327 research outputs found

    Two decades of Lithuanian HLT

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    Proceedings of the NODALIDA 2009 workshop Nordic Perspectives on the CLARIN Infrastructure of Language Resources. Editors: Rickard Domeij, Kimmo Koskenniemi, Steven Krauwer, Bente Maegaard, Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson and Koenraad de Smedt. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 5 (2009), 16-20. © 2009 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/9207

    Palyginamieji tekstynai – šaltinis tarptautinių žodžių vartosenai tirti

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    Globalisation and modern information technologies cause the spread of cognates in languages of the world. Displaying a similar form and content but exhibiting different patterns of usage, cognates seem to become a pitfall for foreign language users and translators. A possible solution to the problem is the analysis of cognate usage based on comparable corpora which offer a reliable source of data for this kind of analysis. The paper deals with one lexeme in English, apathy, and its equivalent in Lithuanian apatija and their concordances compiled from the Bank of English and the Corpus of Contemporary Lithuanian. The data are analysed and classified into types of word combinations such as subjective, predicative, objective, attributive, and adverbial. Enumerative noun chains and afterwords are compared between the two languages as well. Similarities and differences in the apathyapatija usage patterns are disclosed and some generalisations drawn. The article suggests that the English noun apathy is more common and universal in nature and it is used in a greater variety of different contexts and situations than is the case with its Lithuanian counterpart apatija. Thererore, it is useful for foreign language learners, users and translators to resort to corpora due to the fact that monolingual and bilingual dictionaries cannot be treated as reliable sources of the correct usage of collocations


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    The aim of the present study was to determine the concentration of microscopic fungi and selected mycotoxins in fresh bee pollen, stored for different periods. In the study, 12 pollen samples collected from the same apiary families were investigated. The total count of microorganisms in the pollen during the study period varied from 2.9×103 to 4.4×103 cfu g-1. The moisture content of fresh pollen varied between 14.2 and 22.7%. During studies, the most prevalent fungal genera of Fusarium, Penicillium, Alternaria, Mucor and yeast were found in fresh bee pollen. The amounts of microscopic fungi increased from 2.9×103 to 4.4×103 cfu g-1 as the pollen storage time increased. The significantly higest amounts of fungal colonies was determined after 3 days storage of undried pollen. The most significant Fusarium spp. increase (14.9%) was determined after 2 days of storage. The highest levels of mycotoxins ZEN and DON were determined after 3 days of pollen storage. Fresh bee pollen chould be dried as quickly as possible, to reduce the levels of microbial contamination

    Changes of weed ecological groups under different organic mulches

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    The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the influence of different organic mulches and different thickness of mulch layer on weed ecological groups. The field experiment was carried out in the Pomological Garden of the Aleksandras Stulginskis University (54º53'N, 23º50'E). The soil type was Calc(ar)i-Endohypogleyic Luvisol (LVg-n-w-cc). Treatments of the experiment: factor A – mulching: 1) without mulch, 2) straw, 3) peat, 4) sawdust, 5) grass; factor B – thickness of the mulch layer: 1) 5 cm, 2) 10 cm.All investigated organic mulches decreased weed density by 2.7–10.3 times compared with non-mulched soil. The mulch layer of 10 cm thickness decreased the weed density better by 1.3–2.9 times compared with the 5-cm mulch layer. The highest amount of weeds belonged to species indifferent to soil pH, rich in nitrogen, moderately moist and moist soil. Organic mulches, not infected with weed seeds, decreased density of the mentioned weed ecological groups compared with no-mulching. On that score mulching with 10 cm thickness mulch layer was more effective than that with 5 cm thickness mulch layer. Qualitative distribution of weeds into ecological groups influenced by mulch and thickness of mulch layer was even, but the quantitative distribution was uneven.Key words: Ecological group, organic mulch, thickness of mulch layer, weedÄnderungen innerhalb ökologischer Gruppen von Unkräutern unter verschiedenem organischen MulchZusammenfassungZiel der Untersuchungen war die Bewertung des Einflusses von unterschiedlichem organischen Mulch bei unterschiedlicher Dicke der Auflagen auf die Verunkrautung. Die Untersuchungen wurden in den Jahren 2004 bis 2009 im Pomologischen Garten von der Aleksandras Stulginskis Universität (54º53'N, 23º50'E) durchgeführt. Die Bodenart war Calc(ar)i-Endohypogleyic Luvisol (LVg-n-w-cc). Die Versuchsvarianten waren: Faktor A – organischer Mulch: 1) ohne Mulch, 2) Winterweizenstroh, 3) Torf, 4) Sägemehl, 5) Gras; Faktor B – Mulchschichtdicke: 1) 5 cm, 2) 10 cm.Alle angewandten Mulchverfahren reduzierten die Unkrautdichte um das 2,7- bis 10,3-Fache im Vergleich mit nicht mit Mulch bedeckten Flächen. Mulchauflagen von 10 cm reduzierten die Unkrautdichte um den Faktor 1,3-2,9 im Vergleich mit Auflagen von 5 cm Mulch. Die höchste Unkrautdichte fand sich bei Boden-pH-, Stickstoff- und Feuchte-toleranten Unkrautarten. Organischer Mulch, nachweislich frei von Unkrautsamen, reduzierte in allen Fällen die Dichte der in Frage stehenden ökologischen Unkrautgruppen im Vergleich mit Flächen ohne Mulchauflage. In dieser Hinsicht waren 10 cm Mulchauflage in allen Fällen besser als nur 5 cm Mulchauflage. Die qualitative Verteilung innerhalb der ökologischen Gruppen der Unkräuter war unabhängig von Mulchart oder Dicke der Auflage immer ausgeglichen. Nicht ausgeglichen hingegen war die quantitative Verteilung.Stichwörter: Mulchschichtdicke, ökologische Gruppen, organischer Mulch, Unkrau

