2,854 research outputs found

    Flattening mountains: Micro-fabrication of planar replicas for bullet lateral striae analysis

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    The application of replica molding has proven to be a valuable tool in the analysis of different forensic evidences in particular for its ability to extract the toolmarks from complex sample surfaces. A well known problem in the analysis of ballistic evidences is the accurate characterization of the lateral striae of real bullets seized on crime scenes after shots, due primarily to impact deformations and to unpredictable issues related to laboratory illumination setup. To overcome these problems a possible way is to confine over a flat surface all the features still preserving their three dimensionality. This can be achieved by a novel application of replica molding performed onto the relevant lateral portion of the bullet surface. A quasi-two-dimensional negative copy of the original tridimensional indented surface has been thus fabricated. It combines the real tridimensional topography of class characteristics (land and groove impressions) and of individual caracteristics (striae) impressed by rifled barrels on projectiles, moreover with the possibility of quantitative characterization of these features in a planar configuration, that will allow one-shot comparison of the "whole striae landscape" without the typical artifacts arising from the bullet shape and the illumination issue. A detailed analysis has been carried on at the morphological level by standard optical and scanning electron microscopy, while the 3D topography has been characterized by white light optical profilometry. A quantitative characterization of toolmarks of bullets derived from ammunitions shot by guns of large diffusion, as the Beretta 98 FS cal. 9×21mm, has been performed and will be presented ranging between the whole landscape and the sub-μm resolution. To investigate the real potentiality of this technique, the experiment has been extended to highly impact-deformed projectiles

    CRT in Patients with Heart Failure: Time Course of Perfusion and Wall Motion Changes

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    In patients treated with CRT no data relative to the relationship between regional wall motion and perfusion and reverse remodelling of the left ventricle at short and medium term followup were available. To this aim, 36 heart failure patients were studied by G-SPECT before (T0), within 2 months (T1) and 6 months (T2) after CRT. A clinical followup was completed for 36 months. In 30/36 patients there was an improvement of NYHA Class at T1 that persisted at T2. G-SPECT showed significant improvement of perfusion at T1 in 92% of patients without further changes at T2. A reduction of LV volumes, an increase of EF and an improvement of regional wall motion and thickening were observed at T1 versus baseline, with only minor changes at T2. Moreover, baseline extension of perfusion defects was scarcely correlated with improvement after CRT. Finally, end diastolic volume, perfusion defect and diabetes mellitus were independent predictors of survival. The main effects of CRT on regional myocardial perfusion and wall motion are obtained within 2 months. Volume overload modulates recovery of ventricular function independently of reperfusion and, with extension of perfusion abnormalities and diabetes were independent predictors of survival during followup

    A rare case of primary gastric Burkitt's lymphoma associated with malignant pleural mesothelioma

