4,014 research outputs found

    Los motivos de la violencia en la historia vasca contemporánea

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    En la sociedad vasca actual existe un enfrentamiento violento entre un grupo armado y el Estado, con numerosas ramificaciones sociales y políticas. Este enfrentamiento tiene una historia que es preciso conocer en sus rasgos más fundamentales. Debemos saber que la respuesta armada al Estado español tiene un origen próximo que se remonta ciertamente a la creación de ETA. Pero también tiene un origen más lejano, cuyas circunstancias y motivaciones nos obligan a fijarnos, al menos en las consecuencias políticas, económicas y sociales de la pérdida de los Fueros entre 1839 y 187

    Drug resistance in community-acquired respiratory tract infections: role for an emerging antibacterial

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    The nasopharynx is the ecological niche where evolution towards resistance occurs in respiratory tract isolates. Dynamics of different bacterial populations in antibiotic-free multibacterial niches are the baseline that antibiotic treatments can alter by shifting the competitive balance in favor of resistant populations. For this reason, antibiotic resistance is increasingly being considered to be an ecological problem. Traditionally, resistance has implied the need for development of new antibiotics for which basic efficacy and safety data are required prior to licensing. Antibiotic development is mainly focused on demonstrating clinical efficacy and setting susceptibility breakpoints for efficacy prediction. However, additional information on pharmacodynamic data predicting absence of selection of resistance and of resistant subpopulations, and specific surveillance on resistance to core antibiotics (to detect emerging resistances and its link with antibiotic consumption in the community) are valuable data in defining the role of a new antibiotic, not only from the perspective of its therapeutic potential but also from the ecologic perspective (countering resistances to core antibiotics in the community). The documented information on cefditoren gleaned from published studies in recent years is an example of the role for an emerging oral antibacterial facing current antibiotic resistance in community-acquired respiratory tract infections

    Update on the clinical utility and optimal use of cefditoren

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    This article reviews and updates published data on cefditoren. The in vitro activity of cefditoren and its potential pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic adequacy to cover emerging resistance phenotypes in the present decade is reviewed. Cefditoren’s in vitro activity against most prevalent bacterial respiratory pathogens in the community and its pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic profile suggests a significant role for cefditoren in the treatment of respiratory tract infections. Clinical trials (in acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, community-acquired pneumonia, pharyngotonsillitis, and sinusitis) performed during clinical development outside Japan, mainly in adults, are reviewed, together with new clinical studies in the treatment of pharyngotonsillitis, sinusitis, and otitis media in children, mainly in Japan, for efficacy and safety assessment. The results of these studies support the adequacy of cefditoren for the treatment of community-acquired respiratory tract infections with a safety profile similar to previous oral antibiotics. From the data reviewed, it is concluded that cefditoren is an adequate option for the treatment of mild-to-moderate community-acquired respiratory infections, especially in geographical areas with a reported prevalence of phenotypes exhibiting nonsusceptibility to common oral antibiotics

    La comunicación intercultural y la formación de los futuros periodistas en el EEES

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    En este mundo globalizado y a las puertas de la implantación definitiva e irrevocable en nuestro país del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), la cuestión de la interculturalidad se ha convertido en una realidad que no puede ser ignorada. En esta propuesta, analizaremos su evolución. Si a lo largo de los últimos años la interculturalidad se ha entendido como un reto socioeducativo y profesional, es ahora, y específicamente para los futuros profesionales de la comunicación, cuando se debe situar como una competencia transversal en su más vanguardista –y básica- formación.On a global World and in front of the definitive and non-stop establishment of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the phenomenon of interculturality has become a reality that can not be ignored. In this proposal, we analyze its evolution. During the past years, interculturality has been understood as a socio-educational and professional challenge, but is now, and specifically for future communication professionals, when it has to placed as a cross subject in its most competitive avant-garde –and basic- training

    Virtual Conductor for String Quartet Practice

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    This paper presents a system that emulates an ensemble conductor for string quartets. This application has been developed as a support tool for individual and group practice, so that users of any age range can use it to further hone their skills, both for regular musicians and students alike. The virtual conductor designed can offer similar indications to those given by a real ensemble conductor to potential users regarding beat times, dynamics, etc. The application developed allows the user to rehearse his/her performance without the need of having an actual conductor present, and also gives access to additional tools to further support the learning/practice process, such as a tuner or a melody evaluator. The system developed also allows for both solo practice and group practice. A set of tests were conducted to check the usefulness of the application as a practice support tool. A group of musicians from the Chamber Orchestra of Malaga including an ensemble conductor tested the system, and reported to have found it a very useful tool within an educational environment and that it helps to address the lack of this kind of educational tools in a self-learning environment.This work has been funded by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of the Spanish Government under Project No. TIN2010-21089-C03- 02 and Project No. IPT-2011-0885-430000 and by the Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio under Project No. TSI-090100-2011-25

    Building music with lego bricks and Raspberry Pi

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    In this paper, a system to build music in an intuitive and accessible way, with Lego bricks, is presented. The system makes use of the new powerful and cheap possibilities that technology ofers for making old things in a new way. The Raspberry Pi is used to control the system and run the necessary algorithms, customized Lego bricks are used for building melodies, custom electronic designs, software pieces and 3D printed parts complete the items employed. The system designed is modular, it allows creating melodies with chords and percussion or just melodies or perform as a beatbox or a melody box. The main interaction with the system is made using Lego-type building blocks. Tests have demonstrated its versatility and ease of use, as well as its usefulness in music learning for both children and adults.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad Málaga/CBUA This publication is part of the project PDC2021-120997-C33 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and European Union “NextGenerationEU/PRTR”. This publication is part of the project PID2021-123207NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, UE. This work was done at Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA

