9 research outputs found

    Geomorphic Features Revealed by the Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation of HIgh-Resolution Seismic Reflection Profiles across a Large Debris-Flow Fan (Vinschgau/Val Venosta, Italian Alps)

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    Researches concerning the Quaternary sedimentary dynamics in the European Alps have become of increasing interest in the late decades, producing a large volume of literature. This thesis uses high-resolution seismic reflection data and seismic stratigraphic methods to examine the formation and evolution of a major alluvial/glacial fan in the eastern Italian Alps. Alluvial fan environments, often pose significant challenges for high-resolution seismic exploration, due to high heterogeneity of deposits and rugged topography. Using both non-conventional field (dense wide aperture array) and processing techniques (Common Reflection Surface stack), we were able to obtain high-quality seismic reflection and refraction images across a representative transect of Venosta Valley. By using stratigraphic, geophysical and morphologic data this work characterizes the fan and valley deposits and their evolution throughout post-glacial times. Using this information, we model the evolution of the valley fill in the framework of post-glacial climate fluctuations. The results provide an understanding of the landscape geomorphic evolution in response to the main climatic changes and also can represent a tool in policy decision regarding natural hazards

    Potential shallow aquifers characterization through an integrated geophysical method: multivariate approach by means of k-means algorithms

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    The need to obtain a detailed hydrogeological characterization of the subsurface and its interpretation for the groundwater resources management, often requires to apply several and complementary geophysical methods. The goal of the approach in this paper is to provide a unique model of the aquifer by synthesizing and optimizing the information provided by several geophysical methods. This approach greatly reduces the degree of uncertainty and subjectivity of the interpretation by exploiting the different physical and mechanic characteristics of the aquifer. The studied area, into the municipality of Laterina (Arezzo, Italy), is a shallow basin filled by lacustrine and alluvial deposits (Pleistocene and Olocene epochs, Quaternary period), with alternated silt, sand with variable content of gravel and clay where the bottom is represented by arenaceous-pelitic rocks (Mt. Cervarola Unit, Tuscan Domain, Miocene epoch). This shallow basin constitutes the unconfined superficial aquifer to be exploited in the nearly future. To improve the geological model obtained from a detailed geological survey we performed electrical resistivity and P wave refraction tomographies along the same line in order to obtain different, independent and integrable data sets. For the seismic data also the reflected events have been processed, a remarkable contribution to draw the geologic setting. Through the k-means algorithm, we perform a cluster analysis for the bivariate data set to individuate relationships between the two sets of variables. This algorithm allows to individuate clusters with the aim of minimizing the dissimilarity within each cluster and maximizing it among different clusters of the bivariate data set. The optimal number of clusters "K", corresponding to the individuated geophysical facies, depends to the multivariate data set distribution and in this work is estimated with the Silhouettes. The result is an integrated tomography that shows a finite number of homogeneous geophysical facies, which therefore permits to distinguish and interpret the porous aquifer in a quantitative and objective way

    The shallow structure of Solfatara Volcano, Italy, revealed by dense, wide-aperture seismic profiling

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    Two active-source, high-resolution seismic profiles were acquired in the Solfatara tuff cone in May and November 2014, with dense, wide-aperture arrays. Common Receiver Surface processing was crucial in improving signal-to-noise ratio and reflector continuity. These surveys provide, for the first time, high-resolution seismic images of the Solfatara crater, depicting a ~400 m deep asymmetrical crater filled by volcanoclastic sediments and rocks and carved within an overall non-reflective pre-eruptive basement showing features consistent with the emplacement of shallow intrusive bodies. Seismic reflection data were interpreted using the trace complex attributes and clearly display several steep and segmented collapse faults, generally having normal kinematics and dipping toward the crater centre. Fault/fracture planes are imaged as sudden amplitude drops that generate narrow low-similarity and high-dip attributes. Uprising fluids degassed by a magmatic source are the most probable cause of the small-scale amplitude reduction. Seismic data also support the interpretation of the shallow structure of the Solfatara crater as a maar. Our results provides a solid framework to constrain the near-surface geological interpretation of such a complex area, which improves our understanding of the temporal changes of the structure in relation with other geophysical and geochemical measurements

    Active fault detection and characterization by ultrashallow seismic imaging: a case study from the 2016 Mw 6.5 central Italy earthquake

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    We present the first high-resolution ultrashallow seismic image of a normal fault segment that ruptured the surface during the Mw 6.5 2016 Norcia earthquake (central Italy). This is the only fault, in the entire activated 25 km-long system, cutting a thick succession of Quaternary deposits, with an associated 3-m-high cumulative scarp. A 190-m-long profile crossing the fault was acquired and analyzed combining reflection seismic, non-linear multiscale refraction P-wave tomography and multi-channel analysis of surface waves. The joint interpretation of the seismic reflection, P- and S-wave velocity images unravels a 100-m-thick sequence of sandy-gravel alluvial fans, disrupted by a main normal fault zone, named as Valle delle Fonti fault (Vf1), which branches upward into three splays. The eastern splay of Vf1 matches with the 2016 coseismic surface rupture. Near-surface truncated reflections and growth strata in the hanging wall of the western and intermediate splays attest to their activity in Late Pleistocene-Holocene times. We also detect an additional normal fault in the footwall of Vf1, probably inactive since the Late Pleistocene. Comparing the seismic images with the Poisson's coefficient model and with the results of a previous electrical resistivity tomography, we constrain the lithology and the hydraulic behavior of the uppermost 50 m of the fault. A steep, W-dipping zone with high-Vp, very high Poisson's coefficient and low resistivity correlates with the eastern splay of Valle delle Fonti fault and unravels a water-saturated region. These results suggest that the fault zone may act as a partial barrier for horizontal fluid flow. Our findings indicate that the active fault zone detected by seismic imaging is much wider than what previously estimated from surface geological analyses. In terms of surface faulting hazard, this study confirms the effectiveness of high-resolution seismic surveys in defining the geometry and physical properties of active fault zones

