30 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Ginkgolide B in the prophylaxis of migraine with aura.

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    In a multicentric, open, preliminary trial, we evaluated the use of ginkgolide B, a herbal constituent extract from Ginkgo biloba tree leaves, in the prophylactic treatment of migraine with aura (MA). Fifty women suffering from migraine with typical aura, or migraine aura without headache, diagnosed according to International Headache Society criteria, entered a six-month study. They underwent a two month run-in period free of prophylactic drugs, followed by a four month treatment period (subdivided into two bimesters, TI and TII) with a combination of 60 mg ginkgo biloba terpenes phytosome, 11 mg coenzyme Q 10, and 8.7 mg vitamin B2 (Migrasoll), administered twice daily. A detailed diary reporting neurological symptoms, duration, and frequency of MA was compiled by patients throughout the trial. The number of MA significantly decreased during treatment (from 3.7 +/- 2.2 in the run-in period, to 2.0 +/- 1.9 during TI and to 1.2 +/- 1.6 during TII; Anova for repeated measures: P < 0.0001). There was also a statistically significant decrease in the average MA duration, which was 40.4 +/- 19.4 min during run-in, 28.2 +/- 19.9 during TI, and 17.6 +/- 20.6 during TII. Total disappearance of MA was observed in 11.1% patients during TI and in 42.2% of patients during T2. No serious adverse event was provoked by Migrasoll administration. Ginkgolide B is effective in reducing MA frequency and duration. The effect is clearly evident in the first bimester of treatment and is further enhanced during the second

    Poprawa jakości życia i aktywności chorych na migrenę po leczeniu profilaktycznym. Wieloośrodkowe, długotrwałe badanie prospektywne

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    Głównym celem w leczeniu migreny jest poprawa jakości życia warunkowanej stanem zdrowia (HRQOL, health-related quality of life) i zmniejszenie ograniczeń aktywności. Brakuje jednak danych dotyczących wpływu leczenia profilaktycznego na wymienione parametry. U 141 kolejno zgłaszających się pacjentów z migreną bez aury, u których stosowano leczenie profilaktyczne, autorzy monitorowali zmiany HRQOL przy użyciu kwestionariusza Short Form 36 (SF-36) i ograniczenie aktywności związane z bólami głowy za pomocą kwestionariusza Migraine Disability Assessment Score (MIDAS). Trwające 3 miesiące badanie ukończyło łącznie 102 pacjentów. Średnia (SD, standard deviation) liczba dni z bólami głowy w ciągu miesiąca zmniejszyła się z 8,0 (3,7) do 5,0 (2,3) (p < 0,001). Średnie miesięczne stosowanie leków doraźnych zmalało z 7,4 (3,5) do 4,4 (3,1) (p < 0,001). Całkowity wynik w skali MIDAS zmniejszył się znacząco (poprawa). Wszystkie wyniki uzyskane z użyciem skal SF-36 wzrosły (poprawa), przy czym większość z nich w sposób znaczący. Jest to pierwsze badanie, w którym prospektywnie oceniono wpływ leczenia profilaktycznego na HRQOL i aktywność codzienną w dużej serii grupie chorych. Wskazuje ono, że leczenie profilaktyczne może zmniejszyć indywidualne i społeczne obciążenia związane z migreną

    Dynamic infrared imaging for breast cancer diagnosis: a feature based registration approach

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    An essential, preprocessing step in dynamic infrared imaging applied to breast cancer diagnosis is a proper registration of the thermographic image sequence. The failure to do so may produce artifacts in the FFT power spectra of the temperature sequences due to breast movement which may constitute an important confounding factor potentially invalidating the data analysis. In this work we wish to draw attention to this issue, and show the influence of movement on a case sample of subjects, as well as the correction which may be introduced by realigning the image sequences with four different types of feature-based image registration. The registration process was preventively analyzed in the visible field and then applied to the dynamic thermography images. Results confirm the importance of the registration and encourage further work in the are

    Centro Regionale di Castanicoltura: dieci anni di attività in Piemonte

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    To improve the R&D strategies in chestnut cultivation and to further develop the chestnut industry, the University of Torino, Dept. of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, with the financial support of the Piemonte Region, established in 2005 the Chestnut Regional Centre, located in Chiusa Pesio (Cuneo Province, North Western Italy). The Piemonte Region supported the institution of the Centre with human resources and structures (nurseries, land to realize the arboretum). The main activity of the Centre is the research, on several fields, including chestnut germplasm, advanced propagation techniques, optimization of cultural prac-tices, pest and diseases management, extension service activities. In the Centre, a germplasm collection of chestnut genetic variability has been established on a 3 ha surface. Main local and national cultivars are included, with several European varieties from Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland and other accessions from U.S.A., China, and Japan. The collection is in progress and will be completed in the next years. A newsletter published in English and Italian informs researchers, technicians and growers periodically. The Centre aims to become a national conservatory of the chestnut biodiversity and a reference center for research activities on Castanea specie

    Discrete multi-physics: A mesh-free model of blood flow in flexible biological valve including solid aggregate formation

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    <div><p>We propose a mesh-free and discrete (particle-based) multi-physics approach for modelling the hydrodynamics in flexible biological valves. In the first part of this study, the method is successfully validated against both traditional modelling techniques and experimental data. In the second part, it is further developed to account for the formation of solid aggregates in the flow and at the membrane surface. Simulations of various types of aggregates highlight the main benefits of discrete multi-physics and indicate the potential of this approach for coupling the hydrodynamics with phenomena such as clotting and calcification in biological valves.</p></div