251 research outputs found

    Epidemiología de las neoplasias linfoides : incidencia atribuible al SIDA /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaEn los últimos 20-30 años se ha descrito una aumento significativo de la incidencia de las neoplasias linfoides, si bien las causas de dicho incremento no son del todo conocidas, parece que la mejora diagnóstica de dichas enfermedades y la epidemia del SIDA han contribuido en parte a la creciente incidencia reportada recientemente, pero en la gran mayoría de los casos los factores de riesgo son aún desconocidos. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron estimar la incidencia poblacional de las neoplasias linfoides según el sexo y la edad de las diferentes entidades histopatológicas teniendo en cuenta la última clasificación de la OMS para las enfermedades hematológicas; analizar su distribución geográfica de la incidencia; estimar la supervivencia observada y relativa y calcular la incidencia atribuible poblacional del SIDA en la incidencia esta patología. Desde Enero de 1994 a Diciembre de 2001, se registraron 1.288 pacientes con el diagnóstico de neoplasia linfoide en la población cubierta por el registro de cáncer poblacional de Girona. Se revisaron los diagnósticos anatomopatológicos y hematológicos para la reclasificación retrospectiva de los diagnósticos según la última clasificación de la OMS para las enfermedades hematológicas. La distribución de las neoplasias linfoides fue: Neoplasias de células B( 77,3%), neoplasias de células T/NK (5,9%), Linfomas de Hodgkin (8,7%) y el 8,2% de los casos no se pudieron reclasificar. La tasa bruta de incidencia de las neoplasias linfoides fue de 35,8 nuevos casos por 100.000 hombres y año y de 25,7 nuevos casos por 100.000 mujeres y año. En los niños (< 15 años) fueron la leucemia/linfoma linfoblástico de células B precursoras (65%) y linfomas de Hodgkin (20%) las entidades más frecuentes mientras que mielomas (17,8%), linfomas B difuso de células grandes (13,5%), leucemia linfática crónica / linfoma linfocítico de células pequeñas (13,3%) y los linfomas foliculares las más frecuente en los adultos (9,7%). La distribución geográfica de la incidencia de los linfomas en la Región Sanitaria Girona (RSGi), es diferente según la variante histológica. En la actualidad se estima que en la RSGi existe una incidencia de las neoplasias linfoides en el sexo masculino superior al resto del estado español, pero hallándose cercana a la media europea y mundial. La supervivencia relativa a los 5 años de todas las neoplasias linfoides fue del 52,5% (IC95% 49,4-55,8). Los subtipos histológicos con mejor supervivencia relativa a los 5 años son los linfomas de la zona marginal extranodal (MALT) [SR5%: 77,6], Linfomas de Hodgkin [SR5%: 75,4]; Leucemia linfática crónica/linfoma linfocítico de células pequeñas [SR5%: 73,5], neoplasias de células T y NK [SR5%: 64,4]. Las de peor pronóstico son los Leucemia/Linfoma de Burkitt [SR5%: 23,2], mielomas/plasmocitoma [SR5%: 29,6], los linfomas B difuso de células grandes y Leucemia/Linfoma linfoblástico de células B precursoras [SR5%: 40,0]. Según el sexo, la supervivencia relativa a los 5 años de las neoplasias linfoides es superior en las mujeres que los hombres, estas diferencias son significativas en el caso de los linfomas de Hodgkin, linfomas de células T/NK y linfomas B difuso de células grandes. La única variante en que la supervivencia es superior significativamente en los hombres, es en la variante leucemias-linfomas linfoblásticos de células B presursoras. Existe un riesgo aumentado de padecer linfomas en los pacientes con SIDA, este riesgo es diferente según el tipo de linfoma, sexo, vía de exposición al VIH y periodo de tiempo en relación al diagnóstico del SIDA. El meta-análisis realizado en este estudio pone evidencia la magnitud del riesgo y la homogeneidad en diferentes territorios. La variante histológica más frecuente en estos pacientes fue el linfoma B difuso de células grandes seguido del linfoma de Burkitt. La fracción atribuible del SIDA en la incidencia poblacional de los linfomas no Hodgkin fue del 8,7% y del 2,7% para los linfomas de Hodgkin. Esta fracción fue superior en los hombres. Se constata un descenso de la fracción atribuible poblacional del SIDA en la incidencia de los LNH a partir de la introducción de la Terapia antiretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA).In the last 20-30 years has been described a significant incidence increased of the lymphoid neoplasms, the causes of this increment are not known, seems that the diagnosis improvement and the AIDS epidemic has contributed in part in the increased incidence reported lately, but in the majority of cases the risk factors are still unknown. The objectives were to assess the distribution of the lymphoid neoplasms and their histological subtypes in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) classification by calculating their incidence rates in our area; to estimate the observed and relative survival and calculate the populational attributable incidence to AIDS. From January 1994 to December 2001, 1.288 patients diagnosed with lymphoid neoplasm were recruited in the population- based Cancer Registry of Girona. Both former pathological and hematological diagnoses were reviewed and some prospectively reclassified following the latest WHO classification. Following criteria established by WHO classification the distribution of lymphoid neoplasms was as follows: 77.3% B-cell neoplasm, 5.9% T-cell neoplasm, 8.7% Hodgkin lymphoma and 8,2% was unclassifiable. From 1994 to 2001 the lymphoid neoplasm crude incidence rates was 35.8 per 100.000 men-year, while it was 25.7 new cases per 100.000 women-year. In children (<15 years old), precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia (65%) and Hodgkin Lymphoma (20%) were the most frequent lymphoid neoplasm, whereas myeloma (17,8%), diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (13,5%) and B-cell chronic lymphocitic leukemia/small lymphocitic lymphoma (13,3%) showed the highest incidence rate in adults. In Girona Helath Region the geographical incidence pattern of lymphomas was different according to histological subtypes. Nowadays, a higher incidence rate of lymphoid neoplasm was found in men in our area compared with other geographical areas in Spain, which could suggest a faster approximation to the pattern observed in industrialized societies. The cause of this geographical distribution is unknown. 5 years relative survival rates of lymphoid neoplasms was 52.5% (CI95% 49.4-55.8). The histological subtypes with a good prognosis were marginal zone-cell lymphoma (MALT) [SR5%: 77.6], Hodgkin lymphoma [SR5%: 75.4]; B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma [SR5%: 73.5]; T and NK-cell lymphoid neoplasms [SR5%: 64.4]. The lymphoid neoplasms with the worst prognosis were Burkitt lymphoma/ leukemia [SR5%: 23.2]; plasma cell myeloma [SR5%: 29.6], diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and precursor B-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma [SR5%: 40.0]. By sex, the 5 years relative survival of the lymphoid neoplasms is higher in women than in men, these differences are statistically significant in case of Hodgkin lymphoma, T/NK-cell lymphomas and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The variant which has a significant best survival in men, was the precursor B-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma. There is an high risk to devolop lymphomas in AIDS patients, this risk is different according to the type of lymphoma, sex, HIV exposure category and period in relation to AIDS diagnosis. The meta-analysis done in thi study show the risk magnitude and the homogeneity in differents territories. The most frequent histological subtype in these patients were the diffuse large B-cell lymphoma followed by the Burkitt lymphoma. The fraction attributable to AIDS in the populational incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma was 8.7% and 2.7% for a Hodgkin lymphoma. This fraction was higher in men. A decreased in the fraction attributable to AIDS in non-Hodgkin lymphoma incidence is confirmed after the introduction of HAART

    Beneficios de un programa de ejercicio de fuerza para la mejora de la calidad de vida del hombre con cáncer de próstata

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    Cancer of prostate is the most frequent cancer in men in many industrialized countries. Considering the percentage of relative survival 5 years (76.5%) and the state of morbidity generate by treatments, the quality of life of the older man with cancer of prostate is a priority objective in the public health intervention. The evaluation of the impact generated by symptoms has been determined by the frequency and the number of associated symptoms to illness and treatment. In our pinion it would be more appropriated to carry out the analysis objectifying also the impact generated in older men every day life activity. This article has a double objective. First, to evaluate the benefits of an adapted force exercise program for the illness and prostate cancer treatment. Second, to identify the most prominent symptoms of prostate cancer from the perspective of the patient and the impact that generate to their Quality of Life. The methodological proposal is based on the methodological sequential triangulation among methods, (quantitative and qualitative). Results show a significant improvement of the Quality of Life of the patients, indirectly mediated by the improvement of incontinence and pain symptoms. Also, an improvement of the capacity of the force and resistance is observed, more evident in lower extremities. It remains scientifically demonstrated the efficacy in the improvement of the Quality of Life of the adult of a physical exercise of force program adapted to the symptoms generated by the illness and the prostate cancer treatment.El cáncer de próstata es el cáncer más frecuente en los hombres en muchos países industrializados. Considerando el porcentaje de supervivencia relativa a los 5 años (76,5%) y el estado de morbilidad que generan los tratamientos vigentes, el concepto de Calidad de Vida (CdV) del hombre mayor con cáncer de próstata pasa a ser un objetivo prioritario en la intervención sociosanitaria. Clásicamente la evaluación del impacto que generan los síntomas se ha determinado por la frecuencia y el número de síntomas asociados a la enfermedad y al tratamiento. A nuestro parecer, lo más apropiado es realizar el análisis objetivando además el impacto que generan en la actividad de vida diaria de los afectados. Este artículo tiene un doble objetivo. Primero, evaluar los beneficios de un programa de ejercicio de fuerza adaptado a la enfermedad y al tratamiento de cáncer de próstata. Segundo, identificar los síntomas más relevantes del cáncer de próstata desde la perspectiva del paciente y el impacto que generan a la CdV del hombre mayor. La propuesta metodológica se basa en la triangulación metodológica entre métodos secuencial (cuantitativo y cualitativo). En los resultados se observa una mejora significativa de la CdV del enfermo, mediado indirectamente por la mejora del síntoma de incontinencia y el dolor. Así mismo se observa una mejora de la capacidad de la fuerza y resistencia muscular más evidente en las extremidades inferiores. Queda científicamente demostrada la eficacia de un programa de ejercicio físico de fuerza adaptado a los síntomas que genera la enfermedad y el tratamiento de cáncer de próstata en la mejora de la CdV de la persona mayor

