1,191 research outputs found

    The settlements design of the Boalhosa’s agricultural colony. A dialectical perspective: between tradition and the construction of modernity

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    The design of the settlement in the Agricultural Colony of Boalhosa results from an understanding that privileges compact solutions, making the most of the conditions of the topography and respecting the morphology of the natural landscape. In turn, the architectures associated with this design were designed taking advantage of these conditions, considering them as a fundamental data of the preexistence. However, this understanding did not fail to concern itself with the principles of modern architecture, thus seeking solutions capable of establishing a relationship of continuity between tradition and innovation, between the roots of the vernacular and the paradigm of the modern. By valuing the site's specificities and exploring new technical possibilities, this search adopts a strategy that is typical of Critical Regionalism, to mediate the impact of universal civilization with elements derived indirectly from the peculiarities of a particular place (Frampton, 1983). Not excluding possible relationships with notable examples of the movements Garden City and City Beautiful, in the urban and architectural solution seems to prevail, above all, an attitude of adaptation to the place and agreement with the materials and language of the region.This work was conducted at CEAA, under the project MODSCAPES - Modernist Reinventions of the Rural Landscape (HERA.15.097). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 649307.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Plantas de soja oriundas de sementes de alto e baixo vigor dentro de um mesmo lote

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    The using of high quality seeds is extremely important to farmers, considering that vigor is one of the physiological attributes of quality and being the seeds of low vigor one of the possible factors responsible for the decline in productivity. The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of seed vigor on vegetative and component yield aspects. The experiment consisted of a completely randomized experimental design, where each bucket containing soybean plants was considered one experimental unit, having 100 buckets for each vigor level. The vigor levels were high and low, being considered of high vigor the seeds that provided faster seedling emergence until the fifth day after sowing, and low vigor the seeds that provided later emergency, being included in this zone the ones that emerged after the sixth day. The yield components evaluated were: plant height, stem diameter, number of pods per plant, number of green pods per plant, number of seeds per plant and seed weight per plant. The results show that plants descendant from seeds of high vigor are more productive than plants from seeds of low vigor, within the same seed lot. The high vigor seeds originate plants population with less variation in vegetative and yield attributes, within the same lot of seeds and the number of pods per plant is the yield component responsible for the biggest production of high vigor seeds.Sem bolsaA utilização de sementes de alta qualidade constitui-se em uma ferramenta de extrema importância para o agricultor, considerando que o vigor é um dos atributos da qualidade fisiológica e sendo as sementes de baixo vigor um dos possíveis fatores responsáveis pela queda de produtividade. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a influência do vigor de sementes, sobre aspectos vegetativos e os componentes de rendimento. O experimento consistiu em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, onde cada balde contendo as plantas de soja foi considerado uma unidade experimental, tendo 100 baldes para cada nível de vigor. Os níveis de vigor foram alto e baixo, sendo consideradas de alto vigor as sementes que proporcionaram emergência das plântulas até o quinto dia após a semeadura e de baixo vigor as sementes que proporcionaram emergência mais tardiamente, sendo incluídas nesta faixa também as que emergiram após o sexto dia. Os componentes do rendimento avaliados foram: altura de plantas, diâmetro do colmo, número de vagens por planta, número de vagens verdes por planta, número de sementes por planta e peso de sementes por planta. Os resultados mostram que as plantas provenientes de sementes de alto vigor são mais produtivas que as plantas provenientes de sementes de baixo vigor, dentro do mesmo lote de sementes. As sementes de alto vigor originam populações de plantas com menor variação em atributos vegetativos e de rendimento, dentro de um mesmo lote de sementes e o número de vagens por planta é o componente de rendimento responsável pela maior produção das sementes de alto vigor

    Encounters: between word and image

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    Il primo ricordo legato alla lettura proviene da una stanza, o meglio la stanza di quando ero bambina. La camera non era solo “mia”, perché dopo un trasloco vi erano state messe le cose dello studio di mio padre,tra cui i libri.Tutti i libri di casa erano lì, ma non erano “per bambini” o illustrati, erano libri

    Information Systems Maintenance as a Participatory Practice

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    Starting from the evidences of a public welfare information system case study, the aim of this position paper is to stimulate the debate on information systems maintenance as a process entailed in different communities of practic

    Text analytics in business environments: a managerial and methodological approach

