545 research outputs found

    Studio della fluidodinamica del sistema di ricambio della carica di un motore ad alte prestazioni per la formula SAE

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    Ottimizzare le prestazioni di un motore a combustione interna è una delle principali attività di studio e interesse da parte delle aziende automotive soprattutto perchè presenta diverse sfaccettature a seconda dell'obiettivo che ci si prepone: aumentare la potenza in un determinato range di funzionamento, rendere il motore più elastico, diminuire i consumi o le emissioni inquinanti. Ognuno di questi aspetti richiede un ampio lavoro di studio preliminare, di progettazione e di prove, sia numeriche che sperimentali. Il presente studio riguarda l'ottimizzazione di un motore di provenienza motociclistica adattato per essere montato su una monoposto per la Formula SAE tramite la progettazione completa del sistema di aspirazione e scarico. Vista la doppia natura di questo lavoro, sia teorica che applicativa, è stato fatto un modello numerico dell'intero sistema, sia con un codice monodimensionale, il Ricardo Wave, con il quale è stato studiato il comportamento globale, sia con codice di calcolo CFD tridimensionale, in particolare con il software Solidworks per la costruzione della geometria, Gambit per la creazione della Mesh e Fluentper l'analisi della fluidodinamica, utilizzato per analizzare il comportamento del flusso nei punti critici quali la flangia, in cui si può instaurare un regime di flusso critico, detto strozzato, o il plenum, la cui dimensione e geometria hanno influenza sul comportamento del motore. E' importante notare come questo studio faccia parte di un più ampio progetto di un veicolo da competizione completo, il che ha di fatto imposto dei limiti di geometria, peso e ingombro totale, definendo quindi quei confini dati dalla fattibilità e dai problemi di layout che un lavoro puramente teorico può, in linea di principio, non considerare

    Complete (q+1)(q+1)-arcs in PG(2,Fq6)\mathrm{PG}(2,\mathbb{F}_{q^6}) from the Hermitian curve

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    We prove that, if qq is large enough, the set of the Fq6\mathbb{F}_{q^6}-rational points of the Hermitian curve is a complete (q+1)(q+1)-arc in PG(2,Fq6)\mathrm{PG}(2,\mathbb{F}_{q^6}), addressing an open case from a recent paper by Korchm\'aros, Sz\H{o}nyi and Nagy. An algebraic approach based on the investigation of some algebraic varieties attached to the arc is used

    On construction and (non)existence of c-(almost) perfect nonlinear functions

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    Functions with low differential uniformity have relevant applications in cryptography. Recently, functions with low c-differential uniformity attracted lots of attention. In particular, so-called APcN and PcN functions (generalization of APN and PN functions) have been investigated. Here, we provide a characterization of such functions via quadratic polynomials as well as non-existence results.publishedVersio

    On construction and (non)existence of cc-(almost) perfect nonlinear functions

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    Functions with low differential uniformity have relevant applications in cryptography. Recently, functions with low cc-differential uniformity attracted lots of attention. In particular, so-called APcN and PcN functions (generalization of APN and PN functions) have been investigated. Here, we provide a characterization of such functions via quadratic polynomials as well as non-existence results

    Worms and submersed macrophytes reduce methane release and increase nutrient removal in organic sediments

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    AbstractOrganic sediments are greenhouse gas and nutrient hotspots. They may display lower methane (CH4) emissions and increase nutrient retention when macrophytes and macrofauna are present, due to oxygen leakage from roots and bioirrigation. We tested this hypothesis via incubations of microcosms reproducing four treatments: bare sediment, sediment with oligochaetes, sediment with macrophytes, and sediment with both organisms. Along a 12‐d experiment, CH4 ebullition in bare sediment (470 ± 13 mmol m−2) decreased by 67%, 88%, and 97% in the presence of plants, oligochaetes, and both organisms, respectively. Oligochaetes increased N2 production by ~ 200 mmol N m−2 and nitrate consumption by a factor of 4, whereas macrophytes reduced nitrogen losses by ~ 65 mmol N m−2. All treatments acted as phosphate sink. Results suggest that the maintenance of vegetation and associated macrofauna in organic sediments promotes their combined ecosystem services, resulting in significant reduction of greenhouse gas emission and nutrient release to the water column

    Minimal codewords in Norm-Trace codes

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    In this paper, we consider the affine variety codes obtained evaluating the polynomials by=akxk++a1x+a0by=a_kx^k+\dots+a_1x+a_0, b,aiFqrb,a_i\in\mathbb{F}_{q^r}, at the affine \F_{q^r}-rational points of the Norm-Trace curve. In particular, we investigate the weight distribution and the set of minimal codewords. Our approach, which uses tools of algebraic geometry, is based on the study of the absolutely irreducibility of certain algebraic varieties

    Minimal codewords in Norm-Trace codes

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    In this paper, we consider the affine variety codes obtained evaluating the polynomials by=akxk++a1x+a0by=a_kx^k+\dots+a_1x+a_0, b,aiFqrb,a_i\in\mathbb{F}_{q^r}, at the affine \F_{q^r}-rational points of the Norm-Trace curve. In particular, we investigate the weight distribution and the set of minimal codewords. Our approach, which uses tools of algebraic geometry, is based on the study of the absolutely irreducibility of certain algebraic varieties