9 research outputs found

    Efectos adversos asociados a las vacunas COVID-19 en funcionarios y estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la UNA, año 2021

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    La enfermedad COVID-19 es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por el virus SARS-COV-2, declarada emergencia de salud pública de importancia mundial y la vacunación fue planteada como la mejor herramienta contra esta enfermedad. Como ocurre con cualquier vacuna, algunas personas experimentan efectos secundarios leves o moderados después de vacunarse, por ello en este estudio se determinó la frecuencia de efectos adversos asociados a las vacunas contra la COVID-19 en funcionarios y estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la UNA durante el año 2021. Para el trabajo se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal. La población accesible fueron los funcionarios y estudiantes de la FCQ-UNA, de ambos sexos, vacunados con las dos primeras dosis con cualquier vacuna contra la COVID-19, y que hayan accedido a participar del estudio dando su consentimiento informado. La obtención de datos se realizó aplicando una encuesta por Google Forms a la población accesible mediante muestreo no probabilístico de conveniencia por conglomerados. Las variables estudiadas fueron: sexo, edad, enfermedades de base, la clase de la vacuna recibida, las manifestaciones clínicas que presentaron después de la aplicación de las vacunas, y el tiempo de aparición de síntomas. De las 147 personas que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, el 85% eran del sexo femenino, el 68,7% tenían entre 20 a 29 años. El 60,5% de los participantes recibió la vacuna Pfizer, el 71,4% tenían antecedentes de COVID-19 y el 78,2% no tenía enfermedad de base. El 60,5% de la población de estudio presentó síntomas posteriores a la primera vacunación de COVID-19, y el 61,2% tras la segunda dosis. El tiempo de inicio de síntomas tras la administración de las vacunas fue mayormente entre 8 a 12 horas después de la vacunación tanto para la primera como para la segunda dosis. Se concluye que la mayoría de la población enfocada presentó efectos secundarios con la administración de ambas dosis, sin embargo, los síntomas fueron leves y en su mayoría aparecieron de 8 a 12 horas posterior a la aplicación

    Evaluación de las principales causas de onicomicosis por instrumentos de pedicura en mujeres universitarias

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    In order to study the relationship between onychomycosis and use pedicure´s tools, information bibliographic was compiled and was applied surveys of a sample of 60 women students Biochemist career of Academic Unit Multidisciplinary Huasteca of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi in Mexico. It was found that 1 in every 3 students have used pedicure service in recent years. 90% of the women surveyed think that there is a close relationship between onychomycosis and pedicure service. In spite of this, they continue to use this service (51%) or share pedicure utensils with others (32%), which implies a high risk of infection. The improperly sterilized instruments may transmit Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Epidermophyton floccosum to women that resort to pedicure service and cause onychomycosis.Se estudió la relación entre onicomicosis en mujeres universitarias y el uso de instrumentos pedicuristas. Esto se realizó a partir del análisis de información bibliográfica y de la información obtenida de las encuestas que se realizaron a 60 mujeres estudiantes de la carrera de Bioquímico de la Unidad Académica Multidisciplinaria Zona Huasteca, de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, en México. Se encontró que 1 de cada 3 universitarias han utilizado el servicio de pedicura en los últimos años. El 90% de las encuestadas piensan que hay una relación estrecha entre la onicomicosis y el servicio de pedicura. A pesar de ello, un gran porcentaje sigue utilizando este servicio (51%) o comparten los utensilios de pedicura con otras personas (32%), lo que implica un riesgo alto de contagio. Los instrumentos mal esterilizados de pedicura pueden transmitir Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes y Epidermophyton floccosum a mujeres que recurren al servicio de pedicura y causar onicomicosis

    Exploring the context of trafficking and adolescent sex industry involvement in Tijuana, Mexico: consequences for HIV risk and prevention.

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    Coerced and adolescent sex industry involvement are linked to serious health and social consequences, including enhanced risk of HIV infection. Using ethnographic fieldwork, including interviews with 30 female sex workers with a history of coerced or adolescent sex industry involvement, we describe contextual factors influencing vulnerability to coerced and adolescent sex industry entry and their impacts on HIV risk and prevention. Early gender-based violence and economic vulnerability perpetuated vulnerability to coercion and adolescent sex exchange, while HIV risk mitigation capacities improved with increased age, control over working conditions, and experience. Structural interventions addressing gender-based violence, economic factors, and HIV prevention among all females who exchange sex are needed

    Social and Structural Challenges to Drug Cessation Among Couples in Northern Mexico: Implications for Drug Treatment in Underserved Communities.

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    BackgroundAvailable drug treatment modalities may inadequately address social and structural contexts surrounding recovery efforts.MethodsThis mixed methods analysis drew on (1) surveys with female sex workers and their intimate male partners and (2) semi-structured interviews with a subsample of 41 couples (n=82 individuals, 123 total interviews) in Northern Mexico. Descriptive and content analyses examined drug cessation and treatment experiences.ResultsPerceived need for drug treatment was high, yet only 35% had ever accessed services. Financial and institutional barriers (childcare needs, sex-segregated facilities) prevented partners from enrolling in residential programs together or simultaneously, leading to self-treatment attempts. Outpatient methadone was experienced more positively, yet financial constraints limited access and treatment duration. Relapse was common, particularly when one partner enrolled alone while the other continued using drugs.ConclusionsAffordable, accessible, evidence-based drug treatment and recovery services that acknowledge social and structural contexts surrounding recovery are urgently needed for drug-involved couples

    A small cluster randomised clinical trial to improve health outcomes among Argentine patients disengaged from HIV care

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    BACKGROUND: Patients disengaged from HIV care, e.g., missed medication pick-ups, not attending physician visits, account for ≥70% of new HIV infections. Re-engaging and sustaining engagement is essential to controlling the HIV pandemic. This study tested a physician-delivered evidence-based intervention, Motivational Interviewing (MI), to improve health outcomes, adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART), HIV virologic suppression, CD(4)+ count, retention in HIV care, and self-efficacy among patients disengaged from care in Argentina. METHODS: Regional clinics (n = 6) were randomised to condition, MI Intervention or Enhanced Standard of Care (ESOC), and recruited N = 360 patients disengaged from HIV care. ART adherence, HIV RNA viral load, CD(4)+ count retention, and self-efficacy were assessed at baseline, 6, 12, 18, and 24-months. Indirect effects from condition to main outcomes were examined using patient–provider relationship as a mediator. The study was a cluster-randomised clinical trial entitled Conexiones y Opciones Positivas en la Argentina 2 (COPA(2)) and was registered at clinicaltrials.gov, NCT02846350. FINDINGS: Participants were an average age of 39·15 (SD = 10·96), 51% were women; intervention participants were older (p = ·019), and more ESOC participants were women (60% vs. 42%, p = 0·001). Using mixed models, the intervention had no effect on ART adherence over time by condition on HIV RNA viral load, CD(4)+ count retention, or self-efficacy. However, analysing mediated paths, there was an indirect effect of condition on ART adherence (B = 0·188, p = 0·009), HIV viral load (B = −0·095, P = 0·027), and self-efficacy (B = 0·063, P = 0·001), suggesting the intervention was associated with improved patient–provider relationships, which was in turn associated with increased ART adherence, lower HIV viral load, and higher self-efficacy. INTERPRETATION: These findings suggest that physician-delivered MI may enhance the patient-provider relationship, self-efficacy, and ART adherence, and reduced HIV viral load in patients disengaged from HIV care. However, these findings are preliminary due to the small number of clusters randomised, and replication is warranted. FUNDING: National Institutes of Health

    Exploring the Context of Trafficking and Adolescent Sex Industry Involvement in Tijuana, Mexico

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    Coerced and adolescent sex industry involvement are linked to serious health and social consequences, including enhanced risk of HIV infection. Using ethnographic fieldwork, including interviews with 30 female sex workers with a history of coerced or adolescent sex industry involvement, we describe contextual factors influencing vulnerability to coerced and adolescent sex industry entry and their impacts on HIV risk and prevention. Early gender-based violence and economic vulnerability perpetuated vulnerability to coercion and adolescent sex exchange, while HIV risk mitigation capacities improved with increased age, control over working conditions, and experience. Structural interventions addressing gender-based violence, economic factors, and HIV prevention among all females who exchange sex are needed

    Social and Structural Challenges to Drug Cessation Among Couples in Northern Mexico: Implications for Drug Treatment in Underserved Communities

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    BACKGROUND: Available drug treatment modalities may inadequately address social and structural contexts surrounding recovery efforts. METHODS: This mixed methods analysis drew on (1) surveys with female sex workers and their intimate male partners and (2) semi-structured interviews with a subsample of 41 couples (n = 82 individuals, 123 total interviews) in Northern Mexico. Descriptive and content analyses examined drug cessation and treatment experiences. RESULTS: Perceived need for drug treatment was high, yet only 35% had ever accessed services. Financial and institutional barriers (childcare needs, sex-segregated facilities) prevented partners from enrolling in residential programs together or simultaneously, leading to self-treatment attempts. Outpatient methadone was experienced more positively, yet financial constraints limited access and treatment duration. Relapse was common, particularly when one partner enrolled alone while the other continued using drugs. CONCLUSIONS: Affordable, accessible, evidence-based drug treatment and recovery services that acknowledge social and structural contexts surrounding recovery are urgently needed for drug-involved couples

    Córdoba, 28 y 29 de junio de 2018

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    Actas del X Seminario Internacional de Investigación en UrbanismoEl seminario tiene como objetivo facilitar una instancia de reflexión compartida sobre las investigaciones en el campo del urbanismo y generar un intercambio entre investigadores sobre los fenómenos de la urbanización y la transformación urbana y territorial en distintos países iberoamericanos. Se propone analizar las características de los procesos de transformación del territorio y los factores que los explican, en relación con las estrategias de planificación, proyecto y renovación sostenible destinadas a ciudades y regiones. Se pretende integrar diferentes escalas y perspectivas de análisis, propias del planeamiento y la gestión urbana, metropolitana y regional, del diseño urbano y arquitectónico; de la geografía y la sociología urbanas, que habitualmente se examinan aisladamente en distintos foros. En el marco de este encuentro, y en conmemoración del primer centenario de la Reforma Universitaria iniciada en Córdoba –movimiento estudiantil que sienta las bases del actual sistema universitario nacional-se cree propicia la ocasión para reflexionar además sobre la relación entre ciudad y universidad, sobre ciudades universitarias, sobre la contribución desde la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y del resto de las universidades latinoamericanas al urbanismo de nuestras ciudades