13 research outputs found

    Alves, U.K., & Finger, I. (2023). Alfabetização em contextos monolíngue e bilíngue. Editora Vozes. (Coleção de Linguística).

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    RESUMO Apresentamos, neste texto, uma resenha de Alfabetização em contextos monolíngue e bilíngue, de Ubiratã Kickhöfel Alves e de Ingrid Finger. A obra é apresentada e seus capítulos são descritos e comentados pelos resenhistas, discutindo os conteúdos e estabelecendo, sempre que possível, relações entre estes e teorias de aquisição que dialogam com o tema. São apontados aspectos significativos da publicação para o campo de estudos em que se insere, que representa uma contribuição potente e substancial para a compreensão da literacia em ambientes monolíngues e bilíngues, além de oferecer uma exploração cientificamente rigorosa e interconectada deste assunto e sua importância na sociedade globalizada atualmente

    The compounding parameter and L2 aquisition/learning

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    Orientadores: Mary Aizawa Kato, Ruth LopesTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da LinguagemResumo: Esta tese investiga o Parâmetro de Composição (PC) conforme formulado por Snyder (1995) e seu papel na aquisição/aprendizagem de inglês por aprendizes brasileiros. A definição positiva do PC [+] permite a uma língua marcar livremente qualquer item lexical da classe aberta como [+Afixal] e conseqüentemente, detonar toda uma série de propriedades relacionadas (cluster), a saber, composição nominal (N+N), estruturas resultativas (ER), construções V+partícula (V+PRT), construções com objeto duplo (DOC) e isolamento de preposição (PrepStr), entre outras. Diante da aparente existência, em PB, de algumas estruturas semelhantes às do inglês, proponho-me a investigar as seguintes questões: (i) através de comparação entre o PB e o inglês, é possível trazer evidências de que todas as propriedades resultantes da definição positiva do PC, ou pelo menos parte delas estão ligadas ao mesmo parâmetro? (ii) se houver tal parâmetro, a aquisição do inglês como L2 apresenta semelhanças com a aquisição de L1 em relação ao comportamento relativo ao mesmo parâmetro? Após comparação e análise das cinco estruturas propostas, descobri que nenhuma delas, nem mesmo as com correlato estrutural superficial, resulta, no PB, da definição positiva do PC. N+N em PB exemplifica um tipo de composição nominal não recursivo com rigidez de significado; as ERs encontradas em PB são do tipo semântico e não correspondem às versões sintáticas licenciadas pelo PC [+]; estruturas V+PRT e COD são inexistentes; por fim, PB apresenta estruturas com ausência de preposição, que resultam de um diferente arranjo de itens especificados na numeração, diferentemente de estruturas com isolamento de preposição, que são exemplos de predicados complexos decorrentes de Reanálise. Em relação à aquisição das cinco propriedades do PC, sugiro, após análise dos dados de um experimento, que a aquisição das propriedades do (PC) em L2 não é semelhante à sua aquisição em L1. Em L2, as propriedades nucleares (resultativas, V+Partícula,) parecem ter sido adquiridas pelos falantes avançados, possivelmente via imersão. As estruturas não nucleares (COD e PrepStr) juntamente com a estrutura nuclear N+N foram aprendidas via instrução formal. Essas últimas parecem permanecer disponíveis na forma de conhecimento lingüístico conscienteAbstract: This dissertation investigates the Compounding Parameter (CP) as formulated by Snyder (1995) and its role in the acquisition/learning of English by Brazilian learners. The positive setting of the CP [+] allows a given language to freely mark any open-class lexical item as [+Affixal] and consequently trigger a cluster of related properties, namely N+N compounding (N+N), resultative structures (RS), V+Particle (V+PRT) constructions, double object constructions (DOC) and preposition stranding (PrepStr), among others. Upon the apparent existence of structures in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) that resemble some of those in English, namely RS and PrepStr, I set out to explore the following questions: (i) does the comparison between Brazilian Portuguese and English offer evidence that all the properties attributed to the positive setting of the CP, or part of them, follow from the same parameter? (ii) assuming the existence of this parameter, are there any similarities between L1 and L2 acquisition as far as the CP is concerned? After the comparison and analysis of the five related properties, I found out that none of the structures, even the superficially identical looking ones, resulted from the positive setting of the CP. N+N in BP is a result of non recursive N+N compounding with lexically rigid meaning; the RSs found in BP are semantic resultatives that do not correspond to the syntactic versions of the CP-positively valued ones; the V+Particle and DOC constructions are nonexistent; finally, BP offers prepositionless structures that result from a different array of items specified in the numeration, differently from the Reanalysis of V+Preposition, which allows the preposition to be stranded in English. As for the acquisition of the five CP properties, I suggest, after analyzing the data of an experimental study, that the L2 acquisition processes differ from those of the L1 in that the non-nuclear properties (DOC and PrepStr) along with the nuclear property N+N seem to have been learned via formal instruction (ordered input, explicit positive and negative evidence) and remain available as conscious linguistic knowledge. The nuclear properties (RS and V+PRT), on the other hand, seem to have been acquired by the highly proficient L2 English speakers, probably via immersionDoutoradoDoutor em Linguístic

