12 research outputs found

    第780回千葉医学会例会・第5回神経内科例会・第263回脳研談話会 1.

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    List of systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses included in the scoping review with the classification results. (DOCX 60 kb

    Training healthcare professionals in LGBTI cultural competencies: Exploratory findings from the Health4LGBTI pilot project

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    Abstract Objectives Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people experience health inequalities and barriers to accessing healthcare at a greater rate than the general population. This paper aims to present the Health4LGBTI training course for healthcare workers and the results of its pilot implementation. Methods Funded by the European Parliament, the training course was developed by a multidisciplinary team including LGBTI organisations as part of the Health4LGBTI Project. 110 healthcare professionals from diverse medical fields attended the pilot training in six European Member States. Knowledge and attitudes were compared on the basis of a pre-post evaluation design utilising an ad hoc questionnaire. Results Knowledge scores increased after the training, irrespective of age and sexual orientation of participants. Attitudes scores generally improved, particularly in terms of inclusivity and a greater acknowledgement of LGBTI health needs and self-competence. Conclusion The Health4LGBTI training course is both feasible and effective in training healthcare professionals and support staff to improve cultural competence and thereby promoting inclusive healthcare practice. Practice Implications The Health4LGBTI training course can be implemented in different healthcare contexts. Piloting of the course provided an opportunity for healthcare professionals and for support staff to improve their knowledge of, and attitudes towards, LGBTI people

    Wybrane aspekty moralnego wpływu przemysłu farmaceutycznego na sektor ochrony zdrowia

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    ProblemBudząca wiele kontrowersji kwestia oszustw i korupcji w przemyśle farmaceutycznym oraz systemie ochrony zdrowia skupia międzynarodową uwagę naukowców od dawna. Jednak nadal nie jest to dobrze zbadany problem w dziedzinie nauk społecznych, politycznych i medycznych, tak jak problem wywierania wpływu przez przemysł farmaceutyczny na sektor ochrony zdrowia.Cel pracyCelem pracy jest przedstawienie zjawiska oraz przykładów wpływu, jaki wywiera przemysł farmaceutyczny na sektor ochrony zdrowia. Praca analizuje kwestie takie jak aktualne praktyki lobbingowe stosowanie przez przemysł farmaceutyczny (zatrudnianie kluczowych liderów opinii przedstawicieli farmaceutycznych edukacja personelu medycznego sponsorowana przez przemysł, stronniczość w badaniach klinicznych finansowanych przez przemysł farmaceutyczny). Dodatkowym celem pracy jest także ocena moralna wspomnianego wpływu w zakresie wybranych aspektów.MetodologiaAnaliza została oparta na dostępnej literaturze naukowej oraz rządowych raportach z wybranych krajów na temat relacji przemysłu farmaceutycznego i sektora ochrony zdrowia. Wyszukiwanie artykułów naukowych przeprowadzono za pomocą bazy PubMed (używając terminów takich jak: przemysł/sektor farmaceutyczny, korupcja, oszustwa, badania kliniczne, leki). Wyniki oraz wnioskiNa podstawie zgromadzonej literatury naukowej można stwierdzić, że wpływ przemysłu farmaceutycznego wywierany na sektor ochrony zdrowia jest niezaprzeczalnym faktem. Poddanie go ocenie moralnej, pozwala stwierdzić, że w zakresie wspomnianych w pracy praktyk, jest to wpływ negatywny. Przemysł farmaceutyczny wielokrotnie i świadomie działał na szkodę sektora ochrony zdrowia, a także pacjentów. Negatywny moralnie wpływ sektora farmaceutycznego na sektor ochrony zdrowia jest wywierany często w ramach obowiązującego prawa.ProblemArousing issue of frauds and corruption in health care systems and drugs market around the world, in which pharmaceutical industry plays major role, focuses international researchers attention quite a lot. But still it is not well examined problem in social, political and medical sciences.ObjectiveThe objective of this dissertation is to provide review of the scope and examples of immoral influence on health care sector. The thesis examines issues such as the recent lobbying practices used by the pharmaceutical industry e.g. hiring key opinion leaders, industry-sponsored education for physicians, pharmaceutical sales representatives, bias in clinical trials supported by pharmaceutical industry. An additional aim of this thesis is also moral evaluation of mentioned impact in terms of selected aspects.MethodsAnalysis was based on available scientific literature about the relationship of the pharmaceutical industry and health care sector. Searching for scientific articles was conducted with using PubMed search engine (using terms such as: pharmaceutical industry/sector, corruption, fraud, clinical trials, drugs). Professional literature that addresses the subject discussed, reports of government agencies (e.g. Supreme Audit Office in Poland) were also included into the analysis.Findings and ConclusionsBased on the accumulated scientific literature it can be concluded that the impact of pharmaceutical industry on the health care sector is an undeniable fact. Subjecting it to moral assessment, it can be definitely said that in terms of practices presented here it is a morally negative impact. The pharmaceutical industry has repeatedly and consciously, and with full knowledge acted to the detriment of the health care sector, as well as patients. the pharmaceutical industry has a negative moral impact on the health care sector, which is often in a full compliance with the law

    Praktyczny przewodnik po zdrowiu LGBTI dla lekarzy.

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    MMSID: 9912797286660642


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    This manual provides step-by-step guidance to the trainers implementing this training course. It is divided into two parts. The first part provides an introduction for the trainer, namely: how and why the training course has been developed; how to prepare for the training; how to implement the training and details on the evaluation. The second part provides a description of the four training modules and includes: an overview of the module; instructions on how to use the module; aims and learning objectives of the module and suggested preparatory reading. In addition, for each module, guidance notes have been prepared for the trainers to help them when presenting the slides and facilitating the activities. These can be found in Appendix 1 and 2 of each module respectively. The material required for the activities can be found in Appendix 3 of each module in a print-ready format