    Control of Heracleum sosnowskyi in Lithuania

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    Sosnovsky’s hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi) is a dangerous perennial, invasive alien plant in Lithuania. Control of this plant is complicated due to well-developed biological properties. To achieve efficient control of the species, it is crucial to choose highly efficient herbicides and their combinations. Field experiments, designed to compare the efficacy of different herbicides and their mixtures used to control Heracleum sosnowskyi, were conducted in 2016 and 2017 in Lithuania, Varnupiai (54° 29' 19.54", 23° 30' 45.9"), Marijampolė distr. The efficacy of the herbicides and their mixtures applied for Sosnovsky’s hogweed control was different. The use of both lower and higher rates of glyphosate did not have the expected result, as 4-6 weeks after application new plants started to emerge. A mixture of glyphosate with triasulfuron showed better effect. The efficacy of dicamba and its mixtures with fluroxypyr and triasulfuron, fluroxypyr, triasulfuron and their mixture, fluroxypyr + clopyralid + MCPA mixture depended on the experimental years’ meteorological conditions. In 2017, the effect of the above mentioned herbicides and their mixtures on Sosnovsky’s hogweed stood out 4-6 weeks after application. Both the smaller and higher rates of tribenuron-methyl + metsulfuronmethyl mixture gave effective control of Sosnovsky’s hogweed. The effect of fluroxypyr + metsulfuron-methyl mixture was more rapid, and 6 weeks after application only single plants remained in the plots

    Nonchemical Weed Control in Winter Oilseed Rape Crop in the Organic Farming System

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    A field experiment was conducted during the 2014–2017 period at Aleksandras Stulginskis University (now—Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy) on a Endocalcaric Endogleyic Luvisol (LV-can.gln) according to the WRB 2014. The three nonchemical weed control methods were explored: (1) thermal (using wet water steam), (2) mechanical (interrow loosening), and (3) self-regulation (smothering). In the thermal and mechanical weed control treatments, winter oilseed rape was grown with an interrow spacing of 48.0 cm and in weed smothering (self-regulation) treatment with an interrow spacing of 12.0 cm. Winter oilseed rape was grown in the soil with a regular humus layer (23–25 cm) and with a thickened humus layer (45–50 cm). Annual weeds predominated in the winter oilseed rape crop. In the soil with both humus layers, regular and thickened, the most efficient weed control method was mechanical weed management both during the autumn (efficacy 26.7–75.1%) and spring (efficacy 37.1–76.7%) growing seasons. Thermal and mechanical weed control in combination with the bio-preparations in droughty years significantly reduced the number of weed seedlings. Dry matter mass of weeds most markedly decreased through the application of the mechanical weed management method

