425 research outputs found

    Proteomic Analysis of Nuclear HBV rcDNA Associated Proteins Identifies UV-DDB as a Host Factor Involved in cccDNA Formation

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Despite the lifecycle of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) being extensively investigated and described, there remains a significant gap in our knowledge of arguably one of the most crucial steps in the HBV lifecycle, the formation and maintenance of a covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) reservoir. Advancements in our understanding of host factors and pathways involved in cccDNA formation have been made through hypothesis driven studies and shRNA/siRNA screenings. We sought to create a targeted-unbiased assay to directly observe host factor-rcDNA interactions. This was achieved through an rcDNA Co-Immunoprecipitation paired Mass Spectrometry (rcDNA-CoIP/MS) assay. We created a DNA oligo complimentary to the open portion of the HBV rcDNA, labeled with biotin, to facilitate easy precipitation of nuclear rcDNA and complexed proteins. Proteins precipitated were analyzed through liquid chromatography paired mass spectrometry (LC/MS). Along with previously reported host factors, several factors of DNA damage repair pathways/complexes were also identified. A component of the UV-DDB complex, DDB1, surfaced as a hit. UV-DDB/rcDNA binding was confirmed through ChIP-qPCR. DDB2, the DNA damage binding component of the UV-DDB complex was knocked out in HepG2-NTCP and HepAD38 cells. This resulted in a significant decrease in the formation of cccDNA in DDB2 knockout cell lines following infection or induction. The subsequent reduction of downstream indicators of cccDNA formation such as viral RNA and proteins, HBcAg and HBeAg, showed a consistent decrease with cccDNA levels. Ectopic expression of DDB2 in the knockout cell lines rescued HBV phenotypes of cccDNA levels and its downstream indicators. Inactive mutant DDB2 plasmids were also transfected into the DDB2 K/O cell lines and failed to rescue cccDNA indicators. We therefore showed through a novel assay that we can discover novel viral rcDNA-host interactions, such as the UV-DDB complex recruiting DNA repair pathways to “repair” rcDNA to cccDNA

    Scalar Cosmological Perturbations from Quantum Gravitational Entanglement

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    A major challenge at the interface of quantum gravity and cosmology is to explain how the large-scale structure of the Universe emerges from physics at the Planck scale. In this letter, we take an important step in this direction by extracting the dynamics of scalar isotropic cosmological perturbations from full quantum gravity, as described by the causally complete Barrett-Crane group field theory model. From the perspective of the underlying quantum gravity theory, cosmological perturbations are represented as nearest-neighbor two-body entanglement of group field theory quanta. Their effective dynamics is obtained via mean-field methods and described relationally with respect to a physical Lorentz frame causally coupled to the quantum geometry. We quantitatively study these effective dynamical equations and show that at low energies they are perfectly consistent with those of General Relativity, while for trans-Planckian scales quantum effects become important. These results therefore not only provide crucial insights into the potentially purely quantum gravitational nature of cosmological perturbations, but also offer rich phenomenological implications for the physics of the early Universe.Comment: 6+1 pages, 2 figure

    Brain, Mind and Language Functional Architectures

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    The interaction between brain and language has been investigated by a vast amount of research and different approaches, which however do not offer a comprehensive and unified theoretical framework to analyze how brain functioning performs the mental processes we use in producing language and in understanding speech. This Special Issue addresses the need to develop such a general theoretical framework, by fostering an interaction among the various scientific disciplines and methodologies, which centres on investigating the functional architecture of brain, mind and language, and is articulated along the following main dimensions of research: (a) Language as a regulatory contour of brain and mental processes; (b) Language as a unique human phenomenon; (c) Language as a governor of human behaviour and brain operations; (d) Language as an organizational factor of ontogenesis of mentation and behaviour

    New Insights on Molecular Mechanism of Hepatitis B Virus Covalently Closed Circular DNA Formation

