9,861 research outputs found

    Epigraphic Programs in Almoravid Constructions: The Commemoration of The Emirs’ Supremacy

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    Despite the ideas transmitted in the traditional historiography, during the Almoravid period, the arts –especially the architecture- had a prominent place within the issues of the Empire. This fact became more important from the naissance of the Almohad movement during the 20’s of the 12th century. In that context, the Almoravid emirs found in the architectural programs a direct manner to shape their political and religious ideas against the Unitarians and to spread them across their territory. Within this framework, the aim of this paper is to analyze the outstanding role of the epigraphic programs in Almoravid constructions, in one hand as a differentiating element from the Almohads (both in content and form) and, on the other hand, as a way to focus on the Almoravid political and religious supremacy and the impregnation of these ideas in the collective memory. To achieve this aim, we will study the epigraphic programs of the main Almoravid artistic manifestations (including the Almoravid Friday mosques and their minbars) and we will compare their content and form with other Islamic manifestations in East and West. Moreover, we will analyze these epigraphic programs in the general context where they are included, as an important part of the conformation of the Almoravid aesthetic. Due to the fact that the Almoravids are considered the introducers of the cursive epigraphy in the West throughout its use at the Qubbat al-Bārūdiyyīn in Marrakech, we will compare the wide spread (both temporary and geographically) of this type of calligraphy with the case of other artistic elements highly developed by them. Therefore, we can conclude that the Almoravid emirs had an important role as renovators of the Western Islamic artistic programs, which they used both as a way of commemoration and as symbol of their political and religious ideas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Revisiting the two-mass model of the vocal folds

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    Realistic mathematical modeling of voice production has been recently boosted by applications to different fields like bioprosthetics, quality speech synthesis and pathological diagnosis. In this work, we revisit a two-mass model of the vocal folds that includes accurate fluid mechanics for the air passage through the folds and nonlinear properties of the tissue. We present the bifurcation diagram for such a system, focusing on the dynamical properties of two regimes of interest: the onset of oscillations and the normal phonation regime. We also show theoretical support to the nonlinear nature of the elastic properties of the folds tissue by comparing theoretical isofrequency curves with reported experimental data.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Cine documental sobre ETA: una mirada a la realidad

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    El presente artículo pretende ser una compilación de los documentales realizados sobre el terrorismo de ETA. El género documental recrea la realidad y es gracias a estos títulos, a la visión de sus creadores, como podemos acercarnos a una realidad que preocupa no solamente a las autoridades, sino también a los ciudadanos. En este artículo se analizarán los documentales más importantes realizados sobre el tema. Se hablará sobre el proceso de creación, la realidad narrada y las consecuencias que su realización supuso para sus realizadores y protagonistas. Iñaki Arteta, Julio Medem, Imanol Uribe o Eterio Ortega, entre otros, han tratado el conflicto etarra desde el género documental y han hecho de un tema tabú y difícil de abordar el leit-motiv de sus trabajos

    El presupuesto subjetivo de la declaración de quiebra

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    En este trabajo expondremos el tratamiento legal, jurisprudencial y doctrinal de la condición mercantil del deudor como presupuesto\ud subjetivo del auto de declaración de quiebra

    Jardines de yeso: vestir la arquitectura en época almorávide

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    Este trabajo tiene por objetivo mostrar los resultados del estudio detallado de las yeserías de época almorávide con decoración de ataurique a partir de los principales conjuntos conservados. Para ello, en él se recogen los rasgos fundamentales de estos “jardines de yeso”, que, junto con otros datos, permiten establecer una evolución dentro del ataurique almorávide y en las yeserías andalusíes en general. Metodológicamente, se ha comprobado la existencia de una organización interna del ataurique que puede sistematizarse en secuencias numéricas muy variadas, que muestra esta evolución y permite proponer una datación más precisa para las yeserías de este periodo. La riqueza de secuencias numéricas aparece tanto en los ejemplares andalusíes como en los magrebíes, hecho que puede interpretarse como un acto intencionado, en relación con unos principios estéticos determinados presentes en las manifestaciones artísticas de época almorávide, que permiten diferenciarlas de otras épocas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Common points of the medieval mediterranean culture: an approach from the application of the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to the study of the artistic exchanges

