniciales, ya que permite la provisión de fármacos y ayudas, así como la comunicación acerca de la planificación de la atención. Aunque no existe un tratamiento que pueda detener o revertir su condición progresiva, el abordaje sintomático y el amplio enfoque de la gestión, a través de la colaboración de un equipo multidisciplinar, permite que las personas con ELA y sus familias vivan tan plenamente como sea posible. La base de la mejora en su calidad de vida, junto con los fármacos, son los cuidados y actividades específicas orientadas para cada persona, punto en el adquiere gran importancia la labor de enfermería. Una comprensión completa de las posibles causas, de la sintomatología, progresión y tratamiento de la ELA es esencial para brindar una atención integral, oportuna y de calidad al pacienteOtroGrado en Enfermerí

    El método ABN en Educación Infantil

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    El método ABN es un método de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas, que comienza en Educación Infantil, con la finalidad de eliminar los algoritmos cerrados y dar más flexibilidad al alumno en la resolución de problemas. Con este proyecto se ha investigado como se trabaja con el método ABN en un colegio, con todos sus contenidos y las actividades que se utilizan para trabajarlos. Se basa en una fundamentación teórica que parte de los objetivos y contenidos que se contempla en el currículo de Educación Infantil, para conocer después como es el método y su comparación con otros métodos tradicionales Para finalizar se presenta una propuesta didáctica para trabajar los diferentes aspectos del método ABN en todas las etapas de Educación Infantil, con las diferentes actividades y sus objetivos.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Analysis of the Behaviour of Biofuel-Fired Gas Turbine Power Plants

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    The utilisation of biofuels in gas turbines is a promising alternative to fossil fuels for power generation. It would lead to significant reduction of CO2 emissions using an existing combustion technology, although significant changes seem to be needed and further technological development is necessary. The goal of this work is to perform energy and exergy analyses of the behaviour of gas turbines fired with biogas, ethanol and synthesis gas (bio-syngas), compared with natural gas. The global energy transformation process (i.e. from biomass to electricity) has also been studied. Furthermore, the potential reduction of CO2 emissions attained by the use of biofuels has been determined, considering the restrictions regarding biomass availability. Two different simulation tools have been used to accomplish the aims of this work. The results suggest a high interest and the technical viability of the use of Biomass Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (BIGCC) systems for large scale power generation

    Runtime per task offloading en l'arquitectura Adapteva Parallella

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    Creacion e integracion de la arquitectura de Epiphany en la API OmpSs, pasos a seguir en el desarrollo de un proyecto de esta magnitud, explicación del funcionamiento de OmpsS y Epipihany y evaluacion de su rendimiento.Creation and integration of the Epiphany's architecture with OmpSs, steps to follow to achieve success of a project this big, explanation of how OmpSs and Epiphany works and evaluation of its peak performanc

    The role of the written press in the construction of division in Northern Ireland

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    [Abstract] This research examines the role played by the print media in the construction of social division in Northern Ireland during the years of the events known as the Troubles, a dark period in Irish history that is still latent today. For this purpose, I have chosen one of the many tragic events that occurred during that time: the killing of the Gibraltar Three, also known as Operation Flavius. This was a tragic event marked by lies, the cruelty of the state´s sewers and the dirty war that the British have been waging for centuries in Ireland. The 7 and 8 March 1988 issues of Northern Ireland's leading newspapers, two Unionist and two Nationalist, were analyzed. Among the Unionists, the News Letter, which is more conservative, and the Belfast Telegraph, which is more liberal, were analyzed too. On the other hand, among the nationalists, copies of The Irish News, a newspaper with a moderate nationalist tradition and An Phoblacht, a political newspaper published by Sinn Féinn, were also analyzed. Prior to this, a brief analysis of the Northern Irish print media system, with its political influences and interests, was carried out. All this work led to different conclusions, depending on which newspaper reported the events. The broadly affirmative conclusion was that newspapers did influence and help to construct social division in Northern Ireland. After all, as humans, we are emotional, and these emotions make us move. We could reduce our entire existence to interests, and that is what we have observed in the analysis of these diaries. In the end, they are advocating for their interests, which in turn can be the interests of a community, whether unionist or nationalist; maybe for the interest of a certain sector, perhaps from a more accommodated backgrounds who seek harmony and coexistence; or, as we have also seen, for the interest of the State. The purpose of this paper is nothing more than to remember the victims of an evil system that mistreated them for years and that removed from them their civil rights; and the victims of political violence. In order not to forget the past, so that in such gruesome times of history as we are coming in the world but also in Northern Ireland, events like this won´t be repeated. But also to defend freedom of expression and to denounce interference in the press for the purpose of alienating its readers.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FIL). Inglés: estudios lingüísticos y literarios. Curso 2022/202

    Boundary value problems for second order linear difference equations: application to the computation of the inverse of generalized Jacobi matrices

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    We have named generalized Jacobi matrices to those that are practically tridiagonal, except for the two final entries and the two first entries of its first andits last row respectively. This class of matrices encompasses both standard Jacobiand periodic Jacobi matrices that appear in many contexts in pure and appliedmathematics. Therefore, the study of the inverse of these matrices becomes ofspecific interest. However, explicit formulas for inverses are known only in a fewcases, in particular when the coefficients of the diagonal entries are subjected tosome restrictions.We will show that the inverse of generalized Jacobi matrices can be raisedin terms of the resolution of a boundary value problem associated with a secondorder linear difference equation. In fact, recent advances in the study of lineardifference equations, allow us to compute the solution of this kind of boundaryvalue problems. So, the conditions that ensure the uniqueness of the solution ofthe boundary value problem leads to the invertibility conditions for the matrix,whereas that solutions for suitable problems provide explicitly the entries of theinverse matrix.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft