5,221 research outputs found

    The Internationalisation of R&D and the Knowledge Production Function

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    This paper considers the effect of acquisition FDI on the knowledge production function. We distinguish between acquisitions by MNEs from technologically leading countries and those behind the technological frontier. We show that both acquire similarly R&D intensive domestic firms, but there are important differences post-acquisition. Acquisitions from technologically intensive countries reduce domestic R&D effort, in favour of an increase in foreign technology transfers, which suggests complementarities in the knowledge assets of the MNE and the target firm as a reason for FDI. In contrast, consistent with technology sourcing FDI, acquisitions from non-leading countries increase internal R&D efforts.MNE, knowledge production function, acquisition FDI, knowledge complementarities, technology sourcing

    AnĂĄlisis deontolĂłgico de los anuncios de Navidad de LoterĂ­as y Apuestas del Estado

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    Advertising is under constant change in order to adapt to the public’s taste and necessities. In the last few years, there is a certain trend towards the use of emotions and ethical questioning as an advertising tool. This is called emotional marketing. Today’s consumer seeks to feel identified to be connected to the brands. It’s the case of the Christmas spots from LoterĂ­as y Apuestas del Estado, and therefore, the chosen organization as a case study for this final project. The Christmas’ Lottery has become a media and social phenomenon. Mostly since the end of the 90’s, with the appearance of the famous “Calvo de la Navidad”. In addition, after the effects of the 2014’s campaign, there is a sustainable change on the physiological axis of the ads. This project will cover an analysis of the adverts from SE REPITE 2014-2019 from LoterĂ­as y Apuestas del Estado, in relation to the Advertising Ethical Code made by AUTOCONTROL. The objective will be to contrast the last years’ performances with the most updated Ethical Code. The analysis will reflect whether the ads default on the ethical principles. And will study the social inclusion of the Christmas’ spots. Leading to conclusion, such as the default on some ethical principles through the misuse of five articles from the Ethical Code and the lack of social inclusion within the communicative arguments.La publicidad se reinventa de manera constante para adaptarse a los gustos y necesidades de los diferentes pĂșblicos receptores. En los Ășltimos años, existe una tendencia al uso de las emociones y al trato de cuestiones Ă©ticas como herramienta publicitaria, es decir, marketing emocional. El consumidor de ahora busca sentirse de algĂșn modo identificado para poder conectar con el anunciante. Es lo que sucede con el caso de los anuncios de Navidad de LoterĂ­as y Apuestas del Estado, y por lo tanto, empresa escogida como caso de estudio para este trabajo. La loterĂ­a de Navidad se ha convertido en un fenĂłmeno mediĂĄtico y social, principalmente desde finales de los años 90, con la apariciĂłn del conocido “Calvo de la Navidad”. AdemĂĄs, tras la repercusiĂłn del spot de 2014, existe un cambio en el eje psicolĂłgico de los mismos y de la apuesta publicitaria. En este proyecto se ha realizado un anĂĄlisis de los anuncios desde 2014 hasta 2019, de LoterĂ­as y Apuestas del Estado, con respecto al cĂłdigo Ă©tico publicitario de AUTOCONTROL. Para llevar a cabo, de este modo, un estudio enfocado a contrastar las prĂĄcticas de los Ășltimos años, desde la perspectiva del cĂłdigo Ă©tico mĂĄs actualizado. Se analizarĂĄn los principios deontolĂłgicos mĂĄs incumplidos por LoterĂ­as y Apuestas del Estado y la inclusividad social reflejada en los anuncios de LoterĂ­a de Navidad. Llegando a conclusiones como el incumplimiento por parte de la entidad de algunos de los artĂ­culos recogidos en el cĂłdigo deontolĂłgico y la falta de inclusiĂłn social en el argumento comunicativo

    A metabolite profile reveals the presence of neurodegenerative conditions according to severity of hydrocephalus