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    O processo de tomada de decisão, em diferentes ambientes gerenciais, enfrenta um momento de mudança no contexto organizacional. Nesse sentido, Business Analytics pode ser visto como uma área que permite alavancar o valor dos dados, contendo ferramentas importantes para o processo de tomada de decisão. No entanto, a presença de dados em diferentes formatos representa um desafio. Nesse contexto de variabilidade, os dados de texto têm atraído a atenção das organizações, já que milhares de pessoas se expressam diariamente neste formato, em muitas aplicações e ferramentas disponíveis. Embora diversas técnicas tenham sido desenvolvidas pela comunidade de ciência da computação, há amplo espaço para melhorar a utilização organizacional de tais dados de texto, especialmente quando se volta para o suporte à tomada de decisões. No entanto, apesar da importância e disponibilidade de dados em formato textual para apoiar decisões, seu uso não é comum devido à dificuldade de análise e interpretação que o volume e o formato de dados em texto apresentam. Assim, o objetivo desta tese é desenvolver e avaliar um framework voltado ao uso de dados de texto em processos decisórios, apoiando-se em diversas técnicas de processamento de linguagem natural (PNL). Os resultados apresentam a validade do framework, usando como instância de demonstração de sua aplicabilidade o setor de turismo através da plataforma TripAdvisor, bem como a validação interna de performance e a aceitação por parte dos gestores da área consultados.The decision-making process, in different management environments, faces a moment of change in the organizational context. In this sense, Business Analytics can be seen as an area that leverages the value of data, containing important tools for the decision-making process. However, the presence of data in different formats poses a challenge. In this context of variability, text data has attracted the attention of organizations, as thousands of people express themselves daily in this format in many applications and tools available. Although several techniques have been developed by the computer science community, there is ample scope to improve the organizational use of such text data, especially when it comes to decision-making support. However, despite the importance and availability of textual data to support decisions, its use is not common because of the analysis and interpretation challenge that the volume and the unstructured format of text data presents. Thus, the aim of this dissertation is to develop and evaluate a framework to contribute with the expansion and development of text analytics in decision-making processes, based on several natural language processing (NLP) techniques. The results presents the validity of the framework, using as a demonstration of its applicability the tourism sector through the TripAdvisor platform, as well as the internal validation of performance and the acceptance by managers

    Biomechanical comparison of shorts with different pads: An Insight into the Perineum Protection Issue

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    An intensive use of the bicycle may increase the risk of erectile dysfunction and the compression of the perineal area has been showed to be a major mechanism leading to sexual alterations compromising the quality of life. Manufacturers claim that pads contribute to increase cyclists perineal protection ensuring a high level of comfort. To investigate the influence of various cycling pads with regard to perineal protection and level of comfort. Nine club road cyclists rode 20 min on a drum simulator, located at the Nutrition and Exercise Physiology Laboratory, at a constant speed and gear ratio wearing the shorts with 3 cycling pads of different design and thickness: basic (BAS), intermediate (INT), and endurance (END). Kinematics and pressure data were recorded at min 5, 15, and 20 of the test using a motion capture system and a pressure sensor mat. The variables of interest were: 3-dimensional pelvis excursions, peak pressure, mean pressure, and vertical force. The comfort level was assessed with a ranking order based on the subjects' perception after the 20-min trials and measuring the vertical ground reaction force under the anterior wheel as well as the length of the center of pressure (COP) trajectory on the saddle. Results showed that the vertical force and the average value of mean pressure on the saddle significantly decreased during the 20-min period of testing for BAS and END. Mean peak pressure on the corresponding perineal cyclist area significantly increased only for BAS during the 20-min period. Interestingly objective comfort indexes measured did not match cyclists subjective comfort evaluation. The lower capacity of BAS to reduce the peak pressure on the corresponding perineal area after 20 min of testing, together with its positive comfort evaluation, suggest that a balance between protection and perceived comfort should be taken into account in the choice of the pad. Hence, the quantitative approach of objective comfort indexes introduced in this study could be helpful for manufacturers in the development of their protective pads

    Do wages reflect labor productivity? The case of Belgian regions

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    Classic economic theory applied to the labor market assumes that markets are perfectly informed and able to allocate workers in open vacancies in equilibrium. These workers are paid a salary equal to their marginal product of labor, since labor supply and demand are both satisfied. In the real world, however, this condition might not hold, as there exist many market frictions triggered by imperfect information and institutional factors, such as employment protection, unemployment benefits, collective bargaining, minimum wages and taxation. The persistently high unemployment rates plaguing the Western World, and Europe in particular in the aftermath of the Great Recession suggest that wage rigidity combined with falling productivity may be an important channel causing increasing unemployment. Belgium is no exception, with 7.6% national unemployment rate in 2012 averaging over the 17.4% unemployment rate of Brussels, the 4.5% rate of Flanders and the 10.0% rate of Wallonia (source: Eurostat)..