156 research outputs found

    Healing Time of Skin Ulcers in Homecare Residents in the Province of Reggio Emilia, Northern Italy

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    The growing phenomenon of skin ulcers represents an important health problem; therefore, we conducted a pilot study to evaluate the ulcer healing time among adult subjects followed by the Home Nursing Service of the AUSL-IRCCS of Reggio Emilia, Northern Italy, and diagnosed with at least one skin ulcer during the period of January-August 2020. We recruited 138 subjects (45.5% men) with a mean age of 86.1 years. The subjects presented with 232 ulcers, of which 76.7% were pressure ulcers (60.1% were stage II), 18.1% were vascular ulcers, and 4.7% were diabetic foot ulcers. Ulcer management required only one weekly access for the majority of subjects, with a recovery frequency of 53.6% at the end of the observation period. The median ulcer healing time was 3.6 months and was shorter in women (2.6 months) than men (5.1 months), with an increasing trend according to the number of ulcers and the severity of pressure ulcers for vascular and diabetic foot ulcers. In conclusion, this is the first study carried out in an Italian population describing the distribution and characteristics of homecare residents with skin ulcers and highlighting the factors influencing the healing time and as consequence the duration of nursing care

    Environmental and lifestyle risk factors for early-onset dementia: a systematic review

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    The term early-onset dementia (EOD) encompasses several forms of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by symptom onset before 65 years and leading to severe impact on subjects already in working activities, as well as on their family and caregivers. Despite the increasing incidence, the etiology is still unknown, with possible association of environmental factors, although the evidence is still scarce. In this review, we aimed to assess how several environmental and lifestyle factors may be associated with the onset of this disease

    Compliance with Tuberculosis Screening in Irregular Immigrants

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious public health problem in many regions of the world, especially in the poorest areas. For this reason, screening for active and latent forms must be considered when dealing with high-risk groups such as irregular immigrants in Western countries. We conducted a retrospective cohort study by recruiting subjects aged 6515 years who underwent a tuberculin skin test at a dedicated National Health Service Centre in a northern Italian province between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2013. These participants were followed up until 31 December 2016. We aimed at evaluating an experimental protocol for active and latent tuberculosis screening, focusing on patient compliance, feasibility, and capability to detect clinical forms of the disease. We enrolled 368 irregular immigrants, i.e., immigrants not having a valid residence permit and who were therefore not entitled to choose a general practitioner. In total, 90.22% of these completed all the steps for the screening of active TB, while 87.33% also undertook screening for the latent form of the disease. Homelessness, self-reported prostitution, female sex, and employment status adversely affected compliance. Chronic alcohol consumption was associated with increased risk of no beginning or interruption of the procedures. All of the five patients with active TB successfully completed the treatment. Overall, adherence to the screening program was high compared to other studies in immigrants, possibly owing to organizational factors such as the availability of cultural mediators, the network between the different health services, the presence of dedicated nursing staff and a free-of-charge service. In addition, selected vulnerable subgroups should be targeted using tailored screening and follow-up programs

    Human serum albumin-bound selenium (Se-HSA) in serum and its correlation with other selenium species

