1,081 research outputs found

    Bioactivity of wollastonite/aerogels composites obtained from a TEOS-MTES matrix

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    Organic-inorganic hybrid materials were synthesized by controlled hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS), methyltrimethoxysilane (MTES), synthetic wollastonite powders and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) in an ethanol solution. Aerogels were prepared from acid hydrolysis of TEOS and MTES with different volume ratio in ethanol, followed by addition of wollastonite powder and PDMS in order to obtain aerogels with 20 wt% of PDMS and 5 wt% of CaO of the total silica. Finally, when the wet gels were obtained, they were supercritically dried at 260°C and 90 bar, in ethanol. In order to obtain its bioactivity, one method for surface activation is based on a wet chemical alkaline treatment. The particular interest of this study is that we introduce hybrid aerogels, in a 1 M solution of NaOH, for 30 s at room temperature. We evaluate the bioactivity of TEOS-MTES aerogel when immersed in a static volume of simulated body fluid (SBF). An apatite layer of spherical-shaped particles of uniform size smaller than 5 microns is observed to form on the surface of the aerogels after 25 days soaking in SBF.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MAT2005-01583Junta de Andalucía TEP 79

    Criterion-Related Validity of Field-Based Fitness Tests in Adults: A Systematic Review

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    We comprehensively assessed the criterion-related validity of existing field-based fitness tests used to indicate adult health (19-64 years, with no known pathologies). The medical electronic databases MEDLINE (via PubMed) and Web of Science (all databases) were screened for studies published up to July 2020. Each original study's methodological quality was classified as high, low and very low, according to the number of participants, the description of the study population, statistical analysis and systematic reviews which were appraised via the AMSTAR rating scale. Three evidence levels were constructed (strong, moderate and limited evidence) according to the number of studies and the consistency of the findings. We identified 101 original studies (50 of high quality) and five systematic reviews examining the criterion-related validity of field-based fitness tests in adults. Strong evidence indicated that the 20 m shuttle run, 1.5-mile, 12 min run/walk, YMCA step, 2 km walk and 6 min walk test are valid for estimating cardiorespiratory fitness; the handgrip strength test is valid for assessing hand maximal isometric strength; and the Biering-Sorensen test to evaluate the endurance strength of hip and back muscles; however, the sit-and reach test, and its different versions, and the toe-to-touch test are not valid for assessing hamstring and lower back flexibility. We found moderate evidence supporting that the 20 m square shuttle run test is a valid test for estimating cardiorespiratory fitness. Other field-based fitness tests presented limited evidence, mainly due to few studies. We developed an evidence-based proposal of the most valid field-based fitness tests in healthy adults aged 19-64 years old.This project was supported by Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness in the 2017 call for R&D Projects of the State Program for Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of the Company; National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and of Innovation 2017-2020 (DEP2017-88043-R); and the Regional Government of Andalusia and University of Cadiz: Research and Knowledge Transfer Fund (PPIT-FPI19)

    QUIJOTE scientific results-I. Measurements of the intensity and polarisation of the anomalous microwave emission in the Perseus molecular complex

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    et al.In this paper, we present Q-U-I JOint Tenerife Experiment (QUIJOTE) 10–20 GHz observations (194 h in total over ≈250 deg2) in intensity and polarisation of G159.6-18.5, one of the most widely studied regions harbouring anomalous microwave emission (AME). By combining with other publicly available intensity data, we achieve the most precise spectrum of the AME measured to date in an individual region, with 13 independent data points between 10 and 50 GHz being dominated by this emission. The four QUIJOTE data points provide the first independent confirmation of the downturn of the AME spectrum at low frequencies, initially unveiled by the COSMOlogical Structures On Medium Angular Scales experiment in this region. Our polarisation maps, which have an angular resolution of ≈1° and a sensitivity of ≈ 25 μK beam−1, are consistent with zero polarisation. We obtain upper limits on the polarisation fraction of Π < 6.3 and <2.8 per cent (95 per cent C.L.), respectively, at 12 and 18 GHz (ΠAME < 10.1 and <3.4 per cent with respect to the residual AME intensity), a frequency range where no AME polarisation observations have been reported to date. The combination of these constraints with those from other experiments confirm that all the magnetic dust models based on single-domain grains, and most of those considering randomly oriented magnetic inclusions, predict higher polarisation levels than is observed towards regions with AME. Also, neither of the two considered models of electric dipole emission seems to be compatible with all the observations together. More stringent constraints of the AME polarisation at 10–40 GHz are necessary to disentangle between different models, to which future QUIJOTE data will contribute.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under the projects AYA2007-68058-C03-01, AYA2010-21766-C03-02, AYA2012-39475-C02-01 and the Consolider-Ingenio project CSD2010-00064 (EPI: Exploring the Physics of Inflation). CD acknowledges support from an ERC Starting (Consolidator) Grant (no. 307209), SH from an STFC-funded studentship, and CHLC from the DIULS (Research Directorship of the University of La Serena).Peer Reviewe

    Chemical factors controlling the steady-state distribution of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sediments in Bayona Bay (northwest Spain)

