179 research outputs found

    Um algoritmo para alocação ótima de detectores de afundamentos de tensão.

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    Um algoritmo para alocação ótima de detectores de afundamentos de tensão (AT) é apresentado nesta dissertação. O algoritmo utiliza a Transformada Wavelet Discreta (TWD) paraa detecção de AT e o conceito de Matriz de Observabilidade Topológica (MOT) para avaliar o desempenho dos Sistemas de Distribuição de Energia Elétrica (SDEE) quando submetidos à tais distúrbios. Para resolver o problema de alocação ótima dos dispositivos detectores de AT, utilizou-se o método Binary Particle Swarm Optimi- tization (BPSO). Adicionalmente, apresenta-se uma metodologia de criação de uma base de dados para geração automática de AT. O algoritmo foi avaliado considerando-se dois sistemas: um sistema-testedo IEEE e um SDEE que simula um alimentador real da cidade de BoaVista-PB, os quais foram simulados no software Alternative Transient Pro- gram (ATP). Osresultados obtidos indicaram que o algoritmo é capaz de detectar AT em todo o sistema, fazendo o uso da instalação de detectores em poucas barras, oque indubitavelmente, reduzirá o custo do sistema de monitoramento.An algorithm for optimal placement of voltage sags (VS) detectors is presented in this dissertation. The algorithm uses the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) for VS detection and the Topological Observability Matrix (TOM) concept to evaluate the per- formance of the Electric Power Distribution Systems (EPDS) when subjected to such disturbances. In order to solve the problem of optimal placement of the VS detecting devices, the Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) method was used. Additionally, a methodology for the creation of a database for automatic VS generation is presented. The algorithm was evaluated considering two systems: an IEEE test system and a EPDS that simulates a real feeder in Boa Vista-PB city, which were simulated in the Alternative Transient Program (ATP) software. The results indicate that the algorithm is capable of detecting VS throughout the system, using the installation of detectors in a few buses, which will undoubtedly reduce the cost of the monitoring system.Cape

    Adivinhe quem não vem para jantar....

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    Adivinhe quem não vem para jantar... Breves anotações sobre a não-tematização das questões LGBT nas eleições presidenciais de 2010 Resumo: O texto em tela expressa uma reflexão sobre o silêncio das temáticas LGBT durante as eleições presidenciáveis de 2010. Tomamos a noção de política como dissenso para evidenciar o quanto os discursos políticos em época eleitoral buscam uma certa neutralidade de posições ideológicas na tentativa de abarcar um terreno da política consensual. A partir desta noção de política e do conceito de temas públicos, conclui-se pela falta de politização do debate eleitoral e pela insuficiência da emergência de sujeitos políticos no cenário nacional público.   Abstract: This paper aims a reflection on the silence of LGBT issues during the presidential elections of 2010 in Brasil. We take from the notion of political as a dissent to demonstrate how political discourse in election period are looking for a certain neutrality of ideological positions in an attempt to capture a terrain of political consensus. From this notion of political and the concept of public issues, it appears the lack of politicization of the electoral debate and the failure of the emergence of political subjects in the nacional public sphere

    The association between vitamin D and BDNF on cognition in older adults in Southern Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the association between vitamin D and the cognitive decline of older adults and evaluate whether this association is mediated by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) serum concentration. METHODS: Cross-sectional study nested in a population-based cohort. Of the 604 participants in the complementary examination of the EpiFloripa Study, 576 older adults (60 years or older) were eligible for the study. The outcome is cognitive decline evaluated by the Mini-Mental State Examination, the exposure is vitamin D, and BDNF is the mediator. The control variables are age, sex, per capita family income, and educational level. The direct effect of vitamin D and BDNF on cognitive decline and the indirect effect mediated by BDNF was evaluated using path analysis, with the estimation of standardized coefficients. RESULTS: Among the participants, we observed a direct and positive effect of vitamin D on cognitive function (Coef: 0.06; 95%CI 0.02 to 0.11; p < 0.001) and serum BDNF concentration (Coef: 21.55; 95%CI 9.92 to 33.17; p = 0.002), i.e., the higher the vitamin D, the higher the cognitive function and serum level of BDNF. CONCLUSION: There was an association between vitamin D on serum BDNF and on cognitive decline in older adults. Moreover, BDNF did not have an effect on cognitive decline, so BDNF was not a mediator of the vitamin D effect on cognitive decline

    Total knee arthroplasty with subvastus approach in patient with chronic post-traumatic patellar dislocation

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    AbstractChronic lateral dislocation of the patella is a rare condition and acquired causes are usually secondary to knee trauma. The neglected chronic dislocation leads to progressive genu valgum and external tibial torsion deformities with subsequent gonarthrosis, which becomes painful and debilitating. There is no consensus regarding treatment of these patients, but total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a useful therapy in cases of painful symptomatic gonarthrosis. Few reports have shown that subvastus approach and lateral release may be a valid option for TKA, since it allows the correction of valgus deformity and patellar tracking without interrupting vascular blood supply of patella. This article reports a case of TKA and extensor mechanism realignment without patellar resurfacing in a patient with genu valgum and chronic post-traumatic patellar dislocation with satisfactory results after two years of follow-up

