99 research outputs found

    Tuning the photoelectrochemical properties of narrow band gap nanoporous anodic SnOxSnO_x films by simple soaking in water

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    Nanoporous tin oxide layers obtained via anodic oxidation of metallic tin at the potential of 4 V in the alkaline electrolyte (1 M NaOH) were soaked in distilled water for various durations (from 2 h to 120 h) to verify the influence of water-enabled crystallization on the morphology, composition, and related optical and photoelectrochemical properties of such kind of anodic SnOx. Although water soaking generally contributes to more stoichiometric and crystalline tin oxide, it was confirmed that at the initial stages of the water-induced dissolution–redeposition process, material exhibits enhanced photoelectrochemical performance under simulated sunlight irradiation. However, long-time exposure to water results in a gradual widening of the material’s band gap, shifting of the photoelectrochemical spectra towards higher energies, and almost complete deterioration of the photoelectrochemical activity under sunlight irradiation

    Wpływ działalności bobra europejskiego Castor fiber L. na zmiany stosunków wodnych na Polesiu Zachodnim

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    Beavers are one of the few species that, due to their engineering capabilities, can make significant changes in the natural environment. These animals contribute to changes in water conditions in a catchment area by raising dams on watercourses. Beavers slow down the drainage of water to surface and underground retention. The main aim of the study was the inventory of changes in the water conditions caused by the activity of beavers in the area of the Polesie Zachodnie region. It presents the results of field observations carried out at six sites in Mosty and Żuków villages. The observations were conducted from October 2015 to June 2016. In these places numerous beaver ponds were found, which were then measured in QGIS 2.14 programme. Other changes in the hydrography of this area have also been identified – the formation of a new watercourse or the initiation of meander formation. In addition to the obvious changes in vegetation resulting from the feeding habits of animals, vegetation has been observed following changes in water conditions (e.g. the emergence of new wetland species)

    Current Problems of Financial Law in Poland and in the Czech Republic Including Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    It should be clearly stated that current pandemic of the COVID-19 virus has significantly impacted the public finances of many countries and considerably influenced the functioning of world’s economy. Allocation of public resources to prevent, or counteract, negative effects of the pandemic has taken various forms. Regardless of the extraordinariness of this situation, the possibility to use aid instruments depends on legislative changes and, thus, on the prior passing of appropriate legal provisions, since they determine the rules based on which these instruments are implemented. Poland, and the Czech Republic, have taken proper actions to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Referring to the experience of both of these countries, it should be noted that legal and financial solutions used to counteract the pandemic have not always been conducted in accordance with constitutional norms, established financial law rules, or principles of conducting financial economy in the public finance sector. The Authors of this article, while evaluating these solutions, have