252 research outputs found

    Interplay between disorder and intersubband collective excitations in the two-dimensional electron gas

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    Intersubband absorption in modulation-doped quantum wells is usually appropriately described as a collective excitation of the confined two-dimensional electron gas. At sufficiently low electron density and low temperatures, however, the in-plane disorder potential is able to damp the collective modes by mixing the intersubband charge-density excitation with single-particle localized modes. Here we show experimental evidence of this transition. The results are analyzed within the framework of the density functional theory and highlight the impact of the interplay between disorder and the collective response of the two-dimensional electron gas in semiconductor heterostructures.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid. Comm.

    Critical hardening rate model for predicting path-dependent ductile fracture

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    A new phenomenological framework for predicting ductile fracture after non-proportional loading paths is proposed, implemented into FE software and validated experimentally for a limited set of monotonic and reverse loading conditions. Assuming that ductile fracture initiation is imminent with the formation of a shear band, a shear localization criterion in terms of the elastoplastic tangent matrix is sufficient from a theoretical point of view to predict ductile fracture after proportional and non-proportional loading. As a computationally efficient alternative to analyzing the acoustic tensor, a phenomenological criterion is proposed which expresses the equivalent hardening rate at the onset of fracture as a function of the stress triaxiality and the Lode angle parameter. The mathematical form of the criterion is chosen such that it reduces to the Hosford–Coulomb criterion for proportional loading. The proposed framework implies that the plasticity model is responsible for the effect of loading history on ductile fracture. Important non-isotropic hardening features such as the Bauschinger effect, transient softening and hardening stagnation must be taken into account by the plasticity model formulation to obtain reasonable fracture predictions after non-proportional loading histories. A new comprehensive plasticity model taking the above effects into account is thus an important byproduct of this work. In addition, compression–tension and reverse-shear experiments are performed on specimens extracted from dual-phase steel sheets to validate the proposed plasticity and fracture model.MIT/Industrial Fracture Consortiu

    Histoire et théorie des chansons

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    Christian Marcadet, ingĂ©nieur d’études au CNRS La sĂ©rie de confĂ©rences de cette annĂ©e avait pour objectif de rendre compte des enjeux sociaux et esthĂ©tiques des chansons de variĂ©tĂ©s dans les sociĂ©tĂ©s contemporaines. Il s’agissait, Ă  partir de recherches achevĂ©es et en cours, sur des matĂ©riaux français et Ă©trangers, de comprendre le sens social des processus crĂ©atifs, performatifs et rĂ©ceptifs des chansons. L’axe central demeure celui du sens car c’est en lui que se situe le noyau dur des chan..

    O PODER DA IMAGINAÇÃO CONTRA A VIOLÊNCIA DO PODER ou de como, driblando a censura, Chico Buarque transformou a recepção das cançÔes no Brasil dos anos de chumbo