    Fishermen's associations of the small-scale fisheries: study applied to the participation in the cofradías of Galicia (NW Spain)

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    This article analyses the dynamics of fishermen's associations in small-scale fisheries and specifically their fishery agents' representation and participation. Fishermen's associations base their activity on shared marine resource management, which may include production, commercialisation and other derived activities. In turn, management is conditioned by the legal and institutional conditions by which it could be affected. In small-scale fisheries, associative activity usually acquires special relevance and specific characteristics, singularity that is considered in the article. In the case study, referring to Galicia (NW Spain), the fishermen's associations studied (“cofradías”) are characterised as firms in which workers participate in management (participatory firms), their dynamics based on their organisational structure and the business flows observed (real, decisional and financial). The approach makes it necessary to consider the institutional framework and analyse the contractual relationships between the agents that form an integral part of the association, as well as their involvement in the fisheries' management. In parallel, the analysis also emphasises the distinctive characteristics of this case in comparison with other Social Economy organisations, particularly on account of the links between the cofradías and the competent public administration.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C2018/48Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431E2018/0

    Cefditoren in upper and lower community-acquired respiratory tract infections

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    This article reviews and updates published data on cefditoren in the evolving scenario of resistance among the most prevalent isolates from respiratory tract infections in the community (Streptococcus pyogenes, Haemophilus influenzae, and Streptococcus pneumoniae). By relating the in vitro activity of cefditoren (in national and multinational surveillance and against isolates with emerging resistant genotypes/phenotypes) to its pharmacokinetics, the cefditoren pharmacodynamic activity predicting efficacy (in humans, animal models, and in vitro simulations) is analyzed prior to reviewing clinical studies (tonsillopharyngitis, sinusitis, acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, and community-acquired pneumonia) and the relationship between bacterial eradication and clinical efficacy. The high in vitro activity of cefditoren against the most prevalent respiratory isolates in the community, together with its pharmacokinetics (enabling a twice daily regimen) leading to adequate pharmacodynamic indexes covering all S. pyogenes, H. influenzae, and at least 95% S. pneumoniae isolates, makes cefditoren an antibiotic that will play a significant role in the treatment of respiratory tract infections in the community. In the clinical setting, studies carried out with cefditoren showed that treatments with the 400 mg twice daily regimen were associated with high rates of bacteriological response, even against penicillin-nonsusceptible S. pneumoniae, with good correlation between bacteriological efficacy/response and clinical outcome

    Historiar as origens do College of Practitioners Provincial de Huelva

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    Este artículo versa sobre un documento de suma importancia para el ente colegial enfermero de Huelva extraído del Libro de Actas del Colegio Provincial de Practicantes de Sevilla (5-5-1909/19-8-1918), en el que se hace referencia allá por el año 1912 de la necesidad de que colegiados en Sevilla pero de origen onubense creen su propio Colegio en nuestra provincia. Un primer intento que no fructificó pero así consta y no debemos obviarlo. El artículo narra las arduas gestiones en los prolegómenos y en el devenir de la investigación, el análisis del Libro de Actas del Colegio de Practicantes de Sevilla, 5-5-1909/19-8-1918 y del Acta en sí, es decir menciona lugar de celebración, asistentes, aplicación de sanciones a no asistentes, aprobación del Acta general anterior y de la directiva última, solicitud de ingreso en la institución colegial, balance económico interno, colegiados cesados, propuesta de nombramiento de delegado de este Colegio en Huelva para la creación de un Colegio profesional y la entrada en vigor de determinados artículos del Reglamento -socorros-. Para finalizar, los autores realizan una reflexión personal al respecto, es decir investigar en Historia Colegial de Enfermera de Huelva.This article is about a document of utmost importance for the collegiate body nurse of Huelva extracted from book of proceedings of the Colegio Provincial of Practitioners of Sevilla (5-5-1909/19-8-1918), in which reference is made back in the year 1912 the need of referees in Seville but Huelva source they believe their own school in our province. A first attempt that bore no fruit, but so has and must not ignore it. Article chronicles the arduous efforts in the run-up and the evolution of the research, the book of records of the Colegio Provincial of Practitioners of Sevilla (5-5-1909/19-8-1918) and analysis of the Act itself, i.e. mentions place celebration, participants, application of sanctions to not attending, approval of the minutes of the previous general and the last directive, application for admission in the collegiate institution internal economic balance, collegiate board, proposed appointment of delegate at this school in Huelva for the creation of a professional order, the entry into force of certain articles of the regulations -relief-. Finally, the authors carried out a personal reflection on the matter, i.e. research in History College of Nursing in Huelva.Este artigo é sobre um documento muito importante para Huelva enfermeira colegiado tirada do Livro de Atos do Colégio Provincial de Praticantes de Sevilha (5-5-1909/19-8-1918), que remetido 1912 da necessidade de uma casa colegiada em Huelva Sevilla, mas criar sua própria escola em nossa província. A primeira tentativa não foi bem sucedida, mas tem e não devemos ignorar. O artigo narra as árduas negociações na véspera e no curso da investigação, a análise do Livro de Atas do Colégio de Médicos de Sevilha, 5-5-1909/19-8-1918 eo ato em si, é mencionada local de encontro, os participantes, e não sanções assistentes, a aprovação Lei Geral e do conselho de anteontem, pedido de adesão na instituição colegiada, o equilíbrio econômico interno, colegiado rejeitou, delegado nomeação deste College, em Huelva a criação de uma associação profissional e entrada em vigor de certos artigos do Regulamento de alívio. Finalmente, os autores realizar uma reflexão pessoal sobre o assunto, ou seja, investigar Colegiado de Enfermagem História de Huelva