143 research outputs found

    Biocatalytic Tools for Enzymatic Cascades

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    The field of biocatalysis is receiving increased attention over the years, owing to the incontrovertible necessity for sustainable processes. As essential part of biocatalysis, enzymes fulfil the demand for greener reactions thanks to their valuable properties, while providing simpler synthetic routes with higher selectivity than the traditional hazardous methods. Potentially, enzymes are remarkable catalysts but most of the times, they require special optimization before being effectively applied at industrial scale, which translates into significant investment of work and time. In this regard, the combination of enzymes as tool to assist a reaction or to carry out particular functions can facilitate the process. A series of biocatalytic tools have been created in this work to tackle specific problems. Afterwards, they were tested to evaluate their efficacy during the utilization

    Network inference in matrix-variate Gaussian models with non-independent noise

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    Inferring a graphical model or network from observational data from a large number of variables is a well studied problem in machine learning and computational statistics. In this paper we consider a version of this problem that is relevant to the analysis of multiple phenotypes collected in genetic studies. In such datasets we expect correlations between phenotypes and between individuals. We model observations as a sum of two matrix normal variates such that the joint covariance function is a sum of Kronecker products. This model, which generalizes the Graphical Lasso, assumes observations are correlated due to known genetic relationships and corrupted with non-independent noise. We have developed a computationally efficient EM algorithm to fit this model. On simulated datasets we illustrate substantially improved performance in network reconstruction by allowing for a general noise distribution

    Constraints on Modified Gravity from ACT and SPT

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    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) and the South Pole Telescope (SPT) have recently provided new and precise measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropy damping tail. This region of the CMB angular spectra, thanks to the angular distortions produced by gravitational lensing, can probe the growth of matter perturbations and provide a test for general relativity. Here we make use of the ACT and SPT power spectrum measurements (combined with the recent WMAP9 data) to constrain f(R) gravity theories. Adopting a parametrized approach, we obtain an upper limit on the lengthscale of the theory of B_0 < 0.86 at 95% c.l. from ACT, while we get a significantly stronger bound from SPT with B_0 < 0.14 at 95% c.l..Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, some sentences correcte

    Swiss Science Concentrates

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    Swiss Science Concentrates

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    Swiss Science Concentrates

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    Swiss Science Concentrates

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    Multi-Targeted Anticancer Activity of Imidazolate Phosphane Gold(I) Compounds by Inhibition of DHFR and TrxR in Breast Cancer Cells

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    A class of phosphane gold(I) compounds, made of azoles and phosphane ligands, was evaluated for a screening on the regards of Breast Cancer cell panels (BC). The compounds possess N-Au-P or Cl-Au-P bonds around the central metal, and they differ for the presence of aprotic or protic polar groups in the azoles and/or the phosphane moieties to tune their hydrophilicity. Among the six candidates, only the compounds having the P-Au-N environment and not displaying neither the hydroxyl nor carboxyl groups in the ligands were found active. The compounds were screened by MTT tests in SKBR3, A17, and MDA-MB231 cancer cells, and two compounds (namely the 4,5-dicyano-imidazolate-1yl-gold(I)-(triphenylphosphane, 5, and 4,5-dichloro-imidazolate-1yl-gold(I)-triphenylphosphane, 6) were found very cytotoxic, with the most active with an IC50 value of 3.46 μM in MDA-MB231 cells. By performing enzymatic assays in the treated cells lysates, the residual enzymatic activity of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) has been measured after cell treatment for 4 or 12 h in comparison with control cells. Upon 12 h of treatment, the activity of DHFR was significantly reduced in both SKBR3 and A17 cells by compounds 5 and 6, but not in human MDA-MB231 cells; interestingly, it was found remarkably high after 4 h of treatment, revealing a time dependence for the DHFR enzymatic assays. The DHFR inhibition data have been compared to those for the thioredoxin reductase (TrxR), the most recognized molecular target for gold compounds. For this latter, similar residual activities (i.e., 37 and 49% for the match of SKBR3 cells and compound 5 or 6, respectively) were found. Binding studies on the regards of ct-DNA (calf-thymus-DNA) and of plasma transporters proteins, such as BSA (bovine serum albumin) and ATF (apo transferrin), were performed. As expected for gold compounds, the data support strong binding to proteins (Ksv values range: 1.51 ÷ 2.46 × 104 M−1) and a weaker interaction with ct-DNA's minor groove (Ksv values range: 1.55 ÷ 6.12 × 103 M−1)

    Environmental awareness gained during a citizen science project in touristic resorts is maintained after 3 years since participation

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    The research leading to these results has received funding from Project AWARE Foundation, ASTOI Association, Milano, Ministry of Tourism of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Settemari S. p. A Tour Operator, Scuba Nitrox Safety International, Viaggio nel Blu Diving Center.Tourism is one of the largest economic sectors in the world. It has a positive effect on the economy of many countries, but it can also lead to negative impacts on local ecosystems. Informal environmental education through Citizen Science (CS) projects can be effective in increasing citizen environmental knowledge and awareness in the short-term. A change of awareness could bring to a behavioral change in the long-term, making tourism more sustainable. However, the long-term effects of participating in CS projects are still unknown. This is the first follow-up study concerning the effects of participating in a CS project on cognitive and psychological aspects at the basis of pro-environmental behavior. An environmental education program was developed, between 2012 and 2013, in a resort in Marsa Alam, Egypt. The study directly evaluated, through paper questionnaires, the short-term (after 1 week or 10 days) retention of knowledge and awareness of volunteers that had participated in the activities proposed by the program. After three years, participants were re-contacted via email to fill in the same questionnaire as in the short-term study, plus a new section with psychological variables. 40.5% of the re-contacted participants completed the follow-up questionnaires with a final sample size of fifty-five people for this study. Notwithstanding the limited sample size, positive trends in volunteer awareness, personal satisfaction regarding the CS project, and motivation to engage in pro-environmental behavior in the long-term were observed.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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