1,969 research outputs found

    Regulation and Incentives in European Aviation

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    We study the effect of liberalization on costs and competition in the European airline industry. We construct and estimate a model that includes demand, capacity, and cost equations. The latter accounts for inefficiency and cost-reducing effort. We show that failure to account for the choice of effort would lead to biased estimates of efficiency and competition in the industry. We also find that the last European Union package of deregulatory measures has led to significant efficiency improvements and has fostered competition.Publicad

    The effects of airline alliances: What do the aggregate data say?

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    We consider an empirical model of worldwide airline alliances that we apply to a large set of companies for the period 1995-2000. Using observations at the companies level, we estimate a cost, capacity, and demand system that accounts for cross-price elasticities. From the estimates, we shed light on the fact that many airlines involved in the same alliances are potential substitutes. We also test for the effects of alliances on airlines’ fares and suggest that airlines inside alliances cut prices by 5% on average compared to airlines outside alliances. Finally, we construct price-cost margins for each airlines and suggest that current pricing habits are not uniform and vary from one alliance to another.alliances, airline, cross-price elasticities, Nash behavior

    Stability results for 2D Navier-Stokes equations with unbounded delay

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    Some results related to 2D Navier-Stokes equations when the external force contains hereditary characteristics involving unbounded delays are analyzed. First, the existence and uniqueness of solutions is proved by Galerkin approximations and the energy method. The existence of stationary solution is then established by means of the Lax-Milgram theorem and the Schauder fixed point theorem. The local stability analysis of stationary solutions is studied by several different methods: the classical Lyapunov function method, the Razumikhin-Lyapunov technique and by constructing appropriate Lyapunov functionals. Finally, we also verify the polynomial stability of the stationary solution in a particular case of unbounded variable delay. Exponential stability in this infinite delay setting remains as an open problem.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadFondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalJunta de AndalucíaNational Science Foundation of ChinaScience and Technology Commission of Shanghai MunicipalityShanghai Leading Academic Discipline Projec

    Productivity Differences in the Airline Industry: Partial Deregulation versus Short Run Protection

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    This paper specifies and estimates a production function for the airline industry, identifying firms' network characteristics and efficiency as the main determinants of their productivity. The application of this analysis to the European market shows that productivity differences among flag carriers could explain the governments' different views about deregulation at the beginning of the eighties. The introduction of liberal bilateral agreements by some European governments has given their flag carriers incentives to start adjusting their structure in anticipation of future liberalization in the European market while other European flag carriers have delayed this adjustment.Financial support from the Generalitat Valenciana (GV-3140/95) is gratefully acknowledgedPublicad

    Oligarquía y fiscalidad: los primeros pasos de la contribución de inmuebles, cultivo y ganadería en la provincia de Alicante

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaEl objetivo del artículo es analizar la andadura de la contribución territorial en la provincia de Alicante durante la Década Moderada (1844-1854). Además del análisis de la estructura de la contribución territorial -el cupo y sus recargos—, se estudia también el reparto del impuesto entre los pueblos de la provincia, así como el reparto individual entre los contribuyentes de la ciudad de Alicante y su comarca. Una mejor comprensión de las implicaciones sociales y políticas de la nueva figura tributaria hace también necesaria la referencia a las protestas de pueblos y particulares ante los repartos efectuados por las oligarquías provinciales y locales, protestas que evidencian tanto la injusticia que presidió esos repartos, como las resistencias que provocó el impuesto, y que se tradujeron en un alto nivel de fraude.This article aims to analyze the territorial taxes in the province of Alicante during the Década Moderada (1844-1854). Besides a structural analysis of the territorial taxes —quota and its charges—, the sharing out of taxes among the villages of the province, as well as the individual share of taxpayers in the town of Alicante and its province will be studied. Reference to the objections from villages and individuals to the sharing out effected by the provincial and local oligarchy is therefore necessary in order to understand the political and social implications of the new tax. Such objections show the extent to which the sharing out was unfair and the resistance offered towards the taxes, which resulted in high levels of tax evasion.Publicad

    Time-dependent attractors for non-autonomous nonlocal reaction-diffusion equations

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    In this paper, the existence and uniqueness of weak and strong solutions for a non-autonomous nonlocal reaction-diffusion equation is proved. Next, the existence of minimal pullback attractors in the L2 -norm in the frameworks of universes of fixed bounded sets and those given by a tempered growth condition, and some relationships between them are established. Finally, we prove the existence of minimal pullback attractors in the H1-norm and study relationships among these new families and those given previously in the L2 - context. The results are also new in the autonomous framework in order to ensure the existence of global compact attractors, as a particular case.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadFondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalJunta de Andalucí

    Robustness of time-dependent attractors in H1-norm for nonlocal problems

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    In this paper, the existence of regular pullback attractors as well as their upper semicontinuous behaviour in H1-norm are analysed for a parameterized family of non-autonomous nonlocal reaction-diffusion equations without uniqueness, improving previous results [Nonlinear Dyn. 84 (2016), 35–50].Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadFondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalJunta de Andalucí