148 research outputs found

    Segurança e saúde dos motoristas profissionais que trafegam nas rodovias do Brasil

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    Acidentes de trânsito com consequentes lesões e mortes têm se tornado uma epidemia em nível mundial. No Brasil, a maioria dos motoristas profissionais, sobretudo motoristas de transporte de cargas, enfrenta jornada de trabalho irregular e permanece acordado por mais de 18 horas/dia, o que reduz seu desempenho e estado de alerta. Neste artigo, discutimos as leis dos motoristas profissionais brasileiros e suas alterações vigentes (nº 12.619/2012 e nº 13.103/2015) em relação às horas de trabalho ao volante e a pausas para descanso, imprescindíveis para a qualidade de vida dos motoristas e para a sociedade em geral. Observamos que a nova legislação se mostra menos eficiente que a anterior por causar insegurança e preocupação aos usuários do sistema de transporte, aos próprios motoristas e aos empregadores. Para restringir e reduzir acidentes, mortes e lesões no trânsito, é fundamental uma legislação adequada, que vise à segurança do trabalhador e dos usuários das rodovias. A legislação deve, também, beneficiar o aspecto comercial, que se fortalece pela redução das perdas de produção e logística. Adicionalmente, são necessários programas de educação no trânsito e melhor fiscalização em relação ao tempo total de jornada de trabalho.Traffic accidents and resulting injuries and deaths have become a global epidemic. In Brazil, most professional drivers, especially truck drivers, face irregular working hours and can be awake for more than 18 hours/day, which reduces their performance and alertness. In this article, we discuss the laws related to Brazilian professional drivers and their current amendments (No. 12,619/2012 and No. 13,103/2015) in relation to working hours at the wheel and rest breaks, which are vital for the quality of life of drivers and society in general. We note that the new law appears to be less efficient than the previous one as it causes insecurity and concern to the users of the transportation system, drivers, and employers. To restrict and reduce accidents, deaths, and injuries in traffic, appropriate legislation is essential, aiming at the safety of workers and users of highways. The law must also benefit the commercial aspect, strengthening the reduction in production and logistics losses. Additionally, traffic education programs are needed, as well as better supervision in relation to total working hours

    Negative addiction to exercise: are there differences between genders?

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    INTRODUCTION: Regular physical exercise has numerous benefits. However, there is a subset of the exercising population who may develop a compulsion to exercise excessively and who may, as a consequence, display physiological and psychological changes that have a direct influence on their quality of life. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to determine if there are differences between male and female athletes' scores on measures of negative addiction symptoms, quality of life, mood and sleep. METHODS: 144 female and 156 male athletes participated in this study by answering the following questionnaires: Negative Addiction Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, Trait Anxiety Inventory, Profile of Mood States, SF-36 Quality of Life, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality and Epworth Sleepiness Scale. RESULTS: Higher dedication to training sessions in the male group, and members of the female group with symptoms of negative addiction to exercise showed a lower score on vigor observed by the Profile of Mood States compared to the males in both situations. We also observed depression symptoms in both members of groups who had negative addiction symptoms when compared with their peers without symptoms, and these figures were even higher in females compared with the male group in the same situation. CONCLUSION: No differences were seen in the development of negative addiction exercise symptoms in males and females and there were no changes in the quality of life and mood of these athletes. Further studies of eating disorders associated with changes in body image perception could contribute to a better understanding of negative addiction to exercise

    Is exercise an alternative treatment for chronic insomnia?

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    The purposes of this systematic/critical review are: 1) to identify studies on the effects of exercise on chronic insomnia and sleep complaints in middle-aged and older adults and to compare the results of exercise with those obtained with hypnotic medications and 2) to discuss potential mechanisms by which exercise could promote sleep in insomniac patients. We identified studies from 1983 through 2011 using MEDLINE, SCOPUS and Web of Science. For systematic analyses, only studies assessing the chronic effects of exercise on sleep in people with sleep complaints or chronic insomnia were considered. We used the following keywords when searching for articles: insomnia, sleep, sleep complaints, exercise and physical activity. For a critical review, studies were selected on the effects of exercise and possible mechanisms that may explain the effects of exercise on insomnia. We identified five studies that met our inclusion criteria for systematic review. Exercise training is effective at decreasing sleep complaints and insomnia. Aerobic exercise has been more extensively studied, and its effects are similar to those observed after hypnotic medication use. Mechanisms are proposed to explain the effects of exercise on insomnia. There is additional documented evidence on the antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects of exercise. Exercise is effective to decrease sleep complaints and to treat chronic insomnia. Exercise presented similar results when compared with hypnotics; however, prospective studies comparing the effects of exercise with medical and non-medical treatments are warranted before including exercise as a first-line treatment for chronic insomnia are necessary