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    A obra de Chico Buarque constitui-se, sem dĂșvida, uma referĂȘncia para a produção mĂșsical brasileira. Sua coerĂȘncia Ă©tica e as sutilezas empregadas na resistĂȘncia Ă  censura no perĂ­odo da ditadura militar, no Brasil, o singularizaram como uma personagem emblemĂĄtica da cultura brasileira. O uso de formas literĂĄrias para “driblar” a censura contribui para entender as relaçÔes orgĂąnicas que estruturam a cultura de massas, as artes, e a sociedade brasileira. Este artigo procura analisar essas relaçÔes, tomando como fonte as informaçÔes que integram o sitio : suas mĂșsicas, os livros publicados e declaraçÔes. Qual o sentido social que se pode atribuir Ă  produção artĂ­stica de Chico Buarque? Que mudanças e estratĂ©gias usou quanto Ă  forma de recepção das suas obras artĂ­sticas de forma a resistir Ă  censura? Essas sĂŁo algumas questĂ”es que este artigo busca responder. Para tanto recorre a uma aparelhagem conceitual da sociossemiĂłtica estruturada em trĂȘs conceitos-chaves: o projeto criador; a performance e o projeto receptivo-apreciador. Alvo da censura, Buarque comunicou suas idĂ©ias utilizando estratagemas literĂĄrios e prĂĄticos numa obra que se tornou capital ideolĂłgico. O recurso Ă  astĂșcia na forma literĂĄria garantiu passar a sua mensagem, restabelecendo laços sociais entre a elite intelectual esclarecida e um pĂșblico mais amplo. PALAVRAS CHAVES: Chico Buarque, censura, histĂłria sociocultural, projeto criador, projeto receptivo-apreciador.THE POWER OF IMAGINATION AGAINST THE VIOLENCE OF POWER or how, dodging censorship, Chico Buarque transformed the reception of the songs in Brazil of the leaden years Christian Marcadet The works of Chico Buarque are, without a doubt, a reference for the Brazilian musical production. His ethical coherence and the subtlety employed in his resistance to censorship during the Brazilian military dictatorship singled him out as an emblematic character of Brazilian culture. The use of literary ways to “dodge” the censorship contributes to understand the organic relations that structure the culture of masses, arts, and Brazilian society. This paper tries to analyze those relationships, using as its sources the information in the webpage: his music, his published books and his interviews. Which social sense can one attribute to Chico Buarque’s artistic production? What changes and strategies did he use regarding the way of reception of his artistic works as a way of resisting censorship? Those are some issues that this paper tries to answer. For that, it falls back upon a conceptual apparel of the sociossemiotics structured in three key concepts: the creative project; the performance and the appreciative – receptive project. A target of censorship, Buarque communicated his ideas using literary and practical stratagems in a work that became an ideological capital. He recurred to cunning literary ways to make sure his message would achieve its aims, reestablishing social links between an intellectual elite and a wider public. KEYWORDS: Chico Buarque, censorship, sociocultural history, creative project, appreciative–receptive project.LE POUVOIR DE L’IMAGINATION CONTRE LA VIOLENCE DU POUVOIR ou comment Chico Buarque, en bernant la censure, a rĂ©ussi Ă  transformer l’accueil aux chansons du BrĂ©sil des annĂ©es noires Christian Marcadet L’oeuvre de Chico Buarque constitue, sans aucun doute, une rĂ©fĂ©rence en terme de production musicale. Sa cohĂ©rence Ă©thique et les subtilitĂ©s utilisĂ©es pour rĂ©sister Ă  la censure pendant la pĂ©riode de la dictature militaire, au BrĂ©sil, font de lui un personnage emblĂ©matique de la culture brĂ©silienne. L’utilisation de formes littĂ©raires pour “duper” la censure a apportĂ© une contribution Ă  la comprĂ©hension des relations organiques qui structurent la culture des masses, les arts et la sociĂ©tĂ© brĂ©silienne. Cet article dĂ©crit l’analyse de ces relations Ă  partir des donnĂ©es fournies par le site : ses chansons, les livres publiĂ©s et les dĂ©clarations. Quel est le sens social qui peut ĂȘtre attribuĂ© Ă  la production artistique de Chico Buarque? Quels changements et quelles stratĂ©gies a-t-il utilisĂ©s quant Ă  la forme de ses oeuvres pour qu’à leur rĂ©ception elles puissent rĂ©sister Ă  la censure? Voici quelques questions auxquelles on essaie de rĂ©pondre dans cet article. Pour ce faire, on fait appel Ă  un ensemble conceptuel de socio sĂ©miotique, structurĂ© Ă  partir de trois concepts–clĂ©s: le projet crĂ©ateur, la performance et le projet rĂ©ceptif apprĂ©ciatif. VisĂ© par la censure, Chico Buarque a exprimĂ© ses idĂ©es en utilisant des stratagĂšmes littĂ©raires et pratiques dans une oeuvre qui est devenue un vĂ©ritable capital idĂ©ologique. Recourir Ă  la ruse sous forme littĂ©raire a permis de faire passer le message en rĂ©tablissant les liens sociaux entre l’élite intellectuelle instruite et le grand public. MOTS-CLÉS: Chico Buarque, censure, histoire socioculturelle, projet crĂ©ateur, projet rĂ©ceptif apprĂ©ciatif.Publicação Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.br 

    Le samba : un genre populaire chanté emblématique ni afro-descendant ni occidentalisé, mais spécifiquement brésilien

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    Cette contribution remet en question l’idĂ©e selon laquelle aux critĂšres biologiques dĂ©finissant les ethnies et les races se trouveraient intĂ©grĂ©es ou agrĂ©gĂ©es des caractĂ©ristiques culturelles – poĂ©tico-musicales en l’occurrence. Le samba naĂźt au tournant du xxe siĂšcle dans les quartiers populaires de Rio de Janeiro, marquĂ©s par leur composition pluriethnique. Rythme syncopĂ© privilĂ©giĂ© des cĂ©lĂ©brations pratiquĂ©es dans les communautĂ©s noires brĂ©siliennes, ce genre urbain est associĂ© aux dĂ©buts du Carnaval et abondamment radiodiffusĂ© dans les annĂ©es 1930. Il perd alors son caractĂšre communautaire et rĂ©gional et connaĂźt bientĂŽt une consĂ©cration mondiale. ContrĂŽlĂ© par l’Estado Novo, le samba se « civilise » et joue un rĂŽle symbolique de premier plan dans la construction, rĂ©elle et idĂ©elle, de l’identitĂ© brĂ©silienne. RĂ©sultat d’un long et complexe processus d’hybridation, le samba transcende et articule sur plus d’un siĂšcle les appartenances et les tensions raciales et sociales, omniprĂ©sentes dans la sociĂ©tĂ© brĂ©silienne, au point de s’ériger en matrice idĂ©ologique et modĂšle de fusion culturelle. L’approche sociosĂ©miotique de ce travail, qui repose sur l’écoute et visionnage d’un important fonds audiovisuel et sur l’étude des ouvrages publiĂ©s au BrĂ©sil, met en lumiĂšre le rĂŽle et la crĂ©ativitĂ© singuliĂšre de certains artistes (SinhĂŽ, N. Rosa, ZĂ© Keti, C. Buarque...) et les processus sociaux et esthĂ©tiques qui ont contribuĂ© Ă  la recomposition de ses Ă©lĂ©ments

