112 research outputs found
GPU-powered Simulation Methodologies for Biological Systems
The study of biological systems witnessed a pervasive cross-fertilization
between experimental investigation and computational methods. This gave rise to
the development of new methodologies, able to tackle the complexity of
biological systems in a quantitative manner. Computer algorithms allow to
faithfully reproduce the dynamics of the corresponding biological system, and,
at the price of a large number of simulations, it is possible to extensively
investigate the system functioning across a wide spectrum of natural
conditions. To enable multiple analysis in parallel, using cheap, diffused and
highly efficient multi-core devices we developed GPU-powered simulation
algorithms for stochastic, deterministic and hybrid modeling approaches, so
that also users with no knowledge of GPUs hardware and programming can easily
access the computing power of graphics engines.Comment: In Proceedings Wivace 2013, arXiv:1309.712
Mayor\u27s Address: and the Annual Reports of the Several Departments of the City Government of Bangor, at the Close of the Municipal Year, March, 1857
Despite the intense research focused on the investigation of the functioning settings of Particle Swarm Optimization, the particles initialization functions - determining the initial positions in the search space - are generally ignored, especially in the case of real-world applications. As a matter of fact, almost all works exploit uniform distributions to randomly generate the particles coordinates. In this article, we analyze the impact on the optimization performances of alternative initialization functions based on logarithmic, normal, and lognormal distributions. Our results show how different initialization strategies can affect - and in some cases largely improve - the convergence speed, both in the case of benchmark functions and in the optimization of the kinetic constants of biochemical systems
FiCoS: A fine-grained and coarse-grained GPU-powered deterministic simulator for biochemical networks.
Mathematical models of biochemical networks can largely facilitate the comprehension of the mechanisms at the basis of cellular processes, as well as the formulation of hypotheses that can be tested by means of targeted laboratory experiments. However, two issues might hamper the achievement of fruitful outcomes. On the one hand, detailed mechanistic models can involve hundreds or thousands of molecular species and their intermediate complexes, as well as hundreds or thousands of chemical reactions, a situation generally occurring in rule-based modeling. On the other hand, the computational analysis of a model typically requires the execution of a large number of simulations for its calibration, or to test the effect of perturbations. As a consequence, the computational capabilities of modern Central Processing Units can be easily overtaken, possibly making the modeling of biochemical networks a worthless or ineffective effort. To the aim of overcoming the limitations of the current state-of-the-art simulation approaches, we present in this paper FiCoS, a novel "black-box" deterministic simulator that effectively realizes both a fine-grained and a coarse-grained parallelization on Graphics Processing Units. In particular, FiCoS exploits two different integration methods, namely, the Dormand-Prince and the Radau IIA, to efficiently solve both non-stiff and stiff systems of coupled Ordinary Differential Equations. We tested the performance of FiCoS against different deterministic simulators, by considering models of increasing size and by running analyses with increasing computational demands. FiCoS was able to dramatically speedup the computations up to 855×, showing to be a promising solution for the simulation and analysis of large-scale models of complex biological processes
A novel framework for MR image segmentation and quantification by using MedGA.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Image segmentation represents one of the most challenging issues in medical image analysis to distinguish among different adjacent tissues in a body part. In this context, appropriate image pre-processing tools can improve the result accuracy achieved by computer-assisted segmentation methods. Taking into consideration images with a bimodal intensity distribution, image binarization can be used to classify the input pictorial data into two classes, given a threshold intensity value. Unfortunately, adaptive thresholding techniques for two-class segmentation work properly only for images characterized by bimodal histograms. We aim at overcoming these limitations and automatically determining a suitable optimal threshold for bimodal Magnetic Resonance (MR) images, by designing an intelligent image analysis framework tailored to effectively assist the physicians during their decision-making tasks. METHODS: In this work, we present a novel evolutionary framework for image enhancement, automatic global