3,274 research outputs found

    Nearly Antiferromagnetic Fermi Liquids: A Progress Report

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    I describe recent theoretical and experimental progress in understanding the physical properties of the two dimensional nearly antiferromagnetic Fermi liquids (NAFL's) found in the normal state of the cuprate superconductors. In such NAFL's, the magnetic interaction between planar quasiparticles is strong and peaked at or near the commensurate wave vector, Q(π,π)Q \equiv (\pi,\pi). For the optimally doped and underdoped systems, the resulting strong antiferromagnetic correlations produce three distinct magnetic phases in the normal state: mean field above TcrT_{cr}, pseudoscaling between TcrT_{cr} and TT_*, and pseudogap below TT_*. I present arguments which suggest that the physical origin of the pseudogap found in the quasiparticle spectrum below TcrT_{cr} is the formation of a precursor to a spin-density-wave-state, describe the calculations based on this scenario of the dynamical spin susceptibility, Fermi surface evolution, transport, and Hall effect, and summarize the experimental evidence in its support.Comment: LATEX + PS figures. To appear in the proceedings of the Euroconference on "Correlations in Unconventional Quantum Liquids," Evora, Portugal, October 199

    Review of control strategies for robotic movement training after neurologic injury

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    There is increasing interest in using robotic devices to assist in movement training following neurologic injuries such as stroke and spinal cord injury. This paper reviews control strategies for robotic therapy devices. Several categories of strategies have been proposed, including, assistive, challenge-based, haptic simulation, and coaching. The greatest amount of work has been done on developing assistive strategies, and thus the majority of this review summarizes techniques for implementing assistive strategies, including impedance-, counterbalance-, and EMG- based controllers, as well as adaptive controllers that modify control parameters based on ongoing participant performance. Clinical evidence regarding the relative effectiveness of different types of robotic therapy controllers is limited, but there is initial evidence that some control strategies are more effective than others. It is also now apparent there may be mechanisms by which some robotic control approaches might actually decrease the recovery possible with comparable, non-robotic forms of training. In future research, there is a need for head-to-head comparison of control algorithms in randomized, controlled clinical trials, and for improved models of human motor recovery to provide a more rational framework for designing robotic therapy control strategies

    Nucleosomes affect local transformation efficiency

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    Genetic transformation is a natural process during which foreign DNA enters a cell and integrates into the genome. Apart from its relevance for horizontal gene transfer in nature, transformation is also the cornerstone of today's recombinant gene technology. Despite its importance, relatively little is known about the factors that determine transformation efficiency. We hypothesize that differences in DNA accessibility associated with nucleosome positioning may affect local transformation efficiency. We investigated the landscape of transformation efficiency at various positions in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome and correlated these measurements with nucleosome positioning. We find that transformation efficiency shows a highly significant inverse correlation with relative nucleosome density. This correlation was lost when the nucleosome pattern, but not the underlying sequence was changed. Together, our results demonstrate a novel role for nucleosomes and also allow researchers to predict transformation efficiency of a target region and select spots in the genome that are likely to yield higher transformation efficiency

    Gravitational wave forms for a three-body system in Lagrange's orbit: parameter determinations and a binary source test

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    Continuing work initiated in an earlier publication [Torigoe et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 102}, 251101 (2009)], gravitational wave forms for a three-body system in Lagrange's orbit are considered especially in an analytic method. First, we derive an expression of the three-body wave forms at the mass quadrupole, octupole and current quadrupole orders. By using the expressions, we solve a gravitational-wave {\it inverse} problem of determining the source parameters to this particular configuration (three masses, a distance of the source to an observer, and the orbital inclination angle to the line of sight) through observations of the gravitational wave forms alone. For this purpose, the chirp mass to a three-body system in the particular configuration is expressed in terms of only the mass ratios by deleting initial angle positions. We discuss also whether and how a binary source can be distinguished from a three-body system in Lagrange's orbit or others.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; text improved, typos corrected; accepted for publication in PR

    How Do Individuals in a Radical Echo Chamber React to Opposing Views? Evidence from a Content Analysis of Stormfront

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    Calls to “break up” radical echo chambers by injecting them with alternative viewpoints are common. Yet, thus far there is little evidence about the impact of such counter-messaging. To what extent and how do individuals who inhabit a radical echo chamber engage with messages that challenge their core beliefs? Drawing on data from the radical right forum Stormfront we address this question with a large-scale content and longitudinal analysis of users’ posting behavior, which analyses more than 35,000 English language contributions to the forum spanning 2011 through 2013. Our findings show that engaging with oppositional views is actually a core practice among Stromfront users which invites active participation and encourages engagement. Indeed, many “echoes” in the echo chamber we studied were not core beliefs being restated, but the sound of opposing viewpoints being undermined and marginalized. These findings underscore the limited potential for counter-messages to undermine radical echo chambers

    L’impact des normes IFRS sur les données comptables des groupes français cotés.

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    Les normes IFRS n’ont eu qu’un impact limité sur les données comptables des groupes français et sur les ratios d’analyse financière calculés par la Banque de France. La pertinence du diagnostic financier suppose néanmoins que les analystes fassent évoluer leur démarche.impacts des IFRS, transition aux IFRS, agrégats comptables, ratios financiers, juste valeur, analyse financière, groupes non financiers cotés.

    Depth of interaction and bias voltage depenence of the spectral response in a pixellated CdTe detector operating in time-over-threshold mode subjected to monochromatic X-rays

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    High stopping power is one of the most important figures of merit for X-ray detectors. CdTe is a promising material but suffers from: material defects, non-ideal charge transport and long range X-ray fluorescence. Those factors reduce the image quality and deteriorate spectral information. In this project we used a monochromatic pencil beam collimated through a 20μm pinhole to measure the detector spectral response in dependance on the depth of interaction. The sensor was a 1mm thick CdTe detector with a pixel pitch of 110μm, bump bonded to a Timepix readout chip operating in Time-Over-Threshold mode. The measurements were carried out at the Extreme Conditions beamline I15 of the Diamond Light Source. The beam was entering the sensor at an angle of \texttildelow20 degrees to the surface and then passed through \texttildelow25 pixels before leaving through the bottom of the sensor. The photon energy was tuned to 77keV giving a variation in the beam intensity of about three orders of magnitude along the beam path. Spectra in Time-over-Threshold (ToT) mode were recorded showing each individual interaction. The bias voltage was varied between -30V and -300V to investigate how the electric field affected the spectral information. For this setup it is worth noticing the large impact of fluorescence. At -300V the photo peak and escape peak are of similar height. For high bias voltages the spectra remains clear throughout the whole depth but for lower voltages as -50V, only the bottom part of the sensor carries spectral information. This is an effect of the low hole mobility and the longer range the electrons have to travel in a low field