14 research outputs found

    Linking floral biodiversity with nitrogen and carbon translocations in semi-natural grasslands in Lithuania

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    © 2015 The Authors. Published by Walter de Gruyter/Sciendo. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1515/eko-2015-0014The aim of the present study is to evaluate the long-term effects of long-term piggery effluent application on semi-natural grassland ecotop-phytotop changes (above- and below-ground phytomass production, and carbon and nitrogen allocation in grassland communities) in relation to changes (or variability) in topsoil properties. Analysis of phytomass distribution in piggery effluent irrigated grassland communities showed that dry biomass yield varied from 1.7-5.3 t ha-1. Variability in soil and plant cover created a unique and highly unpredictable site specific system, where long-term anthropogenic influences established successor communities with specific characteristics of above- and below-ground biomass distribution. These characteristics depend more on grassland communities than on soil chemical properties. Families of grasses (Poaceae) dominated the surveyed communities and accumulated most carbon and least nitrogen, while legumes accumulated most nitrogen and lignin and least carbon. Carbon concentrations in above-ground biomass had minor variations, while accumulation of nitrogen was strongly influenced by species diversity (r = 0.94, n = 10, p <0.001) and production of above-ground biomass.Published versio


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    Soil as an ecosystem is actively involved in the climate formation process. Therefore, it is important to assess soil quality indicators such as total carbon and CO2 emissions. Soil respiration shows carbon emission from soil into the atmosphere. This is a great indicator illustrating the biological activity of soil. The most effective CO2 emission can be noticed in the afternoon and may reach 0,201 g CO2 m-2h-1. Soil organic matter is considered to be its indicator of quality, which is one of the most important components of biosphere consistency and stability. Following the conducted study, a significant trend towards the content of total carbon in the layer of the surface (0–10 cm) soil was observed. Santrauka Dirvožemis, kaip ekosistema, aktyviai dalyvauja klimato formavimosi procesuose, todėl svarbu vertinti tokius dirvožemio kokybės rodiklius kaip bendroji anglis ir CO2 emisija. Dirvožemio kvėpavimas rodo anglies emisiją iš dirvožemio į atmosferą. Tai rodiklis, gerai iliustruojantis dirvožemio biologinį aktyvumą. Aktyviausia CO2 emisija – iki 0,201 g CO2 m–2h–1 esti popiečio valandomis. Dirvožemio organinių medžiagų kiekis laikomas dirvožemio kokybės rodikliu, vienu svarbiausių biosferos pastovumo ir stabilumo veiksnių. Atliekant tyrimą pastebėta ryški bendrosios anglies kiekių dominavimo paviršiniame (0–10 cm) dirvožemio sluoksnyje tendencija. Reikšminiai žodžiai: bendroji organinė anglis, dirvožemio tyrimai, sunkieji metalai, poveikis dirvožemiui, CO2 emisija

    Interdisciplinary analysis of soil acidification hazard and its legacy effects in Lithuania

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    An analysis of factors influencing effective soil acidification management is reported. This analysis was conducted simultaneously at both national and local levels. These investigations were accomplished in three stages: (i) validation of acid soil spatial patterns using systems analysis and geoinformation methods; (ii) spatial statistical analysis of soil pH diversity using a statistical grid method; and (iii) development of the concept of soil acidity management. Results indicate the national spatial distribution of topsoil reaction is a natural and stable phenomenon related to Quaternary sub-surface deposits. However, secondary effects of topsoil liming are evident in both spatial and temporal soil reaction patterns


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    The article discusses the influence and main causes of nutrient compounds in surface waters. The article is aimed at investigating changes in nutrients – nitrogen and its compounds in the river Šventoji. The samples of analysis were collected in the town of Anykščiai in order to assess the influence of the stream of the Anykšta and waste water treatment. The largest concentrations of nutrients were identified from waste water treatment; however, it had not exceeded the MAC, except for February 2012. The conducted analysis has shown that the river Šventoji belongs to the class of a high ecological status, because physic – chemical quality elements such as nitrate – nitrogen (0,60 mg/l) and ammonium – nitrogen (0,03 mg/l) have not exceeded the range <1,30 mg/l and 0,10 mg/l. Santrauka Straipsnyje nagrinėjama biogeninių medžiagų įtaka paviršiniams vandens telkiniams ir pagrindinės šių medžiagų atsiradimo priežastys. Tyrimo tikslas – azoto turinčių biogeninių medžiagų – nitritų, nitratų, amonio koncentracijų Šventosios vandenyje analizė. Mėginiai buvo imti Anykščiuose ir už miesto ribų, įvertinta Anykštos upelio, komunalinių nuotekų valyklos įtaka Šventosios vandens užterštumui. Didžiausi biogeninių medžiagų kiekiai Šventojoje nustatyti už nuotekų valyklos, tačiau jie neviršijo DLK, išskyrus sausį. Pagal fizikinius-cheminius kokybės elementus – nitratų azotą (0,60 mg/l) ir amonio azotą (0,03 mg/l) Šventoji atitinka labai geros ir geros ekologinės būklės klasę, nes jos vandens kokybės reikšmės patenka atitinkamai į <0,10 mg/l ir 1,30–2,30 mg/l reikšmių intervalą. Reikšminiai žodžiai: biogeninės medžiagos, eutrofikacija, nitratų azotas, nitritų azotas, amoniakinis azotas

    A multi-model comparison of soil carbon assessment of a coniferous forest stand

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    We simulated soil carbon stock dynamics of an Austrian coniferous forest stand with five soil-only models (Q, ROMUL, RothC, SoilCO2/RothC and Yasso07) and three plant soil models (CENTURY, Coup-Model and Forest-DNDC) for an 18-year period and the decomposition of a litter pulse over a 100-year period. The objectives of the study were to assess the consistency in soil carbon estimates applying a multi-model comparison and to present and discuss the sources of uncertainties that create the differences in model results. Additionally, we discuss the applicability of different modelling approaches from the view point of large-scale carbon assessments.Our simulation results showed a wide range in soil carbon stocks and stock change estimates reflecting substantial uncertainties in model estimates. The measured stock change estimate decreased much more than the model predictions. Model results varied not only due to the model structure and applied parameters, but also due to different input information and assumptions applied during the modelling processes. Initialization procedures applied with the models induced large differences among the modelled soil carbon stocks and stock change estimates. Decomposition estimates of the litter pulse driven by model structures and parameters also varied considerably.Our results support the use of relatively simple soil-only models with low data requirements in inventory type of large-scale carbon assessments. It is important that the modelling processes within the national inventories are transparently reported and special emphasis is put on how the models are used, which assumptions are applied and what is the quality of data used both as input and to calibrate the models. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved