892 research outputs found

    Compartiendo espacios educativos con los ni?os y ni?as a trav?s de actividades recreativas para formar en h?bitos saludables

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    161 p. Recurso Electr?nico?Durante el primer proceso de nuestra carrera universitaria, se desarroll? el siguiente proceso: en el primer semestre se construy? la historia de vida, entre el segundo y el quinto se desarroll? un proceso continuo e integral mediante observaciones, permitiendo caracterizar el grupo o la poblaci?n objeto de intervenci?n en el Hogar Infantil Consota. En las observaciones se evidenci? una problem?tica relacionada con la falta de h?bitos de higiene en los ni?os y las ni?as; por lo tanto es importante promover unos adecuados h?bitos de higiene en la comunidad educativa ya que estos se constituyen en una parte indispensable del curr?culo de la educaci?n infantil. Seg?n lo planteado por Larousse, (1950) la prevenci?n es "preparaci?n, disposici?n que se toma para evitar alg?n peligro"(p. 755) Se hace necesario la formaci?n de h?bitos de higiene y generar conciencia sobre el valor y la necesidad de la salud para crear ambientes saludables. Seg?n el MEN, la Ley General de Salud, los Alimentos son determinantes en el desarrollo integral de la vida. Es claro comprender como este proyecto permiti? implementar las actividades recreativas tales como jugando al lavado de manos, collage saludable, adivinanzas creativas entre otras, para as? alcanzar buenos h?bitos saludables en la comunidad educativa, a trav?s de esto los ni?os y las ni?as asimilaron, conocieron, manifestaron, personificaron, percibieron y verbalizaron el mundo que los rodea y se apropiaron de la importancia que tienen los h?bitos saludables afrontando as? el autocuidado, integraci?n personal, los buenos h?bitos, entre otros textos que fomentaron el cuidado integral de cada ni?o y ni?a. Se concluye que los h?bitos saludables son fundamentales ya que son una herramienta educativa para la construcci?n de la higiene en los ni?os y las ni?as, fortaleciendo las condiciones salubres esenciales, para prevenir las enfermedades e infecciones. Palabras clave: higiene, prevenci?n, cuidado, infancia, educaci?nDuring the first trial of our college career, developed the following process: life history was built in the first half between the second and the fifth semester between the second and the fifth was developed a continuous and integral process by means of observations, allowing characterizing the group or population subject to intervention in the Children's garden child home. The observations showed a Problem related to the lack of hygiene in the boys and girls; it is therefore important to promote appropriate hygiene habits in the educational community since they constitute an indispensable part of the curriculum of early childhood education. According to the issues raised by Larousse, (year 1995) prevention is "preparation, provision is taken to avoid any danger"(p.755.) The formation of habits of hygiene is necessary and raises awareness of the value and the need of health to create healthy environments. According to the MEN, the General Law of health, foods are determinants in the development of life. It is clear to understand how this project allowed implementing recreational activities such as playing the washing of hands, healthy collage, and creative including riddles to achieve good habits in the community education, through this the children assimilated, met, expressed, personified, perceived and expressed the world that surrounds them and appropriated the importance having healthy habits so facing the car care, personal integration, good habits, among other texts which promoted the comprehensive care of each boy and girl. It is concluded that healthy habits are critical since they are an educational tool for the construction of the hygiene in the children, strengthening the essential healthy conditions, to prevent diseases and infections. Keywords: Hygiene, Prevention, Care, Children, Educatio