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    The relative space distributions of single mineral constituents in mixed terrigenous-carbonated sediments of the Bayona Bay have been analysed. In order to determine the existence of different mixing mechanisms, a study comparing the general sedimentary trends resulting from the average patterns and the single mineral behaviour, reflected in the single-mineral mapping, was carried out. The relative abundance of all mineral phases in surface sediment samples was first determined by quantitative X-ray powder diffraction data, using the Rietveld method. This procedure enabled us to create specific maps for both the minerals forming the terrigenous fraction and the different calcium carbonate polymorphs involved in the carbonatic component. A cross-linked behaviour between the carbonate facies and the terrigenous minerals involved in the calcium carbonate generation was found, suggesting the existence of a chemical control mechanism which, through dissolution-crystallization processes, constrains the mixed environment's long-term evolution. In the general framework of the region studied, these relations operate for the relative amount of plagioclase to calcium carbonate. The existence of dissolution and growth between both minerals, favoured by the high rate of removal, is proposed, yielding a final crossed pattern, representative of the steady-state. Furthermore, a specific analysis, restricted to the region of low rate of material removal and maximum amount of intermixed sediments, clearly shows an anisotropic distribution for every calcium carbonate polymorph (calcite and aragonite). These correlate with the biotite distribution, and can be connected to local variations in seawater Mg/Ca ratio, induced by biotite weathering.En este trabajo se analiza de forma específica la distribución espacial de cada uno de los minerales involucrados en sedimentos mixtos terrígenos-carbonatados de la bahía de Bayona y se compara con la distribución global de sedimentos, tal como resulta de análisis granulométricos, con el fin de determinar la existencia de diferentes mecanismos de mezcla entre los minerales de ambas fracciones. El contenido porcentual en peso de cada fase mineral, en muestras superficiales de sedimento, se determinó a partir de datos cuantitativos de DRX, empleando el método de Rietveld. Este procedimiento nos ha permitido realizar mapas específicos de distribución, tanto para cada mineral de la fracción terrígena como para cada uno de los diferentes polimorfos de carbonato cálcico en la componente carbonatada. Como resultado de este estudio comparativo, se ha encontrado una correlación, en la distribución espacial y granulométrica, de las facies carbonatadas y los minerales terrígenos implicados en la generación de carbonato cálcico. Un posterior análisis de este resultado sugiere la presencia de mecanismos químicos de control que regulan la interacción entre siliciclastos y carbonatos mediante procesos de disolución-cristalización mediados por el agua del mar. El estudio se ha realizado a dos escalas. En el ámbito general de la bahía de Bayona, las relaciones de distribución observadas entre plagioclasas y carbonato cálcico pueden ser explicadas, dentro del balance global del Ca³⁺ disuelto en el agua del mar, mediante la meteorización química de las plagioclasas y la consiguiente generación de carbonatos. En este caso, los patrones de distribución reflejan la aproximación a un estado estacionario mediante sucesivos eventos de mezcla asociados a la alta removilización material en el medio, tanto para la distribución porcentual en peso como para la distribución granulométrica entre ambos minerales. Finalmente, se realiza un análisis particularizado en una región con baja tasa de removilización y donde la interacción entre sedimentos de ambas fracciones es máxima. El resultado muestra claramente una distribución espacial anisótropa para cada uno de las fases de carbonato cálcico (calcita y aragonito). La abundancia relativa de cada uno de los polimorfos, así como el contenido en Mg³⁺ de la calcita, ha sido correlacionado con la distribución de la biotita y explicado a partir de las diferencias de solubilidad en función de la alta relación Mg³⁺ /Ca³⁺ en el agua de mar que resulta, localmente, de la meteorización química de dicho mineral.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Aerogeles con aplicaciones en biomedicina y medioambiente

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    Es posible preparar materiales híbridos inorgánico-orgánicos incorporando una fase orgánica sobre un sol obtenido por hidrólisis de metalorgánico mientras se aplican ultrasonidos de alta potencia. Cuando las dos fases quedan químicamente enlazadas resulta un sono-ormosil (de ORganic MOdified SILicate) conocido también como ormosil duro. Unas de las aplicaciones de estos materiales atañe el dominio de la biotecnología pues llegan a ser bioactivos cuando contienen Ca, cumpliendo con ello el primer requisito para su validez como implantes óseos. La fuente de calcio, seleccionada para optimizar el proceso de secado supercrítico en etanol, ha sido partículas de wollastonita, (CaSiO3), material bioactivo, lo que al influir sobre el volumen poroso y el radio de los poros, permite controlar la densidad y situar la resistencia mecánica en el intervalo de valores propios de los huesos humanos esponjosos. Por otra parte, los poros pueden hacerse químicamente activos y usarse como soportes estructurales para la captación y fijación de gases.It is possible to synthesise inorganic-organic hybrid materials incorporating the organic phase to a sol prepared from a metal organic under high power ultrasounds. When both phases are chemically bonded a sono-ormosil (from ORganic MOdified SILicate) results, also known as hard ormosil. One of the applications of these materials concerns the biotechnologies since they become bioactive when are doped with Ca, fulfilling this way the preliminary condition to be considered for bone implants. The addition of silicate particles allows modifying the pore volume and radius. We have used these gels with particles, as precursor of the bioactive component, in order to act on the porosity for controlling the density and adequate the mechanical strength to that of the human cancellous bone. In like manner, the pores becomes chemically active and be used as structural support for noxious atmospheric gas sequestration