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    Introduction: In obstructive congenital hydrocephalus, cerebrospinal fluid accumulation is associated with high intracranial pressure (ICP), ischemia/hypoxia, metabolic impairment, neuronal damage and astrocytic reaction. The hyh mutant mice exhibit two different forms of hydrocephalus evolution: severe and moderate. A study was carried out in hyh mice to detect a metabolite profile that define the tissue response in each hydrocephalus form. Methods: Metabolites levels in brain cortex were analyzed with 1H High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H HR-MAS) spectroscopy. The study was complemented with ICP recording and histopathological analysis. Results: Mice with severe hydrocephalus were found to have higher ICP and stronger astrocytic reaction. Several metabolites including glutamate and glutamine were found to correlate with the severity of hydrocephalus. The whole metabolite profile may be explained based in differential astrocyte reactions, neurodegenerative and ischemic conditions. The glutamate transporter EAAT2 and the metabolite taurine were found as key histopathological markers for the damaged parenchyma. Conclusions: Spectroscopy allowed the detection of a metabolite profile related to intracranial pressure and hydrocephalus severity, and therefore can be useful to monitor the efficacy of experimental therapies. Supported by Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech, and PI15/0619 (ISCIII/FEDER).Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech. Supported by Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech, and PI15/0619 (ISCIII/FEDER)

    TeorĂ­as sobre el hipertexto

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    Si tenemos que nombrar en primer lugar a un pionero en la redefinición de las teorías sobre el hipertexto, y una visión diferente de futuro sobre los medios, este autor es, sin lugar a dudas, Mc Luhan: Porque todos los medios, desde el alfabeto fonético hasta la computadora, son extensiones del hombre
 (1995). La noción de hipertexto y la toma de posición de los estudiosos con respecto a la elaboración de las diversas teorías son anteriores a los desarrollos tecnológicos que conocemos en la actualidad. Los primeros autores que demostraron interés por el corpus teórico formaron parte del campo de la literatura y de la cultura, dotando a las teorías del caråcter epistemológico del texto, entendiendo que se encontraban ante una nueva literatura de vanguardia o nuevas corrientes teórico-filosóficas contemporåneas. Para profundizar en la Teoría del Hipertexto debemos de tener en cuenta la riqueza de los estudiosos que han trabajado sobre ella, por lo cual, nos encontraremos con diversos anålisis desde diferentes åreas de conocimiento

    Rotenone selectively occludes sensitivity to hypoxia in rat carotid body glomus cells

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    Carotid body glomus cells release transmitters in response to hypoxia due to the increase of excitability resulting from inhibition of O2 -regulated K+ channels. However, the mechanisms involved in the detection of changes of O2 tension are unknown. We have studied the interaction between glomus cell O2 sensitivity and inhibition of the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) in a carotid body thin slice preparation in which catecholamine release from intact single glomus cells can be monitored by amperometry. Inhibition of the mitochondrial ETC at proximal and distal complexes induces external Ca2+-dependent catecholamine secretion. At saturating concentration of the ETC inhibitors, the cellular response to hypoxia is maintained. However, rotenone, a complex I blocker, selectively occludes the responsiveness to hypoxia of glomus cells in a dose-dependent manner. The effect of rotenone is mimicked by 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion(MPP+), an agent that binds to the same site as rotenone, but not by complex I inhibitors acting on different sites. In addition, the effect of rotenone is not prevented by incubation of the cells with succinate, a substrate of complex II. These data strongly suggest that sensitivity to hypoxia of carotid body glomus cells is not linked in a simple way to mitochondrial electron flow and that a rotenone (and MPP+)-sensitive molecule critically participates in acute oxygen sensing in the carotid body.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología 1FD97–161

    Supporting L3 femtocell mobility using the MOBIKE protocol

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    Proceeding of ACCESS 2011, The Second International Conference on Access Networks, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, June 19-24, 2011Femtocells can be used to improve the indoor coverage and bandwidth of 3G cellular networks in homes and buildings. They are designed to be placed in a fixed location. However, their use would also be interesting in mobile environments such as public transportation systems. This paper studies the mobility limitations at the layer 3 and suggests an approach to support mobility on femtocell networks. This solution employs the protocols already defined in the femtocell architecture, minimizing thus the impact on it.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, CONSEQUENCE project (TEC2010- 20572-C02-01) and partially supported by the Madrid regional community project CCG10-UC3M/TIC-4992

    Intercultural processes of territory-heritage recovery and management in the CalchaquĂ­ valleys, TucumĂĄn, Argentina