    Estimulaci?n y motivaci?n hacia el gusto y deleite por la literatura infantil

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    127 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa educaci?n inicial tiene como prop?sito fundamental establecer las bases que le permitan al ser humano desarrollarse y fortalecerse integralmente. Bowlby, (1998) establece en su teor?a del apego el v?nculo que se desarrolla en la primera infancia entre los individuos y sus cuidadores. El presente estudio centra su atenci?n en el escaso proceso de acompa?amiento y motivaci?n hacia la literatura infantil en los ni?os y ni?as de 5 a?os del Centro de Desarrollo Infantil de la Fundaci?n Colegio los Pitufos del programa de primera infancia del Instituto Colombiano de bienestar familiar I.C.B.F. CDI. 7 de Agosto. Debido a esta problem?tica, nace la propuesta de implementar una estrategia l?dico-pedag?gica de acompa?amiento, que les permita a los padres de familia, adquirir herramientas apropiadas de acercamiento a los ni?os y ni?as hacia la lectura, y as? propender por un mejor h?bito de lectura. El desarrollo metodol?gico de esta investigaci?n propone un enfoque cualitativo, donde se fundamenta un dise?o metodol?gico de Investigaci?n Acci?n con el tipo de investigaci?n descriptiva. Con dicha metodolog?a se espera tener como resultado un mejor acompa?amiento por parte de los padres y que esto se vea reflejado de manera positiva en su inter?s por la lectura infantil. Con el estudio se ha llegado a comprobar que el h?bito lector de los ni?os ha mejorado notablemente, por la puesta en escena de una estrategia pedag?gica. De la misma manera, ha surgido efecto en la relaci?n docente ?ni?o y padre de familia. Palabras claves: comunicaci?n escolar, acompa?amiento, h?bito lector, estrategia pedag?gica, estimulaci?n, motivaci?n.The basic purpose of initial education is to establish the basis for human beings to integrally develop and strengthen. Bowlby, (1998) establishes, in his attachment theory, the bond that develops in early infancy between individuals and their caregivers. The present study focuses on the limited process of accompaniment and motivation towards children?s literature in 5-year-old children of the Child Development Center Los Pitufos Foundation School of the early childhood program of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare ICBF CDI 7 de Agosto. Due to this problem, the proposal to implement a ludic-pedagogical strategy of accompaniment is born, which allows parents to acquire appropriate tools to bring children closer to reading, and thus to promote better reading habits. The methodological development of this research proposes a qualitative approach, with an Action Research descriptive methodological design. This methodology is expected to result in better accompaniment by parents that is positively reflected in their interest in children literature. This study allowed to verify that children reading habits have remarkably improved, by the staging of a pedagogical strategy. In the same way, there has been an effect on the teacher-child-parent relationship. Keywords: school communication, accompaniment, reading habit, pedagogical strategy, stimulation, motivation

    A review on the development of visible light-responsive WO3-based photocatalysts for environmental applications

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    The use of semiconductor photocatalysis is a promising, green, and sustainable technology to address solar energy conversion and environmental remediation issues. Among photocatalytically active semiconductors, considerable attention has been given to the visible-light active tungsten oxide (WO3, Eg value ≈ 2.7–3.1 eV). This semiconductor has several advantages: strong absorption in the visible spectrum range, stability in acidic and oxidative conditions, low cost, and low toxicity. However, WO3 presents fast recombination of charge carriers’ and exhibits low photocatalytic activity for reduction reactions due to its conduction band potential (+0.5 V versus NHE). Many strategies have been applied to enhance photocatalytic activity and solar energy utilization of WO3 by modifying the energy band position and reducing the charge carrier recombination. In this review, several approaches, such as designing with exposed facets and specific morphologies, doping with transition metals and non-metals, deposition of noble metals, and heterojunction construction, are summarized. Moreover, the photocatalytic properties of the reviewed WO3-based photocatalysts are discussed based on their environmental applications such as degradation of organic pollutants, air purification, CO2 photoreduction, hydrogen production from water splitting and recently, simultaneous wastewater treatment and electric energy generation by photocatalytic fuel cells. Finally, the summary, future perspectives, and challenges of design novel WO3-based photocatalysts with high efficiency are pointed out to meet the urgent demands of highly efficient technologies that use visible or solar energy for environmental applications

    Advances in the Assessment of Habitat Fragmentation and Protection in the NAFO Regulatory Area

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    NAFO has used kernel density analyses to identify VMEs dominated by large-sized sponges, sea pens, small and large gorgonian corals, erect bryozoans, sea squirts (Boltenia ovifera), and black corals. That analysis generates polygons of significant concentrations of biomass for each VME indicator which are spread across the spatial domain of the NAFO fishing footprint. There is potential for bottom contact fishing to induce changes in both the amount and configuration of habitat (e.g., decreased polygon size, increased polygon isolation, and increased edge area) through direct and indirect impacts, and it is unknown to what degree such changes may already have taken place given the long fishing history of the area. In the Report of the 13th Meeting of the NAFO Scientific Council Working Group on Ecosystem Science and Assessment (WGE-ESA), preliminary work on assessing and monitoring habitat fragmentation was presented. Here we continue that work by recalculating the indices after removing connections that are not identified through particle tracking models. We have reanalyzed the nearest neighbour distances and PX, a proximity index, for the VME polygons noted above, and for the new closed areas that will come into effect 1 January 2022. We show that PX when applied to the new closures appears sensitive to their spatial configuration which bodes will for the ability of this index to identify habitat fragmentation in the future, brought about through fishing activities and/or natural disturbances.Versión del edito

    New VME indicator species (excluding corals and sponges) and some potential VME elements of the NAFO Regulatory Area

