750 research outputs found

    “Colorir para agir”: educar pela arte, para a paz

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    O projeto “Colorir para agir” foi concebido e implementado com o objetivo de alertar para a problemática crescente da violência escolar e contribuir para a prevenção e diminuição das práticas agressivas de crianças em idade escolar, procurando valorizar a convivência harmoniosa entre pares. Aliando a educação não formal às artes, este programa de intervenção desenvolveu um conjunto de atividades no âmbito das artes plásticas, abrangendo 21 crianças, com idades compreendidas entre os 6 e os 13 anos de um Agrupamento de Escolas de Valongo do Vouga, no concelho de Águeda (Portugal). Estas culminaram na realização de um mural gigante pintado na parede exterior da instituição, que ficou como símbolo da não violência escolar e da educação para a paz

    A Pentanucleotide ATTTC Repeat Insertion in the Non-coding Region of DAB1, Mapping to SCA37, Causes Spinocerebellar Ataxia

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    Advances in human genetics in recent years have largely been driven by next-generation sequencing (NGS); however, the discovery of disease-related gene mutations has been biased toward the exome because the large and very repetitive regions that characterize the non-coding genome remain difficult to reach by that technology. For autosomal-dominant spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs), 28 genes have been identified, but only five SCAs originate from non-coding mutations. Over half of SCA-affected families, however, remain without a genetic diagnosis. We used genome-wide linkage analysis, NGS, and repeat analysis to identify an (ATTTC)n insertion in a polymorphic ATTTT repeat in DAB1 in chromosomal region 1p32.2 as the cause of autosomal-dominant SCA; this region has been previously linked to SCA37. The non-pathogenic and pathogenic alleles have the configurations [(ATTTT)7-400] and [(ATTTT)60-79(ATTTC)31-75(ATTTT)58-90], respectively. (ATTTC)n insertions are present on a distinct haplotype and show an inverse correlation between size and age of onset. In the DAB1-oriented strand, (ATTTC)n is located in 5' UTR introns of cerebellar-specific transcripts arising mostly during human fetal brain development from the usage of alternative promoters, but it is maintained in the adult cerebellum. Overexpression of the transfected (ATTTC)58 insertion, but not (ATTTT)n, leads to abnormal nuclear RNA accumulation. Zebrafish embryos injected with RNA of the (AUUUC)58 insertion, but not (AUUUU)n, showed lethal developmental malformations. Together, these results establish an unstable repeat insertion in DAB1 as a cause of cerebellar degeneration; on the basis of the genetic and phenotypic evidence, we propose this mutation as the molecular basis for SCA37.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Laboratory Characterization and Astrophysical Detection of Vibrationally Excited States of Vinyl Cyanide in Orion-KL

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    New laboratory data of CH2_2CHCN (vinyl cyanide) in its ground and vibrationally excited states at the microwave to THz domain allow searching for these excited state transitions in the Orion-KL line survey. Frequency-modulated spectrometers combined into a single broadband 50-1900 GHz spectrum provided measurements of CH2_2CHCN covering a spectral range of 18-1893 GHz, whose assignments was confirmed by Stark modulation spectra in the 18-40 GHz region and by ab-initio anharmonic force field calculations. For analyzing the emission lines of CH2_2CHCN species detected in Orion-KL we used the excitation and radiative transfer code (MADEX) at LTE conditions. The rotational transitions of the ground state of this molecule emerge from four cloud components of hot core nature which trace the physical and chemical conditions of high mass star forming regions in the Orion-KL Nebula. The total column density of CH2_2CHCN in the ground state is (3.0±\pm0.9)x1015^{15} cm2^{-2}. We report on the first interstellar detection of transitions in the v10=1/(v11=1,v15=1) dyad in space, and in the v11=2 and v11=3 states in Orion-KL. The lowest energy vibrationally excited states of vinyl cyanide such as v11=1 (at 328.5 K), v15=1 (at 478.6 K), v11=2 (at 657.8 K), the v10=1/(v11=1,v15=1) dyad (at 806.4/809.9 K), and v11=3 (at 987.9 K) are populated under warm and dense conditions, so they probe the hottest parts of the Orion-KL source. Column density and rotational and vibrational temperatures for CH2_2CHCN in their ground and excited states, as well as for the isotopologues, have been constrained by means of a sample of more than 1000 lines in this survey. Moreover, we present the detection of methyl isocyanide (CH3_3NC) for the first time in Orion-KL and a tentative detection of vinyl isocyanide (CH2_2CHNC) and give column density ratios between the cyanide and isocyanide isomers.Comment: 46 pages, 22 figures, 14 tables, 9 online table

    Detection of the Ammonium Ion in Space

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    We report on the detection of a narrow feature at 262816.73 MHz towards Orion and the cold prestellar core B1-bS, that we attribute to the 1(0)-0(0) line of the deuterated Ammonium ion, NH3D+. The observations were performed with the IRAM 30m radio telescope. The carrier has to be a light molecular species as it is the only feature detected over 3.6 GHz of bandwidth. The hyperfine structure is not resolved indicating a very low value for the electric quadrupolar coupling constant of Nitrogen which is expected for NH3D+ as the electric field over the N nucleus is practically zero. Moreover, the feature is right at the predicted frequency for the 1(0)-0(0) transition of the Ammonium ion, 262817(6) MHz (3sigma), using rotational constants derived from new infrared data obtained in our laboratory in Madrid. The estimated column density is 1.1(0.2)e12 cm-2. Assuming a deuterium enhancement similar to that of NH2D, we derive N(NH4+) sim 2.6e13 cm-2, i.e., an abundance for Ammonium of a few 1e(-11).Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters 04 June 201

    Algoritmo computacional para determinar o perfil mínimo de marcadores moleculares que discriminam um conjunto de cultivares.

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    Lymphopenia in Patients Submitted to Assisted Ventilation Due to Aggravated Chronic Respiratory Failure: a Prospective Study

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    Objectivo: avaliar e caracterizar a linfopenia em doentes admitidos numa unidade de cuidados intensivos para suporte ventilatório por exacerbação de insuficiência respiratória crónica e eventual relação com a gravidade da doença. Material e métodos: estudo prospectivo com 6 meses de duração e mais 6 meses de seguimento após alta da unidade. Incluídos 24 doentes, 22 homens, com APACHE II médio de 19,7, 3 dos quais com possibilidade de seguimento após a alta. Foram colhidas análises para determinação das subpopulações linfocitárias na admissão e a cada 7 dias de ventilação mecânica. Excluídos doentes com sinais de infecção ou imunossupressão prévia, à excepção dos corticóides. Resultados: a linfopenia foi encontrada em 79,2 % dos doentes com depleção de todas as subpopulações linfocitárias sendo mais expressiva a depleção de linfócitos B CD19+. Esta linfopenia não se relacionou com os níveis séricos de cortisol, e apesar de se relacionar com uma maior gravidade clínica não esteve associada a uma maior mortalidade. O registo evolutivo no internamento mostrou tendencialmente uma recuperação da linfopenia. Conclusões: a linfopenia é frequente em doentes ventilados por exacerbação de doença respiratória crónica. Trata-se de uma linfopenia não selectiva, que recupera ao longo do internamento, mais acentuada ao nível dos linfócitos B CD19+. Estes doentes apresentam índices de gravidade maior mas sem diferenças na mortalidade. O seguimento ambulatório destes doentes mostrou-se difícil e foi inconclusivo