1,314 research outputs found

    Swarm behavior of self-propelled rods and swimming flagella

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    Systems of self-propelled particles are known for their tendency to aggregate and to display swarm behavior. We investigate two model systems, self-propelled rods interacting via volume exclusion, and sinusoidally-beating flagella embedded in a fluid with hydrodynamic interactions. In the flagella system, beating frequencies are Gaussian distributed with a non-zero average. These systems are studied by Brownian-dynamics simulations and by mesoscale hydrodynamics simulations, respectively. The clustering behavior is analyzed as the particle density and the environmental or internal noise are varied. By distinguishing three types of cluster-size probability density functions, we obtain a phase diagram of different swarm behaviors. The properties of clusters, such as their configuration, lifetime and average size are analyzed. We find that the swarm behavior of the two systems, characterized by several effective power laws, is very similar. However, a more careful analysis reveals several differences. Clusters of self-propelled rods form due to partially blocked forward motion, and are therefore typically wedge-shaped. At higher rod density and low noise, a giant mobile cluster appears, in which most rods are mostly oriented towards the center. In contrast, flagella become hydrodynamically synchronized and attract each other; their clusters are therefore more elongated. Furthermore, the lifetime of flagella clusters decays more quickly with cluster size than of rod clusters

    Exact solution of bond percolation on small arbitrary graphs

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    We introduce a set of iterative equations that exactly solves the size distribution of components on small arbitrary graphs after the random removal of edges. We also demonstrate how these equations can be used to predict the distribution of the node partitions (i.e., the constrained distribution of the size of each component) in undirected graphs. Besides opening the way to the theoretical prediction of percolation on arbitrary graphs of large but finite size, we show how our results find application in graph theory, epidemiology, percolation and fragmentation theory.Comment: 5 pages and 3 figure

    Adaptive networks: coevolution of disease and topology

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    Adaptive networks have been recently introduced in the context of disease propagation on complex networks. They account for the mutual interaction between the network topology and the states of the nodes. Until now, existing models have been analyzed using low-complexity analytic formalisms, revealing nevertheless some novel dynamical features. However, current methods have failed to reproduce with accuracy the simultaneous time evolution of the disease and the underlying network topology. In the framework of the adaptive SIS model of Gross et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 208701 (2006)], we introduce an improved compartmental formalism able to handle this coevolutionary task successfully. With this approach, we analyze the interplay and outcomes of both dynamical elements, process and structure, on adaptive networks featuring different degree distributions at the initial stage.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 1 appendix. To be published in Physical Review

    Modeling the dynamical interaction between epidemics on overlay networks

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    Epidemics seldom occur as isolated phenomena. Typically, two or more viral agents spread within the same host population and may interact dynamically with each other. We present a general model where two viral agents interact via an immunity mechanism as they propagate simultaneously on two networks connecting the same set of nodes. Exploiting a correspondence between the propagation dynamics and a dynamical process performing progressive network generation, we develop an analytic approach that accurately captures the dynamical interaction between epidemics on overlay networks. The formalism allows for overlay networks with arbitrary joint degree distribution and overlap. To illustrate the versatility of our approach, we consider a hypothetical delayed intervention scenario in which an immunizing agent is disseminated in a host population to hinder the propagation of an undesirable agent (e.g. the spread of preventive information in the context of an emerging infectious disease).Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E. 15 pages, 7 figure

    Propagation dynamics on networks featuring complex topologies

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    Analytical description of propagation phenomena on random networks has flourished in recent years, yet more complex systems have mainly been studied through numerical means. In this paper, a mean-field description is used to coherently couple the dynamics of the network elements (nodes, vertices, individuals...) on the one hand and their recurrent topological patterns (subgraphs, groups...) on the other hand. In a SIS model of epidemic spread on social networks with community structure, this approach yields a set of ODEs for the time evolution of the system, as well as analytical solutions for the epidemic threshold and equilibria. The results obtained are in good agreement with numerical simulations and reproduce random networks behavior in the appropriate limits which highlights the influence of topology on the processes. Finally, it is demonstrated that our model predicts higher epidemic thresholds for clustered structures than for equivalent random topologies in the case of networks with zero degree correlation.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 1 Appendix. Published in Phys. Rev. E (mistakes in the PRE version are corrected here

    Propagation on networks: an exact alternative perspective

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    By generating the specifics of a network structure only when needed (on-the-fly), we derive a simple stochastic process that exactly models the time evolution of susceptible-infectious dynamics on finite-size networks. The small number of dynamical variables of this birth-death Markov process greatly simplifies analytical calculations. We show how a dual analytical description, treating large scale epidemics with a Gaussian approximations and small outbreaks with a branching process, provides an accurate approximation of the distribution even for rather small networks. The approach also offers important computational advantages and generalizes to a vast class of systems.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure