109 research outputs found

    Projecte de la instal·lació solar fotovoltaica d'una nau industrial

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    Al llarg d’aquest projecte, es presenta un proposta de disseny per a la instal·lació d’un sistema solar fotovoltaic de generació d’energia, amb l’objectiu d’abastir les necessitats de consum elèctric d’una nau industrial, situada en la localització de Cabrera de Mar. Inicialment, es comença amb una posada al dia sobre l’estat de l’art de les energies renovables i més en concret sobre la tecnologia solar fotovoltaica. A més, es fa una introducció dels diferents elements que composen una instal·lació fotovoltaica, mostrant els diferents tipus que es poden trobar, explicant la seva importància i mostrant quins són els beneficis i desavantatges de cada un. Abans de començar a decidir quina solució s’adopta, es realitza una descripció de l’activitat i característiques de la localització i coberta de la nau, sumat a un estudi dels consums anuals que disposa la nau. Aquest estudi de consums, es realitza en funció del mes de l’any, amb l’objectiu de tenir una estimació més acurada dels valors de generació i consums de la nau. Posteriorment es procedeix a la realització de la memòria tècnica del projecte, on es defineix la necessitat de les característiques del diferents components i la conseqüent selecció d’aquests, en funció dels càlculs realitzats i del compliment amb les normatives imposades en els diferents reglaments del territori espanyol. Finalment, s’inclou un anàlisis de l’impacte ambiental que suposa aquesta instal·lació i un estudi econòmic on s’avalua la viabilitat financera del projecte, detallant la inversió inicial necessària, els beneficis anuals que comporta i la identificació de diferents indicadors, per poder avaluar aquesta viabilita

    Grado de competencia digital y usos TIC en profesoras del Campo de Gibraltar

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    Esta investigación sirve para conocer y estudiar el grado de competencia digital y uso de redes sociales, la calidad relacional online y la inmersión digital de las profesoras correspondientes a la zona de Gibraltar de la que es responsable el CEP de Algeciras-La Línea. La metodología es cuantitativa, de corte correlacional y descriptivo, con una muestra de 1134 profesoras. El instrumento de investigación es un cuestionario que contiene diversos bloques con los constructos vinculados a la investigación diagnóstica de la competencia digital de estas profesoras. Por último, hemos podido saber que el grado de uso con las redes sociales es a diario, siendo la aplicación WhatsApp la más utilizada. En cuanto a dicho uso tecnológico es más difícil en la etapa de infantil que en etapas posteriores. Además se ha podido observar que existe mayor grado de relación entre Calidad Relacional e Inmersión Digital y entre Calidad Relacional y Competencia Digital. Al predecir la calidad relacional online dentro las competencias digitales generales especificamos dos especialmente importantes (Competencia digital socio comunicativa y Competencia digital emocional).The aim of this research is to know and study the digital skill level and network use, online relational quality and digital inmersion from female teachers of CEP1 de Algeciras-La Línea (Gibraltar). The metodology is cuantitative, correlational and descriptive, with a population of 1134 female teachers. The research instrument consist in a survey with several measure with constructs conected to the diagnostic research of these female teachers digital skill. In conclusion, we have discovered that networks are used daily and that WhatsApp is the most used.. However, the use of this App is less common in childhood than in later stages. Futhermore, it has been noticed that the connecting level is higher between relational quality and digital inmersion and between relational quality and digital skill. After predicting online relational quality inside general digital skills, we specify two important digital skills (comunicational digital skill and emotional digital skill).Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Pedagogí

