680 research outputs found

    Towards secure economic development : Russian-EU cooperation against organized crime and terrorism

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    This article is dedicated to the question of the development of the Russian-EU cooperation against organized crime and terrorism. The article examines the development of the Russian-EU relations, analyzes the EU-Russia Partnership and Cooperation Agreement at large and in the context of abovementioned spheres. It analyzes the Agreement on cooperation between the European Police Office and the Russian Federation and the cooperation itself, based on this agreement. Moreover, the article examines other forms of cooperation and the EU/Russia Road Map on the common space of freedom, security and justice. Finally, this article reveals the problems and perspectives of the Russian-EU cooperation in the fields of organized crime and terrorism.peer-reviewe

    Universal Aspects of Coulomb Frustrated Phase Separation

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    We study the consequences of Coulomb interactions on a system undergoing a putative first order phase transition. In two dimensions (2D), near the critical density, the system is universally unstable to the formation of new intermediate phases, which we call ``electronic microemulsion phases,'' which consist of an intermediate scale mixture of regions of the two competing phases. A correlary is that there can be no direct transition as a function of density from a 2D Wigner crystal to a uniform electron liquid. In 3D, %we find that if the strength of the Coulomb interactions exceeds a critical value, no phase separation occurs, while for weaker Coulomb strength, electronic microemulsions are inevitable. This tendency is considerably more pronounced in anisotropic (quasi 2D or quasi 1D) systems, where a devil's staircase of transitions is possible.Comment: 4 pg

    Anisotropic dynamics of a vicinal surface under the meandering step instability

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    We investigate the nonlinear evolution of the Bales-Zangwill instability, responsible for the meandering of atomic steps on a growing vicinal surface. We develop an asymptotic method to derive, in the continuous limit, an evolution equation for the two-dimensional step flow. The dynamics of the crystal surface is greatly influenced by the anisotropy inherent to its geometry, and is characterized by the coarsening of undulations along the step direction and by the elastic relaxation in the mean slope direction. We demonstrate, using similarity arguments, that the coalescence of meanders and the step flow follow simple scaling laws, and deduce the exponents of the characteristic length scales and height amplitude. The relevance of these results to experiments is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Criteria for the observation of strong-field photoelectron holography

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    Photoelectron holography is studied experimentally and computationally using the ionization of ground-state xenon atoms by intense near-infrared radiation. A strong dependence of the occurrence of the holographic pattern on the laser wavelength and intensity is observed, and it is shown that the observation of the hologram requires that the ponderomotive energy Up is substantially larger than the photon energy. The holographic interference is therefore favored by longer wavelengths and higher laser intensities. Our results indicate that the tunneling regime is not a necessary condition for the observation of the holographic pattern, which can be observed under the conditions formally attributed to the multiphoton regime. © 2011 American Physical Society

    Absence of the Transition into Abrikosov Vortex State of Two-Dimensional Type-II Superconductor with Weak Pinning

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    The resistive properties of thin amorphous NbO_{x} films with weak pinning were investigated experimentally above and below the second critical field H_{c2}. As opposed to bulk type II superconductors with weak pinning where a sharp change of resistive properties at the transition into the Abrikosov state is observed at H_{c4}, some percent below H_{c2} (V.A.Marchenko and A.V.Nikulov, 1981), no qualitative change of resistive properties is observed down to a very low magnetic field, H_{c4} < 0.006 H_{c2}, in thin films with weak pinning. The smooth dependencies of the resistivity observed in these films can be described by paraconductivity theory both above and below H_{c2}. This means that the fluctuation superconducting state without phase coherence remains appreciably below H_{c2} in the two-dimensional superconductor with weak pinning. The difference the H_{c4}/H_{c2} values, i.e. position of the transition into the Abrikosov state, in three- and two-dimensional superconductors conforms to the Maki-Takayama result 1971 year according to which the Abrikosov solution 1957 year is valid only for a superconductor with finite dimensions. Because of the fluctuation this solution obtained in the mean field approximation is not valid in a relatively narrow region below H_{c2} for bulk superconductors with real dimensions and much below H_{c2} for thin films with real dimensions. The superconducting state without phase coherence should not be identified with the mythical vortex liquid because the vortex, as a singularity in superconducting state with phase coherence, can not exist without phase coherence.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Stability of periodic domain structures in a two-dimensional dipolar model