    Effect of the aniline fragment in Pt(II) and Pt(IV) complexes as anti-proliferative agents. Standard reduction potential as a more reliable parameter for Pt(IV) compounds than peak reduction potential

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    The problems of resistance and side effects associated with cisplatin and other chemotherapeutic drugs have boosted research aimed at finding new compounds with improved properties. The use of platinum(IV) prodrugs is one alternative, although there is some controversy regarding the predictive ability of the peak reduction potentials. In the work described here a series of fourteen chloride Pt(II) and Pt(IV) compounds was synthesised and fully characterised. The compounds contain different bidentate arylazole heterocyclic ligands. Their cytotoxic properties against human lung carcinoma (A549), human breast carcinoma (MCF7) and human colon carcinoma (HCT116 and HT29) cell lines were studied. A clear relationship between the type of ligand and the anti-proliferative properties was found, with the best results obtained for the Pt(II) compound that contains an aniline fragment, (13), thus evidencing a positive effect of the NH2 group. Stability and aquation studies in DMSO, DMF and DMSO/water mixtures were carried out on the active complexes and an in-depth analysis of the two aquation processes, including DFT analysis, of 13 was undertaken. It was verified that DNA was the target and that cell death occurred by apoptosis in the case of 13. Furthermore, the cytotoxic derivatives did not exhibit haemolytic activity. The reduction of the Pt(IV) compounds whose Pt(II) congeners were active was studied by several techniques. It was concluded that the peak reduction potential was not useful to predict the ability for reduction. However, a correlation between the cytotoxic activity and the standard reduction potential was found.This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCIU), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (RTI2018-100709-B-C21 to BRM, RTI2018-100709-B-C22 to AM, RTI2018-094093-B-I00 to RSP), Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha-FEDER (JCCM) (grant SBPLY/19/180501/000260 to BRM), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project PID2019-104381GB-I00 to GC), Fundación Leticia Castillejo Castillo to MJRH, Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Educación y Cultura y Fondo Social Europeo (Projects BU263P18 and BU087G19 to JVC) as well as UCLM-FEDER (grants 2019-GRIN-27183 and 2019-GRIN-27209 to BRM) and University of Girona (MPCUdG2016/076 to AM)

    Planck 2015 results. XXI. The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect

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    Cosmology (including clusters of galaxies).-- et al.This paper presents a study of the integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect from the Planck 2015 temperature and polarization data release. This secondary cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy caused by the large-scale time-evolving gravitational potential is probed from different perspectives. The CMB is cross-correlated with different large-scale structure (LSS) tracers: radio sources from the NVSS catalogue; galaxies from the optical SDSS and the infrared WISE surveys; and the Planck 2015 convergence lensing map. The joint cross-correlation of the CMB with the tracers yields a detection at 4σ where most of the signal-to-noise is due to the Planck lensing and the NVSS radio catalogue. In fact, the ISW effect is detected from the Planck data only at ≈3σ (through the ISW-lensing bispectrum), which is similar to the detection level achieved by combining the cross-correlation signal coming from all the galaxy catalogues mentioned above. We study the ability of the ISW effect to place constraints on the dark-energy parameters; in particular, we show that ΩΛ is detected at more than 3σ. This cross-correlation analysis is performed only with the Planck temperature data, since the polarization scales available in the 2015 release do not permit significant improvement of the CMB-LSS cross-correlation detectability. Nevertheless, the Planck polarization data are used to study the anomalously large ISW signal previously reported through the aperture photometry on stacked CMB features at the locations of known superclusters and supervoids, which is in conflict with ΛCDM expectations. We find that the current Planck polarization data do not exclude that this signal could be caused by the ISW effect. In addition, the stacking of the Planck lensing map on the locations of superstructures exhibits a positive cross-correlation with these large-scale structures. Finally, we have improved our previous reconstruction of the ISW temperature fluctuations by combining the information encoded in all the previously mentioned LSS tracers. In particular, we construct a map of the ISW secondary anisotropies and the corresponding uncertainties map, obtained from simulations. We also explore the reconstruction of the ISW anisotropies caused by the large-scale structure traced by the 2MASS Photometric Redshift Survey (2MPZ) by directly inverting the density field into the gravitational potential field.The Planck Collaboration acknowledges the support of: ESA; CNES and CNRS/INSU-IN2P3-INP (France); ASI, CNR, and INAF (Italy); NASA and DoE (USA); STFC and UKSA (UK); CSIC, MINECO, JA, and RES (Spain); Tekes, AoF, and CSC (Finland); DLR and MPG (Germany); CSA (Canada); DTU Space (Denmark); SER/SSO (Switzerland); RCN (Norway); SFI (Ireland); FCT/MCTES (Portugal); ERC and PRACE (EU).Peer Reviewe