258 research outputs found

    Die Mitteilungspflicht des Legitimationsaktionärs - zugleich Anmerkung zu OLG Köln AG 2012, 599

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    In seinem Urteil vom 6. Juni 2012 hat das Oberlandesgericht Köln entschieden, Legitimationsaktionäre unterlägen im Hinblick auf die Stimmrechte aus den ihnen anvertrauten Namensaktien einer Mitteilungspflicht nach § 21 Abs. 1 WpHG. Die folgende Besprechung kommt nach einer Auseinandersetzung mit den Argumenten des Oberlandesgerichts zu dem Ergebnis, dass eine Mitteilungspflicht von Legitimationsaktionären nur auf Grundlage von § 22 Abs. 1 Nr. 6 WpHG in Betracht kommt

    Aspetti di continuità e cambiamento nel paesaggio archeologico del Gerrei (Sardegna Sud-Orientale - Italia) dalla Preistoria all’età Medievale

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    Il contributo intende evidenziare, con una serie di spunti di riflessione sul sistema insediativo dalla preistoria fino all’età medievale, il quadro generale del paesaggio archeologico della regione storica del Gerrei, ubicata nella Sardegna Sud-Orientale-Italia (Mediterraneo occidentale), ed i suoi cambiamenti attraverso le epoche. Il territorio è caratterizzato da un’orografia accidentata e complessa, con altopiani e profonde valli. Sono presenti molteplici testimonianze monumentali a partire dal Neolitico fino al Medioevo, con differenti configurazioni insediamentali legate al variare dei sistemi geomorfici. Dalle aree pianeggianti fino alle forme più aspre e accidentate che si riflettono nella toponomastica dei Bruncus, l’uomo ha man mano nel tempo diversificato, e a volte conservato, i propri modelli insediativi. Gli Autori, utilizzando una serie di analisi statistiche e spaziali in ambiente GIS (Viewshed e Least-Cost Path analyses), hanno analizzato le preferenze ubicative nelle varie epoche e come esse siano fortemente connesse ai condizionamenti geomorfologici del paesaggio di questa regione. L’analisi diacronica del popolamento dell’area, considerato nei suoi rapporti col paesaggio, ha messo in luce diversi mutamenti delle scelte insediamentali, legate anche al succedersi delle diverse forme di economia e società.This paper aims to highlight, with a series of insights about settlement systems from prehistory to Middle Ages, the general framework of the archaeological landscape in the historical region of Gerrei, located in South-Eastern Sardinia-Italy (Western Mediterranean), and its transformations through the epochs. The territory is characterized by a rugged and complex terrain, featuring plateaus and deep valleys. The numerous monumental traces span from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, and show different settlement configurations related to changing forms of the landscape. From horizontal grounds to the most rugged and bumpy forms that are reflected in the toponymy of “Bruncus”, man has gradually diversified over time, and sometimes has preserved its own settlement characteristics. The Authors, using a series of statistical and spatial GIS analyses (Viewshed and Least-Cost Path analyses), have analyzed the locational preferences at different times and how these are strongly connected to geomorphological conditioning of the landscape of this region. The diachronic analysis of the area's population, considered in its relationship with the landscape, has highlighted several changes in settlement choices, also linked to the succession of different forms of economy and society

    Measuring the economic contribution of beer festivals on local economies: The case of York, United Kingdom

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    This paper investigates the economic contribution of beer festivals on local economies by analysing the Knavesmire Beer Festival at York, United Kingdom. Using information collected via means of a survey questionnaire and applying Type I multipliers, we estimate the total expenditure generated by visitors within and outside festivals' premises, measuring its impact on the local economy in terms of jobs created and GVA contributions. Findings reveal the impact of the festival on the York economy and the wider brewing industry, providing empirical evidence and original results about the economic contribution that beer festivals can generate at a local level

    How are professionals recruited by external agents in misconduct projects? The infiltration of organized crime in a university