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    The aim of this paper is to present the results of the ArtMedGIS Project (MSCA – H2020, Grant Agreement nº 699818). The main objective of this Project is to evaluate the artistic exchanges in the Mediterranean during the late Middle Ages through the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in order to assess some common points of the medieval Mediterranean culture. The start point has been the selection of certain elements of the Islamic art, developed by the Almoravids in the 12th century, which can be related to other Mediterranean artistic manifestations due to commercial, political and cultural relations. In this context, the objectives of the project are: to measure the presence of these elements in the main artistic manifestations of the Islamic and Christian Mediterranean countries in the late Middle Ages; to apply the new method based on the GIS to the Art History research; to assess the relation of religion and power with the artistic productions; and to review the concepts of centre and peripheries regarding the artistic production in the Mediterranean context. Beyond the geographical distribution, the use of the GIS has allowed to analyse different phenomena linked to the artistic exchanges and the development of the Mediterranean culture.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 69981

    Análisis de una constricción secundaria en el cromosoma 5R de centeno y su actividad neocentromérica

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Departamento de Genética, leída el 29/04/2013Depto. de Genética, Fisiología y MicrobiologíaFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEunpu

    Objective Competitiveness Ranking amongst EU Regions (Objective Method for Quantifying Regional Competitiveness - a case study applied to EU15 Regions)

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    Nowadays the key target of Cohesion Policy is to promote the creation of conditions to improve the growth, and to increase the factors that lead to a real convergence (Economic and Social Cohesion). An important group of these factors is found when considering the competitivity of a Region that implies, (even whitout existintg a clear definition), to consider at the same time two different levels: - The first one through the specific factors to improve the development of the resident managerial weave (Innovation, Research & Development, enterprises nets, labour market, training, support in the use of new technologies, servicies to entreprises, etc.). – The second one, improving the enviromental conditions for the development of such an managerial activity (Transport and comunication infrastructures, environment and sustainable developpment ,use of renewable energies, etc.) The objetcive of the present paper is to propose an objective way to consider the totalitiy of factors simultaneously, in order to obtain a ranking of the of the regional competitivity, and to study his changes in the time. For this, it will be used the data base “REGIO” and techniques of ranking belonging to multicriteria decision making. The analyzed period is from 1987 to 2002 which shows interesting results mainly when compared with other analyses carried out.

    Detección de fisuras en placas de Aluminio mediante ultrasonidos utilizando ondas Lamb

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    By the emerging application of ultrasound in different industrial fields, it is necessary to develop inspection procedures to detect the presence of discontinuities that affect the properties of these materials. The development of this project is expects a study using the technique of ultrasonic nondestructive testing that allows detect failures in plates of Aluminium through the utilization of Lamb waves. ___________________________Debido al gran crecimiento de los ultrasonidos en diferentes campos de la industria, es necesario estudiar e investigar nuevos procedimientos de inspección para detectar la presencia de discontinuidades que afectan a las propiedades de los materiales. Durante el desarrollo de este proyecto se pretende realizar un estudio mediante una técnica de ensayos no destructivos por ultrasonidos no demasiado conocida como son las ondas Lamb, que permite detectar las fisuras en las placas de Aluminio.Ingeniería Industria

    Comprendiendo los relojes moleculares a través de la evolución de “El Quijote”

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    Los principales problemas en la enseñanza de la evolución se centran en corregir preconcepciones erróneas sobre el proceso de selección natural ignorando que, según la teoría neutralista, a nivel molecular la mayoría de las mutaciones son neutras. Esta teoría derivó en el desarrollo de los relojes moleculares, técnica que permite estimar el tiempo en el que dos especies divergieron. Tanto la teoría neutralista como su aplicación en los relojes moleculares son conceptos básicos de la teoría de la evolución que no se abordan en Educación Secundaria, ya que requieren el conocimiento de la base molecular de la herencia. En este trabajo se presenta una analogía lingüística con la que introducir dichos conceptos en el aula, que no requiere conocimiento previo a nivel molecular, a través de un enfoque interdisciplinar entre las matemáticas, la biología, la lengua y la literatura