11 research outputs found

    Legal actions in Brazilian air transport: A machine learning and multinomial logistic regression analysis

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    In Brazil, one of the most harmful costs for airlines is the number of lawsuits filed against them. It is a problem that can affect its operations, reduce the entry of new competitors and create legal uncertainty in the country. This work seeks to highlight the factors which most contribute to the rise of judicial indemnities, discuss the most relevant issues and identify the best techniques to predict the indemnified values. The objective is to provide subsidies for airlines to mitigate the number of legal actions by using machine learning models. This research contributes by discussing one of the most relevant subjects in Brazilian air transport and comparing the machine learning models’ performance. The study is based on lawsuits between 2016 and 2021 using the companies’ data. The performance of Naive Bayes, Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, and Multinomial Logistic Regression models are evaluated through the accuracy, area under the ROC curve, and confusion matrix. The results showed better predictive power for Random Forest and Logistic Regression. The latter showed that flight delays, cancellations, and airline faults have a negative effect on indemnities. The above-average compensation is a tendency in some states, being the moral damage awarded to customers the main cause of higher compensation

    A aventura crítica da semiótica

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    The critical adventure of semiotics courses through the main theses about semiotics and communication that have been discussed during the first stage of the research Critical Semiotics: Towards a theory of materialities in communication. In it, the Semiotics and Communication Cultures Research Group (GPESC) discussed the potentialities and limits of a communicational perspective not only based on the founding works of semiotic research (Saussure, Peirce) and developed in its structuralist models (Jakobson, Barthes, Hjelmslev, Lotman), but also revisited by ideas that deconstructed structuralism through the postulates of this very structuralism (Derrida, Kristeva, Deleuze, Guattari). The paper presents this suggestion by means of ten deconstructions related to concepts and theoretical problems which are key to the debate around the materialities of communication: semiotics, communication, materialities, presence, phenomenon, representamen, mediums, sign and significant, structure and system. In so doing, it suggests a move from materialities towards the immanence of a micropolitical and post- human communication.A aventura crítica da semiótica percorre as principais teses sobre a semiótica e a comunicação conforme trabalhadas na primeira etapa da pesquisa Semiótica Crítica, denominada Por uma teoria das materialidades na comunicação. Nela, o Grupo de Pesquisa Semiótica e Culturas da Comunicação procurou discutir as potencialidades e limites de uma perspectiva comunicacional não somente fundamentada nos trabalhos fundadores da semiótica (Saussure, Peirce) e desenvolvida em seus modelos estruturalistas (como em Jakobson, Barthes, Hjelmslev e Lotman), mas também revisitada pelos textos que operaram uma desconstrução do estruturalismo pelo interior dos postulados deste próprio estruturalismo (Derrida, Kristeva, Deleuze, Guattari). O artigo apresenta esta proposta pelos modos como a pesquisa trabalhou com dez desconstruções ligadas a conceitos e problemas teóricos centrais ao debate das materialidades da comunicação: semiótica, comunicação, materialidades, presença, fenômeno, representâmen, meios, signo e significante, estrutura e sistema, sugerindo uma passagem das materialidades à imanência de uma comunicação micropolítica e pós-humana

    A aventura crítica da semiótica

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    A aventura crítica da semiótica percorre as principais teses sobre a semiótica e a comunicação conforme trabalhadas na primeira etapa da pesquisa Semiótica Crítica, denominada Por uma teoria das materialidades na comunicação. Nela, o Grupo de Pesquisa Semiótica e Culturas da Comunicação procurou discutir as potencialidades e limites de uma perspectiva comunicacional não somente fundamentada nos trabalhos fundadores da semiótica (Saussure, Peirce) e desenvolvida em seus modelos estruturalistas (como em Jakobson, Barthes, Hjelmslev e Lotman), mas também revisitada pelos textos que operaram uma desconstrução do estruturalismo pelo interior dos postulados deste próprio estruturalismo (Derrida, Kristeva, Deleuze, Guattari). O artigo apresenta esta proposta pelos modos como a pesquisa trabalhou com dez desconstruções ligadas a conceitos e problemas teóricos centrais ao debate das materialidades da comunicação: semiótica, comunicação, materialidades, presença, fenômeno, representâmen, meios, signo e significante, estrutura e sistema, sugerindo uma passagem das materialidades à imanência de uma comunicação micropolítica e póshumana.The critical adventure of semiotics courses through the main theses about semiotics and communication that have been discussed during the first stage of the research Critical Semiotics: Towards a theory of materialities in communication. In it, the Semiotics and Communication Cultures Research Group (GPESC) discussed the potentialities and limits of a communicational perspective not only based on the founding works of semiotic research (Saussure, Peirce) and developed in its structuralist models (Jakobson, Barthes, Hjelmslev, Lotman), but also revisited by ideas that deconstructed structuralism through the postulates of this very structuralism (Derrida, Kristeva, Deleuze, Guattari). The paper presents this suggestion by means of ten deconstructions related to concepts and theoretical problems which are key to the debate around the materialities of communication: semiotics, communication, materialities, presence, phenomenon, representamen, mediums, sign and significant, structure and system. In so doing, it suggests a move from materialities towards the immanence of a micropolitical and posthuman communication

    Effects of the Deregulation on the Concentration of the Brazilian Air Transportation Industry

