6,647 research outputs found

    Theoretical insights into the RR Lyrae K-band Period-Luminosity relation

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    Based on updated nonlinear, convective pulsation models computed for several values of stellar mass, luminosity and metallicity, theoretical constraints on the K-band Period-Luminosity (PLK) relation of RR Lyrae stars are presented. We show that for each given metal content the predicted PLK is marginally dependent on uncertainties of the stellar mass and/or luminosity. Then, by considering the RR Lyrae masses suggested by evolutionary computations for the various metallicities, we obtain that the predicted infrared magnitude M_K over the range 0.0001< Z <0.02 is given by the relation MK=0.568-2.071logP+0.087logZ-0.778logL/Lo, with a rms scatter of 0.032 mag. Therefore, by allowing the luminosities of RR Lyrae stars to vary within the range covered by current evolutionary predictions for metal-deficient (0.0001< Z <0.006) horizontal branch models, we eventually find that the infrared Period-Luminosity- Metallicity (PLZK) relation is MK=0.139-2.071(logP+0.30)+0.167logZ, with a total intrinsic dispersion of 0.037 mag. As a consequence, the use of such a PLZK relation should constrain within +-0.04 mag the infrared distance modulus of field and cluster RR Lyrae variables, provided that accurate observations and reliable estimates of the metal content are available. Moreover, we show that the combination of K and V measurements can supply independent information on the average luminosity of RR Lyrae stars, thus yielding tight constraints on the input physics of stellar evolution computations. Finally, for globular clusters with a sizable sample of first overtone variables, the reddening can be estimated by using the PLZK relation together with the predicted MV-logP relation at the blue edge of the instability strip (Caputo et al. 2000).Comment: 8 pages, including 5 postscript figures, accepted for publication on MNRA

    Viscous wing theory development. Volume 1: Analysis, method and results

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    Viscous transonic flows at large Reynolds numbers over 3-D wings were analyzed using a zonal viscid-inviscid interaction approach. A new numerical AFZ scheme was developed in conjunction with the finite volume formulation for the solution of the inviscid full-potential equation. A special far-field asymptotic boundary condition was developed and a second-order artificial viscosity included for an improved inviscid solution methodology. The integral method was used for the laminar/turbulent boundary layer and 3-D viscous wake calculation. The interaction calculation included the coupling conditions of the source flux due to the wing surface boundary layer, the flux jump due to the viscous wake, and the wake curvature effect. A method was also devised incorporating the 2-D trailing edge strong interaction solution for the normal pressure correction near the trailing edge region. A fully automated computer program was developed to perform the proposed method with one scalar version to be used on an IBM-3081 and two vectorized versions on Cray-1 and Cyber-205 computers

    The M_BH-M_star relation of obscured AGNs at high redshift

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    We report the detection of broad Halpha emission in three X-ray selected obscured AGNs at z=1-2. By exploiting the Halpha width and the intrinsic X-ray luminosity, we estimate their black hole masses, which are in the range 0.1-3x10^9 Msun. By means of multi-band photometric data, we measure the stellar mass of their host galaxy and, therefore, infer their M_BH/M_star ratio. These are the first obscured AGNs at high-z, selected based on their black hole accretion (i.e. on the basis of their X-ray luminosity), that can be located on the M_BH-M_star relation at high-z. All of these obscured high-z AGNs are fully consistent with the local M_BH-M_star relation. This result conflicts with those for other samples of AGNs in the same redshift range, whose M_BH/M_star ratio departs significantly from the value observed in local galaxies. We suggest that the obscured AGNs in our sample are in an advanced evolutionary stage, have already settled onto the local M_BH-M_star relation, and whose nuclear activity has been temporarily revived by recent galaxy interactions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letters, slightly revised discussion on SMG

    A theoretical approach for the interpretation of pulsating PMS intermediate-mass stars

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    The investigation of the pulsation properties of pre-main-sequence intermediate-mass stars is a promising tool to evaluate the intrinsic properties of these stars and to constrain current evolutionary models. Many new candidates of this class have been discovered during the last decade and very accurate data are expected from space observations obtained for example with the CoRoT satellite. In this context we aim at developing a theoretical approach for the interpretation of observed frequencies, both from the already available ground-based observations and from the future more accurate and extensive CoRoT results. To this purpose we have started a project devoted to the computations of fine and extensive grids of asteroseismic models of intermediate mass pre-main-sequence stars. The obtained frequencies are used to derive an analytical relation between the large frequency separation and the stellar luminosity and effective temperature and to develop a tool to compare theory and observations in the echelle diagram. The predictive capabilities of the proposed method are verified through the application to two test stars. As a second step, we apply the procedure to two true observations from multisite campaigns and we are able to constrain their stellar parameters, in particular the mass, in spite of the small number of frequencies. We expect that with a significantly higher number of frequencies both the stellar mass and age could be constrained and, at the same time, the physics of the models could be tested.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&

    Detection of delta Scuti-like pulsation in H254, a pre-main sequence F-type star in IC 348

