26 research outputs found

    Perspectives of Executives and Students on Leadership Characteristics for Healthcare Managers: Does a Gap Exist?

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    Preparing healthcare managers for the complexity of the healthcare industry poses a heavy challenge on healthcare organizations, CEOs, managers, and educational institutions. In order to ensure that future healthcare managers are prepared to enter the workforce, it is important that the characteristics and skills deemed important by current CEOs in the field are similar to those of undergraduate healthcare management students that will be entering the workforce

    Carbon Dioxide Implications of Building Materials

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    The concern over environmental issues, such as global warming, is growing and will influence consumers in the market place. A significant proportion of our forest is used to manufacture wood building materials. Carbon dioxide (C02) emissions of two representative constructions using wood building materials were compared to emissions for non-wood building materials. The energy required to extract the raw materials, to manufacture and distribute the building materials was used to estimate C02 emissions. The study showed that wooden structures require the least amount of energy and emit less C02 than other building materials. This finding should be included by consumers, designers and builders in comparative evaluation of building materials at the design stage, when decisions are made regarding the type of materials to be used

    A Response to Submitting to the Disciplines of Liberation

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    When Bill Koch quoted Mark Van Doren at the beginning of his article, he situated me within a familiar context as a teacher and a lifelong learner: “There is no more perfect situation…than teachers teaching teachers.” My first thoughts in relation to this were of my time as part of the Illinois State Writing Project, a site within the National Writing Project, located in Normal, Illinois. “Teachers teaching teachers” provides the foundation within which the National Writing Project operates, and it is a motto that has been ingrained in me as both a teacher and a mentor of other teachers. With his reference to an already-familiar concept, Dr. Koch drew me into his conversation about teaching, inviting me to listen and giving me permission to join. It is this sense of familiarity and belonging which becomes integral to our teaching that I wish to discuss in regards to Koch’s comments upon education in his reflection on Van Doren’s Liberal Education. In particular, I wish to discuss how it applies to students in the developmental writing classroom

    A Study of the Impact of Judicial and Environmental Factors on Increasing Juvenile Court Dependency Cases

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    AbstractThe number of families being referred to the Department of Children and Family Services following allegations of neglect, or the inability to care for a child in the state of Georgia has been increasing. Many children removed from their parents’ custody are placed in foster care. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine the impact of the socioeconomic factors facing these parents and the court processes and procedures on the increased number of foster care cases. Data were collected from participant interviews with attorneys, judges, and a clerk who work in the juvenile court system in two counties in the state of Georgia. Interview questions were open-ended. All interviews were recorded and transcribed, and handwritten notes were taken. The data were analyzed, and the following themes were identified: (a) substance abuse, (b) other socioeconomic factors, (c) routine case plans for families are not effective, (d) cases lasting too long, and (e) the need for increased services. Future research should focus on how to address the socioeconomic factors that contribute to the substance abuse or mental health, which significantly plays a role in child removals. The results of this study have potential implications for positive social change because the information could lead to a greater appreciation of the disruption that takes place in some families and ways to address the problems to eliminate state involvement

    What Is It All For? : The Intentions and Priorities for Study Abroad in Canadian Teacher Education

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    Within the research literature and in public discourse on higher education, attention has focused on the need for new graduates to develop 21st century skills for success in an increasingly globalized world. Calls for institutions of higher education to support student mobility abound, with intentions that some have categorized as neoliberal and others ascribe to notions of global citizenship. In this paper, we bring together literature from the fields of internationalization, teacher education, and study abroad to provide a conceptual framing and response to an inquiry into the following research question: In what ways does a study abroad experience support the development of preservice teachers? Through a multi-phase, multiple-perspective case study approach, we draw on qualitative interview data to illuminate how faculties of education and their students conceptualize the role of study abroad in the development of preservice teachers. The intentions for these programs cluster under four themes: global citizenship, personal growth, professional development, and employability. The concept of structured encounters with difference emerges out of these themes as a conceptual frame for future study abroad initiatives

    Formative assessment in higher education: an exploratory study within programs for professionals in education

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    This study explores how prospective professionals in higher education can learn about and apply formative assessment methods relevant to their future educational workplaces. In the academic year 2022–23, 156 pre-service teachers, social workers, and heads of social services took part in a three-stage mixed-method study on university learning experiences involving formative assessment practices. They were exposed to self-, peer-, and group-assessment strategies. Data collected after each stage revealed participants’ perspectives on each method. Findings show that students who engaged in formative assessment comprehended assessment complexity and were motivated to use diverse assessment forms. Formative assessment proves effective for both evaluation and development, supporting higher education students in honing assessment competencies for future professional roles in educational and social sectors

    Firm quality or market sentiment : what matters more for IPO investors?

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    This paper investigates the investment decisions of IPO investors when equipped with information on both the quality of the firm and the market sentiment. Unique regulatory provisions allow IPO investors in India to have access to the independent assessment of firm quality and information on the participation of other investors, including institutional investors. At the same time, an active grey market reveals market sentiment before the application for subscription is closed. The results, which are robust to alternative model specifications, suggest that the institutional investors' decision is guided almost exclusively by firm quality while the retail investors' decision to participate in IPOs is strongly influenced by market sentiment, even in a highly transparent market where both sets of information are freely available

    Cómo ser tutor en un entorno virtual y no morir en el intento

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    Según Cabero y Gisbert (2005). El e-learning como modalidad de enseñanza- aprendizaje se configura como un espacio que facilita la interacción tanto entre profesores-alumnos, como entre alumnos-alumnos. Sus elementos más significativos son el conocimiento, el aprendizaje, la comunicación y la tecnología. El papel del tutor en la educación no presencial está en la agenda de los responsables educativos. Esta cuestión es, si se quiere, sorprendente ya que para la educación presencial son muy pocos los que se preguntan el papel del profesor, el de las instituciones educativas, el del alumno y el significado de aprender, enseñar y educar. El rol del tutor virtual es el mismo que el del profesor en la modalidad presencial: potenciar las fortalezas de cada quien, guiar favoreciendo las relaciones entre personas y tener claro que el aprendizaje es una actividad personal e intransferible. Su papel se centra en estar, guiar, responder, aclarar y gestionar. El objetivo central de este taller es trabajar en torno a aquellos aspectos que el tutor debe tener en cuenta si forma parte de un proceso de enseñanza –aprendizaje en un aula virtual. Se abordarán la planificación de la tutoría, funciones y competencias a tener en cuenta, entre otras cuestiones


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    Machine learning methods have recently increased in appearance in navigation and guidance applications by means of image classification. This thesis sought to advance the ongoing Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Control Systems and Robotics Laboratory project in developing a system that will autonomously navigate across the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) campus. In pursuit of providing a robust navigation and guidance solution to an autonomous robotic vehicle, a convolutional neural network (CNN) was trained to classify significant objects around NPS. In addition to increasing the number of objects that the neural network could classify, the network was also trained with varying image augmentation techniques applied to the training and validation images. A variety of tests were performed to evaluate the accuracy of the model when exposed to different objects and regions throughout the campus. The tests also included running the image classification model against images that were altered with crop, blur, rotation, and noise. The results demonstrated high classification accuracy and asserted that the output was robust when faced with poor image quality. This work established a strong baseline for more CNN output integration into the navigation and guidance solution of the robotic vehicle.Civilian, Department of the Air ForceApproved for public release. distribution is unlimite