514 research outputs found

    A novel approach for characterizing carbon catalysts by tap experiments

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    Two samples were used in this study: a coal based carbon obtained by carbonisation and a gas-phase oxidized sample from the raw carbon. These samples were extensively characterized and their NO removal capacity was also determined. TAP-2 (Temporal Analysis of Products) reactor was used to obtain adsorption parameters and diffusion coefficients of the system NO-carbon catalyst. The diffusivity of NO as well as the enthalpy of adsorption does not change after increasing the number of functional groups by an oxidative pretreatment of the carbon.Peer reviewe

    Movement Notation Revisited: Syntax of the Common Morphokinetic Alphabet (CMA) System

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    Advances in the study of non-verbal behavior and communication have generated a need for movement transcription systems capable of incorporating continuous developments in visual and computer technology. Our research team has been working on the construction of a common morphokinetic alphabet (CMA) for the systematic observation of daily life activities. The project, which was launched several years ago, was designed to create a system for describing and analyzing body motion expression, physical activity, and physical appearance. In this paper, we describe an idiosyncratic application of Noam Chomsky's phrase marker grammar to the morphokinetic phrase, the objective being to establish the grammatical rules and basic order of the symbol string according to a relational tree formed by the breakdown of the syntactic components identified as structuring the visual description of movement. Criteria for using the CMA as a coding system and a free transcription system are proposed

    The Analysis of Interpersonal Communication in Sport From Mixed Methods Strategy : The Integration of Qualitative-Quantitative Elements Using Systematic Observation

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    The objective to which this manuscript is oriented to is focused on the analysis of interpersonal communication in sport. The multimodal essence of human nature adopts special characteristics in individual and team sports, given the roles that athletes adopt in different circumstances, depending on the contingencies that characterize each competition or each training session. The mixed methods framework allows us to advance in the ways of integration between qualitative and quantitative elements, taking advantage of the proven possibilities of systematic observation, which we can consider mixed method in itself, and which provides rigor and flexibility in the study of the communicative flow in sport. In any sport, the procedure followed by systematic observation may require direct observation, which is characterized by its high perceptiveness, or indirect observation, when it comes to verbal behavior or documentary material. In all cases, the procedure is structured in three macro-stages: QUAL-QUAN-QUAL. In this work we start from a conceptual positioning about interpersonal communication, to later show the sequential gear in sports about obtaining qualitative data, its transformation into other types of data that are still qualitative but have been structured, analyze them quantitatively, and return to a qualitative stage where the interpretation of the results is possible. This process of quantitizing constitutes the cornerstone that gives shape and structure to any research on interpersonal communication in sport that combines the fine nuances of qualitative data (a motor action, a gesture, an exclamation,…) with the power of robust quantitative data analysis suitable for the treatment of organized qualitative data, which will provide qualitative feed-back

    Los orígenes del ciclismo en España: la expansión velocipédica de finales del siglo XIX

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    A lo largo del siglo XIX tiene lugar la gradual configuración de la bicicleta que culmina en la última década, originando una especie de boom o locura en todo el mundo. Este desvarío por la bicicleta ha de entenderse en el contexto de un movimiento deportivo que recorre los países avanzados a finales del siglo XIX. En este artículo se analiza cómo vivió España su particular boom velocipédico. El ciclismo provoca una extraordinaria actividad con la organización de sociedades, competiciones y excursiones o la edición de revistas especializadas, que presumiblemente lo sitúan a la cabeza de un débil movimiento deportivo español, a tono con las dificultades de modernización del país

