171 research outputs found

    Analysis of Risk Factors in Occupational Accidents in Brazil: A Population-Based Study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of occupational risks factors, including specific work characteristics with the occurrence of accidents at workplace and on the way to work in Brazil. METHODS: We used a cross-sectional study design with comparison groups, to inquire data from 47,629 participants of the Brazilian National Health Survey. Logistic regression analysis was performed for distinct multivariate models. RESULTS: Exposure to intense noise, biological materials, work experience of 40 years or more, and intense physical exertion were significantly associated with accidents at work. Regarding to accidents on the way to work, exposure to intense noise and performing work activities that require intense physical exertion remained associated. CONCLUSION: This study contributes to highlight the effects of multiple work-related risk factors on the occurrence of occupational accidents at the workplace and on the way to work in Brazil

    O verde da economia no campo: desafios à pesquisa e às políticas públicas para a promoção da saúde no avanço da modernização agrícola.

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    Neste ensaio, é feita a pergunta de quem deve, pode e quer promover a saúde no campo hoje. Foi eleito, prioritariamente, o campo da ciência e o das políticas públicas como foco de diálogo. Configurou-se oito lições aprendidas sob a perspectiva dos direitos à saúde a um ambiente saudável, aqui compartilhadas: (1) para além de um risco químico isolado, a relação entre agrotóxicos e saúde deve ser estudada no contexto da modernização agrícola conservadora; (2) é necessário e urgente que se proceda ao desvelamento dos agravos à saúde relacionados aos agrotóxicos; (3) o Estado tem tido significativa eficácia no apoio ao agronegócio e ignificativa ineficácia nas políticas sociais de garantia de direitos dos trabalhadores e da população; (4) setores da sociedade ligados às organizações do campo vêm desempenhando importante papel na política pública de combate aos agrotóxicos e de proteção da saúde; (5) é importante que os estudos contribuam para a desconstrução dos mitos que sustentam o modelo da Revolução Verde; (6) se está diante do desafio de contribuir na construção de um paradigma emergente de ciência, fundado no compromisso ético-político com os mais vulneráveis; (7) comunidades camponesas vêm construindo alternativas agroecológicas de vida no semiárido

    Antioxidant Action of Mangrove Polyphenols against Gastric Damage Induced by Absolute Ethanol and Ischemia-Reperfusion in the Rat

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    Rhizophora mangle, the red mangrove, has long been known as a traditional medicine. Its bark has been used as astringent, antiseptic, hemostatic, with antifungic and antiulcerogenic properties. In this paper, we aimed to evaluate the antioxidant properties of a buthanolic fraction of the R. mangle bark extract (RM) against experimental gastric ulcer in rats. Unib-Wh rats received pretreatment of R. mangle after the induction of gastric injury with absolute ethanol and ischemia-reperfusion. Gastric tissues from both methods were prepared to the enzymatic assays, the levels of sulfhydril compounds (GSH), lipid peroxides (LPO), and the activities of glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) were measured. The RM protected the gastric mucosa in both methods used, ethanol-induced gastric ulcer and ischemia-reperfusion, probably, by modulating the activities of the enzymes SOD, GPx, and GR and increasing or maintaining the levels of GSH; in adittion, LPO levels were reduced. The results suggest that the RM antioxidant activity leads to tissue protection; thus one of the antiulcer mechanisms present on the pharmacological effects of R. mangle is the antioxidant property

    Densidade de plantas e doses de NPK nos componentes de produção de soja-hortaliça na Savana de Roraima

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito de duas densidades e semeadura e doses de NPK (02-24-12) nos componentes de Produção da soja hortaliça linhagem JLM 08, na Savana de Boa Vista, Roraima. O experimento foi conduzido no período de novembro de 2013 a março de 2014, na área experimental do Centro de Ciências Agrária da Universidade Federal de Roraima, Campus Cauamé, em Boa Vista, Roraima. O delineamento experimental adotado foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial (2 x 5), com três repetições. O primeiro fator correspondeu a duas densidades (40.000 e 80.000 plantas por hectare), enquanto o segundo a cinco doses de NPK (02-24-12) (0, 200, 400, 600 e 800 kg ha-1). Avaliaram-se a altura de inserção da primeira e da última vagem, diâmetro do caule, número de vagens por planta com 1, 2 e 3 grãos, número de vagens totais por planta, massa de 100 grãos, bem como a estimativa da produtividade de grãos. A altura de inserção da primeira e da última vagem do genótipo de soja-hortaliça JLM 08 não é influenciada pelas densidades de plantio nem pelas doses do adubo formulado. Na densidade de 80.000 plantas por hectare, o número de vagem por planta é influenciado pelas doses do adubo, apresentando resposta quadrática positiva. A dose de máxima eficiência técnica (492,86 kg ha-1) do adubo determina aumento de 18% na produtividade de grãos para a maior densidade de plantio

    Piezoelectric preservative rhinoplasty: an alternative approach for treating bifid nose in Tessier No. 0 facial cleft

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    The bifid nose management in Tessier nº 0 facial cleft is controversial due to its characteristics, such as a wide bone vault, low dorsal height, excessive skin, soft tissues volume, and distant upper and lower lateral cartilages. Conservative rhinoplasty techniques, using piezoelectric instruments, can be a good option for the bifid nose treatment, as they preserve the roof and upper lateral cartilages and perform a more accurate osteotomy. We report the treatment of bifid nose in a 13-year-old boy with facial cleft No. 0, to whom was performed conservative rhinoplasty with the aid of piezoelectric material. Given the excess of skin and soft tissues, a completely external transcutaneous approach was chosen. For osteotomies, lateral fractures under direct piezo-assisted vision were performed to have better control of the bone vault narrowing. The upper lateral cartilages and the internal nasal valves were preserved and brought back to the midline with horizontal "U" sutures to obtain a projection of the cartilaginous vault. A large segment of skin and soft tissue was excised after narrowing the nasal vault. A year of follow-up shows a narrow bone pyramid, better projection, and tip definition, but persisting with a vertically short nose. Conservative rhinoplasty techniques, assisted by piezoelectrics, may be an option for bifid nose treatment, requiring long-term follow-up and a study with more cases