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    Private firms, crime organizations or states may successfully recruit professionals in misconduct projects. How they do so remains however under investigated. Past studies mostly take professionals’ perspective, or limit the organizational initiative of external agents to perverse incentives and threats. Our study shows instead how external agents may penetrate governance bodies and professional events to recruit and control professionals, who are both aware of and reluctant toward misconduct. Our longitudinal case study used judicial and non-judicial sources to analyse how a mafia clan infiltrated Troy University, and controlled the trade of exams and admissions for decades. The clan selected Troy University because of the presence of professors predisposed toward misconduct. The clan infiltrated the predisposed professors inside governance bodies and students inside academic events to recruit the reluctant professors with peer pressures, situated threats and administrative controls. It then exploited a generalized code of silence to control professionals for years. Overall, the study highlights the combination of perverse and pervasive mechanisms to recruit professionals; the role of corrupt professionals as lynchpin between external agents and reluctant peers; and the perverse exploitation of normal professional practices of autonomy, trusteeship and multiple embeddedness

    Paisajes protohistóricos en Cerdeña (Italia): Control territorial y explotación de recursos naturales en las edades del Bronce Pleno y Tardío

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    During the Bronze Age, in many Western Mediterranean areas (Spain, France, Italian peninsula, islands), we can observe the development of a series of fortified centers and structures, often on high places, aimed to the defense of strategic locations and resources. These fortifications, which began to be built from the Copper Age, are the answer to a need for possession and control of the territory linked to a greater degree of social complexity, with an ever-increasing hierarchy and the rise to power of persons or groups who very often show the possession of weapons and, consequently, can be related to warlike activities. In Sardinia, Nuragic phenomenon developed during Protohistoy: an extraordinary culture ranging from the Middle to Late Bronze Age (XVIII-XII centuries BC), some of whose features could last from Final Bronze Age until the beginnings of Iron Age (XI-VIII centuries BC), characterized by the buil ding of great monuments, especially nuraghi, cyclopean-type constructions similar to towers. These great buildings have multiple functions, but in particular were used to surveil the whole island territory. We have mainly carried out different GIS analyzes on different sample areas with the aim to reading the visual-perceptive aspects and to try to research about the relationship between settlements and territory and the mobility systems across different territories through the applying of the least-cost path analysis. Reconstruction of certain characteristics of Sardinian Protohistoric Landscape in these areas is achieved. GIS-based analysis show how these territorial control systems, consisting of several nuraghi and settlements, were intended to control the most important natural and economic resources and transit routes.Durante la Edad del Bronce, en muchas áreas del Mediterráneo occidental (España, Francia, península italiana, islas), podemos observar el desarrollo de una serie de centros y estructuras fortificadas, a menudo en lugares altos, destinados a la defensa de ubicaciones estratégicas y recursos. Estas fortificaciones, que comenzaron a construirse a partir de la Edad del Cobre, son la respuesta a la necesidad de apropiación y control del territorio vinculada a un mayor grado de complejidad social, con una jerarquía cada vez mayor y el ascenso al poder de personas o grupos, que a menudo muestran la posesión de armas y, en consecuencia, pueden estar relacionados con actividades bélicas. En Cerdeña, el fenómeno nurágico se desarrolló durante la Prehistoria Reciente: una cultura extraordinaria que abarca desde la Edad del Bronce Media hasta la Tardía (siglos XVIII-XII a.C.), algunas de cuyas características podrían perdurar desde la Edad del Bronce Final hasta el comienzo de la Edad del Hierro (siglos XI-VIII a.C.), que se caracteriza por la construcción de grandes monumentos, especialmente nuraghi, construcciones de tipo ciclópeo similares a las torres. Estos grandes edificios tienen múltiples funciones, pero en particular se destinaron a vigilar todo el territorio de la isla. Principalmente hemos llevado a cabo diferentes análisis de SIG en distintas áreas de muestra con el objetivo de leer los aspectos relacionados con la percepción visual y tratar de investigar la relación entre los asentamientos y el territorio así como los sistemas de movilidad en diferentes territorios mediante la aplicación de herramientas destinadas a calcular las rutas óptimas. De esta forma, se logra la reconstrucción de ciertas características del paisaje protohistórico sardo en estas áreas. El análisis basado en SIG muestra que estos sistemas de control territorial, que consisten en varios nuraghi y asentamientos, tenían la intención de controlar los recursos naturales y económicos más importantes y las rutas de tránsito

    Family religiosity and climate: the protective role of personal interiorized religiosity in deviance propensity among justice-involved juveniles