    Nitric oxide removal from flue gases by carbon-enriched coal fly ash

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    The aim of this work is to evaluate the characteristics of activated and non-activated carbons obtained from carbon-enriched coal fly ash (CECFA) from two different power stations in order to be used in the low temperature reduction of NO from stack gases. Carbon-rich fractions were obtained by mechanical sieving of fly ashes and by oil agglomeration. Activation of some samples was carried out in steam at 900ºC in order to develop porosity onto the samples. The obtained activated and non-activated samples were characterized by several techniques and their nitric oxide removal capacity at low temperature using ammonia as reducing agent was evaluated (gas conditions: 150 ºC, 1000 µL/L NO, 1200 µL/L NH3 , 60 mL/L O2, Ar as balance). CECFA obtained only by sieving had carbon contents varying from 1 % to 47 % and NO reduction levels varying from 3 % to 29%. CECFA L2A and E2A, obtained by sieving, agglomeration and further activation, contained 66 % and 57 % of carbon respectively, and their NO conversion was 36 % and 48%. BET surface areas of CECFA samples before activation were in all case below 20 m2/g. In the case of activated samples, L2A and E2A, the surface area increased to 217 and 395 m2/g respectively. In all cases, and comparing samples with the same carbon content, CECFA coming from Escucha fly ash demonstrated higher NO conversion capacity. The obtained results show that carbon content, surface area and parent coal type are the main parameters that influence the NO removal capacity of the obtained CECFA.The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the European Community (European Regional Development Fund) (Project No. CTM2004- 04252C02).Peer reviewe

    Els orígens del ciclisme a Espanya: l’expansió del velocípede de final del segle XIX

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    Al llarg del segle xix té lloc la gradual configuració de la bicicleta que culmina en l’última dècada, i que origina una mena de boom o bogeria arreu del món. Aquesta dèria per la bicicleta ha d’entendre’s en el context d’un moviment esportiu que recorre els països avançats a la fi del segle xix. En aquest article s’analitza com va viure Espanya el seu particular boom del velocípede. El ciclisme provoca una extraordinària activitat amb l’organització de societats, competicions i excursions o l’edició de revistes especialitzades que, presumiblement, el situen al capdavant d’un feble moviment esportiu espanyol, adient amb les dificultats de modernització del país

    Towards Competencies os Sustainability in Engineering Degrees: Project based service-learning experiences

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    Comunicació presentada al 13th International Conference on Society & Materials, SAM13 (Pisa, 20-21 May 2019)In the present work, a series of collaborative service-learning (SL) experiences carried out in the Universitat Jaume I de Castelló and University of the Basque Country will be presented. These experiences have been developed with in undergraduate courses,bachelor thesis and master thesis. The work points out how these experiences can serve as a toolf or teaching coordination at various levels: horizontal coordination with in a year in one degree, coordination between different degrees orinter-university coordination. The potential of these experiences makes them a very powerful methodological tool that can help not, only the students and the extra curricular agents involved, but also the teaching itself

    Una propuesta de intervención para la prevención y modificación de conductas disruptivas en secundaria

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    Máster Universitario en Resolución de Conflictos en el AulaPara la realización del presente Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) se ha elaborado una propuesta de intervención para mejorar el clima en el aula y la convivencia en el ámbito educativo a través de la prevención y la intervención de las conductas disruptivas en el aula dentro de la enseñanza secundaria. La disrupción dentro del ámbito educativo es uno de los principales problemas con los que se enfrenta la comunidad educativa y su impacto está relacionado con la disminución del rendimiento académico y el aumento de la conflictividad dentro del centro escolar. Debemos aunar esfuerzos para mejorar el clima en el aula, y esto pasa, necesariamente, por trabajar de forma conjunta toda la comunidad educativa. Dentro de esta colaboración, la cooperación entre el alumnado y el profesorado es fundamental para mejorar el clima en el aula. Es por ello por lo que este TFM integra la cooperación como elemento fundamental para prevenir o disminuir la disrupción y como fase previa a la mejora de la convivencia tanto en el aula como en el centro educativo. Dentro de esta cooperación se han definido los protocolos de actuación, como la elaboración y definición de normas, donde de forma consensuada y colaborativa se establecen las reglas que deben regir dentro de clase. Asimismo, hemos creído necesario elaborar un TFM en el que se muestra un conjunto de herramientas que puede permitir al docente identificar y desarrollar habilidades para trabajar la prevención e intervención de las conductas disruptivas de forma directa a través de diferentes estrategias y metodologías de trabajoIn order to carry out this Final Master's Degree Work (TFM) a proposal of intervention to improve the climate in the classroom and coexistence in the educational field through the prevention and intervention of disruptive behaviours in the classroom within secondary education has been developed. Disruption within the educational environment is one of the main problems the educational community must face nowadays, and, consequently, its impact is related to the decrease of academic performance and the increase of disturbances within the school. We must join forces to improve the atmosphere in the classroom, and this necessarily means working together with the entire educational community. Within this collaboration, cooperation between students and teachers is essential to improve the climate in the classroom. For that reason, this TFM integrates cooperation as a fundamental element to prevent or reduce disruption and as a phase prior to improving coexistence in the classroom as well as at school. Within this cooperation, protocols of action have been defined, such as the elaboration and definition of norms, in which a consensual and collaborative way the rules, that must govern within class, are established. Likewise, we believe that it is necessary to develop a TFM that shows a set of tools that can allow teachers to identify and develop skills to work on prevention and intervention of disruptive behaviours directly through different strategies and methodologies of work.Educació