    Non-chemical weed control systems in organically grown spring oilseed rape

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    This study aims to determine the impact of different non-chemical weed control systems on organically grown spring oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) crop weediness and yield of seeds. Non-chemical weed control systems: 1) thermal (water steam), 2) mechanical (inter-row loosening), and 3) smothering (self-regulation). Thermal (1.5–1.8 times) and mechanical (2.5–6.8 times) weed control systems significantly reduced the number of weed seedlings in spring oilseed rape crop, compared with the weed smothering system. The most effective system of weed control in rape crop was mechanical (efficiency 30.9–75.5 %). Efficiency of thermal weed control system, compared with mechanical, was lower, 28.4–40.0 %. Before rape harvesting in plots where mechanical weed control was applied, compared with plots where weed smothering was used, the number of weeds was significantly 3.2–4.4 times lower, and dry matter mass of weeds was 2.2–3.1 times lower. The yield of rape seeds increased with increasing efficiency of thermal and mechanical weed control. In 2014, the yield of rape seeds depended on number of weed seedlings and dry matter mass of weeds before rape harvesting.Keywords: spring oilseed rape, weed control systems, weed, yield, organic farmin

    Dvylikapirštės žarnos adenokarcinoma: etiologija, klinika, diagnostika, gydymas, prognozė ir klinikinis atvejis

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    Kristina Marcinkevičienė, Elena Zdanytė, Vytautas Lipnickas, Kęstutis StrupasVilniaus universiteto ligoninės Santariškių klinikų Pilvo chirurgijos centras,Santariškių g. 2, LT-08661 VilniusEl paštas: [email protected] Šio straipsnio tikslas – aprašyti dvylikapirštės žarnos adenokarcinomos klinikinį atvejį, pateikti literatūros apžvalgą. Dvylikapirštės žarnos adenokarcinoma yra labai reta patologija, pasitaikanti 0,3–1% visų virškinimo trakto piktybinių navikų. Specifinių simptomų, kurie būdingi tik šiai patologijai, nėra. Todėl dažnai liga diagnozuojama vėlyvos stadijos. Pagrindinis gydymo būdas yra chirurginis naviko pašalinimas. Atliekamos operacijos: pankreatoduodeninė rezekcija ir duodeninė segmentektomija. Naviko prognozė bloga: 5 metų išgyvenamumas po radikalios operacijos įvairuoja nuo 15% iki 60%. Straipsnyje pateikiame mūsų klinikoje gydyto 66 metų paciento klinikinį atvejį. Klinika buvo apie pusę metų, nustatytas dvylikapirštės žarnos susiaurėjimas. Ligonis operuotas, histologiškai diagnozuota dvylikapirštės žarnos adenokarcinoma ir metastazės limfmazgiuose. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: dvylikapirštė žarna, adenokarcinoma, pankreatoduodeninė rezekcija Adenocarcinoma of the duodenum: etiology, clinics, diagnostics, management, prognosis, and case report Kristina Marcinkevičienė, Elena Zdanytė, Vytautas Lipnickas, Kęstutis StrupasVilnius University Hospital Santariškių Klinikos, Centre of Abdominal Surgery,Santariškių 2, LT-08661 Vilnius, LithuaniaE-mail: [email protected] The aim of this paper is to present a rare case of adenocarcinoma of duodenum and review the literature. Adenocarcinoma of duodenum is a very rare pathology. It presents 0.3–1% of all gastrointestinal tract malignant neoplasms. There are no specific symptoms for this disease. Therefore the disease is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage. Surgical resection is the only potentially curative treatment. Performed operations: pancreatoduodenectomy and duodenal segmentectomy. The prognosis of this neoplasm is bad. The five-year survival rate is from 15% to 60% for radical resection. We present a case of a 66-year-old man. He was ill about 0.5 year. Duodenal narrowing was defined. The patient was operated on: histollogicaly, duodenal adenocarcinoma and nodal metastases were diagnosed. Keywords: duodenum, adenocarcinoma, pancreatoduodenectom

    Rhetorics of the academic review

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    The paper deals with strategy of praising students' diploma research papers in the academic reviews that are presented and read out load during the defence of thesis. Positive evaluation is usually expressed by collocations or semi-fossilized phrases that are distributed evenly in the texts of a review. The paper describes all the rhetoric moves of a review such as introduction where the topic is discussed, main part of a review comments on the structure of theses, the evaluative part with the positive and negative features of the research and the final evaluation as well as recommendation to confer a degree to its author. It is abundantly exemplified with phrases from each rhetorical move revealing linguistic and rhetoric means of persuasion