1,379 research outputs found

    Youth Unemployment and Job Insecurity in Spain: Problems and Policy Options

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    Youth unemployment rates in Spain are considerably higher than the European average. Moreover, those young people who do have jobs generally work under extremely unstable conditions on temporary contracts. Most of these temporary contracts are "involuntary" - workers would prefer to find permanent jobs but are unable to do so. The consequences of this job insecurity in Spain are dramatic. Across the educational spectrum, young workers are at greater risk of remaining unemployed, getting stuck in temporary contracts for long periods of time, experiencing wage penalties, or being over-qualified for their jobs. The crisis has increased the overall risk of long-term poverty and social exclusion, particularly for youth with migrant backgrounds and those who are not in education, employment, or training. The paper concludes by outlining the three most urgent objectives for the Spanish labor market today: bridging the gap between education and work; developing active labor market policies; and reducing labor market segmentation between workers with temporary and permanent contracts and between "insiders" and "outsiders"

    Diseño del programa de salud ocupacional para el hospital local de Obando E.S.E

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    La historia de la Salud Ocupacional está íntimamente ligada a la evolución y desarrollo del hombre y del trabajo, pero para poder trabajar es necesario tener protección para garantizar su salud, no sólo física sino mental y social y para todo esto se necesita una buena calidad del ambiente laboral y del entorno para que el trabajador tenga un bienestar integral. Una situación de riesgo, inherente o no al proceso, puede traer como ocurrencia un Accidente de trabajo o una Enfermedad Profesional según la actividad en que se desenvuelva el ser humano. En toda empresa, cualquiera que sea su tamaño o actividad, se debe contar con un Programa de Salud Ocupacional, bien orientado, ya que es a través de él que se puede garantizar un control en la exposición de la población trabajadora a factores de riesgos que constituyan una amenaza para la salud y la calidad de vida de la población trabajadora. El presente diseño del Programa de Salud Ocupacional, es la etapa inicial para su respectiva implementación, donde a partir de un Diagnóstico integral de las condiciones de trabajo y salud de la empresa, se determinan las actividades a realizar para ejercer un control sobre los riesgos que amenazan la integridad, no solo de la población trabajadora, sino de las personas que reciben el servicio por parte del HOSPITAL LOCAL DE OBANDO E.S.E.The history of Occupational Health is closely linked to the evolution and development of man and work, but work is necessary to take protective measures to ensure their health, not only physically but mentally and socially and for all that you need good quality workplace and the environment to which the employee is well-being. A risk inherent to the process or not, can bring as a work accident occurrence or occupational disease according to the activity that unfolds in humans. In any enterprise, whatever its size or activity, you must have an Occupational Health Program, focused as it is through him that he can secure control of the working population exposure to risk factors that constitute a threat to the health and quality of life of the working population. The present design of the Occupational Health Program, is the initial stage for their respective implementation, where from a comprehensive assessment of working conditions and health of the company, defines the activities necessary for exercising control over the risks threaten the integrity not only of the working population, but of the people receiving the service by HOSPITAL LOCAL DE OBANDO E.S.E

    Comunicación silenciosa: estudio comparativo internacional de envases de juguetes

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    El envase ha sido considerado un comunicador silencioso. Para los juguetes sin inversión publicitaria en otros medios, el envase representa un elemento clave en la comunicación con el consumidor. Tras una revisión de la literatura se identifican tres dimensiones básicas de estudio -forma, función y comunicación- configuradas por 24 variables. Las preguntas de investigación formuladas son: ¿Qué aspectos formales caracterizan los envases de juguetes? ¿Qué utilidades presentan? ¿Existe un tratamiento diferenciado del envase en las distintas categorías de juguetes? ¿Se identifican diferencias entre los envases según el origen del fabricante? Se investiga el contenido de 301 envases de juguetes de 82 fabricantes (70% internacionales) y se realizan dos análisis: descriptivo y caracterizante. Se concluye que formalmente son bastante convencionales y, sin embargo, contienen conceptos novedosos de producto, resultando paradójico. Funcionalmente, cubren satisfactoriamente las necesidades de contención, protección, transporte y almacenamiento aunque se desaprovecha como elemento comunicativo creador de experiencias emocionales. La gestión estratégica del envase en el sector de juguetes es potencialmente mejorable.Packaging has been considered by Marketing experts as a silent sales agent. Specially, for those toys without advertising support, packaging represents the key element to communicate with the end consumer. After revising all published articles about this matter, we found three dimensions to be considered: formal, functional, and communicational, all them aggregating a number of 24 different considerations. The questions we have formulated are as follows: Which are the formal aspects we can consistently find in the Toy industry packaging? Which are the utilities found in those Toy packaging? Is there a particular treatment of packaging depending on the Toy category? Can we find packaging peculiarities considering the origin of the manufacturer? We have investigated 301 different packaging coming from 82 different manufacturers (70% of those manufacturers were not spanish manufacturers) and we have made a deep analysis considering both, structure and characteristics. We conclude that formally, packaging is quite similar and conventional but they have some very special products inside and this is not what this should be. Under the point of view of functionality, packaging are good enough to cover, protect, transport and warehouse the products, but they do not take advantage of the potential communication and emotional influence on the end consumer. We conclude that the strategic treatment of packaging inside Toy industry is something that could be improved.Esta investigación ha sido financiada por el proyecto “Análisis estructural comparado del proceso comunicativo sobre características de los juguetes de las Empresas Valencianas vs. Empresas Internacionales –LUDICOM- (IMDEEA/2011/15) en la convocatoria pública competitiva del programa de desarrollo estratégico del Instituto de la Mediana y Pequeña Industria Valenciana (IMPIVA) dependiente de la Consellería de Economía, Industria y Comercio de la Generalitat Valenciana

    La aportación decisiva de Arturo Souto a la plástica de "Vieiros" (Méjico, 1955-1968)

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    Este artículo analiza la importancia de la revista “Vieiros” de estudios gallegos y portugueses en el aspecto plástico, fundamentalmente por la aportación de Arturo Souto Feijoo (1902-1964), responsable de la parte artística de la publicación. Este autor fue quien marcó las pautas a seguir en la maquetación y ornamentación de otras revistas.This paper analyzes the importance of the magazine "Vieiros" of Galician and Portuguese studies in the plastic aspect, mainly by the contribution of Arturo Souto Feijoo (1902-1964), responsible for the artistic part of the publication. This author was the one who set the guidelines to follow in the layout and ornamentation of other magazines

    2019 American College of Cardiology best conference

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    As every year, the 68th American College of Cardiology (ACC) conference was held in New Orleans, Louisiana, from March 16 to 18. With carnival and jazzas the background, he convened the world cardiology again to promote knowledge by displaying a variety of scientific activities. More than 16000 participants attended and 2300 articles were received, many of which will undoubtedly change current clinical practice. It is also worth noting that the introduction of the guidelines for primary pretreatment of cardiovascular diseases emphasizes that acetylsalicylic acid is almost completely abandoned in primary pretreatment due to the lack of net profit.We will briefly summarize some of the major scientific papers submitted:1. Antithrombotic therapy after PCI for acute coronary syndrome or atrial fibrillation—Augustus test2. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement and balloon dilatation in low-risk patients-partner 3 trial3. Safety and effectiveness of STEMI femoral artery access: Safari STEMI trial4. One month after drug-eluting stent implantation, clopidogrel monotherapy was compared with clopidogrel standard 12-month dual antiplatelet therapy. Stop dapt 2 test5. Results of a large-scale application based study using Smartwatch to identify atrial fibrillation: Apple heart researc

    Unión Europea y MERCOSUR: enseñanzas para reflexionar teóricamente sobre la integración

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    La comparación entre la integración regional en la Unión Europea (UE)y el MERCOSUR permiten pensar nuevos aspectos escasamente desarrolladospor la teoría, y cruciales no sólo para el avance de ésta sinotambién para la comprensión del derrotero de la integración en amboscontinentes. Nos preguntamos ¿qué enseñanzas teóricas podemos extraerde dicha trayectoria? En particular, la situación actual ¿permite repensaralgunos supuestos teóricos sobre la integración? Nos centramos en algunasnociones neofuncionalistas —y otras del intergubernamentalismo—para identificar posibles enseñanzas para el regionalismo en la UE y MERCOSUR a la luz de las dificultades actuales que enfrenta la integración regional en Europa y América Latina. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22529/sp.2018.46.0

    Crowdfunding in the production of video games in Spain: Evolution and success on Kickstarter

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    This research addresses the use of crowdfunding platforms for the development of video games in Spain. It is part of the group of platform-centred research in order to develop a quantitative analysis of the data contained in them. Specifically, the data provided by Kickstarter for Spanish video game development projects is analysed. Normality tests indicated that the variables do not follow a normal distribution, hence non-parametric tests were used. The success rate of Spanish campaigns is 28.4% for the total number of cases, 40.8% in 2020, which is a steady growth since 2015. The average funding is €16,586.76, €50,056.67 for successful campaigns; however, the median indicates that 50% of the sample does not exceed €1,653 in funding. Regression models are used to develop equations to calculate the amount of funding needed to publish on PC and console, and the number of backers needed to achieve a given amount of funding.Project “A proposal of model for observation, prospective and evaluation of trends in commercial communication in Spain” (B3-2022_11