4,520 research outputs found

    Preparation and characterization of α-Fe nanowires located inside double wall carbon nanotubes

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    Capillary effect was used to fill double wall carbon nanotubes (DWCNT) with iron. The samples are characterized by Mössbauer and Raman spectroscopies, TEM, SAED, and magnetization. The experimental results indicate the presence of a-Fe nanowires inside the DWCNTs. The samples are ferromagnetic at room temperature. There are three striking results due to the confinement effects on the physical behavior of a-Fe: the hyperfine fields increase, the Debye temperature decreases and Raman modes are observed

    Creació d’un treball de síntesi i d’un portal web per a la gestió i representació de les dades d’una estació meteorològica

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    El treball de síntesi continua essent un element amb molta importància dins del currículum dels tres primers cursos de l’educació secundària obligatòria. Aquesta importància ha fet que en el transcurs dels anys s’hagin desenvolupat un conjunt de programes d’activitats per tal de donar resposta a aquest treball. En funció d’això, han nascut diverses ofertes, empreses i estades especialitzades en oferir múltiples opcions per tal de desenvolupar-los. Actualment, la recessió econòmica és latent en gran part del territori català, i això fa que sigui complicat que les famílies amb pocs recursos econòmics puguin costejar el preu que costa realitzar treballs de síntesi en aquest tipus de llocs. Per aquest motiu, cada cop més els centres desenvolupen ells mateixos diferents activitats per emmarcar-les dins d’un projecte de síntesi. Aquests treballs donen la llibertat de poder-se orientar en una temàtica concreta, fet que es pot aprofitar per treballar aspectes específics del currículum o ampliar-los. En base d’aquests motius es presenta el següent projecte de síntesi que consisteix en l’elaboració d’unes directrius i material per tal de dur a terme un projecte basat en la temàtica de la meteorologia en el curs de 1r d’ESO, degut al gran nombre de continguts curriculars que guarden relació amb aquesta temàtica. A més a més, també es pretén donar continuïtat al projecte “La Xarxa Meteorològica Educativa de Catalunya” (Edumet) iniciat l’any 2004 pel Departament d’Educació. Aquest projecte actualment es troba bastant en desús i gran part de les estacions meteorològiques que enviaven dades a la web han deixat de fer-ho. Endemés, molts dels enllaços que es troben a la web estan trencats, algunes de les estacions mai han enviat informació, i els que l’han enviat daten del 2009

    Instal·lació elèctrica i contra incendis d'un institut

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    Adaptació de les instal·lacions d'un local de festes d'ús privat per a la obertura al públic

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    Es presenta a continuació el Projecte Final de Carrera a l’Escola d’Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial de Barcelona (EUETIB) de Marc Gonzalez Carreras, estudiant d’Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial en l’especialitat de Mecànica. El que s’ha realitzat en aquest projecte és l’adequació d’una sala de festes d’ús privat a Tiana, i la adaptació de les instal·lacions a la normativa vigent per poder-la obrir al públic i obtenir la llicència d’activitat. Les instal·lacions que s’han tractat són: reformes constructives, electricitat, il·luminació, ventilació, climatització, protecció contra incendis, i sonorització. A partir de les normatives europees, nacionals, autonòmiques i municipals, s’han anat dissenyant les diverses instal·lacions i fet els plànols corresponents que s’han cregut convenients, així com la informació addicional utilitzada per a realitzar el projecte en els annexos

    \u3cem\u3eHabeas Data\u3c/em\u3e: Comparative Constitutional Interventions from Latin America Against Neoliberal States of Insecurity and Surveillance

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    To cultivate the next twenty years of LatCrit theory, praxis, and community, the afterword looks back to LatCrit’s Critical Global Classroom (2003–04) (CGC), an ABA-accredited summer study-abroad program. The CGC invited U.S. law students to study comparative constitutionalism, law and society, and truth and reconciliation movements while sojourning Chile, Argentina, and South Africa under the question: “Shall the recent history of the Global South become the imminent fate of the Global North?” While enrolled in the 2004 CGC, the author learned about the extraordinary constitutional writ of habeas data, which various Latin American countries adopted as they reconstituted their democracies from the wreckage of the fascist military dictatorships that terrorized their peoples in the second half of the twentieth century. Habeas data enables individuals to petition their government, and certain private entities, to learn what information has been kept on them and for what purposes, as well as to challenge, rectify, and even delete such information. With the recent revelations of the National Security Agency’s massive electronic surveillance of people throughout and beyond the United States, learning about habeas data could constitute a vital intervention for the discourse of U.S.-based legal scholars writing in English, as well as for the community of critical socio-legal scholars who affiliate with LatCrit. To both constituencies, the afterword urges attending carefully to the terrible histories that birthed habeas data, while being cognizant of their continuities with today’s “neoliberal states of insecurity and surveillance,” in order to fashion a strategic alliance capable of grounding habeas data rights within the United States Constitution