    Remplacement de la table d'harmonie du violon par un sandwich balsa/fibre de lin

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    Le remplacement des tables d'harmonie d'instruments Ă  cordes par des structures en matĂ©riau composite est un sujet qui passionne les luthiers et les facteurs de piano. Le principal dĂ©fi est de trouver un matĂ©riau qui puisse reproduire les remarquables propriĂ©tĂ©s vibratoires du bois et en particulier de l'Ă©picĂ©a : une forte rigiditĂ© longitudinale pour une trĂšs faible densitĂ©, et de faibles facteurs de pertes viscoĂ©lastiques. Nous prĂ©sentons dans cette communication une Ă©tude concrĂšte effectuĂ©e sur le violon. Ce travail a Ă©tĂ© menĂ© dans le cadre d'un module expĂ©rimental (mĂ©canique / matĂ©riaux composites) de l'École Polytechnique. L'originalitĂ© de ce travail repose dans la recherche d'une mĂȘme densitĂ© modale asymptotique (Ă  surface donnĂ©e) entre la table de substitution en matĂ©riau composite et la table d'harmonie d'origine en Ă©picĂ©a, tout en conservant au mieux la position des premiĂšres frĂ©quences propres. Par ailleurs la structure doit vĂ©rifier certains critĂšres vibro-acoustiques : un coefficient de rayonnement Ă©levĂ© et des facteurs de pertes viscoĂ©lastiques comparables Ă  ceux de l'Ă©picĂ©a. Nous avons optĂ© pour une structure sandwich dont l'Ăąme est en balsa et dont les peaux sont formĂ©es chacune d'un empilement de couches de fibre de lin prĂ©-imprĂ©gnĂ©es (rĂ©sine Ă©poxy). Plus lĂ©gĂšre que la fibre de carbone ou la fibre de verre et possĂ©dant des caractĂ©ristiques d'amortissement plus importantes (Ă©tudes sur raquette de tennis), qui plus est d'origine naturelle, les fibres vĂ©gĂ©tales nous ont parus constituer une alternative intĂ©ressante aux matĂ©riaux composites habituellement utilisĂ©s dans la facture instrumentale. L'Ă©paisseur de l'Ăąme, le nombre de couches de fibre de lin et l'angle d'orientation des fibres ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s par un calcul d'optimisation sous contraintes dont les objectifs sont le coefficient de rayonnement, l'espacement intermodal moyen et la premiĂšre frĂ©quence de torsion de la table en Ă©picĂ©a. Ces valeurs ont Ă©tĂ©s mesurĂ©es sur la table en Ă©picĂ©a aprĂšs dĂ©tablage et retrait de la barre de table. La table en composite est conforme aux attentes : les premiĂšres frĂ©quences propres et les densitĂ©s modales asymptotiques des deux tables sont particuliĂšrement proches. La table en composite est par ailleurs plus fine et plus lĂ©gĂšre que l'originale (d'environ 20%). Les luthiers ayant jouĂ© sur l'instrument rapportent que la qualitĂ© du son est bonne : le son est doux, plaisant, agrĂ©able, le violon est facile Ă  jouer. L'instrument sonne comme un violon mais comparĂ© Ă  un instrument de bonne qualitĂ© il ne porte pas assez, ne projette pas assez ; le son est dedans, comme un peu trop Ă©touffĂ©. L'Ă©nergie vibratoire perdue dans la table en composite est trop importante (trop d'amortissement) ; des mesures vibro-acoustiques sur l'instrument en composites en situation de jeu confirment les remarques des luthiers. Une solution serait par exemple de coupler la fibre de lin Ă  la fibre de carbone qui possĂšde des facteurs de pertes trĂšs infĂ©rieurs

    Is cardiac remodeling physiological in veteran tennis players?

