4,579 research outputs found

    El rol del tutor de ABP en el desarrollo del razonamiento hipotético deductivo en los estudiantes

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    Numerosos autores han orientado sus investigaciones a la descripción del razonamiento clínico, tales como Patel (2009) y Elstein (2002), específicamente en el área de la cognición Médica. Los resultados de estos trabajos intentan describir y clasificar al razonamiento clínico identificando diversos tipos. En especial se reconocen dos de ellos, el razonamiento hipotético deductivo y el de reconocimiento por patrones. Los expertos utilizan razonamiento por patrones o no analítico y usan el razonamiento hipotético deductivo cuando se les presenta un problema no común o que no es de su área. El presente estudio se orienta a analizar y comparar las intervenciones de los tutores en función del desarrollo del razonamiento hipotético deductivo en los primeros años de la carrera de medicina, en el contexto del aprendizaje basado en problemas. Se busca analizar las intervenciones de tutores antes de instancias de reflexión y posterior a las mismas. Material y métodos: Metodología cuantitativa con observación no participante y grabación de sesiones tutoriales. La muestra se seleccionó de manera intencional. Los sujetos que participaron en el estudio fueron 4 tutores de ciclo básico, correspondientes a dos cursos y 40 estudiantes. Al finalizar cada sesión tutorial los sujetos participantes y el investigador reflexionaron sobre la importancia de promover el razonamiento hipotético deductivo. Esto se acompañó de grillas de autoevaluación que contenían las siguientes categorías: habilidades respecto al manejo de la información, identificación y jerarquización del problema, elaboración, fundamentación y selección de hipótesis y formulación de conclusiones. Las sesiones fueron transcriptas y el análisis se realizó de acuerdo a las categorías preestablecidas anteriormente mencionadas. Resultados: Del total de intervenciones del tutor el 47,3% se orienta a aspectos relacionados con el razonamiento hipotético deductivo y el 52.7% se orienta a otros objetivos. Se presenta a continuación los porcentajes correspondientes a aspectos relacionados con el razonamiento hipotético deductivo.Fil: Merlo, María Laura . Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias MédicasFil: López, María José. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Evaluation of Enzyme Additives on the Nutritional Use of Feeds with a High Content of Plant Ingredients for Mugil cephalus

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    The Mugilidae are a group of fish with a great interest for aquaculture due to their omnivorous profile, rapid growth, and resistance to environmental variations. The selection of feed ingredients for these species is currently focused on an extensive use of plant by-products, with this being limited by their content in anti-nutritive factors (mainly phytate and non-starch polysaccharides; NSPs). Nevertheless, specific enzymes can be used to counteract some of those negative effects. In the present study, the effect of pretreating two high-plant feeds with a mixture of enzymes (glucanases + phytase) on the digestive use of protein and phosphorus by juvenile mullets (Mugil cephalus) was assessed using both in vitro and in vivo assays. The enzymatic treatment significantly modified the potential bioavailability of some nutrients, such as a reduction of sugars, pentoses, and phytic phosphorus. Also, it increased the digestibility of protein in one of the feeds but reduced that of phosphorus in both of them. The potential usefulness of enzyme treatment and the information provided by the two types of assays are discusse

    Procesamiento post-cosecha y carbonización experimental de granos de Chenopodium berlandieri ssp. nuttalliae cv. (chía roja). Acercamiento a datos actuales con inferencia arqueológica

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es generar información que asista al reconocimiento arqueobotánico de las actividades de procesamiento post-cosecha relacionado con el patrón de consumo de chía roja (Chenopodium berlandieri ssp. nutalliae cv. chía roja) in México Central. Mediante la experimentación se reprodujeron cuatro maneras diferentes de consumir granos pequeños y se procedió a su carbonización controlada en laboratorio. Los granos de chía roja respondieron diferencialmente a los procesamientos post-cosecha pre-consumo a los que fueron sometidos y la carbonización no modificó los rasgos expuestos. Aunque los aspectos cuantitativos (diámetro y grosor) no son rasgos diagnósticos para utilizar en la inferencia arqueobotánica, los aspectos cualitativos muestran diferencias entre procesamientos que pueden permitir la identificación de las prácticas pre-consumo en niveles arqueológicosThe aim of this paper is to generate information to assist in the archaeobotanical recognition of post-harvest processing activities related with consumption pattern of Red Chia (Chenopodium berlandieri ssp. nutalliae cv. chia roja) in the Central Mexico. Through experimentation are reproduced four different ways to consume small grains and then it is controlled laboratory carbonization. Red Chia grains responded differentially to post-harvest pre-consumption processing and the carbonization did not change the characteristics shown. Although quantitative aspects (diameter and thickness) are not diagnostic feature to use in archaeobotanical inference, quantitative aspects show differences among processes that may allow identifying these pre-consumption practices in archaeological level

    Diseño de dietas BARF para perros en tres etapas fisiológicas

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    El proyecto se realizó con base en una revisión literaria, con la cual fueron calculados los requerimientos nutricionales de energía, proteína, lípidos, carbohidratos totales, fibra soluble e insoluble, para perros de talla grande en las etapas fisiológicas de adulto en mantenimiento, cachorro mantenimiento y crecimiento y senil en mantenimiento. Fueron analizadas y seleccionadas materias primas de la región de fácil adquisición y contenido nutricional variado, con estas y utilizando como herramienta el complemento de Excel conocido como Solver se realizó la formulación de raciones al mínimo costo, cubriendo de manera adecuada los requerimientos nutricionales. Se concluyó que es posible diseñar de forma correcta alimentos BARF, por medio de herramientas como Solver y que este tipo de dietas se presentan como una buena alternativa para alimentar a los perros en las etapas evaluadas. Como recomendaciones se plantea, para el diseño de las dietas BARF, tener en cuenta las características específicas de cada individuo. La formulación puede ser mejorada si se incluye en el diseño de la dieta el análisis de los aminoácidos, ácidos grasos, carbohidratos individuales, vitaminas y otros minerales

    Prevalencia de escabiosis en perros de un albergue de Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia, 2016

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    La escabiosis es una enfermedad producida por el ácaro Sarcoptes scabiei. El mismo se transfiere por contacto directo piel con piel tanto en personas como animales y su contagio indirecto a través de fómites. Se puede presentar en todas las personas y animales de cualquier edad, raza, sexo y estrato social, pero sin embargo hay predisposición en estratos bajos y en partes donde hay hacinamiento, incluyendo potencialmente aquellos que viven en situación de calle. A pesar de ello, existen escasos estudios en la literatura al respecto. Por tal motivo, el objetivo del presente estudio fue estimar la prevalencia de escabiosis en 80 perros del albergue Ecovida kilometro 10 vía Armenia, vereda Cantamonos bajo, Pereira Colombia, muestras tomadas el mes de diciembre del año 2016. Se llevo a cabo un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal (no longitudinal), para establecer la prevalencia de punto de escabiosis en población canina del albergue. Del total 58,8% de los perros eran hembras, en su mayoría (75%) menores de 5 años con una edad promedio de 5,24 años, distribuidos en corrales con no más de 14 perros por corral. El peso promedio fue de 20 kgs. En ninguno se encontró escabiosis, tampoco Demodex. El reflejo otopodal fue negativo en todos. Los resultados son consistentes con estudios que reportan que la escabiosis en perros es baja, menor a 10% de prevalencia

    Effects of In Vivo Exposure to Roundup® on Immune System of Caiman latirostris.

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of Roundup® (RU, glyphosate-based formulation) on some parameters of the immune system and growth of Caiman latirostris. Seventy-two caimans (20-day-old) from Proyecto Yacaré (Gob. Santa Fe/MUPCN) were used. Two groups were exposed for 2 months to different concentrations of RU (11 or 21 mg/L; taking into account the concentration recommended for its application in the field), while one group was maintained as control. The RU concentration was progressively decreased through the exposure period to simulate glyphosate degradation in water. Animals were measured and weighed at the beginning and end of the experiment, and blood samples taken after exposure to determine total and differential white blood cell (WBC) counts as well as total protein concentration (TPC), and for performing protein electrophoresis. The results showed that, compared against control hosts, there was a decrease in WBC counts, a higher percentage of heterophils, a higher TPC (with a low percentage of F2 protein fraction), and a negative effect on growth in the young caimans exposed to RU. These results demonstrate that in vivo exposure to RU induced alterations in the selected immune parameters, plasma proteins, and growth of caimans, thereby providing relevant information about the effects of this type of pesticide in this important species in the Argentinian wetlands.Fil: Latorre, María Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales. Laboratorio de Zoología Aplicada: Anexo Vertebrados (FHUC-UNL/MASPyMA); ArgentinaFil: López González, Evelyn Cecilia. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales. Laboratorio de Zoología Aplicada: Anexo Vertebrados (FHUC-UNL/MASPyMA); Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Larriera, Alejandro. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales. Laboratorio de Zoología Aplicada: Anexo Vertebrados (FHUC-UNL/MASPyMA); ArgentinaFil: Siroski, Pablo Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales. Laboratorio de Zoología Aplicada: Anexo Vertebrados (FHUC-UNL/MASPyMA); Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Poletta, Gisela Laura. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales. Laboratorio de Zoología Aplicada: Anexo Vertebrados (FHUC-UNL/MASPyMA); Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Proteolytic extracts of three bromeliaceae species as eco-compatible tools for leather industry