    Simple Detection of Large InDeLS by DHPLC: The ACE Gene as a Model

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    Insertion-deletion polymorphism (InDeL) is the second most frequent type of genetic variation in the human genome. For the detection of large InDeLs, researchers usually resort to either PCR gel analysis or RFLP, but these are time consuming and dependent on human interpretation. Therefore, a more efficient method for genotyping this kind of genetic variation is needed. In this report, we describe a method that can detect large InDeLs by DHPLC (denaturating high-performance liquid chromatography) using the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene I/D polymorphism as a model. The InDeL targeted in this study is characterized by a 288 bp Alu element insertion (I). We used DHPLC at nondenaturating conditions to analyze the PCR product with a flow through the chromatographic column under two different gradients based on the differences between D and I sequences. The analysis described is quick and easy, making this technique a suitable and efficient means for DHPLC users to screen InDeLs in genetic epidemiological studies

    Oxidative stress and quality of life in elderly patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: are there differences after six months of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure treatment?

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    OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the effect of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure treatment on oxidative stress parameters and the quality of life of elderly patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. METHODS: In total, 30 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients and 27 subjects without obstructive sleep apnea syndrome were included in this study. Both groups underwent quality of life and oxidative stress evaluations at baseline and after six months. Polysomnography was performed in both groups at baseline and a second time in the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome group after six months of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure treatment. All of the variables were compared between the control and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome groups in this prospective case-control study. RESULTS: The baseline concentrations of the antioxidant enzyme catalase were higher in the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome group than the control group. After Continuous Positive Airway Pressure treatment, the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome group exhibited a reduction in the level of oxidative stress, as indicated by a decrease in the level of lipid peroxidation measured by the malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration [pre: 2.7 nmol malondialdehyde/mL (95% 1.6-3.7) vs. post: 1.3 nmol MDA/mL (0.7-1.9), p<0.01]. Additionally, improvements were observed in two domains covered by the SF-36 questionnaire: functional capacity [pre: 77.4 (69.2-85.5) vs. post: 83.4 (76.9-89.9), p = 0.002] and pain [pre: 65.4 (52.8-78.1) vs. post: 77.8 (67.2-88.3), p = 0.004]. CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrated that the use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure to treat obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in elderly patients reduced oxidative stress and improved the quality of life

    Oxidative stress and quality of life in elderly patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: are there differences after six months of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure treatment?

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    OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the effect of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure treatment on oxidative stress parameters and the quality of life of elderly patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. METHODS: In total, 30 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients and 27 subjects without obstructive sleep apnea syndrome were included in this study. Both groups underwent quality of life and oxidative stress evaluations at baseline and after six months. Polysomnography was performed in both groups at baseline and a second time in the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome group after six months of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure treatment. All of the variables were compared between the control and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome groups in this prospective case-control study. RESULTS: The baseline concentrations of the antioxidant enzyme catalase were higher in the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome group than the control group. After Continuous Positive Airway Pressure treatment, the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome group exhibited a reduction in the level of oxidative stress, as indicated by a decrease in the level of lipid peroxidation measured by the malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration [pre: 2.7 nmol malondialdehyde/mL (95% 1.6-3.7) vs. post: 1.3 nmol MDA/mL (0.7-1.9),

    Classical dance competition: a negative anxiogenic factor?

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    A dança clássica é uma modalidade que apresenta relação com a arte, exigindo grande grau de prepara fisico, psicológico e estético. Pode-se perceber que próximo a períodos competitivos, semelhante a praticantes de outras modalidades esportivas, bailarinas passam por situações estressantes que podem ter impacto negativo sob o desempenho. Deste modo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar os efeitos da ansiedade competitiva no desempenho de bailarinas. Participaram do estudo 22 bailarinas com idade entre 18 a 30 anos, praticantes de dança clássica por pelo menos dois anos. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de avaliações psicométricas realizadas em momentos distintos (pré-competitivo, competitivo e pós-competitivo). Podemos perceber que ocorre um aumento da ansiedade momentos antes da competiçao, porém o desempenho das bailarinas não foi afetado, as bailarinas têm um aumento de sua tensão/ansiedade, alterações na percepção ansiosa, porém permaneceram centradas a tarefa que irão realizar.Classical dance is a practice/modality related with art, and requires a large degree of physical, psychological and aesthetic of the dancers. In the competitive periods, similarly to practitioners of other sports, dancers face stressful situation that can raise the anxiety level, which in turn can have a negative impact on performance. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of competitive-anxiety on dancers performances. Twenty-two dancers participated in this study, aged from 18 to 30 years old, practitioners of classical dance for at least two years. Data collection was accomplished by psychometric assessments in different times (pre - competition, competition and post - competition). Moments before competition, dancers shows an increase in anxiety, but their performance is not affected; they have increased tension/anxiety, altered anxious perception, but they remain focused on the activity that they will perform

    Adolescent runway models: how is the food intake of this group?

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a adequação da ingestão de energia, macro e micronutrientes em adolescentes modelos de passarela. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de 33 adolescentes modelos e 33 não modelos, de 15 a 18 anos, pareadas por idade e índice de massa corpórea (IMC). A ingestão alimentar foi avaliada por meio de registro alimentar de três dias, sendo calculados os valores médios de energia, em kcal, os valores proporcionais dos macronutrientes em relação ao valor calórico total da dieta consumida, bem como os valores médios/medianos dos seguintes micronutrientes: cálcio, ferro, zinco, fósforo, magnésio, folato, vitamina D, vitamina C, vitamina A e vitamina E. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que 24% das adolescentes do estudo apresentaram IMC abaixo dos valores mínimos para a idade. A média de ingestão de energia foi menor entre as modelos, em comparação às adolescentes não modelos (1.480,93±582,95 versus 1.973,00±557,63 kcal) (p<0,05). A ingestão de gorduras acima do recomendado foi semelhante entre os grupos - 30,3% das adolescentes modelos e 36,4% das adolescentes não modelos (p&gt;0,05). O consumo inadequado de micronutrientes como o cálcio, ferro, zinco, magnésio, fósforo, vitaminas lipossolúveis, folato e ácido ascórbico ocorreu em ambos os grupos. CONCLUSÕES: A baixa ingestão energética (kcal) entre as modelos e a ingestão insuficiente de minerais e vitaminas alertam para que as agências de modelos comprometam-se com a saúde dessas adolescentes, garantindo um acompanhamento médico e nutricional.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the adequacy of energy, macro and micronutrients intake in adolescent runway models. METHODS: This cross-sectional study enrolled 33 models and 33 non-models, with ages ranging from 15 to 18 years, paired by age and body mass index (BMI). Food intake was evaluated by a three-day food record. The average energy values were estimated in kcal, the proportional values of macronutrients as to the total caloric value of the consumed diet were also calculated, as well as the mean/medium values of the following micronutrients: calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, folate, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E. RESULTS: Among the studied adolescents, 24% presented BMI below the minimum values for the age. Mean energy intake was lower among the models compared to non-models (1,480.93±582.95 versus 1,973.00±557.63 kcal) (p<0.05). The fat intake, higher than the recommended, was similar in both groups (30.3% in models and 36.4% of the non-model adolescents - p&gt;0.05). The inadequate consumption of micronutrients such as calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, liposoluble vitamins, folate and ascorbic acid was observed in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: The low energy intake (kcal) among models and the insufficient intake of minerals and vitamins are red flags for model agencies to be more committed to the health of these adolescents, ensuring that they get nutritional and medical follow-up.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Monitoring levels of stress and overtraining in an elite brazilian female volleyball athlete : case study

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    Overtraining is the result of an imbalance between stress and recovery, in addition to short recovery time and psychosocial events. In this case study, a questionnaire of stress and recovery in sports was used to assess the level of overtraining of an elite female Brazilian volleyball player. The results showed that the heavy loads caused changes in the athlete's profile, resulting in an increase in the fatigue scales. The recovery periods were fundamental to restore her physical and psychological capacities. Finally, the method used detected changes in the athlete's profile after acute events, such as an unexpected defeat. We concluded that changes in the profile of the curve, showed by the instrument, reflected the different moments of the collection, thus reflecting the change in the stress overload. Therefore, the detection or monitoring of stressing factors might be valuable to improve the physical and psychological performance of a team