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    Il linfoma di Burkitt (BL) e il mesotelioma pleurico maligno (MPM) sono tumori rari con prognosi infausta e nella maggior parte dei pazienti è indicato solo il trattamento palliativo. Il ruolo dell'infezione da HIV e da EBV nell'eziologia del BL sono stati confermati, mentre resta controversa l’associazione del BL a localizzazione gastrica con l’Helicobacter pylori. Il BL è endemico in Africa e sporadico nel resto del mondo, la localizzazione primitiva nello stomaco (PG BL) è estremamente rara, fino al 2017 erano stati descritti solo 53 casi, ed è altamente aggressiva con una frazione di crescita tra le più alte tra i tumori maligni. La sintomatologia di esordio è costituita da vomito, dolore post-prandiale, sanguinamento acuto o cronico. L'MPM è solitamente associato all'esposizione all'amianto e la dispnea dovuta a versamento pleurico è la manifestazione clinica tipica. Finora in Letteratura non sono stati descritti casi caratterizzati dall’associazione del mesotelioma pleurico maligno con il linfoma gastrico primitivo di Burkitt. Qui riportiamo il caso di un maschio caucasico di 80 anni, negativo per i comprovati fattori di rischio per LB e MPM, che si presentava alla nostra attenzione per un quadro di insufficienza respiratoria acuta da versamento pleurico massivo nell’emitorace sinistro, con sbandieramento mediastinico controlaterale. La tomografia computerizzata con mdc (CE-CT) mostrava una grossa massa causa di ispessimento circonferenziale del fondo gastrico, infiltrante la cupola diaframmatica sinistra e il pilatro omolaterale. All'esame endoscopico, il fondo gastrico appariva completamente occupato da una grossa massa ulcerata sporgente nel lume gastrico. L'esame istopatologico ed immunoistochimico dei campioni bioptici prelevati durante l'EGDS e la toracoscopia ha permesso di formulare la diagnosi di PG BL e MPM. Il paziente è stato sottoposto prima a posizionamento di drenaggio toracico per il versamento pleurico e poi a talcaggio pleurico toracoscopico nell'emitorace sinistro. Per la rapida crescita e l'elevato rischio di sanguinamento veniva programmato il trattamento chirurgico della lesione gastrica, ma il paziente è deceduto a causa di un'aritmia cardiaca fatale, prima di sottoporsi all’intervento chirurgico addominale. Questo case report mette in evidenza la vera sfida per i medici che è quella di identificare il MPM e il PG BL nella loro fase iniziale, specialmente nei pazienti senza i fattori di rischio comprovati. I sintomi di esordio ne fanno un caso molto singolare, caratterizzato da grave dispnea fino all'insufficienza respiratoria, per versamento pleurico massivo sinistro e sbanderiamento mediastinico controlaterale, senza sanguinamento attivo dalla massa gastrica, mentre i reperti CE-TC erano invece negativi per ispessimento pleurico e positivo per ispessimento circonferenziale del fondo gastrico.Background: Primary gastric Burkitt lymphoma (PG BL) and malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) are rare and aggressive tumors with poor prognosis. HIV and EBV infection have a link in the aetiology of PG BL, while MPM is usually associated with asbestos exposure. Endoluminal bleeding from massive solid tumor, and dyspnea usually due to pleural effusion, are the typical clinical manifestations respectively of PG BL and MPM. In most patients just palliative treatment is indicated. Case report: A caucasian elderly male, negative for the proven risk factors, presenting respiratory failure due to massive left pleural effusion with severe mediastinal shift. Contrast enhanced - Computed Tomography (CE-CT) showed a large mass causing circumferential thickening of the gastric fundus, infiltrating the left diaphragmatic dome and the ipsilateral crus. Macroscopically, on endoscopy the gastric fundus appeared completely occupied by an ulcerated large mass protunding in the gastric lumen. Histopathological examination from biopsy specimens taken during esophagogastroduodenoscopy and thoracoscopy allowed to make diagnosis of PG BL and MPM. The patient first underwent a placement of a chest tube drainage for the pleural effusion and then a thoracoscopic talc insufflation (TTI) in the left hemithorax. A surgical treatment of the gastric lesion was planned, due to the rapid growth and the high risk of bleeding. The patient died because of fatal cardiac arrhythmia, before undergoig abdominal surgery. Conclusions: This report presents an unique case of PG BL associated with MPM and highlights the real challenge for the physicians to identify them in early stage, especially in patients without the proved risk factors. The onset symptoms make it a very singular case, characterized by severe dyspnea up to respiratory failure, due to massive left pleural effusion and contralateral mediastinal fluttering, without an active bleeding from the gastric mass, while CE-CT findings were instead negative for pleural thickening and positive for circumferential thickening of the gastric fundus. Key words: Burkitt Lymphoma, Case Report, Gastric, Pleural Mesothelioma, Pleural Effusion, Respiratory Failure

    Scrapie infectivity is quickly cleared in tissues of orally-infected farmed fish

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    BACKGROUND: Scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) belongs to the group of animal transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE). BSE epidemic in the UK and elsewhere in Europe has been linked to the use of bovine meat and bone meals (MBM) in the feeding of cattle. There is concern that pigs, poultry and fish bred for human consumption and fed with infected MBM would eventually develop BSE or carry residual infectivity without disease. Although there has been no evidence of infection in these species, experimental data on the susceptibility to the BSE agent of farm animals other than sheep and cow are limited only to pigs and domestic chicken. In the framework of a EU-granted project we have challenged two species of fish largely used in human food consumption, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), with a mouse-adapted TSE strain (scrapie 139A), to assess the risk related to oral consumption of TSE contaminated food. In trout, we also checked the "in vitro" ability of the pathological isoform of the mouse prion protein (PrP(Sc)) to cross the intestinal epithelium when added to the mucosal side of everted intestine. RESULTS: Fish challenged with a large amount of scrapie mouse brain homogenate by either oral or parenteral routes, showed the ability to clear the majority of infectivity load. None of the fish tissues taken at different time points after oral or parenteral inoculation was able to provoke scrapie disease after intracerebral inoculation in recipient mice. However, a few recipient mice were positive for PrP(Sc )and spongiform lesions in the brain. We also showed a specific binding of PrP(Sc )to the mucosal side of fish intestine in the absence of an active uptake of the prion protein through the intestinal wall. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that scrapie 139A, and possibly BSE, is quickly removed from fish tissues despite evidence of a prion like protein in fish and of a specific binding of PrP(Sc )to the mucosal side of fish intestine

    Variably protease-sensitive prionopathy presenting within ALS/FTD spectrum

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    We report clinico‐pathological features of a 65‐year‐old woman and a 56‐year‐old man with a 5‐year clinical history who had clinical and neuropathological characteristics of upper and lower motor neuron disease consistent with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and a frontotemporal atrophy pattern in case 2 without TDP‐43 pathology. Instead, spongiform change and pathological prion protein deposits were observed in several brain regions. No prion protein gene mutations were found. Western blot analysis showed a five‐band profile compatible with variably protease‐sensitive prionopathy. We conclude that this disease can display prolonged disease duration and clinico‐pathological features within the ALS/FTLD spectrum.This work was funded by Department of Public Health Generalitat de Catalunya grant ; Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Subprograma Técnicos de Apoyo 2014” grant ; Spanish Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias grant FIS PI16‐01673‐FEDER; Spanish Ministry of Health ‐ Instituto Carlos III grant Miguel Servet ‐ CP16/00041; Fundació La Marató de TV3 grant 20141610

    ANMCO/ELAS/SIBioC Consensus Document: Biomarkers in heart failure

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    Biomarkers have dramatically impacted the way heart failure (HF) patients are evaluated and managed. A biomarker is a characteristic that is objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal biological or pathogenic processes, or pharmacological responses to a therapeutic intervention. Natriuretic peptides [B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and N-terminal proBNP] are the gold standard biomarkers in determining the diagnosis and prognosis of HF, and a natriuretic peptide-guided HF management looks promising. In the last few years, an array of additional biomarkers has emerged, each reflecting different pathophysiological processes in the development and progression of HF: myocardial insult, inflammation, fibrosis, and remodelling, but their role in the clinical care of the patient is still partially defined and more studies are needed before to be well validated. Moreover, several new biomarkers have the potential to identify patients with early renal dysfunction and appear to have promise to help the management cardio-renal syndrome. With different biomarkers reflecting HF presence, the various pathways involved in its progression, as well as identifying unique treatment options for HF management, a closer cardiologist-laboratory link, with a multi-biomarker approach to the HF patient, is not far ahead, allowing the unique opportunity for specifically tailoring care to the individual pathological phenotype

    What is the future for agroforestry in Italy?

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    The successful promotion of agroforestry in Italy depends on both a recognition of tradition and the opportunities for innovation. In Italy, agroforestry has traditionally been a key component of landscape management. Complex systems, based on the integration among crops–livestock–fruit/forest trees, provided a wide variety of products (e.g. food, feed, fibers, fuelwood and timber) and other ecosystem services (e.g. soil erosion control and biodiversity preservation). Silvopastoral systems have been used for centuries and are still managed in marginal areas. The integration of fruits trees (in primis olive trees) with crops and grazing was widely practiced and is still profitable. Coltura promiscua was historically developed integrating fruit and forest trees and particularly multifunctional trees (e.g. Juglans regia L. and Prunus avium L.) to support vines and intercrops. Building on recent research, projects have also focused on innovation in agroforestry. The adoption of shade tolerant forage species and crops has been studied in silvopastoral and olive systems. Silvopastoral systems can significantly offset the greenhouse gas emissions produced by livestock and shield grazing animals from “heat waves”. Integration of fast growing timber trees (like Populus) in arable systems can help reverse the decline in plantation forestry in Italy. Finally, the constraints imposed by the EU agricultural policy, especially the prevalent provisions for monocrops severely limiting the introduction of innovative agroforestry approaches, are discussed. New political measures and certification actions are strongly required

    The Madrid Posterior Component Separation: An Anatomical Approach for Effective Reconstruction of Complex Midline Hernias

