102 research outputs found

    Capacidade Funcional: estudo prospectivo em idosos residentes em uma instituição de longa permanência

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    The Short Physical Performance Balance - SPPB has been largely used in researches related to the effects of aging, as a practical and efficient instrument to estimate the physical conditions and screening of elderly people with future disability risk. The SPPB estimates the performance of lower limbs in three aspects: muscle strength, gait and balance, all recognized as fundamental to achieve good quality of life, being accepted as universal indicators to value the health conditions of the elderly. PURPOSE: Analyze the SPPB effectiveness to detect functional capacity changes among institutionalized elderly patients and how it is influenced by cognitive, clinical and global functional variables. METHODS: a prospective study, involving 30 residents of a philanthropic long-term care facility in São Paulo (17 women and 13 men), with ages above 60 years old (43% older than 80 years old) and an average of seven years of residence. After 18 months, these old people were reevaluated and data were compared. RESULTS: Considering the evaluated elderly who had good performance (17%), all of them showed up loss of strength during the research. It was observed that there was an improvement of 16% and 1%, respectively, in the balance and in gait, respectively. There was one or more falls in 47% of them. Comparing the Katz's Index of Independency in the Daily Living, the SPPB was more sensitive to the functional decline, indicating 39%, as compared to the 14% of the loss indentified by Katz. CONCLUSIONS: the data confirm the previous studies, which indicate the functional capacity decline of institutionalized elderly and for the SPPB applicability in the routine of functional attendance of this population.A Short Physical Performance Balance - SPPB vem sendo utilizada largamente em pesquisas sobre o envelhecimento, como instrumento prático e eficaz na avaliação do desempenho físico e rastreamento de idosos com riscos futuros de incapacidades. Ela avalia o desempenho de membros inferiores em três aspectos: força muscular, marcha e equilíbrio, reconhecidos como componentes fundamentais para a qualidade de vida, sendo aceitos como indicadores universais do estado de saúde em idosos. OBJETIVO: Analisar a eficácia da SPPB em detectar alterações na capacidade funcional do idoso institucionalizado e como esta é influenciada pelas variáveis cognitivas, clínicas e funcionais globais. METODOLOGIA: estudo prospectivo do qual participaram 30 residentes de uma instituição de longa permanência, filantrópica, em São Paulo (17 mulheres e 13 homens), com idades acima de 60 anos ou mais (43% maiores de 80 anos) e média de sete anos de residência. Após 18 meses, estes idosos foram reavaliados e os dados, comparados. RESULTADOS: Dos idosos avaliados que obtiveram bom desempenho (17%), todos apresentaram perda de força ao longo do seguimento. Quanto ao equilíbrio e marcha, notou-se melhora de 16% e 1%, respectivamente. Apresentaram uma ou mais quedas, 47% dos sujeitos. Quando comparada com o Índex de Independência nas Atividades de Vida Diária de Katz, a SPPB se mostrou mais sensível em relação ao declínio funcional, apontando 39% em comparação aos 14% de perda identificada pelo Katz. CONCLUSÃO: os dados corroboram estudos anteriores, que apontam para o declínio da capacidade funcional de idosos institucionalizados e para a aplicabilidade da SPPB na rotina de acompanhamento funcional dessa população.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Curso de Especialização em Reabilitação GerontológicaLar Escola São Francisco Centro de Reabilitação Setor de Reabilitação GerontológicaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Hospital das ClínicasUNIFESP, Curso de Especialização em Reabilitação GerontológicaSciEL

    Micro-connectomics: probing the organization of neuronal networks at the cellular scale.

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    Defining the organizational principles of neuronal networks at the cellular scale, or micro-connectomics, is a key challenge of modern neuroscience. In this Review, we focus on graph theoretical parameters of micro-connectome topology, often informed by economical principles that conceptually originated with Ramón y Cajal's conservation laws. First, we summarize results from studies in intact small organisms and in samples from larger nervous systems. We then evaluate the evidence for an economical trade-off between biological cost and functional value in the organization of neuronal networks. Various results suggest that many aspects of neuronal network organization are indeed the outcome of competition between these two fundamental selection pressures.This work was supported by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre.This is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by the Nature Publishing Group

    ALICE Collaboration

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    Suppression in Pb-Pb Collisions at the LHC.

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    The production of the ψ(2S) charmonium state was measured with ALICE in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV, in the dimuon decay channel. A significant signal was observed for the first time at LHC energies down to zero transverse momentum, at forward rapidity (2.5<y<4). The measurement of the ratio of the inclusive production cross sections of the ψ(2S) and J/ψ resonances is reported as a function of the centrality of the collisions and of transverse momentum, in the region p_{T}<12  GeV/c. The results are compared with the corresponding measurements in pp collisions, by forming the double ratio [σ^{ψ(2S)}/σ^{J/ψ}]_{Pb-Pb}/[σ^{ψ(2S)}/σ^{J/ψ}]_{pp}. It is found that in Pb-Pb collisions the ψ(2S) is suppressed by a factor of ∼2 with respect to the J/ψ. The ψ(2S) nuclear modification factor R_{AA} was also obtained as a function of both centrality and p_{T}. The results show that the ψ(2S) resonance yield is strongly suppressed in Pb-Pb collisions, by a factor of up to ∼3 with respect to pp. Comparisons of cross section ratios with previous Super Proton Synchrotron findings by the NA50 experiment and of R_{AA} with higher-p_{T} results at LHC energy are also reported. These results and the corresponding comparisons with calculations of transport and statistical models address questions on the presence and properties of charmonium states in the quark-gluon plasma formed in nuclear collisions at the LHC


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    This paper addresses the question of how a fiscal rule of a general type can preserve the sustainability of public finances and provide automatic stabilisation, taking as given interest rates and price stability. This issue can be considered complementary to the analysis of monetary policy rules, whose targets are price stability and often also output stabilisation, assuming that fiscal policy guarantees the sustainability of public finances. Considering the institutional framework provided by the Stability and Growth Pact, the paper also draws some policy conclusions

    Diseño muestral y análisis de encuestas para evaluar adopción de tecnología de producción de yuca en la Costa Atlántica de Colombia

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    Sampling methodology in adoption-and-impact assessment studies of agricultural technology is unique and, in a certain way, complex. Firstly, assessment studies are conducted over time, and, in most cases, a lack of baseline studies hinders the analysis of the adoption process. A methodology that can compare the former and current situations has to be designed. Secondly, rural areas must be surveyed, but these are characterized by a lack of the basic information needed to determine the optimum sample size, such as number of sample units (number of farms), farm size, and statistics of several important variables. Aleatory sampling is also difficult because of logistic problems such as limited access to certain municipalities and/or rural areas and insecurity. This paper describes a sampling methodology developed for studying the adoption patterns of cassava production technology on Colombia`s Atlantic Coast, an area which presents the abovementioned constraints. This methodology successfully fulfills all statistical requirements