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    A review of over 500 taxa known to occur in the NRA revealed three additional faunal groups (additional to NAFO 2008a) that meet the criteria for a VME indicator based on traits related to functional significance, fragility, and the life-history traits of component species that produce a slow recovery to disturbance. These are crinoids, erect bryozoans and large sea squirts. For each group it is the dense aggregations (beds/fields) that are considered to be VME in order to establish functional significance. Although each group is present in the NRA, data to date have not revealed any concentrations of note with the exception of one catch of the stalked tunicate Boltenia ovifera (large sea squirt). Black corals were considered to be VME indicators by NAFO based on what was then known of their distribution. These were included based on the uniqueness/rarity criterion of habitats of rare, threatened or endangered species that occur only in discrete areas, however evaluation of their distribution using trawl survey, rock dredge and underwater video has indicated that they have widespread occurrence at low densities in the NRA and along the continental slopes off Labrador. However, because they are thought to be extremely long-lived and therefore ‘iconic’ if not rare, we have identified where the highest frequency of occurrence is for this taxon. Lastly, based on NEREIDA multibeam bathymetry we have identified more canyon heads, steep flanks and new seamounts in the NRA as possible VME elements

    All about (nk cell-mediated) death in two acts and an unexpected encore: initiation, execution and activation of adaptive immunity

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    NK cells are key mediators of immune cell-mediated cytotoxicity toward infected and transformed cells, being one of the main executors of cell death in the immune system. NK cells recognize target cells through an array of inhibitory and activating receptors for endogenous or exogenous pathogen-derived ligands, which together with adhesion molecules form a structure known as immunological synapse that regulates NK cell effector functions. The main and best characterized mechanisms involved in NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity are the granule exocytosis pathway (perforin/granzymes) and the expression of death ligands. These pathways are recognized as activators of different cell death programmes on the target cells leading to their destruction. However, most studies analyzing these pathways have used pure recombinant or native proteins instead of intact NK cells and, thus, extrapolation of the results to NK cell-mediated cell death might be difficult. Specially, since the activation of granule exocytosis and/or death ligands during NK cell-mediated elimination of target cells might be influenced by the stimulus received from target cells and other microenvironment components, which might affect the cell death pathways activated on target cells. Here we will review and discuss the available experimental evidence on how NK cells kill target cells, with a special focus on the different cell death modalities that have been found to be activated during NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity; including apoptosis and more inflammatory pathways like necroptosis and pyroptosis. In light of this new evidence, we will develop the new concept of cell death induced by NK cells as a new regulatory mechanism linking innate immune response with the activation of tumour adaptive T cell responses, which might be the initiating stimulus that trigger the cancer-immunity cycle. The use of the different cell death pathways and the modulation of the tumour cell molecular machinery regulating them might affect not only tumour cell elimination by NK cells but, in addition, the generation of T cell responses against the tumour that would contribute to efficient tumour elimination and generate cancer immune memory preventing potential recurrences

    Kernel Density Surface Modelling as a Means to Identify Significant Concentrations of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Indicators

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    The United Nations General Assembly Resolution 61/105, concerning sustainable fisheries in the marine ecosystem, calls for the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems (VME) from destructive fishing practices. Subsequently, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) produced guidelines for identification of VME indicator species/taxa to assist in the implementation of the resolution, but recommended the development of case-specific operational definitions for their application. We applied kernel density estimation (KDE) to research vessel trawl survey data from inside the fishing footprint of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Regulatory Area in the high seas of the northwest Atlantic to create biomass density surfaces for four VME indicator taxa: large-sized sponges, sea pens, small and large gorgonian corals. These VME indicator taxa were identified previously by NAFO using the fragility, life history characteristics and structural complexity criteria presented by FAO, along with an evaluation of their recovery trajectories. KDE, a non-parametric neighbour-based smoothing function, has been used previously in ecology to identify hotspots, that is, areas of relatively high biomass/abundance. We present a novel approach of examining relative changes in area under polygons created from encircling successive biomass categories on the KDE surface to identify ‘‘significant concentrations’’ of biomass, which we equate to VMEs. This allows identification of the VMEs from the broader distribution of the species in the study area. We provide independent assessments of the VMEs so identified using underwater images, benthic sampling with other gear types (dredges, cores), and/or published species distribution models of probability of occurrence, as available. For each VME indicator taxon we provide a brief review of their ecological function which will be important in future assessments of significant adverse impact on these habitats here and elsewhere.Versión del editor4,411

    A Case Study of available methodology for the identification of Vulnerable Ecosystems/Habitats in bottom deep-sea fisheries: Possibilities to apply this method in the NAFO Regulatory Area in order to select Marine Protected Areas