    Assessing the impact of early detection biases on breast cancer survival of Catalan women

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    Survival estimates for women with screen-detected breast cancer are affected by biases specific to early detection. Lead-time bias occurs due to the advance of diagnosis, and length-sampling bias because tumors detected on screening exams are more likely to have slower growth than tumors symptomatically detected. Methods proposed in the literature and simulation were used to assess the impact of these biases. If lead-time and length-sampling biases were not taken into account, the median survival time of screen-detected breast cancer cases may be overestimated by 5 years and the 5-year cumulative survival probability by between 2.5 to 5 percent units

    Benefits of an exercise program to improve the quality of life in the prostate cancer man

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    Cancer of prostate is the most frequent cancer in men in many industrialized countries. Considering the percentage of relative survival 5 years (76.5%) and the state of morbidity generate by treatments, the quality of life of the older man with cancer of prostate is a priority objective in the public health intervention. The evaluation of the impact generated by symptoms has been determined by the frequency and the number of associated symptoms to illness and treatment. In our pinion it would be more appropriated to carry out the analysis objectifying also the impact generated in older men every day life activity. This article has a double objective. First, to evaluate the benefits of an adapted force exercise program for the illness and prostate cancer treatment. Second, to identify the most prominent symptoms of prostate cancer from the perspective of the patient and the impact that generate to their Quality of Life. The methodological proposal is based on the methodological sequential triangulation among methods, (quantitative and qualitative). Results show a significant improvement of the Quality of Life of the patients, indirectly mediated by the improvement of incontinence and pain symptoms. Also, an improvement of the capacity of the force and resistance is observed, more evident in lower extremities. It remains scientifically demonstrated the efficacy in the improvement of the Quality of Life of the adult of a physical exercise of force program adapted to the symptoms generated by the illness and the prostate cancer treatment

    Trends in lung cancer incidence by age, sex and histology from 2012 to 2025 in Catalonia (Spain)

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    Lung cancer remains one the most common cancers in Europe and ranks frst in terms of cancer mortality in both sexes. Incidence rates vary by region and depend above all on the prevalence of tobacco consumption. In this study we describe recent trends in lung cancer incidence by sex, age and histological type in Catalonia and project changes according to histology by 2025. Bayesian age period-cohort models were used to predict trends in lung cancer incidence according to histological type from 2012 to 2025, using data from the population-based Catalan cancer registries. Data suggest a decrease in the absolute number of new cases in men under the age of 70 years and an increase in women aged 60 years or older. Adenocarcinoma was the most common type in both sexes, while squamous cell carcinoma and small cell carcinoma were decreasing signifcantly among men. In both sexes, the incident cases increased by 16% for patients over 70 years. Increases in adenocarcinoma and rising incidence in elderly patients suggest the need to prioritize strategies based on multidisciplinary teams, which should include geriatric specialist

    Differences in the Impact of COVID-19 on Pathology Laboratories and Cancer Diagnosis in Girona

