20 research outputs found

    Democratic Citizenship: European referents

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    Presentamos en este artículo un recorrido en torno a las políticas educativas europeas que favorecen el desarrollo de una ciudadanía democrática. El objetivo que perseguimos es comprender el modo en que actualmente está siendo interpretada e impulsada la Educación para la Ciudadanía desde la Unión Europea. Para ello ofrecemos una delimitación conceptual de la «Educación para la Ciudadanía» y posteriormente mostramos un análisis de los principales documentos y materiales elaborados principalmente por el Consejo de Europa, que marcan el camino seguido por la Unión Europea en materia de Educación para la Ciudadanía Democrática (ecd).Let’s sense beforehand in this article a tour concerning the educational European policies that favour the development of a democratic citizenship. The aim that we chase is to understand the way in which nowadays it is being interpreted and stimulated the Citizenship Education from European Union. For it we offer a conceptual delimiting of «Citizenship Education» and later, we show an analysis of the principal documents and materials elaborated principally by the Council of Europe that mark the way followed by European Union as for Education for Democratic Citizenship (edc)

    La competencia social y cívica: reto y realidad

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    Vivimos tiempos de complejidad y cambio en los que la formación a lo largo de la vida se establece como marco de actuación para las planificaciones y acciones de los centros educativos. De forma paralela existe un interés creciente por la formación ciudadana, siendo la competencia social y cívica una de las competencias claves que integran el modelo del nuevo ciudadano europeo siempre dispuesto a aprender. En este contexto centramos nuestra atención en la formación social y cívica, en sus concepciones, actuaciones y las necesidades que en torno a la misma presentan los docentes y centros educativos

    Smoking cessation opportunities in severe mental illness (tobacco intensive motivational and estimate risk — TIMER—): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    There is an increased risk of premature death in people with severe mental illness (SMI). Respiratory disorders and cardiovascular disease are leading causes of increased mortality rates in these patients, and tobacco consumption remains the most preventable risk factor involved. Developing new tools to motivate patients towards cessation of smoking is a high priority. Information on the motivational value of giving the lung age and prevention opportunities is unknown in this high-risk population. In the context of community care, screening and early detection of lung damage could potentially be used, together with mobile technology, in order to produce a prevention message, which may provide patients with SMI with a better chance of quitting smoking.This study receives funding by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, Instituto Carlos III (FIS PI16/00802)

    Andalusia civic culture at secondary schools

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    The construction of a teenager population’s citizenship identity is influenced by the cultural and social capital belonging to every student, as well as by two aspects of school organisation. On the one hand, there is an academic contribution motivated by the process of teaching Civic Education and, on the other hand, social connections between school and the milieu. This work studies the development of a teenage population’s citizenship identity initiated at schools, and it is based on the outcomes reached by Torney-Purta et al. (2001) and Kennedy et al (2008). The conclusions of the cited works justify the greater knowledge of the identity and awareness of the adolescent Andalusian population. The empirical basis of this approach is based on the works developed by the INJUVE (Spanish Youth Institute). The conclusion of this work is the involvement of an adolescent Andalusian population in traditional practices of citizenship (voting in the elections, abiding democratic laws, etc.) and, on the other hand, the development of civic awareness encouraged by local and family topics. The result of this conclusion is a citizenship educational proposal carried out at schools. It is based on an active learning methodology of the subject of Civic Education and volunteering in a community environment. The aim is to raise active civic awareness among the adolescent population