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    Introduction: Selenium (Se) is a trace element with different toxicological and nutritional properties according to its chemical forms. Among the wide range of selenium species, human serum albumin-bound selenium (Se-HSA) has still uncertain composition in terms of organic or inorganic selenium species. This study aimed at investigating the relation between Se-HSA levels with total selenium and the specific organic and inorganic selenium species. Methods: We determined levels of total selenium and selenium species in serum of participants enrolled in two populations of the Emilia-Romagna region, in Northern Italy. Anion exchange chromatography coupled with inductively coupled plasma dynamic reaction cell mass spectrometry was used as quantification method. Correlations between Se-HSA and the other selenium compounds were analyzed using linear regression and restricted cubic spline regression models, adjusted for potential confounders. Results: The first cohort comprised 50 participants (men/women: 26/24) with median (interquartile range, IQR) age 50 (55-62) years, while the second was composed of 104 participants (M/W: 50/54), median (IQR) age 48 (44-53) years. Median (IQR) levels of total selenium were 118.5 (109-136) µg/L and 116.5 (106-128) µg/L, respectively, while Se-HSA was 25.5 Âµg/L (16.2-51.5) and 1.1 (0.03-3.1) µg/L, respectively. In both populations, Se-HSA was positively associated with inorganic selenium species. Conversely, Se-HSA was inversely associated with organic selenium, especially with selenoprotein P-bound-Se (Se-SELENOP) and less strongly with selenomethionine-bound-Se (Se-Met), while the relation was null or even positive with other organic species. Evaluation of non-linear trends showed a substantially positive association with inorganic selenium, particularly selenite, until a concentration of 30 Âµg/L, above which a plateau was reached. The association with Se-SELENOP was inverse and strong until 100 Âµg/L, while it was almost null at higher levels. Conclusions: Our findings seem to indicate that Se-HSA incorporates more selenium when circulating levels of inorganic compounds are higher, thus supporting its mainly inorganic nature, particularly at high circulating levels of selenite

    The Marcus Caelius Project: a transmedial approach to support cultural communication and educational activities at the Civical Archaeological Museum of Bologna

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    [EN] The project “Marcus Caelius – the Value of Memory” is a 8 minute short animation movie located in the Roman Bologna at the Augustan Age. It originated with the Civical Archaeological Museum of Bologna in collaboration with Cineca VisIT-Lab. The project emploies a well known historical fact (the Battle of Teutoburg) to enable a philological approach within an emotional/narrative process. New philologically accurate reconstructions (i.e archaeological finds hedged in the Museum’s collection) are integrated with 3D historical sets caming form previous Cineca projects. Mixed movie-making techniques, such as Blender rendering, Chroma key and Machinima animation, implemented an ad hoc production pipeline in order to define times and costs which could be supported by a small production.[ES] El proyecto de "Marcus Caelius, el valor de la memoria" es una breve película de animación de 8 minutos ambientada en la Bolonia romana (Bononia) durante el periodo del emperador Augusto, que surge de una iniciativa del Museo Arqueológico de Bolonia, en colaboración con Cineca. Este proyecto, basado en un famoso hecho histórico (la batalla de Teutoburgo), quiere proponer un enfoque filológico dentro de un proceso emocional/narrativo, definiendo una pipeline de producción apropiada (que incluye renderizado de Blender, Chroma key y animación Machinima) para definir tiempo y costes que puedan ser cubiertos por un pequeña producción. Nuevas reconstrucciones filológicamente adecuadas (restos arqueológicos en la Colección del Museo), se integran dentro de sets en 3D que proceden deproyectos anteriores de Cineca.The research leading to these results is partly funded by the EU Community's FP7 ICT under the V-MusT.net Project (Grant Agreement 270404). The publication reflects only the author’s views and the Community is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Neither the V-MusT.net consortium as a whole, nor a certain participant of the V-MusT.net consortium, warrant that the information contained in this document is capable of use, nor that use of the information is free from risk, and accepts no liability for loss or damage suffered by any person using this information.Bentini, L.; De Luca, D.; Donati, C.; Giovetti, P.; Guidazzoli, A.; Guidi, F.; Marchesi, M.... (2012). The Marcus Caelius Project: a transmedial approach to support cultural communication and educational activities at the Civical Archaeological Museum of Bologna. Virtual Archaeology Review. 3(7):82-85. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2012.4393OJS828537ANTINUCCI, F. (2010): Comunicare nel museo. Con DVD. Percorsi Laterza. Laterza.BORGATTI, C. et al. (2004): "Databases and virtual environments: a good match for communicating complex cultural sites". in ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Educators program (New York, NY, USA, 2004), SIGGRAPH '04, ACM. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1186107.1186143DELLI PONTI, Francesca et al. (2011): "A Blender open pipeline for a 3D animated historical short film", in Proceeding of the 12th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers, VAST 2011.JUNG, Y. et al. (2011): "X3DOM AS CARRIER OF THE VIRTUAL HERITAGE", International Workshop 3D-ARCH, 4, 2011, Trento.O'REILLY, T. (2003): "The Architecture of Participation", [online] http:// www.oreillynet.com/lpt/wlg/3017 [Consult: 14-04-2012]