    7) Resultativas em português brasileiro

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    Inglês: Resultatives in Brazilian Portuguese The existence ofresultatives in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) has been the object of inquiry of studies which lead to inconclusive facts (BISOL, 1972/1975; FOLTRAN, 1999; LOBATO , 2004; MARCELINO, 2000, 2007). This paper focuses on the (in)existence of resultative structures in light of Snyder’s Compounding Parameter (CP) (1995) and Marcelino’s comparative study of Brazilian Portuguese and English (2007). The parametrical analysis presented here suggests that the resultative structures found in BP are semantic resultatives that do not correspond to the syntactic versions of the CP-positively valued ones. BP, therefore, can display resultatives, only not the same syntactic productive and recursive type displayed in English. The resultatives in BP are of a semantic type.Key-words: The Compounding Parameter; syntactic resultatives; semantic resultatives.Tradução: O fato de haver ou não estruturas resultativas em português brasileiro tem sido discutido há algum tempo em estudos sobre o Português Brasileirocom resultados inconclusivos entre si(BISOL, 1972/1975; FOLTRAN,1999; LOBATO, 2004;MARCELINO,2000,2007). Este trabalho discute a(in) existência das construções resultativas à luz do Parâmetro de Composição de Snyder (1995) e da análise comparativa PB/inglês de Marcelino (2007). Os dados comparativos parecem apontar para a inexistência de tais construções em PB na forma de estruturas sintáticas produtivas e recursivas, uma vez que o PB, dentro de uma visão paramétrica, não tem a marcação positiva para o Parâmetro de Composição, que licencia essas estruturas. A possibilidade de representação das estruturas resultativas em PB, no entanto, existe na forma de resultativas semânticas, não sintáticas.Palavras-chave: parâmetro de composição; resultativas sintáticas; resultativas semânticas

    Comparative histopathology of endomyocardial biopsies in chagasic and non-chagasic heart transplant recipients

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    Background: Heart transplantation has been an option for the treatment of chagasic (C) cardiomyopathy despite difficulties concerning the control of rejection and reactivation. The parasite-host interaction under the influence of immunosuppressive therapy may affect the immunological response to the graft in a pattern different from that in non-chagasic (NC) patients. The aim of this study was to compare the major histopathological features in heart: transplantation in C and NC patients.Methods: We studied 293 endomyocardial biopsies from two groups of heart transplanted patients, including 18 C and 15 NC. Both groups had identical surgical and clinical procedure except immunosuppressive therapy was lower in C patients. The histopathological parameters evaluated were the Quilty effect, rejection, C myocarditis reactivation, fibrosis, hypertrophy, and ischemia. In addition, lymphocytic cellular infiltration of myocarditis due to rejection or reactivation was immunophenotyped in the biopsies of both groups with rejection grades 3 to 4, in biopsies with signs of reactivation, and in fragments of the receptor heart with chronic C myocarditis. A search for Trypanosoma cruzi was performed in all biopsies in the C group in which lymphocyte immunophenotyping was done. We used immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy.Results: The Quilty effect was present in 23% of the biopsies, involving 69.7% of the patients without a significant difference between groups (p = 0.509). Rejection was frequently observed in biopsies with the Quilty effect and the effect often recurred in the same patient. Rejection grades 3 to 4 was more frequent in the C group (p = 0,023). There were 5 episodes of Chagas' disease reactivation with myocarditis in 2 cases. The mean numbers of CD8+ and CD4+ T cells, and the CD4+-to-CD8+ ratio were similar for rejection in both groups (p > 0.05), while the CD4+-to-CD8+ ratio was significantly lower in chronic C myocarditis compared to rejection in the C group (p = 0.043). There was no significant difference in ischemic damage or interstitial fibrosis in the groups but there was a higher frequency of hypertrophy in the NC group (p = 0.007).Conclusions: The histopathological features of heart transplantation in C patients did not differ from that in NC patients in regard to the Quilty effect, development of myocardial fibrosis and ischemia. However, the higher involvement of the C group for rejection grades 3 to 4 suggested higher susceptibility to this event. The similarity of the lymphocytic cellular composition for rejection in both groups indicates that C patients respond to immunological stimulus in a similar pattern as NC patients.UNIFESP, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Patol, Sao Paulo, BrazilUNIFESP, Escola Paulista Med, Disciplina Cardiol, Sao Paulo, BrazilUNIFESP, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, Sao Paulo, BrazilUNIFESP, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Patol, Sao Paulo, BrazilUNIFESP, Escola Paulista Med, Disciplina Cardiol, Sao Paulo, BrazilUNIFESP, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Epigenetic Variability Among Saffron Crocus (Crocus sativus L.) Accessions Characterized by Different Phenotypes