thresholding, and segmentation, which is here applied to different clinical scenarios involving bimodal MR image analysis: (i) uterine fibroid segmentation in MR guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery, and (ii) brain metastatic cancer segmentation in neuro-radiosurgery therapy. Our framework exploits MedGA as a pre-processing stage. MedGA is an image enhancement method based on Genetic Algorithms that improves the threshold selection, obtained by the efficient Iterative Optimal Threshold Selection algorithm, between the underlying sub-distributions in a nearly bimodal histogram. RESULTS: The results achieved by the proposed evolutionary framework were quantitatively evaluated, showing that the use of MedGA as a pre-processing stage outperforms the conventional image enhancement methods (i.e., histogram equalization, bi-histogram equalization, Gamma transformation, and sigmoid transformation), in terms of both MR image enhancement and segmentation evaluation metrics. CONCLUSIONS: Thanks to this framework, MR image segmentation accuracy is considerably increased, allowing for measurement repeatability in clinical workflows. The proposed computational solution could be well-suited for other clinical contexts requiring MR image analysis and segmentation, aiming at providing useful insights for differential diagnosis and prognosis
Unsupervised neural networks as a support tool for pathology diagnosis in MALDI-MSI experiments:A case study on thyroid biopsies
Artificial intelligence is getting a foothold in medicine for disease screening and diagnosis. While typical machine learning methods require large labeled datasets for training and validation, their application is limited in clinical fields since ground truth information can hardly be obtained on a sizeable cohort of patients. Unsupervised neural networks - such as Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) - represent an alternative approach to identifying hidden patterns in biomedical data. Here we investigate the feasibility of SOMs for the identification of malignant and non-malignant regions in liquid biopsies of thyroid nodules, on a patient-specific basis. MALDI-ToF (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization -Time of Flight) mass spectrometry-imaging (MSI) was used to measure the spectral profile of bioptic samples. SOMs were then applied for the analysis of MALDI-MSI data of individual patients' samples, also testing various pre-processing and agglomerative clustering methods to investigate their impact on SOMs' discrimination efficacy. The final clustering was compared against the sample's probability to be malignant, hyperplastic or related to Hashimoto thyroiditis as quantified by multinomial regression with LASSO. Our results show that SOMs are effective in separating the areas of a sample containing benign cells from those containing malignant cells. Moreover, they allow to overlap the different areas of cytological glass slides with the corresponding proteomic profile image, and inspect the specific weight of every cellular component in bioptic samples. We envision that this approach could represent an effective means to assist pathologists in diagnostic tasks, avoiding the need to manually annotate cytological images and the effort in creating labeled datasets
ACDC: Automated Cell Detection and Counting for Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy.
Advances in microscopy imaging technologies have enabled the visualization of live-cell dynamic processes using time-lapse microscopy imaging. However, modern methods exhibit several limitations related to the training phases and to time constraints, hindering their application in the laboratory practice. In this work, we present a novel method, named Automated Cell Detection and Counting (ACDC), designed for activity detection of fluorescent labeled cell nuclei in time-lapse microscopy. ACDC overcomes the limitations of the literature methods, by first applying bilateral filtering on the original image to smooth the input cell images while preserving edge sharpness, and then by exploiting the watershed transform and morphological filtering. Moreover, ACDC represents a feasible solution for the laboratory practice, as it can leverage multi-core architectures in computer clusters to efficiently handle large-scale imaging datasets. Indeed, our Parent-Workers implementation of ACDC allows to obtain up to a 3.7× speed-up compared to the sequential counterpart. ACDC was tested on two distinct cell imaging datasets to assess its accuracy and effectiveness on images with different characteristics. We achieved an accurate cell-count and nuclei segmentation without relying on large-scale annotated datasets, a result confirmed by the average Dice Similarity Coefficients of 76.84 and 88.64 and the Pearson coefficients of 0.99 and 0.96, calculated against the manual cell counting, on the two tested datasets
GenHap: a novel computational method based on genetic algorithms for haplotype assembly.