decided to indicate certain general trends happening in the current financial law, which, unfortunately, are not always positive.Marcin Tyniewicki: [email protected] Kozieł: [email protected] Tyniewicki is Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Finance and Financial Law, Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok, Poland.Michal Kozieł, Dr Mgr., Ph.D. in the Department of Law, Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.Marcin Tyniewicki - University of Bialystok, PolandMichal Kozieł - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech RepublicDębowska-Romanowska T., Prawo finansowe po transformacji ustrojowej, „Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny” 2011, z. 3.Dębowska-Romanowska T., Prawo finansowe. Część konstytucyjna wraz z częścią ogólną, Warsaw 2010.Drwiłło A. (ed.), Podstawy finansów i prawa finansowego, Warsaw 2018.Etel L. (ed.), Prawo podatkowe. Zarys wykładu, Warsaw 2013.European Commission, European Economic Forecast. Spring 2021, European Economy Institutional Paper 149/2021.Fedorowicz M., Rola i zadania teorii prawa rynku finansowego UE, „Bezpieczny Bank” 2016, no. 1(62).Gajl N., Finanse i prawo finansowe, Warsaw 1992.Hamerníková B., Veřejné finance: vybrané problémy, Praha 2017.Hrubá Smržová P., Mrkývka P. et al., Finanční a daňové právo, Plzeň 2020.Ostrowska A., Samorządowe prawo dotacyjne. Dotacje jako wydatki jednostek samorządu terytorialnego, Warsaw 2018.Polish Central Statistical Office, Concise Statistical Yearbook of Poland 2021, Warsaw 2021.Polish Central Statistical Office, Concise Statistical Yearbook of Poland 2020, Warsaw 2020.Polish Central Statistical Office, Concise Statistical Yearbook of Poland 2019, Warsaw 2019.Polish Central Statistical Office, Concise Statistical Yearbook of Poland 2018, Warsaw 2018.Gomułowicz A., Małecki J., Podatki i prawo podatkowe, Poznań 2000.Karfíková M., Teorie finančního práva a finanční vědy, Praha 2017.Kosikowski C., Finanse i prawo finansowe Unii Europejskiej, Warsaw 2014.Mastalski R., Fojcik-Mastalska E. (ed.), Prawo finansowe, Warsaw 2013.Kosikowski C., Finanse publiczne i prawo finansowe. Zagadnienia seminaryjne i egzaminacyjne, Warsaw 2013.Kosikowski C., Prawo finansowe. Część ogólna, Warsaw 2003.Kozieł M., Nowe metody ograniczania długu publicznego w Republice Czeskiej, (in:) W. Miemiec, K. Sawicka, Instytucje prawnofinansowe w warunkach kryzysu gospodarczego, Warsaw 2014.Łętowska E., Mutlicentryczność współczesnego systemu prawa i jej konsekwencje, „Państwo i Prawo” 2005, no. 4.Majchrzycka-Guzowska A., Finanse i prawo finansowe, Warsaw 2016.Malinowska-Misiąg E., Misiąg W., Finanse publiczne w Polsce, Warsaw-Rzeszów 2006.Ministry of Finance, The public finance sector debt management strategy in the years 2021–2024, Warsaw, September 2020.Mrkývka P., Blažek J., Tomášková E., Schweigl J. et al., Vybrané právní otázky fiskální odpovědnosti státu, Brno 2020.Mrkývka P., Determinace a diverzifi kace finančního práva, Brno 2012.Supreme Audit Office, The Analysis of execution of the state budget and monetary policy assumptions in 2020, Warsaw 2021.Radvan M., Gliniecka J., Sowiński T., Mrkývka P., The financial Law Towards Challenges of the XXI Century: conference proceedings, Masaryk University, Brno 2017.Radvan M., Svobodová T., Tax Law Reforms in (Dis)Connection with COVID-19, “Studia Iuridica Cassoviensia 2021, no. 2.Ruśkowski E., Salachna J.M. (eds.), Finanse publiczne. Komentarz praktyczny, Gdańsk 2014.Stankiewicz J., Debudżetyzacja finansów państwa, Białystok 2007.Tuleja P., Pandemia COVID-19 a konstytucyjne stany nadzwyczajne, „Palestra” 2020, no. 9.264537

    Thin films of solvatomagnetic CN-bridged coordination polymers : from micro to nanoscale

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    Abstract Two types of thin films differing in thickness and morphology of microporous CN‐bridged hybrid organic–inorganic {[NiII(cyclam)]3[MIII(CN)6]2∙nH2O}n (M = Cr or Fe, cyclam = 1,4,7,11‐tetraazacyclotetradecane) coordination networks are obtained by using physical and chemical deposition techniques. By adsorption on the PET/ITO substrate of the pre‐formed nano‐sized crystallites from water suspension, films of 1–2 µm thickness composed of 40–200 nm size particles are obtained. The use of chemical sequential growth method, in which the coordination framework is anchored to the gold surface and built directly on the substrate from the cationic and anionic building blocks, reduces the film thickness to 100 nm and drastically improves film morphology. Both types of thin films show solvatomagnetic behavior characteristic for bulk compounds and change magnetic characteristics, including the shape of the magnetic hysteresis, under different humidity conditions

    Geocaching w Roztoczańskim Parku Narodowym

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    Geocaching is a type of a field game, which consists in finding caches (Eng. cache) placed earlier in the area. Participants of the game find the approximate location of a hidden “treasure, basing on geographic coordinates and descriptions contained on the website and using GPS.Perceptiveness, creativity and unconventional thinking should be demonstrated to find a cache. There is a so-called logbook in a hidden container in which its finding should be recorded, and then this fact must be confirmed on a special website (http://www.geocaching.com, http://www.geocaching.pl). Geocaching is not a threat to the environment, the rules of the game forbid the devastation of the environment near the cache. Many of the caches are located in the areas of national parks. Enthusiasts of a new form of tourism, which is geocaching, are rarely encountered near Roztoczański National Park, even though the area has a great potential for using in this game (play). Currently, there is only one cache in the Park at the Conservative Breeding Centre in Florianka. Numerous natural and cultural values, as well as developed tourism infrastructure create favorable conditions for the creation (establishment) of new caches in the RNP (Roztoczański National Park) and its surroundings. The authors present a proposal for the inclusion of new caches along the bicycle route Zwierzyniec – Florianka – Górecko Stare. General use of this kind of activity can be helpful in tourist traffic dispersal and directing tourists to places rarely visited.Geocaching is a type of a field game, which consists in finding caches (ang. Cache) placed earlier in the area. Participants of the game find the approximate location of a hidden "treasure" basing on geographic coordinates and descriptions contained on the website and using GPS. Perceptiveness, creativity and unconventional thinking should be demonstrated to find a cache. There is a so called logbook in a hidden container in which its finding should be recorded, and then this fact must be confirmed on a special website (http://www.geocaching.com, http://www.geocaching.pl). Geocaching is not a threat to the environment, the rules of the game forbid the devastation of the environment near the cache. Many of the caches are located in the areas of national parks. Enthusiasts of a new form of tourism, which is geocaching, are rarely encountered near Roztoczański National Park, even though the area has a great potential for using in this game (play). Currently, there is only one cache in the Park at the Conservative Breeding Centre in Florianka. Numerous natural and cultural values, as well as developed tourism infrastructure create favorable conditions for the creation (establishment) of new caches in the RNP (Roztoczański National Park) and its surroundings. The authors present a proposal for the inclusion of new caches along the bicycle route Zwierzyniec - Florianka - Górecko Stare. General use of this kind of activity can be helpful in tourist traffic dispersal and directing tourists to places rarely visited.

    Ocena wartości przyrodniczych polskiej sieci obszarów Natura 2000

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    The Natura 2000 network includes two types of areas: Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for birds (SPAs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) for species other than birds, and for habitats. The main objective of the functioning of the Natura 2000 is to preserve certain types of natural habitats and species of plants and animals that are considered as a valuable and endangered species across Europe. In Poland, the Natura 2000 network, which is still developing, covers nearly one fifth of the land area. It consists of 845 areas very important to the European Union (areas of “habitat” – future special areas of conservation of habitats) and 145 special protection areas for birds. For each Natura 2000 area a panel of independent experts develop Standard Data Form (SDF), which contains the most important information about the location and size of the area, occurring types of natural habitats and species, their abundance or representative in the country and the natural values and threats. An integral part of the form is a digital map of the area (as a vector and raster). SDF and the borders of areas are often updated. The authors conducted a detailed assessment of the value Polish Protected areas Natura 2000 from the base, dated April 2012 (data for 961 areas). Two criteria were takeninto consideration : 1) the population of the species in a given area, and 2) the representativeness of habitats. The first evaluate typicality of habitat for describing patterns of natural or semi-natural conditions in which habitat and their characteristic flora and fauna is developing, the second – the size of the population in a given area compared to the national population (the larger the share, the greater the need to designate the area protected). From 325 species 19 left as a priority species within14 areas and from 80 habitats there were 16 priority habitats within 282 areas – the results meet the objectives of the adopted procedure.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

    Electrochemical oxidation of Ti15Mo alloy : the impact of anodization parameters on surface morphology of nanostructured oxide layers

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    It is well-known that the structure and composition of the material plays an important role in the processes occurring at the surface. In this paper, a surface morphology of nanostructured oxide layers electrochemically grown on Ti15Mo, tuned by applying different anodization parameters, was investigated in detail. The one-step anodization of Ti15Mo alloy was performed at room temperature in an ethylene glycol-based electrolyte containing 0.11 M NH4F and 1.11 M H2O. Different anodization times (ranging from 5 to 60 min) and applied potentials (40–100 V) were tested, and the surface morphology, elemental content, and crystalline structure were monitored by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS), and X-ray diffractometry (XRD), respectively. The results showed that contrary to the multistep anodization of titanium foil, the surface morphology of anodic oxide obtained via the one-step process contains the nanoporous outer layer covering the nanotubular structure. What is more, the pore diameter (Dp) and interpore distance (Dint) of such layers exhibit different trends than those observed for anodization of pure titanium. In particular, at a certain potential range, a decrease in both Dp and Dint with increasing potential was observed. However, independently on the used anodization conditions, the elemental content of oxide layers remained similar, showing the amount of molybdenum at c.a. 15 wt.%. Finally, the amorphous nature of as-anodized layers was confirmed, and their optical band-gap was determined from the diffuse reflectance UV–Vis spectra. It was found that Eg is tunable to some extent by changing the anodizing potential. However, further thermal treatment in air at 400 °C resulted in the anatase phase formation that was accompanied by a significant Eg reduction. Therefore, we believe that the presented results will greatly contribute to the understanding of anodic formation of nanostructured functional oxide layers with tunable properties that can be applied in various fields