    Uniqueness of the Freedman-Townsend Interaction Vertex For Two-Form Gauge Fields

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    Let BμνaB_{\mu \nu }^a (a=1,...,Na=1,...,N) be a system of NN free two-form gauge fields, with field strengths Hμνρa=3[μBνρ]aH_{\mu \nu \rho }^a = 3 \partial _{[\mu }B_{\nu \rho ]}^a and free action S0S_0 equal to (1/12)dnx gabHμνρaHbμνρ(-1/12)\int d^nx\ g_{ab}H_{\mu \nu \rho }^aH^{b\mu \nu \rho } (n4n\geq 4). It is shown that in n>4n>4 dimensions, the only consistent local interactions that can be added to the free action are given by functions of the field strength components and their derivatives (and the Chern-Simons forms in 55 mod 33 dimensions). These interactions do not modify the gauge invariance BμνaBμνa+[μΛν]B_{\mu \nu }^a\rightarrow B_{\mu \nu }^a+\partial _{[\mu }\Lambda _{\nu ]} of the free theory. By contrast, there exist in n=4n=4 dimensions consistent interactions that deform the gauge symmetry of the free theory in a non trivial way. These consistent interactions are uniquely given by the well-known Freedman-Townsend vertex. The method of proof uses the cohomological techniques developed recently in the Yang-Mills context to establish theorems on the structure of renormalized gauge-invariant operators.Comment: 12 pages Latex fil

    Dynamic flight plan design for UAS remote sensing applications

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    The development of Flight Control Systems (FCS) coupled with the availability of other Commercial Off-The Shelf (COTS) components is enabling the introduction of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) into the civil market. UAS have great potential to be used in a wide variety of civil applications such as environmental applications, emergency situations, surveillance tasks and more. In general, they are specially well suited for the so-called D-cube operations (Dirty, Dull or Dangerous). Current technology greatly facilitates the construction of UAS. Sophisticated flight con- trol systems also make them accessible to end users with little aeronautical expertise. How- ever, we believe that for its successful introduction into the civil market, progress needs to be made to deliver systems able to perform a wide variety of missions with minimal reconfiguration and with reduced operational costs. Most current flight plan specification mechanisms consist in a simple list of waypoints, an approach that has important limitations. This paper proposes a new specification mech- anism with semantically richer constructs that will enable the end user to specify more complex flight plans. The proposed formalism provides means for specifying iterative be- havior, conditional branching and other constructs to dynamically adapt the flight path to mission circumstances. Collaborating with the FCS, a new module on-board the UAS will be in charge of executing these plans. This research also studies how the proposed flight plan structure can be tailored to the specific needs of remote sensing. For these type of applications well structured and efficient area and perimeter scanning is mandatory. In this paper we introduce several strategies focused to optimize the scanning process for tactical or mini UAS. The paper also presents a prototype implementation of this module and the results obtained in simulations.Postprint (published version

    An inverted Honeycomb plasmonic lattice as an efficient refractive index sensor

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    We present an efficient refractive index sensor consisting of a heterostructure that contains an Au inverted honeycomb lattice as a main sensing element. Our design aims at maximizing the out-of-plane near-field distributions of the collective modes of the lattice mapping the sensor surroundings. These modes are further enhanced by a patterned SiO2 layer with the same inverted honeycomb lattice, an SiO2 spacer, and an Au mirror underneath the Au sensing layer that contribute to achieving a high performance. The optical response of the heterostructure was studied by numerical simulation. The results corresponding to one of the collective modes showed high sensitivity values ranging from 99 to 395 nm/RIU for relatively thin layers of test materials within 50 and 200 nm. In addition, the figure of merit of the sensor detecting slight changes of the refractive index of a water medium at a fixed wavelength was as high as 199 RIU1. As an experimental proof of concept, the heterostructure was manufactured by a simple method based on electron beam lithography and the measured optical response reproduces the simulations. This work paves the way for improving both the sensitivity of plasmonic sensors and the signal of some enhanced surface spectroscopies

    Documented spatial data set containing the subdivision of the basins into groundwater systems and subsystems, the selected locations per subsystem and a description of these sites, available data and projected additional measurements and equipment