    A Brazilian cohort of patients with immuno-mediated chronic inflammatory diseases infected by SARS-CoV-2 (ReumaCoV-Brasil Registry) : protocol for a prospective, observational study

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    Background: Patients with immune-mediated rheumatic diseases (IMRD) are at increased risk of infections, including significant morbidity and high mortality. Considering the potential for unfavorable outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with IMRD, several questions were raised regarding the impact of COVID-19 at the start of the pandemic. Objective: This paper presents the protocol of a study that aims to prospectively evaluate patients with IMRD and a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis (using criteria provided by the Brazilian Ministry of Health). Methods: The study comprised a prospective, observational cohort (patients with IMRD and COVID-19) and a comparison group (patients with only IMRD), with a follow-up time of 6 months to evaluate differences in health outcomes. The primary outcomes will be changes in IMRD disease activity after SARS-CoV-2 infection at 4 time points: (1) at baseline, (2) within 4-6 weeks after infection, (3) at 3 months after the second assessment (±15 days), and (4) at 6 months (±15 days). The secondary outcomes will be the progression rate to moderate or severe forms of COVID-19, need for intensive care unit admission and mechanical ventilation, death, and therapeutic changes related to IMRD. Two outcomes—pulmonary and thromboembolic events in patients with both IMRD and SARS-CoV-2 infection—are of particular interest and will be monitored with close attention (clinical, laboratory, and function tests as well as imaging). Results: Recruitment opened in May 2020, with 1300 participants recruited from 43 sites as of November 2020. Patient recruitment will conclude by the end of December 2020, with follow-up occurring until April 2021. Data analysis is scheduled to start after all inclusion data have been collected, with an aim to publish a peer-reviewed paper in December 2020. Conclusions: We believe this study will provide clinically relevant data on the general impact of COVID-19 on patients with IMRD

    Avaliação microbiológica das bancas do mercado central em São Luís-MA / Microbiological evaluation of central market banks in São Luís-MA

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    A feira é um espaço que se firma um importante fator econômico e meio de sobrevivência para as populações de diferentes localidades. Diversos estudos realizados comprovam e demonstram condições precárias de higiene nesses espaços e, somado a isso, o mínimo conhecimento dos feirantes sobre as boas práticas de manipulação e comercialização. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal a avaliação microbiológica das bancas do mercado central da cidade em São Luís - Maranhão. Os experimentos foram realizados no Laboratório Microbiologia de Alimentos do curso de Farmácia da Universidade Federal do Maranhão, no qual os procedimentos foram: a utilização da técnica de isolamento pelo método de esgotamento, o cultivo em placas de ágar seletivos (MacConkey, Sabouraud e Batata) e não seletivos (Nutriente) para o crescimento de colônias de bactérias, fungos filamentosos e leveduras. Verificou-se que todas as bancas analisadas obtiveram crescimento de microrganismos, no qual atestam a contaminação das mesmas. A banca onde se comercializava remédios naturais, obteve resultado negativo para o ágar MacConkey (bactérias Gram-negativas) e positivos para os demais. As outras bancas analisadas, frutas e legumes, pescados, condimentos e açougue, obtiveram crescimento de colônias de bactérias, fungos filamentosos e leveduras. Portanto, é importante frisar que as feiras, embora seja uma fonte de trabalho para muitos, se mostram inadequadas por servirem de veículo para microrganismos deteriorantes e patogênicos, mostrando uma higienização deficiente para a comercialização dos produtos. Os resultados obtidos apontam para necessidade de um trabalho, por parte dos órgãos competentes, no sentido de esclarecer e treinar os feirantes para que se obtenha mais higiene e qualidade nos produtos a serem vendidos

    Revisiting hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for patients with chronic immunity-mediated inflammatory rheumatic diseases

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    Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, also known as antimalarial drugs, are widely used in the treatment of rheumatic diseases and have recently become the focus of attention because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Rheumatologists have been using antimalarials to manage patients with chronic immune-mediated inflammatory rheumatic diseases for decades. It is an appropriate time to review their immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory mechanisms impact on disease activity and survival of systemic lupus erythematosus patient, including antiplatelet effect, metabolic and lipid benefits. We also discuss possible adverse effects, adding a practical and comprehensive approach to monitoring rheumatic patients during treatment with these drugs

    Use of Creatine Monohydrate in MDX Mice: Morphometric and Stereological Analysis of the Diaphragm

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a genetic disease that is clinically manifested by progressive muscle atrophy, followed by loss of strength, motor coordination and functional impairment. In the final stages of the disease, the patient has severe difficulty in breathing mechanics, due to the involvement of the muscles involved with the mechanics of breathing, including the diaphragm. The present study sought to identify the effects of creatine monohydrate supplementation in MDX mice on the morphology, morphometry and stereology of the striated muscle tissue of the diaphragm of these animals. The results indicate that, despite not influencing the increase in cell volume, supplementation acts in an anti-inflammatory way, reducing the progressive process of fibrosis that occurs in these animals in the face of muscle atrophy followed by the replacement of muscle parenchyma by connective tissue. in this way, supplementation provides a better condition for tissue maintenance, enabling more survival of MDX mice. Monohydrate creatine supplementation has been shown to be a complementary therapeutic alternative, especially for muscular dystrophies and severe myopathies