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    This paper addresses the effects of the deregulation of the Brazilian air transportation industry in terms of the concentration of the market. We will show some metrics that are commonly used to study the concentration of the industry. This paper uses the Herfindhal- Hirschman Index. This index tends to zero in the competitive scenario, with a large number of small firms, and to one in case of a monopolistic scenario. The paper analyses the dynamics of the concentration of the Brazilian domestic air transportation market, in order to evaluate the effects of deregulation. We conclude that the Brazilian market presents oligopoly characteristics and aspects in its current structure that maintain the market concentrated in spite of the Deregulation measures adopted by the aeronautical authority. Keywords: Herfindhal-Hirschman Index, concentration, Deregulatio

    Technical use stated preference: a study in residential sector for college students

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    In a dynamic and competitive market for a product or service to be chosen, it is very important to understand the needs of consumers. Some market research techniques are recommended to investigate consumer preferences. This paper reports on research of declared preference, with specific application to the process of choosing the location of housing for university students. Data collection was performed with students from a federal university, through a questionnaire composed of structured cards, where students would indicate their preferences. The composition of the sample was random, according to the students’ availability. The results reveal the preferences of this consumer segment, making possible a better understanding of the factors that are prevalent when choosing the site for housing. Another contribution of this work is to demonstrate the methodological procedures developed for the use of the declared preference technique and their respective results

    A aventura crítica da semiótica

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    The critical adventure of semiotics courses through the main theses about semiotics and communication that have been discussed during the first stage of the research Critical Semiotics: Towards a theory of materialities in communication. In it, the Semiotics and Communication Cultures Research Group (GPESC) discussed the potentialities and limits of a communicational perspective not only based on the founding works of semiotic research (Saussure, Peirce) and developed in its structuralist models (Jakobson, Barthes, Hjelmslev, Lotman), but also revisited by ideas that deconstructed structuralism through the postulates of this very structuralism (Derrida, Kristeva, Deleuze, Guattari). The paper presents this suggestion by means of ten deconstructions related to concepts and theoretical problems which are key to the debate around the materialities of communication: semiotics, communication, materialities, presence, phenomenon, representamen, mediums, sign and significant, structure and system. In so doing, it suggests a move from materialities towards the immanence of a micropolitical and post- human communication.A aventura crítica da semiótica percorre as principais teses sobre a semiótica e a comunicação conforme trabalhadas na primeira etapa da pesquisa Semiótica Crítica, denominada Por uma teoria das materialidades na comunicação. Nela, o Grupo de Pesquisa Semiótica e Culturas da Comunicação procurou discutir as potencialidades e limites de uma perspectiva comunicacional não somente fundamentada nos trabalhos fundadores da semiótica (Saussure, Peirce) e desenvolvida em seus modelos estruturalistas (como em Jakobson, Barthes, Hjelmslev e Lotman), mas também revisitada pelos textos que operaram uma desconstrução do estruturalismo pelo interior dos postulados deste próprio estruturalismo (Derrida, Kristeva, Deleuze, Guattari). O artigo apresenta esta proposta pelos modos como a pesquisa trabalhou com dez desconstruções ligadas a conceitos e problemas teóricos centrais ao debate das materialidades da comunicação: semiótica, comunicação, materialidades, presença, fenômeno, representâmen, meios, signo e significante, estrutura e sistema, sugerindo uma passagem das materialidades à imanência de uma comunicação micropolítica e pós-humana

    A aventura crítica da semiótica

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    A aventura crítica da semiótica percorre as principais teses sobre a semiótica e a comunicação conforme trabalhadas na primeira etapa da pesquisa Semiótica Crítica, denominada Por uma teoria das materialidades na comunicação. Nela, o Grupo de Pesquisa Semiótica e Culturas da Comunicação procurou discutir as potencialidades e limites de uma perspectiva comunicacional não somente fundamentada nos trabalhos fundadores da semiótica (Saussure, Peirce) e desenvolvida em seus modelos estruturalistas (como em Jakobson, Barthes, Hjelmslev e Lotman), mas também revisitada pelos textos que operaram uma desconstrução do estruturalismo pelo interior dos postulados deste próprio estruturalismo (Derrida, Kristeva, Deleuze, Guattari). O artigo apresenta esta proposta pelos modos como a pesquisa trabalhou com dez desconstruções ligadas a conceitos e problemas teóricos centrais ao debate das materialidades da comunicação: semiótica, comunicação, materialidades, presença, fenômeno, representâmen, meios, signo e significante, estrutura e sistema, sugerindo uma passagem das materialidades à imanência de uma comunicação micropolítica e póshumana.The critical adventure of semiotics courses through the main theses about semiotics and communication that have been discussed during the first stage of the research Critical Semiotics: Towards a theory of materialities in communication. In it, the Semiotics and Communication Cultures Research Group (GPESC) discussed the potentialities and limits of a communicational perspective not only based on the founding works of semiotic research (Saussure, Peirce) and developed in its structuralist models (Jakobson, Barthes, Hjelmslev, Lotman), but also revisited by ideas that deconstructed structuralism through the postulates of this very structuralism (Derrida, Kristeva, Deleuze, Guattari). The paper presents this suggestion by means of ten deconstructions related to concepts and theoretical problems which are key to the debate around the materialities of communication: semiotics, communication, materialities, presence, phenomenon, representamen, mediums, sign and significant, structure and system. In so doing, it suggests a move from materialities towards the immanence of a micropolitical and posthuman communication