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    The chronic factor of the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), specifically the covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA), is a highly stable and active viral episomal genome established in the livers of chronic hepatitis B patients as a constant source of disease. Being able to target and eliminate cccDNA is the end goal for a genuine cure for HBV. Yet how HBV cccDNA is formed from the viral genomic relaxed circular DNA (rcDNA) and by what host factors had been long-standing research questions. It is generally acknowledged that HBV hijacks cellular functions to turn the open circular DNA conformation of rcDNA into cccDNA through DNA repair mechanisms. With great efforts from the HBV research community, there have been several recent leaps in our understanding of cccDNA formation. It is our goal in this review to analyze the recent reports showing evidence of cellular factor’s involvement in the molecular pathway of cccDNA biosynthesis

    Ensembles from Ordered and Disordered Proteins Reveal Similar Structural Constraints during Evolution

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    The conformations accessible to proteins are determined by the inter-residue interactions between amino acid residues. During evolution, structural constraints that are required for protein function providing biologically relevant information can exist. Here, we studied the proportion of sites evolving under structural constraints in two very different types of ensembles, those coming from ordered and disordered proteins. Using a structurally constrained model of protein evolution, we found that both types of ensembles show comparable, near 40%, number of positions evolving under structural constraints. Among these sites, ~ 68% are in disordered regions and ~ 57% of them show long-range inter-residue contacts. Also, we found that disordered ensembles are redundant in reference to their structurally constrained evolutionary information and could be described on average with ~ 11 conformers. Despite the different complexity of the studied ensembles and proteins, the similar constraints reveal a comparable level of selective pressure to maintain their biological functions. These results highlight the importance of the evolutionary information to recover meaningful biological information to further characterize conformational ensembles.Fil: Marchetti, Julia. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Monzón, Alexander. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Università di Padova; Italia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Tosatto, Silvio C.E.. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Parisi, Gustavo Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Fornasari, Maria Silvina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Ubiquitin D regulates IRE1 α/c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) protein-dependent apoptosis in pancreatic beta cells

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    Pro-inflammatory cytokines contribute to pancreatic beta cell apoptosis in type 1 diabetes at least in part by inducing endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and the consequent unfolded protein response (UPR). It remains to be determined what causes the transition from "physiological" to "apoptotic" UPR, but accumulating evidence indicates that signaling by the ER transmembrane protein IRE1 alpha is critical for this transition. IRE1 alpha activation is regulated by both intra-ER and cytosolic cues. We evaluated the role for the presently discovered cytokine-induced and IRE1 alpha-interacting protein ubiquitin D (UBD) on the regulation of IRE1 alpha and its downstream targets. UBD was identified by use of a MAPPIT (mammalian protein-protein interaction trap)-based IRE1 alpha interactome screen followed by comparison against functional genomic analysis of human and rodent beta cells exposed to pro-inflammatory cytokines. Knockdown ofUBDin human and rodent beta cells and detailed signal transduction studies indicated that UBD modulates cytokine-induced UPR/IRE1 alpha activation and apoptosis. UBD expression is induced by the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-1 beta and interferon (IFN)-gamma in rat and human pancreatic beta cells, and it is also up-regulated in beta cells of inflamed islets from non-obese diabetic mice. UBD interacts with IRE1 alpha in human and rodent beta cells, modulating IRE1 alpha-dependent activation of JNK and cytokine-induced apoptosis. Our data suggest that UBD provides a negative feedback on cytokine-induced activation of the IRE1 alpha/JNK pro-apoptotic pathway in cytokine-exposed beta cells

    Biomechanical properties of fishing lines of the glowworm Arachnocampa luminosa (Diptera; Keroplatidae)