    Decentralized dynamic task allocation for UAVs with limited communication range

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    We present the Limited-range Online Routing Problem (LORP), which involves a team of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with limited communication range that must autonomously coordinate to service task requests. We first show a general approach to cast this dynamic problem as a sequence of decentralized task allocation problems. Then we present two solutions both based on modeling the allocation task as a Markov Random Field to subsequently assess decisions by means of the decentralized Max-Sum algorithm. Our first solution assumes independence between requests, whereas our second solution also considers the UAVs' workloads. A thorough empirical evaluation shows that our workload-based solution consistently outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in a wide range of scenarios, lowering the average service time up to 16%. In the best-case scenario there is no gap between our decentralized solution and centralized techniques. In the worst-case scenario we manage to reduce by 25% the gap between current decentralized and centralized techniques. Thus, our solution becomes the method of choice for our problem

    Pressure dependence of raman modes in double wall carbon nanotubes filled with 1D tellurium

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    The preparation of highly anisotropic one-dimensional (1D) structures confined into carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in general is a key objective in nanoscience. In this work, capillary effect was used to fill double wall carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) with trigonal Tellurium. The samples are characterized by high resolution transmission electronic microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. In order to investigate their structural stability and unravel the differences induced by intershell interactions, unpolarized Raman spectra of radial and tangential modes of DWCNTs filled with 1D nanocrystalline Te excited with 514 nm were studied at room temperature and high pressure. Up to 11 GPa we found a pressure coefficient of 3.7 cm−1 GPa−1 for the internal tube and 7 cm−1 GPa−1 for the external tube. In addition, the tangential band of the external and internal tubes broaden and decrease in amplitude. All findings lead to the conclusion that the outer tube acts as a protection shield for the inner tube (at least up 11 GPa). No pressure-induced structural phase transition was observed in the studied range

    HySEA model verification for Tohoku 2011 Tsunami. Application for mitigation tsunami assessment

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    In many aspects Tohoku-Oki 2011 mega tsunami has changed our perception of tsunami risk. The tsunami-HySEA model is used to numerically simulate this event and observed data will we used to verify the model results. Three nested meshes of enhanced resolution (4 arc-min, 32 arc-sec and 2 arc-sec) will be used by the numerical model. The propagation mesh covers all Pacific Ocean with more of 7 million cells. An intermediate mesh with 5 millions cells contains the Japanese archipelago and, finally, two finer meshes, with nearly 8 and 6 millions cells, cover Iwate and Miyagi Prefectures at Tohoku region, the most devastated areas hit by the tsunami. The presentation will focus on the impact of the tsunami wave in these two areas and comparisons with observed data will be performed. DART buoys time series, inundation area and observed runup is used to assess model performance. The arrival time of the leading flooding wave at the vicinity of the Senday airport, as recorded by video cameras, is also used as verification data for the model. After this tsunami, control forests as well as breakwaters has been discussed as suitable mitigation infrastructures. As particular case, we will analyse the evolution of the tsunami in the area around the Sendai airport (Miyagi Prefecture) and its impact on the airport. A second simulation has been performed, assuming the existence of a coastal barrier protecting the area. The role of this barrier in modifying tsunami wave evolution and mitigating flooding effects on the airport area are discussed. The protection effect of the breakwaters near Kamaishi (Iwate Prefecture) is also assessed. The numerical model shows how these structures, although did not provide a full protection to tsunami waves, they helped to largely mitigate its effects in the area.Acknowledgements. This research has been partially supported by the Junta de Andalucía research project TESELA (P11-RNM7069), the Spanish Government Research project DAIFLUID (MTM2012-38383-C02-01) and Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. The multi-GPU computations were performed at the Laboratory of Numerical Methods (University of Malaga)