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    The establishment of tools for trends analysis in groundwater is essential for the prediction and evaluation of measures taken within context of the Water Framework Directive and the draft Groundwater Directive. This report describes the spatial data sets which will be used for the purpose of detection, aggregation and extrapolation of temporal trends in groundwater quality. Trend analysis methods will be applied and tested at various scales and in various hydrogeological situations. The report contains a description of the studied sub-basins in TREND 2, including information on hydrogeology, land use and pressures, available data and projected additional measurements. Major differences between the sub-basins and the data sets are described to examine consequences for the work on trend detection. One of the challenges for TREND 2 is to define criteria for the application of various statistical and deterministic trend approaches for a range of hydrogeological conditions, spatial scales and types of groundwater monitoring. An overview of these conditions, scales and monitoring types is provided in the present report.FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change (Project no. 505428 - GOCE

    Long-term strenuous exercise promotes vascular injury by selectively damaging the tunica media: experimental evidence

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    Moderate exercise has well-founded benefits in cardiovascular health. However, increasing, yet controversial, evidence suggests that extremely trained athletes may not be protected from cardiovascular events as much as moderately trained individuals. In our rodent model, intensive but not moderate training promoted aorta and carotid stiffening and elastic lamina ruptures, tunica media thickening of intramyocardial arteries, and an imbalance between vasoconstrictor and relaxation agents. An up-regulation of angiotensin-converter enzyme, miR-212, miR-132, and miR-146b might account for this deleterious remodeling. Most changes remained after a 4-week detraining. In conclusion, our results suggest that intensive training blunts the benefits of moderate exercise

    Una experiencia de unificación de asignaturas para desplegar PBL (y las quejas que originó)

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    En esta ponencia se describen los aspectos esenciales de una experiencia de unificación de parejas de asignaturas con el objetivo de crear un escenario más adecuado para el despliegue de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos. Como guía para el repaso de esos aspectos esenciales se utiliza una carta que elaboraron los estudiantes de la primera edición para protestar por el funcionamiento de las asignaturas. El análisis de las quejas de los estudiantes puede ser de mucha utilidad para otros que se planeen retos similares.This paper describes the key aspects of an experience of unification of pairs of subjects in order to create a more suitable scenario for deployment of Project Based Learning. To guide the review of these essential aspects we use a letter that students from the first edition wrote to protest against the organization of the subjects. The analysis of the complaints of the students can be very helpful for others who are planning similar innovations

    Long-term platinum-based drug accumulation in cancer-associated fibroblasts promotes colorectal cancer progression and resistance to therapy

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    A substantial proportion of cancer patients do not benefit from platinum-based chemotherapy (CT) due to the emergence of drug resistance. Here, we apply elemental imaging to the mapping of CT biodistribution after therapy in residual colorectal cancer and achieve a comprehensive analysis of the genetic program induced by oxaliplatin-based CT in the tumor microenvironment. We show that oxaliplatin is largely retained by cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) long time after the treatment ceased. We determine that CT accumulation in CAFs intensifies TGF-beta activity, leading to the production of multiple factors enhancing cancer aggressiveness. We establish periostin as a stromal marker of chemotherapeutic activity intrinsically upregulated in consensus molecular subtype 4 (CMS4) tumors and highly expressed before and/or after treatment in patients unresponsive to therapy. Collectively, our study underscores the ability of CT-retaining CAFs to support cancer progression and resistance to treatment.This work has been supported by grants from Fundación científica AECC -Asociación Española contra el Cáncer- (GCAEC20030CERV) to A.Ce., from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) co-funded by the European Union (CP16/00151, PI17/00211, PI20/00011; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) to A.Ca. and PI20/00625 to P.N., from la Caixa Foundation (LCF/PR/HR19/52160018) and MICINN (PID2020- 119917RB-I00) to E.B., from Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and FEDER funds (PID2019-104948RB-I00) to R.R.G. This work was supported by Grant PT20/00023, funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and co-funded by the European Union, and the Xarxa de Bancs de tumors sponsored by Pla Director d’Oncologia de Catalunya (XBTC). A.Ca. is the recipient of funding from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III co-funded by the European Union (MS16/00151; CPII21/00012). J.L. is the recipient of a Junior Clinician fellowship from Fundación científica AECC (CLJUN19004LINA)