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    In addition to the large quantities of solid waste rich in protein, most tanneries use high proportions of Na2S and CaO during the dehairing step, resulting in effluents of high alkalinity and large amounts of suspended solid, besides the risk of liberating the toxic hydrogen sulphide. The current worldwide legislation on environmental requires tanneries to reduce pollution and to replace conventional processes by greener technologies. Enzymes are a technological tool of interest for industry because are able to achieve a high reaction rate under soft pH, temperature, and pressure conditions, besides a high specificity of reaction, biodegradability, non-toxic nature and non-polluting effluent generation. In leather industry enzymes are principally used in pre-tanning operations (soaking, dehairing, bating, and degreasing) and waste treatment. Particularly, proteases have been chosen as a promising eco-friendly alternative to lime and sodium sulphide dehairing. Extracts rich in cysteine proteases with high proteolytic activity (CU) have been obtained from fruits of Bromeliaceae species: Bromelia balansae (Bb), B. hieronymi (Bh), and Pseudananas macrodontes (Pm). In this work, Bb, Bh, and Pm have been studied for application in leather industry compared with commercial enzyme, focusing in their dehairing properties. Enzymatic activities against representative substrates of skin proteins were spectrophotometrically measured at 25, 35, and 55ºC (Tris-HCl, 0.1 M, pH 8, Cys 20 mM). Keratin Azure (KA), Elastin-Congo Red (E), epidermis substrate (EP), and Hide Powder Azure (HPA) were used as representative substrates of keratin, elastin, epidermis, and collagen, respectively. Ability to dehairing was evaluated by incubating soaked cow skins with different concentrations of extracts at 25ºC and pH 8 during 24 h. Grain surface and cross section of skins were observed by scanning electron microscopy. Extracts were able to degrade representative substrates of skin proteins and when compared to the same CU showed similar activity on collagen and epidermis; however, Bh and Pm were the most actives against keratin, while Bh was the only active against elastin. Extracts showing different proteolytic activity (Bb required 1 CU/ml, Bh 1.5 CU/ml, and Pm 0.5 CU/ml) were able to depilate cow skin after a gentle scraping. Although depilated skins with Bb, Bh, and Pm showed different surface aspects, desirable characteristics of dehairing were observed for all extracts since hair pores did not show residual hair, grain surface were clean and intact, and collagen fiber bundles of dermis were not damaged. In conclusion, results here presented show that proteolytic extracts of Bromeliaceae species are promising eco-compatible tools for leather industry, principally in treatment of their waste and dehairing process.Centro de Investigación de Proteínas VegetalesComisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aire

    Proteolytic extracts of three bromeliaceae species as eco-compatible tools for leather industry