    Unravelling long-term source removal effects and chlorinated methanes natural attenuation processes by C and Cl stable isotopic patterns at a complex field site

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    The effects of contaminant sources removal in 2005 (i.e. barrels, tank, pit and wastewater pipe sources) on carbon tetrachloride (CT) and chloroform (CF) concentration in groundwater were assessed at several areas of a fractured multi-contaminant aquifer (Òdena, Spain) over a long-term period (2010-2014). Changes in redox conditions, in these chlorinated methanes (CMs) concentration and in their carbon isotopic compositions (δ13C) were monitored in multilevel wells. δ13C values from these wells were compared to those obtained from sources (barrels, tank and pit before their removal, 2002-2005) and to commercial solvents values in literature. Additionally, CMs natural attenuation processes were identified by C-Cl isotope slopes (Λ). Analyses revealed the downstream migration of the pollutant focus and an efficient removal of DNAPLs in the pit source's influence area. However, the removal of the contaminated soil from former tank and wastewater pipe was incomplete as leaching from unsaturated zone was proved, evidencing these areas are still active sources. Nevertheless, significant CMs degradation was detected close to all sources and Λ values pointed to different reactions. For CT in the tank area, Λ value fitted with hydrogenolysis pathway although other possible reduction processes were also uncovered. Near the wastewater pipe area, CT thiolytic reduction combined with hydrogenolysis was derived. The highest CT degradation extent accounted for these areas was 72 ± 11% and 84 ± 6%, respectively. For CF, the Λ value in the pit source's area was consistent with oxidation and/or with transport of CF affected by alkaline hydrolysis from upstream interception trenches. In contrast, isotope data evidenced CF reduction in the tank and wastewater pipe influence areas, although the observed Λ slightly deviates from the reference values, likely due to the continuous leaching of CF degraded in the non-saturated zone by a mechanism different from reduction

    Influence of dietary patterns on urinary excretion of cadmium in an Italian population: A cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Cadmium is a toxic heavy metal with detrimental effects on human health. Apart from smoking and occupational factors, diet is the main source of cadmium. However, the relation between adherence to so-called "healthy" dietary patterns and cadmium exposure has not been investigated in detail. In this study, we aimed at assessing such association in a Northern Italian population. Methods: Using a cross-sectional study design, we investigated a population of non-smokers aged 30-60 years in the period 2017-2019. Each subject completed a validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) in order to estimate adherence to four dietary patterns, namely the Dietary Approach to Stopping Hypertension-DASH diet, Greek Mediterranean Index-GMI, the Italian Mediterranean Index-IMI, and the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet. We collected a fasting morning urinary sample to measure urinary levels of cadmium and cotinine. The association between increasing adherence to dietary patterns and cadmium exposure was evaluated using a cubic spline regression non-linear model and adjusting for relevant confounders (age, sex, body mass index, urinary cotinine levels, intake of fiber, and alcohol). Results: We recruited 137 participants (males/females: 62/75) with median (interquartile range-IQR) age of 47 (IQR: 43-53) years. Median scores for the investigated dietary patterns were 24 (IQR: 21-28), 4 (IQR: 3-6), 4 (IQR: 3-5), and 7.5 (IQR: 6.5-8.5) for DASH, GMI, IMI and MIND diets, respectively. The median urinary cadmium level was 0.21 ÎĽg/L (IQR: 0.11-0.34 ÎĽg/L). Spline regression analysis showed an inverse linear association between increasing adherence to the DASH and MIND diets and urinary cadmium levels, reaching a plateau at high adherence scores, approximately > 25 and > 9 for DASH and MIND diets, respectively. An increase of cadmium exposure with increasing MIND score also emerged. Conversely, the association was almost null for IMI, and slightly positive for GMI. Conclusions: The present findings suggest that increasing adherence to the DASH and MIND diets are associated with decreased cadmium levels only at moderate level. Overall, these results indicate that public health strategies, including the decrease of cadmium contamination in healthy foods should be implemented