BACKGROUND: In order to fully characterize the genome of an individual, the reconstruction of the two distinct copies of each chromosome, called haplotypes, is essential. The computational problem of inferring the full haplotype of a cell starting from read sequencing data is known as haplotype assembly, and consists in assigning all heterozygous Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) to exactly one of the two chromosomes. Indeed, the knowledge of complete haplotypes is generally more informative than analyzing single SNPs and plays a fundamental role in many medical applications. RESULTS: To reconstruct the two haplotypes, we addressed the weighted Minimum Error Correction (wMEC) problem, which is a successful approach for haplotype assembly. This NP-hard problem consists in computing the two haplotypes that partition the sequencing reads into two disjoint sub-sets, with the least number of corrections to the SNP values. To this aim, we propose here GenHap, a novel computational method for haplotype assembly based on Genetic Algorithms, yielding optimal solutions by means of a global search process. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we run GenHap on two synthetic (yet realistic) datasets, based on the Roche/454 and PacBio RS II sequencing technologies. We compared the performance of GenHap against HapCol, an efficient state-of-the-art algorithm for haplotype phasing. Our results show that GenHap always obtains high accuracy solutions (in terms of haplotype error rate), and is up to 4× faster than HapCol in the case of Roche/454 instances and up to 20× faster when compared on the PacBio RS II dataset. Finally, we assessed the performance of GenHap on two different real datasets. CONCLUSIONS: Future-generation sequencing technologies, producing longer reads with higher coverage, can highly benefit from GenHap, thanks to its capability of efficiently solving large instances of the haplotype assembly problem. Moreover, the optimization approach proposed in GenHap can be extended to the study of allele-specific genomic features, such as expression, methylation and chromatin conformation, by exploiting multi-objective optimization techniques. The source code and the full documentation are available at the following GitHub repository: https://github.com/andrea-tango/GenHap
An accurate and time-efficient deep learning-based system for automated segmentation and reporting of cardiac magnetic resonance-detected ischemic scar
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Myocardial infarction scar (MIS) assessment by cardiac magnetic resonance provides prognostic information and guides patients' clinical management. However, MIS segmentation is time-consuming and not performed routinely. This study presents a deep-learning-based computational workflow for the segmentation of left ventricular (LV) MIS, for the first time performed on state-of-the-art dark-blood late gadolinium enhancement (DB-LGE) images, and the computation of MIS transmurality and extent. METHODS: DB-LGE short-axis images of consecutive patients with myocardial infarction were acquired at 1.5T in two centres between Jan 1, 2019, and June 1, 2021. Two convolutional neural network (CNN) models based on the U-Net architecture were trained to sequentially segment the LV and MIS, by processing an incoming series of DB-LGE images. A 5-fold cross-validation was performed to assess the performance of the models. Model outputs were compared respectively with manual (LV endo- and epicardial border) and semi-automated (MIS, 4-Standard Deviation technique) ground truth to assess the accuracy of the segmentation. An automated post-processing and reporting tool was developed, computing MIS extent (expressed as relative infarcted mass) and transmurality. RESULTS: The dataset included 1355 DB-LGE short-axis images from 144 patients (MIS in 942 images). High performance (> 0.85) as measured by the Intersection over Union metric was obtained for both the LV and MIS segmentations on the training sets. The performance for both LV and MIS segmentations was 0.83 on the test sets. Compared to the 4-Standard Deviation segmentation technique, our system was five times quicker (<1 min versus 7 ± 3 min), and required minimal user interaction. CONCLUSIONS: Our solution successfully addresses different issues related to automatic MIS segmentation, including accuracy, time-effectiveness, and the automatic generation of a clinical report
An accurate and time-efficient deep learning-based system for automated segmentation and reporting of cardiac magnetic resonance-detected ischemic scar
Background and objectives: Myocardial infarction scar (MIS) assessment by cardiac magnetic resonance provides prognostic information and guides patients' clinical management. However, MIS segmentation is time-consuming and not performed routinely. This study presents a deep-learning-based computational workflow for the segmentation of left ventricular (LV) MIS, for the first time performed on state-of-the-art dark-blood late gadolinium enhancement (DB-LGE) images, and the computation of MIS transmurality and extent.Methods: DB-LGE short-axis images of consecutive patients with myocardial infarction were acquired at 1.5T in two centres between Jan 1, 2019, and June 1, 2021. Two convolutional neural network (CNN) mod-els based on the U-Net architecture were trained to sequentially segment the LV and MIS, by processing an incoming series of DB-LGE images. A 5-fold cross-validation was performed to assess the performance of the models. Model outputs were compared respectively with manual (LV endo-and epicardial border) and semi-automated (MIS, 4-Standard Deviation technique) ground truth to assess the accuracy of the segmentation. An automated post-processing and reporting tool was developed, computing MIS extent (expressed as relative infarcted mass) and transmurality.Results: The dataset included 1355 DB-LGE short-axis images from 144 patients (MIS in 942 images). High performance (> 0.85) as measured by the Intersection over Union metric was obtained for both the LV and MIS segmentations on the training sets. The performance for both LV and MIS segmentations was 0.83 on the test sets.Compared to the 4-Standard Deviation segmentation technique, our system was five times quicker ( <1 min versus 7 +/- 3 min), and required minimal user interaction. Conclusions: Our solution successfully addresses different issues related to automatic MIS segmentation, including accuracy, time-effectiveness, and the automatic generation of a clinical report.(c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
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