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    Intercultural work performed in association with indigenous and rural communities has followed at least two parallel lines of involvement, which only rarely have crossed: cultural heritage and territory. Our own experiences in relation to this subject allow us to describe the intimate relationship that these two concepts have when the time comes to jointly produce contents with political meaning for these communities. Interculturalism, in turn, is considered in terms of objectives and utopias, which we must deconstruct in order to situate ourselves in a reality that remains difficult for us to understand. We discuss these practices in the context of cases from the CalchaquĂ­ Valley in northwest Argentina. We compare two cases, Amaicha del Valle and Quilmes, and then especially focus on the second of these two communities and its struggles not only for territory but also for its most precious heritage site, the Sacred City of Quilmes.El trabajo intercultural en el ĂĄmbito de comunidades indĂ­genas y rurales ha seguido al menos dos lĂ­neas de intervenciĂłn paralelas, que raramente han sido entrecruzadas: patrimonio cultural y territorio. La experiencia en torno al mismo nos lleva a plantear la Ă­ntima relaciĂłn que ambos tienen a la hora de producir contenidos conjuntos con significaciĂłn para aquellas. La interculturalidad, a su vez, estĂĄ planteada en torno a objetivos y utopĂ­as que necesitamos deconstruir para situarnos en una realidad que aun nos cuesta comprender. Discutimos estas prĂĄcticas en el contexto de casos del Valle CalchaquĂ­ (Argentina), con mayor Ă©nfasis en la Comunidad India de Quilmes y su luchas por el territorio y por la recuperaciĂłn de su mĂĄs preciado bien patrimonial: la Ciudad Sagrada de Quilmes.Fil: Korstanje, MarĂ­a Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; ArgentinaFil: GarcĂ­a AzcĂĄrate, Jorgelina. Universidad Nacional de TucumĂĄn. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto de ArqueologĂ­a y Museo; ArgentinaFil: Arenas, Patricia. Universidad Nacional de TucumĂĄn. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto de ArqueologĂ­a y Museo; Argentin

    Gender wage gap and education: a stochastic frontier approach

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose The purpose of this paper is to get deeper insight into the measurement of gender wage gap. A proper method to identify which part of gender wage differences is due to discrimination against women is provided, and the relationship between wage differences and education is studied. Design/methodology/approach The stochastic frontier approach is employed to measure wage discrimination against women by using Spanish data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions. Mentioned technique allows the authors to split the gender wage gap of workers displaying the same characteristics into two components: the first measures inefficiency in the job search process caused by imperfect information or gender differences concerning preferences regarding working conditions, where as the second takes account of discrimination. Findings A significant level of discrimination is found in the Spanish labour market at all educational levels, but this problem is quantitatively more important when low-educated workers are studied, and gender discrimination is lower for highly educated women. Originality/value In this paper, workers’ potential wage is estimated, and gender discrimination is measured by the gender potential wage gap, since it is not dependent on other wage determinants such as diverse preferences, unmeasured working abilities or imperfect information.2019-11-012019-11-01Spanish Institute for Women Exp: 38-12 and Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitivenes, National R&D Programme, FEM2013-433993-

    Diseño de una cartilla que permitan mejorar el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en el årea de ciencias naturales de los niños y niñas del grado primero de la Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora La Ceiba del municipio de Quinchía Risaralda

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    El trabajo presentado en esta investigaciĂłn es un proyecto educativo que surge de la necesidad de mejorar las falencias que aun se presentan y se evidenciaron en algunas de las prĂĄcticas pedagĂłgicas, es un proyecto que busca satisfacer y mejorar las necesidades educativas de la comunidad escolar en el Municipio de QuinchĂŹa, teniendo en cuenta las disposiciones conceptuales, legales y declaradas por el ministerio de EducaciĂłn nacional para el ĂĄrea de Ciencia Naturales de grado primero. Este proyecto estĂĄ fundamentado bajo varios teĂłricos de gran celebridad como son: Piaget y Ausubel, quienes con su aporte permitieron guiarnos y consolidar esta propuesta didĂĄctica. A su vez busca dar respuesta a las necesidades de profesores y estudiantes a travĂ©s de un producto como la cartilla de estrategias ya que estĂĄ actualizada con los estĂĄndares bĂĄsicos del MEN en dicha ĂĄrea, brindando mĂșltiples oportunidades de enseñanza aprendizaje tanto para los educandos y facilitadores. Una de las necesidades bĂĄsicas de la educaciĂłn en el futuro es preparar a los estudiantes para participar en el mejoramiento del entorno, diseñar estrategias que induzcan al niño y niña a tomar conciencia de la importancia, cuidado del medio y su protecciĂłn. Un objetivo fundamental seria formar la prĂĄctica de actitudes y habilidades cientĂ­ficas en relaciĂłn con la adquisiciĂłn de conocimientos sobre el mundo natural y las transformaciones del organismo humano, mejorando la relaciĂłn consigo mismo y por ende con los demĂĄs, esto ayudara a los estudiantes a conservar el ambiente en el que viven