    Unravelling long-term source removal effects and chlorinated methanes natural attenuation processes by C and Cl stable isotopic patterns at a complex field site

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    The effects of contaminant sources removal in 2005 (i.e. barrels, tank, pit and wastewater pipe sources) on carbon tetrachloride (CT) and chloroform (CF) concentration in groundwater were assessed at several areas of a fractured multi-contaminant aquifer (Òdena, Spain) over a long-term period (2010–2014). Changes in redox conditions, in these chlorinated methanes (CMs) concentration and in their carbon isotopic compositions (δ13C) were monitored in multilevel wells. δ13C values from these wells were compared to those obtained from sources (barrels, tank and pit before their removal, 2002–2005) and to commercial solvents values in literature. Additionally, CMs natural attenuation processes were identified by C-Cl isotope slopes (Λ). Analyses revealed the downstream migration of the pollutant focus and an efficient removal of DNAPLs in the pit source's influence area. However, the removal of the contaminated soil from former tank and wastewater pipe was incomplete as leaching from unsaturated zone was proved, evidencing these areas are still active sources. Nevertheless, significant CMs degradation was detected close to all sources and Λ values pointed to different reactions. For CT in the tank area, Λ value fitted with hydrogenolysis pathway although other possible reduction processes were also uncovered. Near the wastewater pipe area, CT thiolytic reduction combined with hydrogenolysis was derived. The highest CT degradation extent accounted for these areas was 72 ± 11% and 84 ± 6%, respectively. For CF, the Λ value in the pit source's area was consistent with oxidation and/or with transport of CF affected by alkaline hydrolysis from upstream interception trenches. In contrast, isotope data evidenced CF reduction in the tank and wastewater pipe influence areas, although the observed Λ slightly deviates from the reference values, likely due to the continuous leaching of CF degraded in the non-saturated zone by a mechanism different from reduction

    Sodium and potassium content of foods consumed in an Italian population and the impact of adherence to a Mediterranean diet on their intake

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    High sodium and low potassium intakes are associated with increased levels of blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular diseases. Assessment of habitual dietary habits are helpful to evaluate their intake and adherence to healthy dietary recommendations. In this study, we determined sodium and potassium food-specific content and intake in a Northern Italy community, focusing on the role and contribution of adherence to Mediterranean diet patterns. We collected a total of 908 food samples and measured sodium and potassium content using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Using a validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire, we assessed habitual dietary intake of 719 adult individuals of the Emilia-Romagna region. We then estimated sodium and potassium daily intake for each food based on their relative contribution to the overall diet, and their link to Mediterranean diet patterns. The estimated mean sodium intake was 2.15 g/day, while potassium mean intake was 3.37 g/day. The foods contributing most to sodium intake were cereals (33.2%), meat products (24.5%, especially processed meat), and dairy products (13.6%), and for potassium they were meat (17.1%, especially red and white meat), fresh fruits (15.7%), and vegetables (15.1%). Adherence to a Mediterranean diet had little influence on sodium intake, whereas potassium intake was greatly increased in subjects with higher scores, resulting in a lower sodium/potassium ratio. Although we may have underestimated dietary sodium intake by not including discretionary salt use and there may be some degree of exposure misclassification as a result of changes in food sodium content and dietary habits over time, our study provides an overview of the contribution of a wide range of foods to the sodium and potassium intake in a Northern Italy community and of the impact of a Mediterranean diet on intake. The mean sodium intake was above the dietary recommendations for adults of 1.5–2 g/day, whilst potassium intake was only slightly lower than the recommended 3.5 g/day. Our findings suggest that higher adherence to Mediterranean diet patterns has limited effect on restricting sodium intake, but may facilitate a higher potassium intake, thereby aiding the achievement of healthy dietary recommendations
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