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    In addition to the large quantities of solid waste rich in protein, most tanneries use high proportions of Na2S and CaO during the dehairing step, resulting in effluents of high alkalinity and large amounts of suspended solid, besides the risk of liberating the toxic hydrogen sulphide. The current worldwide legislation on environmental requires tanneries to reduce pollution and to replace conventional processes by greener technologies. Enzymes are a technological tool of interest for industry because are able to achieve a high reaction rate under soft pH, temperature, and pressure conditions, besides a high specificity of reaction, biodegradability, non-toxic nature and non-polluting effluent generation. In leather industry enzymes are principally used in pre-tanning operations (soaking, dehairing, bating, and degreasing) and waste treatment. Particularly, proteases have been chosen as a promising eco-friendly alternative to lime and sodium sulphide dehairing. Extracts rich in cysteine proteases with high proteolytic activity (CU) have been obtained from fruits of Bromeliaceae species: Bromelia balansae (Bb), B. hieronymi (Bh), and Pseudananas macrodontes (Pm). In this work, Bb, Bh, and Pm have been studied for application in leather industry compared with commercial enzyme, focusing in their dehairing properties. Enzymatic activities against representative substrates of skin proteins were spectrophotometrically measured at 25, 35, and 55ºC (Tris-HCl, 0.1 M, pH 8, Cys 20 mM). Keratin Azure (KA), Elastin-Congo Red (E), epidermis substrate (EP), and Hide Powder Azure (HPA) were used as representative substrates of keratin, elastin, epidermis, and collagen, respectively. Ability to dehairing was evaluated by incubating soaked cow skins with different concentrations of extracts at 25ºC and pH 8 during 24 h. Grain surface and cross section of skins were observed by scanning electron microscopy. Extracts were able to degrade representative substrates of skin proteins and when compared to the same CU showed similar activity on collagen and epidermis; however, Bh and Pm were the most actives against keratin, while Bh was the only active against elastin. Extracts showing different proteolytic activity (Bb required 1 CU/ml, Bh 1.5 CU/ml, and Pm 0.5 CU/ml) were able to depilate cow skin after a gentle scraping. Although depilated skins with Bb, Bh, and Pm showed different surface aspects, desirable characteristics of dehairing were observed for all extracts since hair pores did not show residual hair, grain surface were clean and intact, and collagen fiber bundles of dermis were not damaged. In conclusion, results here presented show that proteolytic extracts of Bromeliaceae species are promising eco-compatible tools for leather industry, principally in treatment of their waste and dehairing process.Centro de Investigación de Proteínas VegetalesComisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aire

    Proteolytic extracts of three bromeliaceae species as eco-compatible tools for leather industry

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    In addition to the large quantities of solid waste rich in protein, most tanneries use high proportions of Na2S and CaO during the dehairing step, resulting in effluents of high alkalinity and large amounts of suspended solid, besides the risk of liberating the toxic hydrogen sulphide. The current worldwide legislation on environmental requires tanneries to reduce pollution and to replace conventional processes by greener technologies. Enzymes are a technological tool of interest for industry because are able to achieve a high reaction rate under soft pH, temperature, and pressure conditions, besides a high specificity of reaction, biodegradability, non-toxic nature and non-polluting effluent generation. In leather industry enzymes are principally used in pre-tanning operations (soaking, dehairing, bating, and degreasing) and waste treatment. Particularly, proteases have been chosen as a promising eco-friendly alternative to lime and sodium sulphide dehairing. Extracts rich in cysteine proteases with high proteolytic activity (CU) have been obtained from fruits of Bromeliaceae species: Bromelia balansae (Bb), B. hieronymi (Bh), and Pseudananas macrodontes (Pm). In this work, Bb, Bh, and Pm have been studied for application in leather industry compared with commercial enzyme, focusing in their dehairing properties. Enzymatic activities against representative substrates of skin proteins were spectrophotometrically measured at 25, 35, and 55ºC (Tris-HCl, 0.1 M, pH 8, Cys 20 mM). Keratin Azure (KA), Elastin-Congo Red (E), epidermis substrate (EP), and Hide Powder Azure (HPA) were used as representative substrates of keratin, elastin, epidermis, and collagen, respectively. Ability to dehairing was evaluated by incubating soaked cow skins with different concentrations of extracts at 25ºC and pH 8 during 24 h. Grain surface and cross section of skins were observed by scanning electron microscopy. Extracts were able to degrade representative substrates of skin proteins and when compared to the same CU showed similar activity on collagen and epidermis; however, Bh and Pm were the most actives against keratin, while Bh was the only active against elastin. Extracts showing different proteolytic activity (Bb required 1 CU/ml, Bh 1.5 CU/ml, and Pm 0.5 CU/ml) were able to depilate cow skin after a gentle scraping. Although depilated skins with Bb, Bh, and Pm showed different surface aspects, desirable characteristics of dehairing were observed for all extracts since hair pores did not show residual hair, grain surface were clean and intact, and collagen fiber bundles of dermis were not damaged. In conclusion, results here presented show that proteolytic extracts of Bromeliaceae species are promising eco-compatible tools for leather industry, principally in treatment of their waste and dehairing process.Centro de Investigación de Proteínas VegetalesComisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aire