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    We investigate the energetic ground states of a model two-phase system with 1/r^3 dipolar interactions in two dimensions. The model exhibits spontaneous formation of two kinds of periodic domain structure. A striped domain structure is stable near half filling, but as the area fraction is changed, a transition to a hexagonal lattice of almost-circular droplets occurs. The stability of the equilibrium striped domain structure against distortions of the boundary is demonstrated, and the importance of hexagonal distortions of the droplets is quantified. The relevance of the theory for physical surface systems with elastic, electrostatic, or magnetostatic 1/r^3 interactions is discussed.Comment: Revtex (preprint style, 19 pages) + 4 postscript figures. A version in two-column article style with embedded figures is available at http://electron.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/index.html#ng_do

    Дослідження функціонально-технологічних властивостей м’ясних січе-них напівфабрикатів з використанням рибної сировини

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    The article is devoted to the improvement of the recipes of minced meat products with using fish raw materials and the study of organoleptic and functional and technological properties of developed minced meat systems and finished products. The research has been carried out on the rational combining of meat and fish raw materials and the expansion of assortment of minced semi-finished products. The formulations of minced meat systems for the production of meat semi-finished with a partial replacement of the main raw material to fish raw materials have been developed. The organoleptic and functional and technological parameters of minced meat systems and finished products are investigated. According to the results of the organoleptic evaluation, it was found that partial replacement of meat raw material with minced fish does not worsen the sensory characteristics of minced meat products. It is established that in comparison with the control sample there is an improvement of functional and technological indicators. In particular, the moisture content increased by an average of 6.1%, moisture absorption capacity – 5.91%, energy absorption capacity – 2.49%, fat-retaining ability – 2.52%. The obtained results confirmed the expediency of using minced meat with pollack in the technology of minced meat semi-finished products with due observance of the parameters of production cycle of heat treatment of products. It has been theoretically substantiated and experimentally confirmed the technology of meat products using minced meat and developed recipes. It has been established that with careful selection of components that are part of minced meat semi-finished products with the addition of fish raw materials can increase the organoleptic and functional and technological parameters of finished products. The obtained data suggest that the improved recipes of minced meat semi-finished products can be recommended for production by enterprises of the meat industry and restaurantsСтаття присвячена вдосконаленню рецептури м’ясних січених напівфабрикатів з використанням рибної сировини, а також дослідженню органолептичних та функціонально-технологічних властивостей розроблених фаршевих систем та готової продукції. Проведені дослідження з питань раціонального комбінування м’ясної і рибної сировини та розширення асортименту січених напівфабрикатів. Розроблено рецептури фаршевих систем для виготовлення м’ясних січених напівфабрикатів&nbsp; із частковою заміною основної сировини на рибну сировину. Досліджено органолептичні функціонально-технологічні показники фаршевих систем та готової продукції. За результатами органолептичної оцінки було встановлено, що часткова заміна м’ясної сировини на&nbsp; рибний фарш не погіршує сенсорних показників м’ясних січених виробів. Встановлено, що порівняно з контрольним зразком спостерігається поліпшення функціонально-технологічних показників. Зокрема вологоутримуюча здатність підвищилася в середньому на 6,1%, вологопоглинаюча здатність – на 5,91%, жиропоглинаюча здатність – на 2,49%, жироутримуюча здатність – на 2,52%. Отримані результати підтвердили доцільність використання фаршу з минтаю в технології&nbsp; м’ясних січених напівфабрикатів при належному дотриманні параметрів технологічних режимів проведення теплового оброблення виробів. Теоретично обґрунтована та експериментально підтверджена технологія м’ясопродуктів з використанням фаршу з минтаю, розроблені рецептури. Встановлено, що при ретельному підборі компонентів, що входять до складу м’ясних січених напівфабрикатів, з додаванням рибної сировини можна підвищити органолептичні та функціонально-технологічні показники&nbsp; готових виробів. Отримані дані дозволяють стверджувати, що удосконалені рецептури м’ясних січених напівфабрикатів&nbsp; можуть бути рекомендовані до виробництва підприємствами м’ясної промисловості, а також закладами ресторанного господарства

    Vegetative disorders in anxiety disorder: A review

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    Vegetative disorders are characteristic of patients with anxiety disorders, which are becoming more common and negatively affect the quality of life of both the patients themselves and their environment. Almost 20% of the population suffers from anxiety disorders, and women are more prone to these diseases than men. Anxiety disorders include panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and other disorders. In most cases, anxiety disorders are accompanied by vegetative symptoms, such as palpitations, sweating, trembling, changes in appetite and others. Vegetative disorders often mimic somatic and neurological disorders in patients with anxiety disorders, therefore they create problems for diagnosis. In our country, a significant part of patients with anxiety disorders are observed by neurologists with a diagnosis of somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system or autonomic dystonia. The therapy of the underlying disease, which includes lifestyle optimization, psychotherapy and medications, is of leading importance in reducing vegetative disorders