109 research outputs found

    Constraining the mass distribution of galaxies using galaxy-galaxy lensing in clusters and in the field

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    We present a maximum-likelihood analysis of galaxy-galaxy lensing effects in galaxy clusters and in the field. The aim is to determine the accuracy and robustness of constraints that can be obtained on galaxy halo properties in both environments - the high density cluster and the low density field. This paper is theoretically motivated, therefore, we work exclusively with simulated data (nevertheless defined to match observations) to study the accuracy with which input parameters for mass distributions for galaxies can be extracted. We model galaxies in the cluster and the field using a wide range of mass profiles: the truncated pseudo isothermal elliptical mass distribution, the Navarro, Frenk and White profile, and a Power Law model with a core radius. We find that independent of the choice of profile the mean mass of galaxies (of the order of 10^{12}Mo) can be estimated to within 15% from ground-based data and with an error of less than 10% with space observations. Additionally robust constraints can be obtained on the mean slope of the mass profile. The two standard parameters that characterise galaxy halo models, the central velocity dispersion and the truncation radius can also be retrieved reliably from the maximum-likelihood analysis. Furthermore, going beyond the usual formulation, we propose a re-parameterisation of the mass models that allows us to put yet stronger constraints on the aperture mass of a galaxy halo (with less than 10% error). The gain in signal to noise using space observations, expected for instance with the proposed SNAP satellite compared to ground based data in terms of accuracy of retrieving input parameters is highly significant.Comment: 15 pages, 48 figure

    The matter distribution in z ~ 0.5 redshift clusters of galaxies. II : The link between dark and visible matter

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    We present an optical analysis of a sample of 11 clusters built from the EXCPRES sample of X-ray selected clusters at intermediate redshift (z ~ 0.5). With a careful selection of the background galaxies we provide the mass maps reconstructed from the weak lensing by the clusters. We compare them with the light distribution traced by the early-type galaxies selected along the red sequence for each cluster. The strong correlations between dark matter and galaxy distributions are confirmed, although some discrepancies arise, mostly for merging or perturbed clusters. The average M/L ratio of the clusters is found to be: M/L_r = 160 +/- 60 in solar units (with no evolutionary correction), in excellent agreement with similar previous studies. No strong evolutionary effects are identified even if the small sample size reduces the significance of the result. We also provide a individual analysis of each cluster in the sample with a comparison between the dark matter, the galaxies and the gas distributions. Some of the clusters are studied for the first time in the optical.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figues + 11 figures in Annex, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A. 1 reference correcte

    Probing the truncation of galaxy dark matter halos in high density environments from hydrodynamical N-body simulations

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    We analyze high resolution, N-body hydrodynamical simulations of fiducial galaxy clusters to probe tidal stripping of the dark matter subhalos. These simulations include a prescription for star formation allowing us to track the fate of the stellar component as well. We investigate the effect of tidal stripping on cluster galaxies hosted in these dark matter subhalos as a function of cluster-centric radius. To quantify the extent of the dark matter halos of cluster galaxies, we introduce the half mass radius r_half as a diagnostic, and study its evolution with projected cluster-centric distance R as a function of redshift. We find a well defined trend for (r_half,R): the closer the galaxies are to the center of the cluster, the smaller the half mass radius. Interestingly, this trend is inferred in all redshift frames examined in this work ranging from z=0 to z=0.7. At z=0, galaxy halos in the central regions of clusters are found to be highly truncated, with the most compact half mass radius of 10 kpc. We also find that r_half depends on luminosity and we present scaling relations of r_half with galaxy luminosity. The corresponding total mass of the cluster galaxies is also found to increase with projected cluster-centric distance and luminosity, but with more scatter than the (r_half,R) trend. Comparing the distribution of stellar mass to total mass for cluster galaxies, we find that the dark matter component is preferentially stripped, whereas the stellar component remains protected by the halo and is much less affected by tidal forces. We compare these results with galaxy-galaxy lensing probes of r_half and find qualitative agreement. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    A look to the inside of haloes: a characterisation of the halo shape as a function of overdensity in the Planck cosmology

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    In this paper we study the triaxial properties of dark matter haloes of a wide range of masses extracted from a set of cosmological N-body simulations. We measure the shape at different distances from the halo centre (characterised by different overdensity thresholds), both in three and in two dimensions. We discuss how halo triaxiality increases with mass, redshift and distance from the halo centre. We also examine how the orientation of the different ellipsoids are aligned with each other and what is the gradient in internal shapes for halos with different virial configurations. Our findings highlight that the internal part of the halo retains memory of the violent formation process keeping the major axis oriented toward the preferential direction of the in-falling material while the outer part becomes rounder due to continuous isotropic merging events. This effect is clearly evident in high mass haloes - which formed more recently - while it is more blurred in low mass haloes. We present simple distributions that may be used as priors for various mass reconstruction algorithms, operating in different wavelengths, in order to recover a more complex and realistic dark matter distribution of isolated and relaxed systems.Comment: accepted for publication by MNRAS (15 pag. and 14 fig.