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    Information is critical to Ecosystem Approach and to research about Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems/Habitats (VME/Hs), fishing impacts on habitats and ad-hoc management measures are high-priority. Therefore, this paper presents the ECOVUL/ARPA Interdisciplinary Approach, a case study of methodology for the identification of VME/Hs in order to advise on conservation measures such as marine protected areas (MPAs). By means of an interactive process involving Conventional Fisheries Science, Geomorphology, Sedimentology and Benthic Ecology, the methodology developed under the ECOVUL/ARPA project, has been useful in order to contribute to define practical criteria to the identification of VME/Hs, to improve the knowledge about VME/Hs distribution and the adverse impacts of bottom trawl fisheries and to produce high quality advice on habitat protection. Applying an interdisciplinary approach, the project identified the deep-water bottom trawl fishery footprint on the Hatton Bank Western slope (NEAFC Regulatory Area), mapped the main fishing grounds and related seabed habitats and studied the interactions between fishing and cold-water corals. This approach was used to suggest, with high level of precision, the spatial limits of an area closed to bottom fishing, as an essential conservation measure to protect the cold-water corals in the framework of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management. We present here the methods used, the main results obtained and discuss on the utility of this approach and the possibilities to apply it in the NAFO Regulatory Area, with the aim to advise on measures for reducing the interactions of bottom fishing with sensitive high-seas habitats and to contribute to implement the UNGA recommendations about habitat conservation

    Sentinels of Seabed (SoS) indicator: Assessing benthic habitats condition using typical and sensitive species

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    Indicators are key tools used to assess the ecological status of the environment for ecosystem based management. Anthropogenic disturbances produce changes to habitat condition, which include modifications in species composition and their functions. Monitoring a group of sentinel species (from a taxonomic and functional point of view) provides useful insights into benthic habitat condition. Here, a new indicator, Sentinels of the Seabed (SoS) is proposed to assess state of benthic habitats using “sentinel” species (species which are characteristic of a habitat and sensitive to a given pressure). The selection of these sentinel species has two stages. First, a ‘typical species set’ is computed using intra-habitat similarity and frequency under reference conditions. Second, the ‘sentinel species set’ is generated by selecting the most sensitive species from the typical species set. This selection is made using specific indexes able to assess species sensitivity to a particular pressure. The SoS indicator method was tested on six case studies and two different pressure types (trawling disturbance and pollution), using data from otter trawl, box-corer and Remote Operate Vehicle images. In each scenario, the SoS indicator was compared to the Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Margalef index and total biomass, being the only metric, which showed the expected significant negative response to pressure in all cases. Our results shows that SoS was highly effective in assessing benthic habitats status under both physical and chemical pressures, regardless of the sampling gear, the habitat, or the case study, showing a great potential to be a useful tool in the management of marine ecosystems.Versión del editor2,69

    Black list and Alert list of the Aquatic Invasive Alien Species in the Iberian Peninsula: an action of the LIFE INVASAQUA

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado en VI Congreso Nacional sobre Especies Exóticas Invasoras y I Congreso Ibérico sobre EEI (EEI 2022) celebrado en Navarra del 20 al 23 de abril de 2022.One of the objectives of LIFE INVASQUA project is to develop tools that will be more efficient the Early Warning and Rapid Response (EWRR) framework for Invasive Alien Species in the Iberian Peninsula. Horizon scanning for high-risk IAS is basic in implementing measures to reduce new invasions, developing Alert lists, and to focus effort in the species already established, for instance making a Black list. We developed a trans national horizon scanning exercise focused on inland waters of Spain and Portugal in order to provide a prioritized lists (Black list and Alert list) of aquatic IAS that may pose a threat to aquatic ecosystems and socio economic sectors in the future. We followed a step approach of existing information about IAS (Plants, Freshwater Invertebrates, Estuarine Invertebrates and Vertebrates; 127 established taxa in Black list; 90 non established taxa in Alert list) combining with an expert scoring of prioritized taxa. IAS established in the Iberian aquatic system consistently highlighted as the worst included vertebrates (e.g. Cyprinus carpio, Gambusia holbrooki, Silurus glanis), freshwater and estuarine invertebrates (e.g. Procambarus clarkii, Dreissena polymorpha, Pacifastacus leniusculus, Ficopomatus enigmaticus, Callinectes sapidus, Corbicula fluminea) and plants (e.g. Eichhornia crassipes, Azolla filiculoides, Ludwigia grandiflora). Amongst taxa not yet established (Alert list), expert pointed to Perna viridis, Hydroides dirampha, Dreissena bugensis, Procambarus fallax f. virginallis, Perccottus glenii with higher risk of invasion, ecological and socioeconomic impacts. Over 20.6% of the taxa in the preliminary black list received no votes (no prioritization) by experts, 17.8% in the innitial alert list. Our horizon scanning approach is inclusive of all-taxa, prioritizes both established and emerging biological threats across trans-national scales, and considers not only the ecological impact, but also potential direct economic consequences as well as the manageability of invasive species.This work received funds from the LIFE Programme (LIFE17 GIE/ES/000515)