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    We present time series observations of intermediate mass PMS stars belonging to the young star cluster IC 348. The new data reveal that a young member of the cluster, H254, undergoes periodic light variations with delta Scuti-like characteristics. This occurrence provides an unambiguous evidence confirming the prediction that intermediate-mass pre-main sequence (PMS) stars should experience this transient instability during their approach to the main-sequence. On the basis of the measured frequency f=7.406 c/d, we are able to constrain the intrinsic stellar parameters of H254 by means of linear, non adiabatic, radial pulsation models. The range of the resulting luminosity and effective temperature permitted by the models is narrower than the observational values. In particular, the pulsation analysis allows to derive an independent estimate of the distance to IC 348 of about 320 pc. Further observations could either confirm the monoperiodic nature of H254 or reveal the presence of other frequencies.Comment: 7 pages, including 7 postscript figures, accepted for publication on A&

    Non-Reciprocal MEMS Periodic Structure

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    In recent years, active periodic structures with in-time modulated parameters have drawn ever-increasing attention due to their peculiar (and sometimes exotic) wave propagation properties. Although many experimental works have shown the efficacy of time-modulation strategies, the benchmarks proposed until now have been mostly proof-of-concept demonstrators, with little attention to the feasibility of the solution for practical purposes. In this work, we propose a micro electro-mechanical system (MEMS) periodic structure with modulated electromechanical stiffness featuring non-reciprocal band-gaps that are frequency bands where elastic waves are allowed to travel only in one direction. To this aim, we derive a simplified analytical lumped-parameter model, which is then verified through numerical simulations of both the lumped-parameter system and the high-fidelity multiphysics finite element model including electrostatic effects. We envision that this system, which can easily be manufactured through standard MEMS production processes, may be used as a directional filter in MEMS devices such as insulators and circulators

    The Elusive Active Nucleus of NGC 4945

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    We present new HST NICMOS observations of NGC 4945, a starburst galaxy hosting a highly obscured active nucleus that is one of the brightest extragalactic sources at 100 keV. The HST data are complemented with ground based [FeII] line and mid--IR observations. A 100pc-scale starburst ring is detected in Pa alpha, while H_2 traces the walls of a super bubble opened by supernova-driven winds. The conically shaped cavity is particularly prominent in Pa alpha equivalent width and in the Pa alpha/H_2 ratio. Continuum images are heavily affected by dust extinction and the nucleus of the galaxy is located in a highly reddened region with an elongated, disk-like morphology. No manifestation of the active nucleus is found, neither a strong point source nor dilution in CO stellar features, which are expected tracers of AGN activity. Even if no AGN traces are detected in the near-IR, with the currently available data it is still not possible to establish whether the bolometric luminosity of the object is powered by the AGN or by the starburst: we demonstrate that the two scenarios constitute equally viable alternatives. However, the absence of any signature other than in the hard X-rays implies that, in both scenarios, the AGN is non-standard: if it dominates, it must be obscured in all directions, conversely, if the starburst dominates, the AGN must lack UV photons with respect to X-rays. An important conclusion is that powerful AGNs can be hidden even at mid-infrared wavelengths and, therefore, the nature of luminous dusty galaxies cannot be always characterized by long-wavelength data alone but must be complemented with sensitive hard X-ray observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, high quality color pictures available at http://www.arcetri.astro.it/~marconi/colpic.htm

    Interface pinning and slow ordering kinetics on infinitely ramified fractal structures

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    We investigate the time dependent Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) equation for a non conserved order parameter on an infinitely ramified (deterministic) fractal lattice employing two alternative methods: the auxiliary field approach and a numerical method of integration of the equations of evolution. In the first case the domain size evolves with time as L(t)∼t1/dwL(t)\sim t^{1/d_w}, where dwd_w is the anomalous random walk exponent associated with the fractal and differs from the normal value 2, which characterizes all Euclidean lattices. Such a power law growth is identical to the one observed in the study of the spherical model on the same lattice, but fails to describe the asymptotic behavior of the numerical solutions of the TDGL equation for a scalar order parameter. In fact, the simulations performed on a two dimensional Sierpinski Carpet indicate that, after an initial stage dominated by a curvature reduction mechanism \`a la Allen-Cahn, the system enters in a regime where the domain walls between competing phases are pinned by lattice defects. The lack of translational invariance determines a rough free energy landscape, the existence of many metastable minima and the suppression of the marginally stable modes, which in translationally invariant systems lead to power law growth and self similar patterns. On fractal structures as the temperature vanishes the evolution is frozen, since only thermally activated processes can sustain the growth of pinned domains.Comment: 16 pages+14 figure

    Light collection and wavelength calibration for an extreme ultraviolet diode array spectrograph

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    Includes bibliographical references.We describe the use of a simple spherical aluminum-coated mirror to image the radiation of a distant XUV-emitting plasma in the slit of a vacuum spectrograph. Calculations to determine the optimum position and curvature radius of the mirror as a function of the divergence of the emitted plasma radiation are described, Efficient light collection by the grazing incidence mirror allows calibration of an intensified diode array used as a detector with a low-pressure (10-4 Torr) dc capillary discharge that does not require a complex differential pumping system.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No. ECS 8606226. M. C. Marconi was supported by a fellowship from Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires and Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas de la Republica Argentina
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