2,479 research outputs found

    An overview of medical image processing methods

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    Since human life is worthier than all things, efforts on virtual animation and visualization of human body’s viscera, without surgical interference to diagnose a disease is very important. Recently, modern medical instruments are able to produce views which can be used for better diagnoses and accurate treatment. Various standards were formed regarding these instruments and end products that are being used more frequently everyday. Personal computers (PCs) have reached a significant level in image processing, carried analysis and visualization processes which could be done with expensive hardware on doctors’ desktops. The next step is to try to find out proper solutions by software developers andengineers that help doctors to make decision by combining opportunities in these two scientific areas. The objective of the present study is to construct 3D models and present it to users on screen in personal computers by using data acquired from tomography and magnetic resonance instruments. In order to realize this objective, developing software is aimed. In the second and third sections, the datastructures and processing of 3D volumetric data in digital format, 3D visualization techniques and theoretical subjects about methods and algorithms used are explained. In the forth section, explanations on developing a software package for the realization of the objective of the study, its usage and information about software development tools used are given. In the last section, the determinations made at the end of trials in this study, difficulties met and recommendations obtained in the light of the trial results are presented

    Typy ekwiwalencji i ich relewancja dla relacji pomiędzy językiem wyjściowym a językiem docelowym w kontekście tłumaczenia tekstów (fachowych)

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    In the article there are introduced several types of lingual equivalence and their relevance for the relations between source language and target language. Different types of equivalence, e.g. denotative, connotative, text-normative, pragmatic and formal equivalence, are demonstrated and analysed. There are also provided examples in various languages for each of the aforementioned equivalence types. Furthermore, the text contains the review and explication of selected methods used by translators to cover the lack of (appropriate) equivalents between two languages, like adaptation, paraphrase, using an expression with similar meaning, loan translation etc

    Economic and Financial Management Capacity of Small Water Systems

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    Notes on a Genre to Come: Screenwriting and the 'Thesis-film'

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    This piece draws together two areas: screenwriting and film or video works (to be jointly referred to as ‘films’) that explicitly try to undertake a conceptual practice. Conceptual practice is to be understood here not within the exclusive framework of conceptual or abstract art, but of acts and interventions in theory of the kind that crossover between the academy and the broader culture. Interventions of this kind have (especially in the form of the essay film, and films by humanities academics) been a part of Australian screen culture since at least the 1980s. While these interventions may not appear to be central to much cultural studies work, I want to suggest that cultural studies is intertwined with them in at least three ways

    Differences in demographic development of the Town of Imotski and surrounding municipalities after 1971

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    Rad se bavi usporedbom demografskog razvoja Grada Imotskog i okolnih općina od 1971. godine do danas. Analizirani su ključni demografski pokazatelji te mogućnosti za demografski oporavak ovoga kraja. Usporedbom demografskih pokazatelja Grada Imotskog i okolnih općina uočeni su izraženi procesi emigracije, deruralizacije i smanjenja broja stanovnika, s time da su navedeni procesi u manjoj mjeri izraženi u Gradu Imotskom, a u puno većoj u općinama iako i među njima postoje određene razlike. Neke od mogućnosti stabiliziranja negativnih demografskih trendova Imotske krajine su provođenje pronatalitetne politike te otvaranje radnih mjesta u ruralnom turizmu i planiranoj budućoj industrijskoj zoni.This paper deals with the demographic development of the Town of Imotski and the surrounding municipalities from 1971 to the present. Key demographic indicators and opportunities for demographic recovery in this region have been analyzed. Comparison of the demographic indicators of the Town of Imotski and the surrounding municipalities shows processes of emigration, deruralization and population decline, with the fact that these processes are less expressed in the Town of Imotski and much larger in the municipalities, although there are some differences between them. Some of the possibilities of stabilizing the negative demographic trends of the Imotski region are the implementation of a pro-natal policy and establishing job opportunities in rural tourism and planned future industrial zone

    Ellis Island: The public and personal representations of the immigrant experience

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    Between 1892 and 1954, more than 12 million immigrants arrived at Ellis Island\u27s shores for the promise of a new beginning in America. During this period of immigrant influx and in the decades to follow, anti-immigrant sentiment remained at the forefront of the collective American conscious, varying in severity, though ever present. This study compares the relationship between the personal stories of immigrants and the print media\u27s account of immigration in Ellis Island\u27s peak year, 1907, in an attempt to understand how storytelling, as communication, helped shape the collective immigrant experience. It also examines how the relationship contributes to U.S. perceptions of immigrants. The study is informed by Walter Fisher\u27s narrative paradigm theory and was accomplished through a qualitative narrative analysis of both immigrant related articles published in 1907 New York Times articles and the archival artifacts on record at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum

    The in vivo effect of N-nitrosomorpholine on the activity of enzymes in rat blood serums and liver

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    Neoplasm antigens outnumber the enzymes which are utilized to determine the cancer. Cancer development in the living organisms chronologically follows the cytotoxic, organotoxic and mutagenic alterations. Generally, the first symptom for chemical carcinogens is a metabolical response in connection with the detoxification phenomenon and for the infective agents the first symptom is often an immune response. Many nitrosamines similar to N-nitrosomorpholine have been considered as carcinogens. The cancerogenic effect of N-nitrosomorpholine (NMOR) on different animal species has been confirmed experimentally. The aim was to analyse the acute toxic effect of the Nnitrosomorpholineon the Rattus norvegicus race rats in this study. The administration of Nnitrosomorpholine causes alteration of some enzymes. The enzyme activities of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were determined for all the samples of blood serum and liver tissue. The resultsdemonstrated that there was an increase in the levels of the ALP, ALT, AST and LDH enzyme activities regarding to the in vivo effect of the N-nitrosomorpholine and the increases were evaluated as the metabolic response of liver to hepatotoxic action. NMOR results in the modifications on the biological macromolecules owing to its alkylating characteristic. The degradation and turn over of the protein gains speed gradually till alkylating factor disappear. This case in the circulation appears as theincrease of the enzyme activity. These alterations are responsible for carcinogenicity and happen as liver cancer observation in the liver