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    Effect of non-linear loading paths on sheet metal fracture : large strain in-plane compression followed by uniaxial tension

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 70-73).Advanced high strength steel sheets are rapidly entering the transport industry, as their high strength to weight ratio helps improving fuel and costs efficiency. The early ductile fracture of these materials limits their formability and crash-worthiness. A phenomenological criterion to predict ductile fracture has been developed based on a law of damage accumulation weighted by the stress state. The calibration of such a model requires accurate measurements of the history of stress and strain state up to the onset of fracture. The phenomenon of localized necking occurs prior to ductile fracture in most types of loading of sheet metal. In order to measure the local state of stress and strain, a hybrid experimental and numerical method is tested. The Finite Element model can accurately predict the load displacement relation using a quadratic Hill 48 yield surface and an associated flow rule. The evolution of the local stresses and strains in the material are found to be non linear after necking. Results of such a method to calibrate the fracture criterion provide a validation of the model in a large range of loadings, including uniaxial, biaxial and shear. The effect of a reverse loading is then explored by developing an innovative experimental procedure to adapt the hybrid method for in plane compression followed by uniaxial tension of sheet metal. An Anti Buckling Device (ABD) and special grips are developed to delay buckling of the sheet. The hybrid method requires an accurate constitutive model of the material in the case of reverse loading for the Finite Element model. A modified Yoshida hardening called IH + LK + LNK combining isotropic hardening, linear and non linear kinematic hardening provides good prediction of the load displacement relation. An analysis of the history of local stresses and strains up to the onset of fracture suggests that limited damage is accumulated during the compression phase, validating the phenomenological model.by Stephane Marcadet.S.M

    DĂ©poldĂ©riser dans le bassin d’Arcachon ? RĂ©actions sociales et propositions de gestion

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    En Europe occidentale, les premiĂšres « dĂ©poldĂ©risations » remontent aux annĂ©es 1980. Leurs impacts physiques restent insuffisamment Ă©tudiĂ©s, mais c’est encore plus vrai des rĂ©actions sociales qu’engendre ce retour de la mer. Nous avons ainsi Ă©tudiĂ© la perception de la dĂ©poldĂ©risation dans le bassin d’Arcachon, oĂč une brĂšche, qui s’est accidentellement formĂ©e dans la digue frontale du domaine de Graveyron, pourrait ĂȘtre maintenue par le Conservatoire du Littoral. L’hostilitĂ© au maintien de cette brĂšche est forte parmi la population locale et les promeneurs interrogĂ©s dans le site. Cela s’expliquerait par les trĂšs faibles connaissances environnementales du public sur le milieu des marais et les impacts des poldĂ©risations ou des dĂ©poldĂ©risations. On constate par ailleurs que les personnes les plus hostiles au projet sont celles qui sont les plus ĂągĂ©es et qui rĂ©sident Ă  proximitĂ© du site ou le frĂ©quentent depuis longtemps. Maintenir cette brĂšche et permettre l’extension d’un prĂ© salĂ© ne serait Ă©ventuellement acceptĂ© qu’à la condition d’amĂ©liorer l’information du public et de mieux amĂ©nager ce site protĂ©gĂ© – deux souhaits clairement formulĂ©s par les 200 personnes interrogĂ©es lors d’une enquĂȘte d’opinion.In western Europe, de-polderisation policy was launched in the 1980’s. While physical studies on de-polderisation should be continued, it is equally important to examine the social context favouring or not the return of the sea. Therefore, through an opinion survey carried out amongst 200 persons, we analysed the public perception of a de-polderisation scheme in the Arcachon Basin at the french Atlantic coast. It consists in an accidental breach, which occured in the sea dike of the polder of Graveyron and should be maintained in the future by the Conservatoire du Littoral (a public organism dealing with the french coasts’ conservation). However, the survey revealed that the inhabitants and the walkers frequenting the polder show a strong opposition to this de-polderisation. This « negative » reaction could be linked to a lack of knowledge on the marsh environment and on the environmental impacts of reclamation or de-polderisation. Moreover, a profile of those opposed shows that they are relatively old and frequent the Graveyron-polder for a long time or live near it. Thus, maintaining this breach and the expanding saltmarsh formed behind the dike would only be accepted if people could be better informed and this protected area better equiped – as whished by the respondents

    Photocurrent measurements in a Quantum Cascade Detector under strong magnetic field

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    International audienceIn the present work, we performed photocurrent measurement on a quantum cascade detector structure under strong magnetic field applied parallel to the growth axis. The photocurrent shows strong oscillations as a function of B. We develop a model in order to describe current as a function of magnetic field. The excellent agreement with the experimental data supports the idea that an elastic scattering process plays a central role in the behavior of those structures. Thanks to zero magnetic field consideration, we establish that dominant process is impurities scattering process. These experiments lead to the key parameters to understand and optimize those structure further