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    IntroductionIn recent years, Posterior Component Separation (PCS) with the Madrid modification (Madrid PCS) has emerged as a surgical technique. This modification is believed to enhance the dissection of anatomical structures, offering several advantages. The study aims to present a detailed description of this surgical technique and to analyse the outcomes in a large cohort of patients.Materials and MethodsThis study included all patients who underwent the repair of midline incisional hernias, with or without other abdominal wall defects. Data from patients at three different centres specialising in abdominal wall reconstruction was analysed. All patients underwent the Madrid PCS, and several variables, such as demographics, perioperative details, postoperative complications, and recurrences, were assessed.ResultsBetween January 2015 and June 2023, a total of 223 patients underwent the Madrid PCS. The mean age was 63.4 years, with a mean BMI of 33.3 kg/m2 (range 23–40). According to the EHS classification, 139 patients had a midline incisional hernia, and 84 had a midline incisional hernia with a concomitant lateral incisional hernia. According to the Ventral Hernia Working Group (VHWG) classification, 177 (79.4%) patients had grade 2 and 3 hernias. In total, 201 patients (90.1%) were ASA II and III. The Carolinas Equation for Determining Associated Risks (CeDAR) was calculated preoperatively, resulting in 150 (67.3%) patients with a score between 30% and 60%. A total of 105 patients (48.4%) had previously undergone abdominal wall repair surgery. There were 93 (41.7%) surgical site occurrences (SSO), 36 (16.1%) surgical site infections (SSI), including 23 (10.3%) superficial and 7 (3.1%) deep infections, and 6 (2.7%) organ/space infections. Four (1.9%) recurrences were assessed by CT scan with an average follow-up of 23.9 months (range 6–74).ConclusionThe Madrid PCS appears to be safe and effective, yielding excellent long-term results despite the complexity of abdominal wall defects. A profound understanding of the anatomy is crucial for optimal outcomes. The Madrid modification contributes to facilitating a complete retromuscular preperitoneal repair without incision of the transversus abdominis. The extensive abdominal wall retromuscular dissection obtained enables the placement of very large meshes with minimal fixation

    Microsatellite and RAS/RAF Mutational Status as Prognostic Factors in Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases Treated with Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC)

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    Background Cytoreductive surgery (CRS) with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) leads to prolonged survival for selected patients with colorectal (CRC) peritoneal metastases (PM). This study aimed to analyze the prognostic role of micro-satellite (MS) status and RAS/RAF mutations for patients treated with CRS. Methods Data were collected from 13 Italian centers with PM expertise within a collaborative group of the Italian Society of Surgical Oncology. Clinical and pathologic variables and KRAS/NRAS/BRAF mutational and MS status were correlated with overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS). Results The study enrolled 437 patients treated with CRS-HIPEC. The median OS was 42.3 months [95% confidence interval (CI), 33.4-51.2 months], and the median DFS was 13.6 months (95% CI, 12.3-14.9 months). The local (peritoneal) DFS was 20.5 months (95% CI, 16.4-24.6 months). In addition to the known clinical factors, KRAS mutations (p = 0.005), BRAF mutations (p = 0.01), and MS status (p = 0.04) were related to survival. The KRAS- and BRAF-mutated patients had a shorter survival than the wild-type (WT) patients (5-year OS, 29.4% and 26.8% vs 51.5%, respectively). The patients with micro-satellite instability (MSI) had a longer survival than the patients with micro-satellite stability (MSS) (5-year OS, 58.3% vs 36.7%). The MSI/WT patients had the best prognosis. The MSS/WT and MSI/mutated patients had similar survivals, whereas the MSS/mutated patients showed the worst prognosis (5-year OS, 70.6%, 48.1%, 23.4%; p = 0.0001). In the multivariable analysis, OS was related to the Peritoneal Cancer Index [hazard ratio (HR), 1.05 per point], completeness of cytoreduction (CC) score (HR, 2.8), N status (HR, 1.6), signet-ring (HR, 2.4), MSI/WT (HR, 0.5), and MSS/WT-MSI/mutation (HR, 0.4). Similar results were obtained for DFS. Conclusion For patients affected by CRC-PM who are eligible for CRS, clinical and pathologic criteria need to be integrated with molecular features (KRAS/BRAF mutation). Micro-satellite status should be strongly considered because MSI confers a survival advantage over MSS, even for mutated patients