2,408 research outputs found

    Kinetic and thermodynamic behavior of co-pyrolysis of olive pomace and thermoplastic waste via thermogravimetric analysis

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    This work represents the first attempt to analyze kinetics, thermodynamics and reaction mechanism of olive pomace (OP) and waste plastic materials (PM) co-pyrolysis. Among PM, polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), high density polypropylene (HDPE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and poly (ethylene terephthalate) glycol (PETG) were selected. Non-isothermal TG experiments were carried out under inert conditions at four heating rates, namely 5, 10, 20 and 40 °C/min. The kinetic triplet for raw materials and their blends was determined using Starink, Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose and Ozawa-Flynn-Wall iso-conversional models. Pyrolysis mechanism reactions were explained by diverse models, depending on thermal degradation progress. Results shown that co-pyrolysis followed a complex multi-step reaction mechanism. A synergistic effect was detected during co-pyrolysis of OP/PM mixtures. The addition of 50 % (w/w) OP biomass to PM waste decreased the energy of activation (Ea) from 50 to 25 % for all blends, except for PVC/OP. Thermodynamic analysis reveals that adding OP generally reduces the energy barrier (ΔH), except for PS-OP, and improves energy efficiency (ΔG) by facilitating radical formation and molecular chain cleavage. As a conclusion, this study may open up new avenues for waste valorization and resource recovery. Thus, it may contribute to the transition towards a circular and sustainable economy, through zero waste goal

    Kinetic and thermodynamic behavior of co-pyrolysis of olive pomace and thermoplastic waste via thermogravimetric analysis

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    This work represents the first attempt to analyze kinetics, thermodynamics and reaction mechanism of olive pomace (OP) and waste plastic materials (PM) co-pyrolysis. Among PM, polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), high density polypropylene (HDPE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and poly (ethylene terephthalate) glycol (PETG) were selected. Non-isothermal TG experiments were carried out under inert conditions at four heating rates, namely 5, 10, 20 and 40 °C/min. The kinetic triplet for raw materials and their blends was determined using Starink, Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose and Ozawa-Flynn-Wall iso-conversional models. Pyrolysis mechanism reactions were explained by diverse models, depending on thermal degradation progress. Results shown that co-pyrolysis followed a complex multi-step reaction mechanism. A synergistic effect was detected during co-pyrolysis of OP/PM mixtures. The addition of 50 % (w/w) OP biomass to PM waste decreased the energy of activation (Ea) from 50 to 25 % for all blends, except for PVC/OP. Thermodynamic analysis reveals that adding OP generally reduces the energy barrier (ΔH), except for PS-OP, and improves energy efficiency (ΔG) by facilitating radical formation and molecular chain cleavage. As a conclusion, this study may open up new avenues for waste valorization and resource recovery. Thus, it may contribute to the transition towards a circular and sustainable economy, through zero waste goal

    Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery with origin in the right coronary artery from a single coronary ostium associated with multivessel coronary artery disease: case report and literature review

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    The anomalous origin of the coronary arteries is a group of rare congenital heart conditions in which there has been an increase in its diagnosis thanks to more accessible and less invasive imaging techniques such as coronary angiotomography, which allows visualization of the arteries in its entire path in a short exploration interval, with adequate spatial and temporal resolution. The clinical presentation is variable, up to 80% are asymptomatic and the remaining 20% may present arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, heart failure and sudden death. We present the case of a patient with unstable angina in whom an anomalous origin of the left coronary artery (LCA) with origin in the right coronary artery (RCA) from a single coronary ostium associated with multivessel coronary artery disease was diagnosed

    Effect of different quality irrigation water on the growth, mineral concentration and physiological parameters of Viburnum tinus plants

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    Treated wastewater may be considered an alternative source of water and fertilizer nutrients for landscape plants. However, NaCl, the principal compound in this water, can be detrimental to plants. Viburnum tinus plants were submitted for 4 months to 4 irrigation treatments with water from different sources: control (Control) (EC < 0.9 dS m-1); NaCl solution (NaCl) (EC = 4 dS m-1); irrigation water normally used in the area (IW) (EC = 1.2-1.8 dS m-1) and reclaimed water (RW) (EC = 4 dS m-1). During a recovery period of two months, all the plants were irrigated with the control water. The results showed that biomass was affected in NaCl, IW and RW treatments, both leaf area and height decreased at the end of saline period. These changes were more pronounced in the NaCl treatment, which also caused a decrease in stem diameter and root/shoot ratio. The similar growth alterations founded after the recovery period showed that salts continued to be present in the substrate. Compared with the control, NaCl and RW plants showed a greater rate of Na+ and Cl- absorption by roots. Stem water potential was mainly affected by the NaCl treatment in the last weeks of the saline period. Through the experiment, the stomatal conductance and photosynthesis values were the lowest in plants that received the highest amount of salts, especially NaCl treatment which was the only treatment that did not recover at the end of experiment. Plants of the IW treatment showed slight changes in stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate with respect to the control, although the reduction in the growth and size of these plants suggests that slight increases in EC could be very toxic for this species. Hence, using different sources of water with similar EC, (NaCl and RW) it is important to know the exact composition, since the toxic effects produced by high concentrations of Na+ and Cl- might be offset by the effect of other ions like magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. In the physicochemical analysis of water, the highest concentrations of these ions were observed in RW and as consequence, their concentrations in plants were not reduced by the Na+ and Cl- effect, phosphorus even increased, improving the plant nutritional balance.This work was supported by the projects: CICYT (AGL 2008- 05258-CO2-1-2- AGR and AGL 2011-30022-CO2-01-02), Fundación Séneca (15356/PI/10) and Vías y Construcción, S. A. (CDTI IDI-20101191).Peer Reviewe

    Classical Swine Fever Virus vs. Classical Swine Fever Virus : the Superinfection Exclusion Phenomenon in Experimentally Infected Wild Boar

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    Two groups with three wild boars each were used: Group A (animals 1 to 3) served as the control, and Group B (animals 4 to 6) was postnatally persistently infected with the Cat01 strain of CSFV (primary virus). The animals, six weeks old and clinically healthy, were inoculated with the virulent strain Margarita (secondary virus). For exclusive detection of the Margarita strain, a specific qRT-PCR assay was designed, which proved not to have cross-reactivity with the Cat01 strain. The wild boars persistently infected with CSFV were protected from superinfection by the virulent CSFV Margarita strain, as evidenced by the absence of clinical signs and the absence of Margarita RNA detection in serum, swabs and tissue samples. Additionally, in PBMCs, a well-known target for CSFV viral replication, only the primary infecting virus RNA (Cat01 strain) could be detected, even after the isolation in ST cells, demonstrating SIE at the tissue level in vivo. Furthermore, the data analysis of the Margarita qRT-PCR, by means of calculated ΔCt values, supported that PBMCs from persistently infected animals were substantially protected from superinfection after in vitro inoculation with the Margarita virus strain, while this virus was able to infect naive PBMCs efficiently. In parallel, IFN-α values were undetectable in the sera from animals in Group B after inoculation with the CSFV Margarita strain. Furthermore, these animals were unable to elicit adaptive humoral (no E2-specific or neutralising antibodies) or cellular immune responses (in terms of IFN-γ-producing cells) after inoculation with the second virus. Finally, a sequence analysis could not detect CSFV Margarita RNA in the samples tested from Group B. Our results suggested that the SIE phenomenon might be involved in the evolution and phylogeny of the virus, as well as in CSFV control by vaccination. To the best of our knowledge, this study was one of the first showing efficient suppression of superinfection in animals, especially in the absence of IFN-α, which might be associated with the lack of innate immune mechanisms

    Elaboració de material docent per a assignatures d'estadística industrial

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    La finalitat del projecte és elaborar material d'ajuda i suport a la docència per assignatures relacionades amb l'estadística industrial. Ens centrem fonamentalment en les assignatures “Mètodes estadístics de l’enginyeria 1”, d’enginyeria industrial, i “Estadística”, d’enginyera química, per la gran repercussió que tenen els canvis en aquestes assignatures (un total de 500 estudiants matriculats per any). El projecte es pot entendre com la continuació d’un altre projecte que va rebre un ajut de l’ICE i que es va desenvolupar durant el curs 2007-2008, titulat “Elaboració de material docent per a assignatures de control i millora de la qualitat” i coordinat per Lourdes Rodero de Lamo. La necessitat de creació de nou material sorgeix a partir de decidir canvis – alineats amb l’enfocament de l’EEES – en la metodologia docent. Els canvis venen motivats no només pel fet que aquestes dues assignatures entren en la fase pilot d’implantació de l’EEES a l’ETSEIB, sinó també – i sobretot – a partir de la constatació de fets que no ens agradaven als professors: poca assistència a classe, sensació de que els estudiants “no segueixen” l’assignatura, oblit ràpid del que s’ha aprés, etc.Peer Reviewe

    Funcionamiento familiar en adolescentes en riesgo de suicidio con rasgos de personalidad límite: un estudio exploratorio

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    La alta prevalencia de suicidio en población adolescente en todo el mundo supone un reto mundial en salud mental. El ambiente familiar ha sido señalado como una importante variable implicada en el riesgo de suicidio de los adolescentes, ejerciendo tanto de factor de riesgo como protector. El estudio tiene como objetivo entender qué variables del funcionamiento familiar de la Escala de Clima Social en la Familia se relacionan con la puntuación de la Escala de Ideación Suicida de Beck en una muestra 37 adolescentes entre 14 y 18 años (M = 15.76; DT = 1.07) con rasgos de personalidad límite. Se partió de la hipótesis de que peores niveles de funcionamiento familiar aumentarían el riesgo de suicidio. Los resultados mostraron que la ideación suicida era mayor cuando las puntuaciones en la escala Relaciones (calidad de la comunicación e interacción) en la familia eran menores. Al analizar cada escala, se demostró la importancia específica de la subescala Expresividad, referida al grado de expresión libre de los sentimientos en la familia de forma que, a menor expresividad en la familia, mayor ideación suicida presentaban los adolescentes, y la subescala Social-Recreativa, referida a la participación social y en actividades de ocio de la familia, de modo que a mayor participación social, menor riesgo suicida. Estos resultados son apoyados por otros estudios que demuestran la importancia de modificar el entorno familiar para influir en el riesgo suicida de los adolescentes. El valor de estos datos implica la consideración de incluir a las familias en los programas de tratamiento para adolescentes suicidas.Family functioning in suicidal adolescents with borderline personality traits. High prevalence of suicide in adolescent population all over the world is considered a world challenge in mental health. Family environment has been pointed as an important factor involved in adolescents’ suicide risk, playing a role not only as a risk factor but also as protective. This study has its goal on understanding which factors of the family functioning, measured by the Social Environment in the Family Scale, are related to the total score of the Beck Suicide Ideation Scale in a sample of 37 adolescents with ages between 14 and 17 years old (M = 15.76; SD = 1.06) borderline personality traits. It was hypothesized that worse levels of family functioning will increase suicide risk in adolescents. Results showed that the risk of suicide was higher when the Relationships Scale total score (quality of communication and interaction in the family) was lower. After analyzing each subscale separately, it was demonstrated the specific relevance of Expressivity Subscale, referred to the level of free expression of feelings in the family, suggesting that the lower expressivity in the family, the higher suicide ideation showed by the adolescents, and Social-Recreative, referred to the social participation and leisure of the family, what means the more social participation, the less suicide ideation. These results are supported by other studies that show the relevance of modifying the family environment for reducing the suicidal risk among adolescents. The value of this data involves taking into account the families in the treatment programs for suicidal adolescents

    Elaboración participante de materiales accesibles cognitivamente para el itinerario de Imagen y Sonido en el Proyecto Liceo

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    En este proyecto se ha realizado una formación sobre accesibilidad cognitiva y videojuegos a diversos alumnados. Así mismo se han revisado y realizado propuestas de materiales del itinerario de Imagen y Sonido del proyecto Liceo. La metodología ha sido participante. Los resultados principales son las propuestas de los materiales revisados, los guiones para las narrativas de las historias de vida, 5 GDD y tres publicaciones en proceso

    Potential of a smart gelatine hydrogel-based package to extend fresh black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) shelf-life preserving its aroma profile

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    Many post-harvest technologies have been applied to prolong the shelf life of black truffles; however, most of them negatively modify the genuine fresh truffle aroma. A novel edible gelatine hydrogel-based package (GHP) was tested to extend the shelf life of truffles and trap the aromatic compounds released by fresh truffles. First, the key physicochemical properties and microbiological and sensory attributes of the materials were characterised. The aromatic profile (by gas chromatography and a trained panel) and microbiological populations were monitored for 35 days in truffles stored in GHP and gelatine. Truffle preservation in GHP was compared to that in microperforated modified atmosphere packages (MAP) and that in macroperforated packages (C). The gelatine hydrogel exhibited extraordinarily high oxygen permeability and maintained a low microorganism load during storage (<4 log CFU·g?1 after 28 days). Some key volatile organic compounds were detected in the gelatine after seven days. Gelatine from GHP reduced microbial growth in truffles compared to the C and MAP conditions at day 21. Firmness loss at day 28 was an indicator of spoilage behaviour; therefore, 21 days was selected as the shelf-life extension of truffles under GHP, obtaining fresh truffles with high quality and an edible gelatine hydrogel with truffle aroma.Este trabajo fue principalmente respaldado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España (proyectos PID2022-142850OR-I00 y PID2019–108080RR-100, y la Beca predoctoral PRE2020-094379 para V. Baquero) y el Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria de España (beca INIA-DOC para J. González-Buesa). La investigación que condujo a estos resultados también recibió financiación de la Unión Europea (dentro del Horizonte 2020, el Programa Marco de Investigación e Innovación (2014–2020), proyecto No 101007623 “INTACT - Innovación en el cultivo, preservación, procesamiento y gestión de recursos de trufas silvestres”). Los autores también desean reconocer la participación del panel capacitado en el análisis sensorialGelatineBlack truffleSmartVolatile organic compoundsAromaEdible packagingPublishe