    Postglacial evolution of a formerly glaciated valley: Reconstructing sediment supply, fan building and confluence effects at the millennial time scale

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    We reconstruct the post-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) evolution of the upper Adige River floodplain, Eastern Italian Alps. In particular, we are interested in constraining the time scales associated with fan building and understanding how the relevant sediment supply at tributary confluences has interacted with the Adige River to form the present landscape configuration. By combining high-resolution seismic imaging with drillhole data and radiocarbon dating, we show (i) that similar to 80 % of the valley fill was deposited in post-LGM times, (ii) that sediment evacuation from tributaries began with local deglaciation at the end of the Younger Dryas; and (iii) that tributary basin aspect and size, by controlling the local pattern of deglaciation, may have delayed fan building by up to two millennia. Debris-flow sediment supply from the Gadria-Strimm system drove the evolution of this valley segment between 12 and 6.25 k.y. B.P., first deflecting, then damming the course of the Adige River, forming a lake, and affecting the shape and size of the neighboring fans. Our data show an anisotropic development of the Gadria fan, with growth focused on the central and eastern portion of the fan between 10 and 8.5 k.y. B.P., followed by gradual lateral shifting toward west for about the next two millennia. The estimated sediment yield associated with the fan formation describes a debris flow-driven paraglacial sedimentary wave that conforms to the conceptual model originally proposed by Church and Ryder (1972), but never tested before in upland basins with empirical data. The wave lasted for similar to 4 k.y. and around 9 k.y. B.P. peaked at similar to 390,000 m(3) yr(-1). At the valley profile scale, results suggest that similar fans functioned as effective sediment traps, which prevented, and still limit, fluvial reworking and valley floor incision. We argue that these geomorphic barriers, which have enhanced fragmentation of the valley long profile, with knickpoints located at major tributary fans, have delayed postglacial landscape recovery until today

    Revitalizing vintage seismic reflection profiles by converting into SEG-Y format: case studies from publicly available data on the Italian territory

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    In recent decades, geological modeling has significantly evolved, relying on the growing potential of hardware and software to manage and integrate vast datasets of 2D-3D geophysical underground data. Therefore, digitization and integration with other forms of data can often improve understanding of geological systems, even when using so-called vintage or historical data. Seismic reflection data have been extensively acquired mainly for hydrocarbon exploration since the 60s generating large volumes of data. Typically, these data have been for private commercial use and are relatively unavailable for research. However, with time, large volumes of vintage seismic reflection data in many countries worldwide are now becoming publicly available through time-based de-classification schemes. Such data have a great potential for modern-day geo-research, unleashing opportunities to improve geological understanding through re-interpretation with modern methods. However, a downside of these vintage data is that they are often only available in analog (paper, raster) format. The vectorization of these data then constitutes an essential step for unlocking their research potential.In 2018 INGV established the SISMOLAB-3D infrastructure, which is mainly devoted to analyzing digital subsurface data, such as seismic reflection profiles and well-logs, to build 2D-3D geological models, principally for seismotectonics, seismic hazard assessment, and geo-resources applications. In this contribution, we discuss the robustness of the WIGGLE2SEGY code, firstly published by Sopher in 2018, focusing on examples from different tectonic and geodynamic contexts within Italian territory. We applied the SEG-Y conversion method to onshore and offshore raster seismic profiles related to ceased exploration permits, comparing the results with other published archives of SEG-Y data obtained from the conversion of vintage data. Such an approach results in digital SEG-Y files with unprecedented quality and detail. The system-atic application of this method will allow the construction of a comprehensive dataset of digital SEG-Y seismic profiles across Italy, thereby expanding and sharing the INGV SISMOLAB-3D port-folio with the scientific community to foster innovative and advanced scientific analysis

    Potential shallow aquifers characterization through an integrated geophysical method: multivariate approach by means of k-means algorithms

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    The need to obtain a detailed hydrogeological characterization of the subsurface and its interpretation for the groundwater resources management, often requires to apply several and complementary geophysical methods. The goal of the approach in this paper is to provide a unique model of the aquifer by synthesizing and optimizing the information provided by several geophysical methods. This approach greatly reduces the degree of uncertainty and subjectivity of the interpretation by exploiting the different physical and mechanic characteristics of the aquifer. The studied area, into the municipality of Laterina (Arezzo, Italy), is a shallow basin filled by lacustrine and alluvial deposits (Pleistocene and Olocene epochs, Quaternary period), with alternated silt, sand with variable content of gravel and clay where the bottom is represented by arenaceous-pelitic rocks (Mt. Cervarola Unit, Tuscan Domain, Miocene epoch). This shallow basin constitutes the unconfined superficial aquifer to be exploited in the nearly future. To improve the geological model obtained from a detailed geological survey we performed electrical resistivity and P wave refraction tomographies along the same line in order to obtain different, independent and integrable data sets. For the seismic data also the reflected events have been processed, a remarkable contribution to draw the geologic setting. Through the k-means algorithm, we perform a cluster analysis for the bivariate data set to individuate relationships between the two sets of variables. This algorithm allows to individuate clusters with the aim of minimizing the dissimilarity within each cluster and maximizing it among different clusters of the bivariate data set. The optimal number of clusters “K”, corresponding to the individuated geophysical facies, depends to the multivariate data set distribution and in this work is estimated with the Silhouettes. The result is an integrated tomography that shows a finite number of homogeneous geophysical facies, which therefore permits to distinguish and interpret the porous aquifer in a quantitative and objective way