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    This work represents the first epigenomic study carried out on saffron crocus. Five accessions of saffron, showing differences in tepal pigmentation, yield of saffron and flowering time, were analyzed at the epigenetic level by applying a methylationsensitive restriction enzyme-sequencing (MRE-seq) approach. Five accession-specific hypomethylomes plus a reference hypomethylome, generated by combining the sequence data from the single accessions, were obtained. Assembled sequences were annotated against existing online databases. In the absence of the Crocus genome, the rice genome was mainly used as the reference as it is the best annotated genome among monocot plants. Comparison of the hypomethylomes revealed many differentially methylated regions, confirming the high epigenetic variability present among saffron accessions, including sequences encoding for proteins that could be good candidates to explain the accessions’ alternative phenotypes. In particular, transcription factors involved in flowering process (MADS-box and TFL) and for the production of pigments (MYB) were detected. Finally, by comparing the generated sequences of the different accessions, a high number of SNPs, likely having arisen as a consequence of the prolonged vegetative propagation, were detected, demonstrating surprisingly high genetic variability. Gene ontology (GO) was performed to map and visualize sequence polymorphisms located within the GOs and to compare their distributions among different accessions. As well as suggesting the possible existence of alternative phenotypes with a genetic basis, a clear difference in polymorphic GO is present among accessions based on their geographic origin, supporting a possible signature of selection in the Indian accession with respect to the Spanish ones

    2023 UPDATE: Luso-Brazilian evidence-based guideline for the management of antidiabetic therapy in type 2 diabetes

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    Abstract Background The management of antidiabetic therapy in people with type 2 diabetes (T2D) has evolved beyond glycemic control. In this context, Brazil and Portugal defined a joint panel of four leading diabetes societies to update the guideline published in 2020. Methods The panelists searched MEDLINE (via PubMed) for the best evidence from clinical studies on treating T2D and its cardiorenal complications. The panel searched for evidence on antidiabetic therapy in people with T2D without cardiorenal disease and in patients with T2D and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), heart failure (HF), or diabetic kidney disease (DKD). The degree of recommendation and the level of evidence were determined using predefined criteria. Results and conclusions All people with T2D need to have their cardiovascular (CV) risk status stratified and HbA1c, BMI, and eGFR assessed before defining therapy. An HbA1c target of less than 7% is adequate for most adults, and a more flexible target (up to 8%) should be considered in frail older people. Non-pharmacological approaches are recommended during all phases of treatment. In treatment naïve T2D individuals without cardiorenal complications, metformin is the agent of choice when HbA1c is 7.5% or below. When HbA1c is above 7.5% to 9%, starting with dual therapy is recommended, and triple therapy may be considered. When HbA1c is above 9%, starting with dual therapyt is recommended, and triple therapy should be considered. Antidiabetic drugs with proven CV benefit (AD1) are recommended to reduce CV events if the patient is at high or very high CV risk, and antidiabetic agents with proven efficacy in weight reduction should be considered when obesity is present. If HbA1c remains above target, intensification is recommended with triple, quadruple therapy, or even insulin-based therapy. In people with T2D and established ASCVD, AD1 agents (SGLT2 inhibitors or GLP-1 RA with proven CV benefit) are initially recommended to reduce CV outcomes, and metformin or a second AD1 may be necessary to improve glycemic control if HbA1c is above the target. In T2D with HF, SGLT2 inhibitors are recommended to reduce HF hospitalizations and mortality and to improve HbA1c. In patients with DKD, SGLT2 inhibitors in combination with metformin are recommended when eGFR is above 30 mL/min/1.73 m2. SGLT2 inhibitors can be continued until end-stage kidney disease