    Assessment of hydrogen storage in activated carbons produced from hydrothermally treated organic materials

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    12 activated carbons (ACs) were prepared by KOH activation using hydrochars as precursors. These hydrochars were prepared by hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC) of sucrose solutions at concentrations ranging from 0.2 to 1.6 mol L-1. The KOH to hydrochar weight ratio (W) was varied from 1 to 5, and the activation temperature was set to 1023K. ACs texture was assessed by nitrogen and carbon dioxide adsorption at 77 and 273 K, respectively; pore size distribution was calculated by using both isotherms and the SAIEUS© software. ACs with surface areas between 790 and 2240 m2 g-1 were obtained. Hydrogen excess adsorption was determined at 298K and pressures up to 10 MPa in a volumetric device, and the isosteric heat of adsorption (Qst) was calculated for four ACs, using hydrogen isotherms obtained at 278, 298 and 308K. Potassium intercalation between graphitic planes was assumed to account for the high Qst values, 7-8 kJ mol-1. Hydrogen uptake at 2 MPa was compared with hydrogen adsorption data of 38 other ACs reported in the open literature. Hydrogen adsorption fundamentally depends on micropore volume and preliminary HTC did not enhance hydrogen storage although it could be a good strategy for doping carbon with heteroelements.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the CPER 2007-2013 “Structuration du Pôle de Compétitivité Fibres Grand’Est” (Competitiveness Fibre Cluster), through local (Conseil Général des Vosges), regional (Région Lorraine), national (DRRT and FNADT) and European (FEDER) funds. Part of this work was supported by CHEERS project (FEDER funds) and the COST Action MP1103 “Nanostructured materials for solid-state hydrogen storage”.Peer reviewe

    Influence of activation atmosphere used in the chemical activation of almond shell on the characteristics and adsorption performance of activated carbons

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    7 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables.The aim of this work was to compare the effect of different activating atmospheres on the final properties and adsorption performance of activated carbons. Almond shell based activated carbons have been obtained by chemical activation with phosphoric acid. Two sets of activated carbons were prepared. First set was prepared under inert atmosphere at different impregnation ratios, temperatures and times of activation. Second set of activated carbons was prepared at the same activating conditions except the activating atmosphere using an oxidant one. Activated carbons prepared under both activation atmospheres were characterized by elemental analysis (EA), thermogravimetry (TGA), temperature programmed desorption (TPD), point zero charge (PZC), Boehm titration and N 2 physisorption. To study the adsorption performance of the activated carbons toluene adsorption – desorption isotherms were determined gravimetrically. The results obtained con fi rm that the activating atmosphere has a strong in fl uence on the fi nal characteristics of the activated carbons. Activated carbons with higher oxygen content and more negative surface charge have been obtained by changing the activatingatmospherebyanoxidantone.Surfaceareaisalsohigherforactivatedcarbonspreparedunderoxidant atmosphere. However toluene adsorption capacity is lower for activated carbons prepared under oxidant atmo- sphere due to their surface chemistry. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The financial support from Spanish Ministry of Environment (contracts 439/2006/3- 11.2 and B030/2007/2-11.2) is duly recognized.Peer reviewe