    Éducation à la Citoyenneté: des références européennes

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    Let’s sense beforehand in this article a tour concerning the educational European policies that favors the development of a democratic citizenship. The aim that we chase is to understand the way in which nowadays it is being interpreted and stimulated the Citizenship education from European Union. for it we offer a conceptual delimiting of «Citizenship education» and later, we show an analysis of the principal documents and materials elaborated principally by the Council of Europe that mark the way followed by European Union as for education for Democratic Citizenship (EDC).Presentamos en este artículo un recorrido en torno a las políticas educativas europeas que favorecen el desarrollo de una ciudadanía democrática. el objetivo que perseguimos es comprender el modo en que actualmente está siendo interpretada e impulsada la educación para la Ciudadanía desde la Unión europea. Para ello ofrecemos una delimitación conceptual de la «educación para la Ciudadanía» y posteriormente mostramos un análisis de los principales documentos y materiales elaborados principalmente por el Consejo de Europa, que marcan el camino seguido por la Unión europea en materia de educación para la Ciudadanía Democrática (ECD).Nous présentons dans cet article au sujet aux politiques éducatives européennes qui favorisent le développement d’une citoyenneté démocratique. L’objectif que nous cherchons est comprendre comment l’Éducation à la Citoyenneté est actuellement en cours d’interprétation et de développement par l’Union européenne. À cette fin, nous offrons une définition conceptuelle de «l’Éducation à la Citoyenneté» et montrons une analyse des documents clés et des matériels produites principalement par le Conseil de l’Europe, en marquant le chemin suivi par l’Union européenne pour l’Éducation à la Citoyenneté Démocratique (ECD)

    Teoría de la educación : revista interuniversitaria

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave también en inglés y francésSe presenta un recorrido en torno a las políticas educativas europeas que favorecen el desarrollo de una ciudadanía democrática. El objetivo que se persigue es comprender el modo en que actualmente está siendo interpretada e impulsada la educación para la Ciudadanía desde la Unión europea. Para ello se ofrece una delimitación conceptual de la «educación para la Ciudadanía» y posteriormente se muestra un análisis de los principales documentos y materiales elaborados principalmente por el Consejo de Europa, que marcan el camino seguido por la Unión europea en materia de educación para la Ciudadanía Democrática (ECD).ES

    Social and civic competence: A study about andalusian teachers

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    We are currently experiencing times of change and complexity; we live in a globalized world challenging educational centers (Calvo de Mora, 2008). Lifelong learning is a theoretical, political and educational proposal (Puig, Domene y Morales, 2010) that must be present in processes concerning planning and action in educational centers. In the framework of educational changes, the educational process based on competences is emphasized, as well as the concepts, actions and needs of teachers and educational centers regarding this aspect. Competences represent a new approach to the design and development of educational action (Escamilla, 2008; Gimeno, 2008, Marco Stiefel, 2008; Medina, 2009) in order to find a connection between educational processes and the environment (productive, social…). Administrative regulations (EU, 2006 and the developments carried out by competent administrations) are defined as the new points of reference for the activity of educational centers and portray the model of citizen (national, European, international…) that should be achieved. So, in the context of a lifelong learning project (Morales, 2009), an approach to the description of the social and civic competence, as well as to the behavior of educational centers and teachers related to citizenship education is taken. Social and civic competence is one of the competences integrating the new model of European citizen (EU, 2006). The question is what does exactly this competence mean and which elements integrate it? Thanks to a revision of the present literature (norms, regulations, and theoretical approaches) and a Delphi study, we were able to move towards the concept of a glossary that determines it (Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, Values and Behaviors). This process shows a consensus about the significance of 89 elements regarding the social and civic competence. The questions then are what the teachers’ assessment is, what the importance of these elements concerning the competence is and which the needs with regard to it are then. Educational centers must be conceived as the main axes of new citizens’ education, as well as the main developers of this education connecting agents and environments (Calvo de Mora y Morales, 2008). However, the present question is what do the centers think and need. Thanks to a survey provided via Internet, we have approached the assessments of teachers coming from Andalusian centers (preschool, primary and secondary education) regarding the following issues: Teachers’ engagement in the center, collaborative interactions (with other agents, institutions…), involvement in networks (educational, professional, social), actions and needs (planning, resources, training), as well as social and civic education (conceptualization, actions, and evaluation). To sum up, a series of data providing information about the current situation of Andalsian educational centers, which will allow us to design and suggest new material and resources