    Universality of dark matter haloes shape over six decades in mass: Insights from the Millennium XXL and SBARBINE simulations

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    For the last 30 years many observational and theoretical evidences have shown that galaxy clusters are not spherical objects, and that their shape is much better described by a triaxial geometry. With the advent of multi-wavelength data of increasing quality, triaxial investigations of galaxy clusters is gathering a growing interest from the community, especially in the time of "precision cosmology". In this work, we aim to provide the first statistically significant predictions in the unexplored mass range above 3x10^14 Mo/h, using haloes from two redshifts (z=0 and z=1) of the Millennium XXL simulation. The size of this cosmological dark matter only simulation (4.1 Gpc) allows the formation of a statistically significant number of massive cluster scale haloes (about 500 with M>2x10^15 Mo/h and 780000 with M>10^14 Mo/h). Besides, we aim to extend this investigation to lower masses in order to look for universal predictions across nearly six orders of magnitude in mass, from 10^10 to almost 10^16 Mo/h. For this purpose we use the SBARBINE simulations, allowing to model haloes of masses starting from 10^10 Mo/h. We use an elliptical overdensity method to select haloes and compute the shapes of the unimodal ones (approximately 50%), while we discard the unrelaxed. The minor to major and intermediate to major axis ratio are found to be well described by simple functional forms. For a given mass we can fully characterize the shape of a halo and give predictions about the distribution of axis ratios for a given cosmology and redshift. Moreover, these results are in some disagreement with the findings of Jing & Suto (2002) which are widely used in the community even though they have to be extrapolated far beyond their original mass range. This "recipe" is made available to the community in this paper and in a dedicated web page.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figure

    The Three-Dimensional Shapes of Galaxy Clusters

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    While clusters of galaxies are considered one of the most important cosmological probes, the standard spherical modelling of the dark matter and the intracluster medium is only a rough approximation. Indeed, it is well established both theoretically and observationally that galaxy clusters are much better approximated as triaxial objects. However, investigating the asphericity of galaxy clusters is still in its infancy. We review here this topic which is currently gathering a growing interest from the cluster community. We begin by introducing the triaxial geometry. Then we discuss the topic of deprojection and demonstrate the need for combining different probes of the cluster's potential. We discuss the different works that have been addressing these issues. We present a general parametric framework intended to simultaneously fit complementary data sets (X-ray, Sunyaev Zel'dovich and lensing data). We discuss in details the case of Abell 1689 to show how different models/data sets lead to different haloe parameters. We present the results obtained from fitting a 3D NFW model to X-ray, SZ, and lensing data for 4 strong lensing clusters. We argue that a triaxial model generally allows to lower the inferred value of the concentration parameter compared to a spherical analysis. This may alleviate tensions regarding, e.g. the over-concentration problem. However, we stress that predictions from numerical simulations rely on a spherical analysis of triaxial halos. Given that triaxial analysis will have a growing importance in the observational side, we advocate the need for simulations to be analysed in the very same way, allowing reliable and meaningful comparisons. Besides, methods intended to derive the three dimensional shape of galaxy clusters should be extensively tested on simulated multi-wavelength observations.Comment: (Biased) Review paper. Comments welcome. Accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews. This is a product of the work done by an international team at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern on "Astrophysics and Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters: the X-ray and lensing view

    Reconstructing the triaxiality of the galaxy cluster Abell 1689: solving the X-ray and strong lensing mass discrepancy

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    We present the first determination of the intrinsic triaxial shapes and tree-dimensional physical parameters of both dark matter (DM) and intra-cluster medium (ICM) for the galaxy cluster Abell 1689. We exploit the novel method we recently introduced (Morandi et al. 2010) in order to infer the tree-dimensional physical properties in triaxial galaxy clusters by combining jointly X-ray and strong lensing data. We find that Abell 1689 can be modeled as a triaxial galaxy cluster with DM halo axial ratios 1.24 +/- 0.13 and 2.37 +/- 0.11 on the plane of the sky and along the line of sight, respectively. We show that accounting for the three-dimensional geometry allows to solve the discrepancy between the mass determined from X-ray and strong gravitational lensing observations. We also determined the inner slope of the DM density profile alpha: we measure alpha = 0.90 +/- 0.05 by accounting explicitly for the 3D structure for this cluster, a value which is close to the cold dark matter (CDM) predictions, while the standard spherical modeling leads to the biased value alpha = 1.16 +/- 0.04. Our findings dispel the potential inconsistencies arisen in the literature between the predictions of the CDM scenario and the observations, providing further evidences that support the CDM scenario.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap
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