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    Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Càncer; Diagnòstic; PatologiaCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Cancer; Diagnóstico; PatologiaCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Cancer; Diagnosis; PathologyIntroduction: The recent COVID-19 pandemic has compromised socio-health care, with consequences for the diagnosis and follow-up of other pathologies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on cancer diagnosis in Girona, Spain. Methodology: Observational study of samples received in two pathology laboratories during 2019-2020 (tertiary hospital in Girona and county hospital in Figueres). Date, sample type, and location and morphology were available. Samples were recoded to determine malignancy and grouped by location. Comparisons were made by calendar year and period of exposure to COVID-19. Results: 102,360 samples were included: 80,517 from Girona and 21,843 from Figueres. The reduction in activity in the pathology laboratories in 2020 compared to the previous year was 25.4% in Girona and 27.5% in Figueres. The reduction in cancer diagnoses in 2020 compared to 2019 was 6.8% in Girona and 21% in Figueres. In both laboratories, a decrease was observed in the diagnoses of neoplasms of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx, larynx, colon, rectum and anus, kidney and urinary system, melanoma, and central nervous system. A statistically significant higher probability of a sample received in the pathology laboratory displaying malignancy during COVID-19 was found (Girona: OR = 1.28, 95% CI: 1.23-1.34; Figueres: OR = 1.10, 95% CI: 1.01-1.20) with respect to the COVID-19-free period. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a reduction in cancer diagnoses by pathology departments that varies according to tumor location and type of hospital. Despite this, the optimization of care resources and the recovery effort have partially reduced the impact of the pandemic in certain neoplasms.This work was partially funded by the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (grant number: FIJC1100) and the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants, Government of Catalonia (grant number: 2017SGR00733

    Comorbidities at Diagnosis, Survival, and Cause of Death in Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Population-Based Study

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    Leucèmia limfocítica crònica; Comorbiditat; Causes de mortChronic lymphocytic leukemia; Comorbidity; Cause of deathLeucemia linfocítica crónica; Comorbilidad; Causas de muerteThis study aimed to examine the prevalence of comorbidities in patients diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and to assess its influence on survival and cause-specific mortality at a population-based level. Incident CLL cases diagnosed in the Girona province (Spain) during 2008-2016 were extracted from the Girona Cancer Registry. Rai stage and presence of comorbidities at diagnosis, further categorized using the Charlson comorbidity index (CCI), were obtained from clinical records. Observed (OS) and relative survival (RS) were estimated and Cox's proportional hazard models were used to explore the impact of comorbidity on mortality. Among the 400 cases included in the study, 380 (99.5%) presented at least one comorbidity at CLL diagnosis, with diabetes without end organ damage (21%) being the most common disease. 5-year OS and RS were 68.8 (95% CI: 64.4-73.6) and 99.5 (95% CI 3.13-106.0), respectively, which decreased markedly with increasing CCI, particularly in patients with CCI ≥ 3. Multivariate analysis identified no statistically significant association between the CCI and overall CLL-related or CLL-unrelated mortality. In conclusion, a high CCI score negatively influenced the OS and RS of CLL patients, yet its effect on mortality was statistically non-significant when also considering age and the Rai stage.We thank CERCA programme/Generalitat de Catalunya for institutional support. Thiswork was supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness—Carlos III Instituteof Health co-funded by FEDER funds/European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)—A way tobuild Europe (PI11/02213, PI15/00966 and CIBERESP); and with the support of the Secretariat forUniversities and Research of the Ministry of Business and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia(2017-SGR-733). IDIBGI is a member of the CERCA Programme, Generalitat de Catalunya

    From theory to practice: assessing the use of radiotherapy in population based cancer registries

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    Purpose or Objective: Planning for radiotherapy services requires evidence based information on the optimum and the actual use of this therapy in a population in order to assess the potential gaps in the utilization of external beam radiotherapy

    Bayesian variable selection and survival modeling: assessing the Most important comorbidities that impact lung and colorectal cancer survival in Spain.

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    Cancer survival represents one of the main indicators of interest in cancer epidemiology. However, the survival of cancer patients can be affected by several factors, such as comorbidities, that may interact with the cancer biology. Moreover, it is interesting to understand how different cancer sites and tumour stages are affected by different comorbidities. Identifying the comorbidities that affect cancer survival is thus of interest as it can be used to identify factors driving the survival of cancer patients. This information can also be used to identify vulnerable groups of patients with comorbidities that may lead to worst prognosis of cancer. We address these questions and propose a principled selection and evaluation of the effect of comorbidities on the overall survival of cancer patients. In the first step, we apply a Bayesian variable selection method that can be used to identify the comorbidities that predict overall survival. In the second step, we build a general Bayesian survival model that accounts for time-varying effects. In the third step, we derive several posterior predictive measures to quantify the effect of individual comorbidities on the population overall survival. We present applications to data on lung and colorectal cancers from two Spanish population-based cancer registries. The proposed methodology is implemented with a combination of the R-packages mombf and rstan. We provide the code for reproducibility at https://github.com/migariane/BayesVarImpComorbiCancer