51 research outputs found

    Paid Exchanges are Worth the Price

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    We consider the list update problem as defined in the seminal work on competitive analysis by Sleator and Tarjan [12]. In this problem, a sequence of requests, consisting of items to access in a linked list, is given. After an item is accessed it can be moved to any position forward in the list at no cost (free exchange), and, at any time, any two adjacent items can be swapped at a cost of 1 (paid exchange). The cost to access an item is its current position in the list. The goal is to dynamically rearrange the list so as to minimize the total cost (accrued from accesses and exchanges) over the request sequence. We show a lower bound of 12/11 on the worst-case ratio between the performance of an (offline) optimal algorithm that can only perform free exchanges and that of an (offline) optimal algorithm that can perform both paid and free exchanges. This answers an outstanding question that has been open since 1996 [10]

    On the Power of Advice and Randomization for Online Bipartite Matching

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    Reordering buffer management with advice

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    In the reordering buffer management problem, a sequence of colored items arrives at a service station to be processed. Each color change between two consecutively processed items generates some cost. A reordering buffer of capacity k items can be used to preprocess the input sequence in order to decrease the number of color changes. The goal is to find a scheduling strategy that, using the reordering buffer, minimizes the number of color changes in the given sequence of items. We consider the problem in the setting of online computation with advice. In this model, the color of an item becomes known only at the time when the item enters the reordering buffer. Additionally, together with each item entering the buffer, we get a fixed number of advice bits, which can be seen as information about the future or as information about an optimal solution (or an approximation thereof) for the whole input sequence. We show that for any ε>0 there is a (1+ε)-competitive algorithm for the problem which uses only a constant (depending on ε) number of advice bits per input item. This also immediately implies a (1+ε)-approximation algorithm which has 2O(nlog1/ε) running time (this should be compared to the trivial optimal algorithm which has a running time of kO(n)). We complement the above result by presenting a lower bound of Ω(logk) bits of advice per request for any 1-competitive algorithm

    The Chikungunya Epidemic on La Réunion Island in 2005–2006: A Cost-of-Illness Study

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    For a long time, studies of chikungunya virus infection have been neglected, but since its resurgence in the south-western Indian Ocean and on La Réunion Island, this disease has been paid greater amounts of attention. The economic and social impacts of chikungunya epidemics are poorly documented, including in developed countries. This study estimated the cost-of-illness associated with the 2005–2006 chikungunya epidemics on La Réunion Island, a French overseas department with an economy and health care system of a developed country. “Cost-of-illness” studies measure the amount that would have been saved in the absence of a disease. We found that the epidemic incurred substantial medical expenses estimated at €43.9 million, of which 60% were attributable to direct medical costs related, in particular, to expenditure on medical consultations (47%), hospitalization (32%) and drugs (19%). The costs related to care in ambulatory and hospitalized cases were €90 and €2000 per case, respectively. This study provides the basic inputs for conducting cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit evaluations of chikungunya prevention strategies

    Microlensing as a probe of the Galactic structure; 20 years of microlensing optical depth studies

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    Microlensing is now a very popular observational astronomical technique. The investigations accessible through this effect range from the dark matter problem to the search for extra-solar planets. In this review, the techniques to search for microlensing effects and to determine optical depths through the monitoring of large samples of stars will be described. The consequences of the published results on the knowledge of the Milky-Way structure and its dark matter component will be discussed. The difficulties and limitations of the ongoing programs and the perspectives of the microlensing optical depth technique as a probe of the Galaxy structure will also be detailed.Comment: Accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitation. General Relativity and Gravitation in press (2010) 0

    Low Clinical Burden of 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Infection during Pregnancy on the Island of La Réunion

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    BACKGROUND: Pregnant women have been identified as a group at risk, both for respiratory complications than for the admissions to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic (pdm). The purpose of this prospective register-based cohort-study was to characterize the clinical virulence of the pdm (H1N1/09)v during pregnancy in La Réunion. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Over a twelve-week pdm wave (13 July to 3 October 2009), 294 pregnant women presented with an influenza-like illness (ILI) to one of the three maternity departments of the South Reunion area, Indian Ocean. Out of these, 278 were checked by RT-PCR for influenza viruses (157 positive and 121 negative, of whom, 141 with pdm flu and 132 with ILIs of non pdm origin, 5 untyped). The median body temperature was higher in women experiencing pdm flu than in those with non pdm ILI (38.9 degrees C versus 38.3 degrees C, P<0.0001), without evidence linked to circulating viremia. Oseltamivir was given for 86% of pdm flu cases in a median time inferior than 48 hrs (range 0-7 days). The hospitalization rate for pdm flu was of 60% and not associated with underlying conditions. Six viral pneumonia and fourteen asthma attacks were observed among 84 hospitalized pdm flu cases, of whom, only one led to the ICU for an acute lung injury. No maternal death occurred during the pdm wave. None adverse pregnancy outcome was associated with pdm flu. No congenital birth defect, nor early-onset neonatal influenza infection was attributable to pdm flu exposure. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This report mitigates substantially the presumed severity of pandemic H1N1/09 influenza infection during pregnancy. The reasons for which the clinical burden of H1N1/09 influenza virus may differ worldwide raise questions about a differential local viral-strain effect and public health preparedness, notably in timely access to special care and antiviral treatments

    Dynamic Nuclear Polarization NMR Spectroscopy Allows High-Throughput Characterization of Microporous Organic Polymers

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    Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) solid-state NMR was used to obtain natural abundance 13C and 15N CP MAS NMR spectra of microporous organic polymers with excellent signal-to-noise ratio, allowing for unprecedented details in the molecular structure to be determined for these complex polymer networks. Sensitivity enhancements larger than 10 were obtained with bis-nitroxide radical at 14.1 T and low temperature (∼105 K). This DNP MAS NMR approach allows efficient, high-throughput characterization of libraries of porous polymers prepared by combinatorial chemistry methods

    Online algorithms with advice for bin packing and scheduling problems

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    We consider the setting of online computation with advice and study the bin packing problem and a number of scheduling problems. We show that it is possible, for any of these problems, to arbitrarily approach a competitive ratio of 1 with only a constant number of bits of advice per request. For the bin packing problem, we give an online algorithm with advice that is (1+ε)-competitive and uses O(1εlog 1ε) bits of advice per request. For scheduling on m identical machines, with the objective function of any of makespan, machine covering and the minimization of the ℓp norm, p>1, we give similar results. We give online algorithms with advice which are (1+ε)-competitive ((1/(1-ε))-competitive for machine covering) and also use O(1εlog 1ε) bits of advice per request. We complement our results by giving a lower bound that shows that for any online algorithm with advice to be optimal, for any of the above scheduling problems, a non-constant number (namely, at least (1-2mn)log m, where n is the number of jobs and m is the number of machines) of bits of advice per request is needed