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    Animals use adhesive secretions in highly diverse ways, such as for settlement, egg anchorage, mating, active or passive defence, etc. One of the most interesting functions is the use of bioadhesives to capture prey, as the bonding has to be performed within milliseconds and often under unfavourable conditions. While much is understood about the adhesive and biomechanical properties of the threads of other hunters such as spiders, barely anything is documented about those of the New Zealand glowworm Arachnocampa luminosa. We analysed tensile properties of the fishing lines of the New Zealand glowworm Arachnocampa luminosa under natural and dry conditions and measured their adhesion energy to different surfaces. The capture system of A. luminosa is highly adapted to the prevailing conditions (13–15 °C, relative humidity of 98%) whereby the wet fishing lines only show a bonding ability at high relative humidity (>80%) with a mean adhesive energy from 20–45 N/m and a stronger adhesion to polar surfaces. Wet threads show a slightly higher breaking strain value than dried threads, whereas the tensile strength of wet threads was much lower. The analyses show that breaking stress and strain values in Arachnocampa luminosa were very low in comparison to related Arachnocampa species and spider silk threads but exhibit much higher adhesion energy values. While the mechanical differences between the threads of various Arachnocampa species might be consequence of the different sampling and handling of the threads prior to the tests, differences to spiders could be explained by habitat differences and differences in the material ultrastructure. Orb web spiders produce viscid silk consisting of β-pleated sheets, whereas Arachnocampa has cross-β–sheet crystallites within its silk. As a functional explanation, the low tear strength for A. luminosa comprises a safety mechanism and ensures the entire nest is not pulled down by prey which is too heavy

    Co-dependence between trypanosome nuclear lamina components in nuclear stability and control of gene expression

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    The nuclear lamina is a filamentous structure subtending the nuclear envelope and required for chromatin organization, transcriptional regulation and maintaining nuclear structure. The trypanosomatid coiled-coil NUP-1 protein is a lamina component functionally analogous to lamins, the major lamina proteins of metazoa. There is little evidence for shared ancestry, suggesting the presence of a distinct lamina system in trypanosomes. To find additional trypanosomatid lamina components we identified NUP-1 interacting proteins by affinity capture and mass-spectrometry. Multiple components of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) and a second coiled-coil protein, which we termed NUP-2, were found. NUP-2 has a punctate distribution at the nuclear periphery throughout the cell cycle and is in close proximity to NUP-1, the NPCs and telomeric chromosomal regions. RNAi-mediated silencing of NUP-2 leads to severe proliferation defects, gross alterations to nuclear structure, chromosomal organization and nuclear envelope architecture. Further, transcription is altered at telomere-proximal variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) expression sites (ESs), suggesting a role in controlling ES expression, although NUP-2 silencing does not increase VSG switching. Transcriptome analysis suggests specific alterations to Pol I-dependent transcription. NUP-1 is mislocalized in NUP-2 knockdown cells and vice versa, implying that NUP-1 and NUP-2 form a co-dependent network and identifying NUP-2 as a second trypanosomatid nuclear lamina component

    Modeling human pancreatic beta cell dedifferentiation

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    Objective: Dedifferentiation could explain reduced functional pancreatic β-cell mass in type 2 diabetes (T2D). Methods: Here we model human β-cell dedifferentiation using growth factor stimulation in the human β-cell line, EndoC-βH1, and human pancreatic islets. Results: Fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) treatment reduced expression of β-cell markers, (INS, MAFB, SLC2A2, SLC30A8, and GCK) and activated ectopic expression of MYC, HES1, SOX9, and NEUROG3. FGF2-induced dedifferentiation was time- and dose-dependent and reversible upon wash-out. Furthermore, FGF2 treatment induced expression of TNFRSF11B, a decoy receptor for RANKL and protected β-cells against RANKL signaling. Finally, analyses of transcriptomic data revealed increased FGF2 expression in ductal, endothelial, and stellate cells in pancreas from T2D patients, whereas FGFR1, SOX,9 and HES1 expression increased in islets from T2D patients. Conclusions: We thus developed an FGF2-induced model of human β-cell dedifferentiation, identified new markers of dedifferentiation, and found evidence for increased pancreatic FGF2, FGFR1, and β-cell dedifferentiation in T2D