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    According to the literature, religious commitment could be a protective factor against dangerous behaviors, such as criminal offending, unsafe sex, and substance use. Our study aims to investigate the influence of Family Religiosity and climate on anger dysregulation and deviance propensity in a sample of 214 justice-involved boys from Italian Youth Detention Centers (range 14–25). The sample was divided into religious (n = 102) and non-religious (n = 112) justice-involved juveniles. Participants filled in the following questionnaires: Deviant Behavior Questionnaire, Aggression Questionnaire, Family Communication Scale, Moral Disengagement Scale, and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. We used a partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS_SEM) method to build our model and we found that Family Religiosity was positively associated with Family Climate which was negatively associated with Anger Dysregulation and Deviance Propensity, and Anger Dysregulation was positively related to Deviance Propensity. The multigroup analysis confirmed that for justice-involved juveniles who interiorized religious discipline and beliefs, Family Religiosity showed a positive association with Family Climate, which had a negative relationship with Anger Dysregulation, which strongly predicted Deviance Propensity. This result could be useful to promote new development goals and preventive activities and interventions based on positive religiosity values in juveniles’ behavior

    Structural Improvements for Tall Buildings under Wind Loads: Comparative Study

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    The behavior of a very slender building is investigated under wind loads, to satisfy both strength and serviceability (comfort) design criteria. To evaluate the wind effects, wind tunnel testing and structural analysis were conducted, by two different procedures: (i) Pressure Integration Method (PIM), with finite element modeling, and (ii) High Frequency Force Balance (HFFB) technique. The results from both approaches are compared with those obtained from Eurocode 1 and the Italian design codes, emphasizing the need to further deepen the understanding of problems related to wind actions on such type of structure with high geometrical slenderness. In order to reduce wind induced effects, structural and damping solutions are proposed and discussed in a comparative study. These solutions include (1) height reduction, (2) steel belts, (3) tuned mass damper, (4) viscous dampers, and (5) orientation change. Each solution is studied in detail, along with its advantages and limitations, and the reductions in the design loads and structural displacements and acceleration are quantified. The study shows the potential of damping enhancement in the building to mitigate vibrations and reduce design loads and hence provide an optimal balance among resilience, serviceability, and sustainability requirements

    La capanna 17 del villaggio protostorico di Bruncu ‘e S’Omu – Villa Verde (OR)

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    The hut 17 is placed in the late Bronze Age settlement of “Bruncu ‘e S’Omu” - Villa Verde (OR), in central western Sardin-ia. Archaeological investigations were carried out by the University of Cagliari since 2013: we mainly dealt with the north-ern area of the village, consisting of a unitary set of circular or sub-quadrangular huts, located around a central space, in which the hut 17 holds an overlooking position. The aim of this work is to trace, throughout the result of the excavations, in particular the analysis of the ceramic context, the intended purpose of the “hut” 17 and its chronology

    Is Family Structure Associated with Deviance Propensity during Adolescence? The Role of Family Climate and Anger Dysregulation

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    Transgressive conduct and opposition towards the rules often characterize adolescence. During the development, antisocial and aggressive behavior could be a way to grow personally and to be independent. According to previous studies results, the family has a high impact on teens’ aggressive behaviors and moral disengagement. Our research involved 2328 Italian adolescents (13–19 years old) who have filled in the following questionnaires: deviant behavior questionnaire; aggression questionnaire; family communication scale; moral disengagement scale; the multidimensional scale of perceived social support. Our study investigated the role of family structure on deviance propensity through family climate and anger dysregulation joint influence. We conducted a mediation analysis to reach this goal using structural equation modeling (SEM). We have also conducted a multigroup analysis in order to evaluate gender differences in the SEM. Results showed that both family climate and anger dysregulation mediated the relationship between family structure and deviance propensity. The multigroup analysis revealed that the indirect relationship between variables through family climate is significant for both boys and girls (higher in females); variables indirect relationship through anger dysregulation was significant only for girls. These data could be useful for prevention and intervention programs on children–parent relationships and to reduce antisociality and teenager’s aggressive behavior. Keywords: family system; adolescence; deviance; aggressive behavior; anger dysregulatio