    Social representations of syriam and lebanese in Corumbá, MS: trade, marriage and cemetery

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    Este artigo busca entender como os imigrantes sírios e libaneses construíram representações sociais expressas no cemitério Santa Cruz em Corumbá, MS, Brasil. As evidências mais claras são de que eles reproduziram trajetórias de sucesso alcançado por camadas sociais mais abastadas. Tal trajetória consistia em consolidar a atuação mercantil e, posteriormente, realizar o matrimônio com pessoas de famílias locais, que possuíssem destaque social. Partimos de um reconhecimento de que esse caminho não foi trilhado por todos os imigrantes chegados àquela cidade, ou seja, apenas uma parcela deles conseguiu obter êxito. Trataremos aqui dos exitosos que obtiveram resultados expressivos em suas permanências em Corumbá. A metodologia utilizada foi a de levantamento de fontes documentais nos acervos disponíveis naquela cidade. This article aims to understand how the Syrian and Lebanese representations through the graves which socially represent the immigration expressed in Santa Cruz cemetery in Corumbá, MS, Brazil. The clearest evidence is that they successfully reproduced trajectories achieved by wealthier social layers. Such trajectories were to consolidate the commercial operations and subsequently arrange alliances through marriage among people of local families who had social prominence. We start from recognition that this custom was not trodden by all immigrants of the city, that is, only a few of them could succeed. We intend to discuss here the successful individuals who achieved significant results while living in Corumbá. The methodology used was the survey of documentary sources in the collections which are available in the city.

    Comparison between the effects of platelet-rich plasma and bone marrow concentrate on defect consolidation in the rabbit tibia

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    OBJECTIVE: To perform a comparative analysis of the effects of platelet-rich plasma and centrifuged bone marrow aspirate on the induction of bone healing in rabbits. METHOD: Twenty adult, male New Zealand rabbits were randomly separated into two equal groups, and surgery was performed to create a bone defect (a cortical orifice 3.3 mm in diameter) in the proximal metaphysis of each rabbit's right tibia. In the first group, platelet-rich plasma was implanted in combination with β-tricalcium phosphate (platelet-rich plasma group), and in the second group, centrifuged bone marrow in combination with β-tricalcium phosphate (centrifuged bone marrow group) was implanted. After a period of four weeks, the animals were euthanized, and the tibias were evaluated using digital radiography, computed tomography, and histomorphometry. RESULTS: Seven samples from each group were evaluated. The radiographic evaluation confirmed the absence of fractures in the postoperative limb and identified whether bone consolidation had occurred. The tomographic evaluation revealed a greater amount of consolidation and the formation of a greater cortical bone thickness in the platelet-rich plasma group. The histomorphometry revealed a greater bone density in the platelet-rich plasma group compared with the centrifuged bone marrow group. CONCLUSION: After four weeks, the platelet-rich plasma promoted a greater amount of bone consolidation than the bone marrow aspirate concentrate

    Scalable error isolation for distributed systems: modeling, correctness proofs, and additional experiments

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    This technical report complements the paper entitled “Scalable error isolation for distributed systems” published at USENIX NSDI 15

    Large-scale Mitogenomics Enables Insights Into Schizophora (diptera) Radiation And Population Diversity

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)True flies are insects of the order Diptera and encompass one of the most diverse groups of animals on Earth. Within dipterans, Schizophora represents a recent radiation of insects that was used as a model to develop a pipeline for generating complete mitogenomes using various sequencing platforms and strategies. 91 mitogenomes from 32 different species were sequenced and assembled with high fidelity, using amplicon, whole genome shotgun or single molecule sequencing approaches. Based on the novel mitogenomes, we estimate the origin of Schizophora within the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary, about 68.3 Ma. Detailed analyses of the blowfly family (Calliphoridae) place its origin at 22 Ma, concomitant with the radiation of grazing mammals. The emergence of ectoparasitism within calliphorids was dated 6.95 Ma for the screwworm fly and 2.3 Ma for the Australian sheep blowfly. Varying population histories were observed for the blowfly Chrysomya megacephala and the housefly Musca domestica samples in our dataset. Whereas blowflies (n = 50) appear to have undergone selective sweeps and/or severe bottlenecks in the New World, houseflies (n = 14) display variation among populations from different zoogeographical zones and low levels of gene flow. The reported highthroughput mitogenomics approach for insects enables new insights into schizophoran diversity and population history of flies.6FAPESP [09/51723-7]Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [08/56769-2, 10/09961-5, 12/23200-2]Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP